Kapitel 1

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EVERYTHING is bright, everything is lively, everything is... Different.

I look around, looking for him before I decided to signal my men to open the door for me. I saw my schoolmates gazes on me, I suddenly feel uneasiness. I was about to return to my car when a hand grip me and pull it toward the different direction.

"Hey !!" My guards are about to pull me away from the owner of that hand when I realized who it is. I immediately signaled them to stop and then I looked at them sharply. They instantly looked away from me.

"You're dismissed, fetch me up at 10 PM sharp." I commanded them before walking away with Geovanni.

"I am sorry for what happened earlier, they are just doing their own jobs to protect me." I explained to Geovanni.

"Protect from me?" He asked and I just chuckled.

"No, it's just that my world is kinda different from what you think." I explained to him as we entered the big hall.

"You don't need to explain everything to me Natalia, I do understand your side." Geovanni said as he smiled at the camera.

The hall is decorated and elegance is all over the place. Everyone is looking at us who're still standing on the red carpet at the entrance. I can see envies but I don't mind it because I am not doing anything toward them.

Geovanni is so handsome and gorgeous with his black tux. I am happy within because I am Geovanni's date, but I am still nervous that something bad will happen because of this.

"Hi Geovanni." A group of students walked toward us and look at Geovanni while doing some things I already saw with my father's women.

I gasped when he wrapped his arms around my waist, I looked at him but he just smiled at me before facing the girls in front of us. "Yes? What can I help you?" He formally asked them.

I can see their flirty faces turned irritated as they look at Geovanni's arms wrapped around my waist. I am not comfortable with it , but my mother once told me that 'if you know you're doing nothing wrong, raise your head up high and face them with pride.' .

I looked at them with pride and smiled at them sweetly. "If you'll excuse us, we will go ahead, thanks for welcoming us." I said before walking pass at them.

"Nice one Natalia." Geovanni commented that made me grin.

The program started but all I can see is Geovanni who is talking with me endlessly. I never thought that he is a bit talkative, but I like it. I like everything about him, and I have no more reasons to deny it.

We both eat, he didn't let me move an inch and serve me dearly. He came back to me with lots of desserts on the plate. I suddenly felt special because of his treatment.

"Rote Grütze, käsekuchen, sauerbraten and red wine for us, milady." I smiled as he serve me those dishes in front of me, he is so gentleman.

"Care to share your thoughts, Natalia?" He consciously asked.

I frowned while looking at the food in front of me. "Let's share. I can't eat all of this." I said.

"Don't worry, you don't need to do that, I will serve you tonight, Natalia." He sweetly answered before sitting beside me.

He indeed served me, he didn't let me move my hands to eat by myself. He is just treating me like a baby that don't know how to eat by myself. "You're pampering me Geovanni, don't do this."

"Do what?" He asked innocently.

"You're spoiling me." I repeated.

"I want to spoil you non-stop, what's wrong with that?" He asked that made me pout. I don't want to admit this but my walls I made to prevent intimate feelings are slowly melting down because of him, I want to be irritated with it, but Geovanni melts my irritation instantly.

"I am just a no one Geovanni." I said then I look away. I am just a no one to this man. Why do he need to pamper me like this?

I looked everywhere, some are chatting, some are watching, eating and others are dancing in the slow pace. I am not into this but why did I attended this kind of foolish gathering? A hand catched my attention, I looked at the owner of it and I saw him smiling sweetly at me.

I feel like I am palpitating. I can't catch my breath as the drums in my heart starts drumming. I look at him again and here it come again, my heart is thumping so fast, so loud.

What's happening to me?

"Can I have this dance with you?" He asked and all I can do is to nod and accept his hand.

Everyone is looking at us, I feel like someone is watching us from afar. Everyone is chatting as they see us dance in the middle of the dance floor. Our body is in sync with the rhythm of the song. He wrapped his arms around my waist while his other hand is holding my hand. I hold his shoulder and hold his hand and we both sway and glide on the dance floor.    

As a LeBlanc, I knew different dances as we are called aristocrats or nobles because of my father and uncle's influence. I need to learn everything to be one of a kind. I need to do all of those stuffs to make my father proud and satisfied. But being perfect in his eyes always making me so drained and exhausted, being perfect is so tiring but he never heard anything from me. His smile is all I wanted but his smile only comes once in a blue moon. I want him to be happy and forgive himself with my mother's death , seven years ago. I want him to be happy that's why I am trying so hard to be perfect, I want him to be happy even though it means my life and death.

"Geovanni, I am wondering, who am I to you? Who do you think I am to pampered by you?" I asked.

He grin and kiss my forehead that made me panic a bit but his grip is so strong, I am not afraid of him, I am afraid of myself because this is new to me. "I like you Natalia. Oh! Let me rephrase that," he looked at me intently that made me gulp, "I think I am falling for you." He added that made me stop from dancing, I looked at his eyes but all I can see is his sincerity.

"N-no. Y-you can't like me." I am stammering, I am nervous. Maybe in the eyes of everyone, I am exaggerating everything but liking a person like me is a mistake. My father will not be happy with this.

I step backward but he hugged me close, so close that our body is feeling each other. I closed my eyes and trying to throw away my fear, don't be chicken, Natalia. You're father may love this idea. I am panting as I let my head feel his chest, I can feel his heartbeat that is identical to mine. Is this what my mother's telling me before?

"I want you to be my girlfriend, Natalia. Please, let me court you." He said that made my heartbeats stop for awhile.

Am I dreaming?

"You'll be in danger Geovanni, please don't do this." I begged but he just chuckled and grin at me.

"I will do this, Natalia. And no one can stop me from what I want to do." He said and hugged me tight as we both sway until the song changed and the program ended.

GEOVANNI became so sweet and clingy like he always do. He even guard me by his guards that made everything feel awkward.

I am used to be with my guards but his guards are way too different. They are students while mine are trained assassins.

Days turned weeks and weeks turned months he didn't failed to surprise me with his stuffs. And the sweetest thing he did was in the school garden. His crew made a path of roses until I reach the garden, and there he is standing before me with a bright smile in his face.

I feel so special everyday, until I realized one thing.

"How's your day?" Uncle Emmanuel asked.

Emmanuel Lorenz is my uncle and the oldest brother of my late mother Iris Lorenz. Like my father, he is also connected to a society, no he is not just connected, he is the leader of it.

"Tout va bien, oncle." [Everything is fine, Uncle.]

As a LeBlanc, and a half-Lorenz, I need to learn French for that is where my mother originated.

"What's your plan to your debut?" He asked that made me stopped.

I looked at the calendar of my phone and I saw that it's only a week before my 18th birthday.

"Sorry, Uncle, I didn't noticed that it's my birthday." I honestly said to him.

"It's okay, just give me your guests and I will do the rest." He said that made me smile.

"Uncle, a family dinner will be fine. I don't love grand occasions, right?"

"Hmm, okay. Just give me your guests and I will send them the invitation, pronto." He said before ending up the call.

I immediately walk toward the college faculty to personally invite him, but my world turned upside down when I saw him kissing with somebody.

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