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"Marinette? Marinette, wake up." A small voice was poking at Marinette's cheeks. Marinette groaned quietly, nuzzling into the warm that was in front of her. "Marinette, wake up, we're almost in the station." She opened her eyes, seeing a red blur that was her kwami. She hummed and sat up, stretching. She tried to stretch her legs but they felt heavy.

Marinette looked down at her legs and found a blond quietly sleeping in her lap. She had the immediate blush on her face, but it lessened as she examined his sleeping features. His hair was disheveled and in his face, vaguely looking like someone she knew, but disregarded it. He was handsome both awake and asleep.

Marinette moved Adrien's hair from his face, running a hand through his hair. This elicited a groan from him and he began to do a cat-like stretch. Marinette giggled as he settled back in her lap again, popping open one green eye to look at her.

"Good morning princess." He spoke softly. Marinette blushed, bringing her hands away from his face. "Did you have a nice rest?" He asked as he sat up and stretched.

"I-I did! T-Thank you and I-I'm sorry I was laying on you." Marinette scratched her cheek with a nervous chuckle.

"It's okay. I slept wonderful on your lap." He winked playfully at Marinette and she seemed to blush brighter. They looked over at the couple in front of them and they were asleep, the two cuddled up together. "Should we wake them?" He asked, looking over to Marinette as he pulled the blanket off of them.

"We should- Adrien, wait." As Adrien was pulling the blanket off, Marinette's hand was getting pulled along with it. A stray string from the blanket had tangled around her little finger and Adrien stopped tugging, apologizing.

"Sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I?" The string did dig into her skin, but she shook her head.

"I'm fine." Marinette held her pinky out as Adrien tried to undo the string tied around her finger. She watched as his hands worked on her, the thick silver band that went around his right hand's ring finger and the red string that was tangled around his pinky. "Adrien."

"Marinette." He replied, glancing up at her. She pointed to his pinky and he stopped his moving, not having realized it earlier. He curled in his fingers except for his pinky, just like Marinette and pulled his hand away, noticing that the red string was tied around both of their fingers. "Would you look at that."

"It's like the red string of fate." Marinette spoke quietly.

"It probably means a good thing." Adrien couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips.

"Or something bad." Adrien looked up at Marinette, a small hurt expression flashing in his eyes as Marinette realized what she said. "N-Not that I mean it in a bad way! I-I mean, u-uh, it's just, I-I don't mind my red strings being tied to you. A-Actually, I've always wanted this..." Her voice trailed off as she spoke without thinking once again, her blush possessing her cheeks and she looked down at her lap sheepishly. Adrien blushed as well, gaping for words.

"R-Really? To be honest, I-I-"

"Attention all passengers, we are now arriving at St. Pancras International station." The small voice from the speaker continued, informing them of the time and proper procedures to collecting their luggage and how to disembark.

The two looked down at each other before looking down at their hands. "We should probably take these off." Marinette spoke quietly. She desperately wanted to know the rest of Adrien's sentence, but the blush that possessed both of their cheeks told them that the moment had been ruined and there was no going back to it.

"Yeah, we should." Adrien agreed softly. His hand worked quickly on her pinky finger and unraveled it, the red string falling from her and dangling off his hand. He sat and began to unravel the string around his finger, she couldn't help but notice the intricate lines of the furrow between his eyes or the focus in his eyes.

The train came to a stop and Adrien had finally removed the string from his fingers, Alya and Nino waking up. There was small chat between all of them as the got off the train, meeting up with the rest of the class and Professor Bustier just outside the station.

"Alright class, it's about 11:30, while I and Principle Damocles go to the hotel and check everyone in, everyone has a thirty minutes lunch break." She passed by each group and handed a map to each of them. "30 minutes lunch and in an hour, we will be meeting at the Royal Opera House. I've circled in red where we will be meeting. Please arrive by 12:30."

Principle Damocles gave all students a list of information, including classmate numbers, teacher numbers and emergency numbers, along with the address of the hotel and other attractions we would be needing.

Marinette looked down at all the numbers, looking for a specific number. Adrien Agreste. As Adrien and Nino were shoulder deep into a map, Marinette grabbed Alya's arm and squealed quietly.

"His number is on here!" She whispered loudly. Alya laughed, pulling her arm out of Marinette's grasp before she pulled it out of her socket.

"All of our numbers are on there, actually." Alya teased. Marinette composed herself once she saw the map coming down, making eye contact with Adrien and she blushed, looking down at her shoes.

"There's this café nearby called Le Pain Quotidien. It's this Belgian restaurant that's pretty good apparently." Nino said, folding the map up.

"More macaroons? Awesome." Alya sang.

Adrien gave a sigh as Alya looped her arm around her boyfriend and they took the lead, Marinette and Adrien following. The restaurant wasn't too far and they sat in a booth, Marinette and Adrien sitting on the same side, looking at the menu.

"Another bakery? Nathalie is going to kill me."

Marinette giggled. They ordered from the menu, Marinette getting a mushroom omelet, Adrien a granola yogurt mix, and Alya and Nino getting a mixed plate to share.

"I'm sure it won't be too bad. I'm sure the walk to the theatre is going to burn off those carbs." She tried to cheer him up.

Across the table, Alya and Nino were looking into Alya's phone and she looked up.

"You know what's a good way to burn some calories?" She asked with a smirk before Nino's eyes widened and tugged on Alya's sleeve.

"Alya, don't you dare."

Alya laughed, looking at her boyfriend. "What? You were the one bragging about it a couple days ago. I just thought it would be nice if I could share the information." Alya smiled, her smile growing into a smirk.

Marinette was curious, but she knew better than to pry whenever Alya was like that.

Adrien, on the other hand, was blissfully oblivious.

"Really? What's the secret?" He asked.

Nino almost choked on his juice and Alya elbowed him in the rib, silencing him before looking over at Adrien. "Do you really wanna know?" Alya asked with a raised eyebrow.

At this point, Marinette knew better. "Adrien, don't humor her. Don't-"

"No, no, I really do want to know." Adrien said, looking towards Marinette.

She gave a sigh and gave him a sympathetic look as he looked over at Alya.


Adrien's jaw dropped and a blush flew up his neck and from ear to ear. Alya burst out laughing and Nino tried to contain his coughs. Marinette also had a blush on her face and tried to pretend she didn't know the rest of them.

The food came and they were able to keep their minds off of Alya's comment. Adrien ate his bowl of mixed fruit, granola and yogurt, but was still kind of hungry. He looked over at Marinette, placing his elbow onto the table and leaning into his open palm.

Adrien watched the way she would cut the cut the omelet with the knife and her fork neatly, stabbing her fork into the fluffy egg and bringing it up to her plump lips. He watched as her lips wrapped around the fork then removed it, chewing the food. She went in to cut another bite and before she was able to put it in her mouth, he directed the fork towards himself.

"A-Adrien?" She cried softly. He grinned, the fork still in his mouth. Marinette pulled the fork from Adrien's lips gently, pouting slightly. "If you wanted some, you could have just said so."

Adrien glanced over at the couple across the table, the two oblivious to their own actions as the couple shared food with each other. "What?" Adrien leaned in closer to her and he could notice her tense up. "They're doing it, so why can't we?" He gave her a surreptitious wink and Marinette gaped, a blush riding to her cheeks.

Adrien was feeling a lot more comfortable around Marinette, so much that he was letting his true self out. Although he does feel like Chat Noir is his alter ego, a whole other persona, he couldn't lie to himself – Chat Noir is the person he actually is.

"In hopes that Marinette likes you for who you are? Say Adrien, I'm huuuuungry!" Adrien had gone to the restroom after Plagg had almost bit a hole through Adrien's shirt. The boy gave a sigh.

"Sorry Plagg. The camembert is in my luggage bag and that's already been taken to the hotel."

Plagg gave a dramatic sigh, pouting. "Ask Marinette if she has a spare cookie or something? I know she has cookies in her purse." Adrien was about to respond but he stopped, eyeing the black kwami in front of him.

"How would you?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest. Plagg snickered. "We talked about this, we said no coming out in public." A knock on the door startled the two of them.

"Um, Adrien?" Adrien couldn't help the chuckle that slipped his lips. Plagg hid within Adrien's shirt and Adrien opened the door, leaning against the door frame.

"You called Princess?" He asked and Marinette couldn't help but chuckle.

"Did you get stuck in the toilet?"

"They didn't clean the kitty litter so..." His voice trailed off as he felt a nip on his shoulder and he realized what he was doing. Marinette almost snorted.

"Kitty litter? Let's go, before they leave us behind, silly kitty." She smiled and turned, leading the way towards the other two.

Adrien's smile widened and he followed her, loving how she teased him back and loving how she didn't judge him at all.

After a walk down many roads and many wonderful sights, like parks and gardens full of flowers and many people.

Before they arrived at the Royal Opera House, there was a man who was handing out roses. He gave one to Nino, telling him to give it to his beautiful girlfriend. Alya stammered and blushed, whispering something into his ear afterwards that made him wrap his arm around her waist, whispering something back. The man gave one to Adrien too, telling him to give it to Marinette.

Adrien turned and kneeled in front of Marinette. "A pretty flower for my beautiful princess." He held a hand to his chest and he gave a wink as he held out the rose and Marinette giggled, taking the rose from his hand and holding it to her chest.

"My prince, how you swoon me."

Adrien practically gave a cat-like, shit eating grin and he stood, offering his arm to Marinette.

"Shall we?"

Marinette giggled and hooked her arm around his.

"We shall." And the two of them continued forward, leaving behind a very confused Alya and Nino.

As the two arrived at the Opera house, Marinette couldn't stop laughing. "Did you see Alya's face though?" She asked, clenching her hand around her side.

Adrien was laughing too, a red hue tinting his cheeks as he laughed. "Priceless." He said, rubbing his finger across his nose and stepping closer to Marinette, holding the hand that held the rose. "But do I really make you swoon?" He asked with a smirk and Marinette laughed, a small blush forming on her cheeks as she pushed him away by his nose.

"Curiosity killed the cat."

Adrien grabbed her wrists and pulled her closer, their noses almost touching.

"But satisfaction brings it back." Adrien whispered, the corner of his lips twitching with a smile.

"Oh?" Marinette whispered back. They exchanged their breathing, staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

Marinette swore she saw his eyes flicked down to her lips and they unconsciously parted, as if inviting him in.

"Adrihoney!" The two of them jumped and quickly put some space between them, a blush settling on both of their cheeks. They had come so far out of their shells, only to retreat by Chloé's appearance.

The blonde girl came bounding to Adrien, wrapping her arms around his neck and attempting to kiss him. Adrien chuckled nervously, pulling her off of him.

"Hi Chloé." He spoke quietly, trying to ignore her long story of having her father pick her up from the train station and off to a fancy restaurant.

"Oh and I saw Papa Agreste!" She smiled. Not only was Chloé a big fan of Adrien, but she was a close family friend – While Adrien had been home schooled, his mother always had a friend that would come over with her daughter.

Adrien always thought that the girl was pretty, but as soon as he saw her attitude, he was turned away. Chloé was always a trouble child, however when it came to Mama Agreste, Chloé would almost become an angel.

"He said he would be pulling you out of activities tonight for a dinner. He said that Nathalie should have contacted you already." She flicked her hair and pulled out a pocket mirror from her purse to reapply her lipstick.

Adrien gave a quiet sigh, pulling his phone out of his pockets. Just then, he received a message from Nathalie, displaying the schedule for that night.

"What's wrong bro?" Nino asked as they finally joined them at the foot of the Opera house.

"I have a thing I have to go to later tonight." He mumbled.

"Aw what? Your old man is gonna make you do stuff even while you're on a field trip? What gives?" Nino was furious and Adrien shrugged.

"That's Gabriel Agreste for you." Adrien sighed.

Marinette had stayed quiet the whole time, listening to the exchange between them. She was upset because she was hoping to spend more time getting to know Adrien or just being with him.

"Hello and welcome to the Royal Opera House, students from Collége Françoise Dupont. My name is Leanne and as of today, we are recruiting actors for our next piece, The Phantom of the Opera. You lucky students will get to help us with auditions, try out if you want, help us set up and see the magic of the Opera house!"

The director was a young, brunette who was full of smiles and lead the students with Professor Bustier and Principal Damocles. Inside the theatre, there were many people were standing around, holding papers, practicing lines and vocalizing.

"Wow, how cool is this?" Alya whispered to Marinette as they walked closer to the stage. "Could you imagine designing all the costumes for these characters?" Alya asked, knowing how to fire up her best friend. And Marinette obliged, squealing quietly.

"Each of you will be separated into different groups and help us with auditions. I'm hoping you all will have fun with us!" Leanne said with a smile. 

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