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Sgt. Sawabe Tsubaki



"Sergeant Sawabe!"


"Thank God you're alive"

It has been clear that their combo of missiles and drones did went through, and the first thing I did when the ringing was fading was to respond to the one who called me; it turned out to be Tachibana, one of my fireteam leaders.

"Shichou... where is the rest?"

"Rikusou... it's Private Yazawa..."

And so I followed Tachibana to the purported last known location of my Carl G gunner, with a bit of amusement on how fast I recover from the blast; I could see the marked medics kneeling on my way, doing their best to save everyone caught outside when those drones hit. To our rage, they were mostly civilians.

Nothing we can do, and clearly not with the one in front of me, one National Guard medic knelt in desperation, but the real truth was closer to the center of the blast, where we found Yazawa with Private Sawachika and our company medics were tending him. His shape was not giving us any hope as multiple debris were lodged on his body for start, and the associated bleeding and fractures, some visible from his torn uniform. His rifle laid nearby him with substantial sign of bent from the blast and debris.

"Sergeant... tell... my sister... be strong" just in time for one American supplied Cougar armored truck converted into an ambulance arrived on scene.

"You're not gonna die, you hear me, Private?" I replied, Yet, his broken smile was the last thing I saw from him before the medics hauled him away. Knowing his request, so I did it, first by trying to reach the headquarters. However, any such thing was interrupted by an instruction from the Lieutenant.

"To all units, continue with the rescue role and keep eye on further developments, Kirin Yellow 6 out."

"You'll be okay, sergeant." it was Tachibana who reassured me.

Later that day during company team-level debriefing, 1Sgt Kashiwagi laid bare all the cold facts to us.

"45 cruise missiles, up to 20 medium suicide drones, plus as many as 50+ fighter launched micro swarms following them had penetrated our heavy screen; some were targeting our air defenses and some of our ships and supplies had also been hit. Great parting gift from those communists, expect more air raids... just in time as the European NATO allies had started setting up their menagerie of air defense systems here in Japan... And I regret to inform everyone here that Private Yazawa did not make it to the aid station. His next of kin has been notified accordingly. The whole brigade have been ordered for a moment of silence and memorial for him and others who're no longer with us, in each regiment..."

Before that company wide debriefing, the officers had already received the truth, and specially Kaori told me, as his superior. "He died as expected for a soldier dealing with our own civilian population, it's not your fault. He knew what he's doing."

The word "Well done and carry on" from Captain Kawashima. "Prepare for company level debriefing."

After that, the platoon left for the position of the 32nd Infantry Regiment, in which a brigade-wide memorial service was to be held in each regiment.

In better times, when an SDF or IDF servicemen fell in the line of duty, including sometimes during the 1999 War, the unit would be ordered to dress in black when in formation, or at least a black armband, according to what I learn during basic as well as NCO school.

After a quick rendition of His Imperial Majesty's Reign, slowly few troopers appeared from behind a cement-wall barrier carrying 75 rifles, 75 pairs of combat boots, 75 helmets, and 75 set of dog tags followed by what looked like photographs. The rifles, boots, and helmets were then arranged with precision to form what the Americans called the battlefield cross, all with the names of our comrades and leaders gone too soon!

"We're here to honor the life and memory of our comrades of the 32nd Infantry," said Colonel Yong-su. "They shared a common love for Japan to become it's defenders, pride of their ancestors no matter their blood... and a sense of duty in face of the immense responsibility our nation entrusted us. While we mourn the loss, we also celebrate having known our comrades - and leaders - and the values they stood for and will continue to honor them by living those values that drove them to be Army - loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage."

Out of so many fallen comrades, only one eulogy was delivered, by the regimental sergeant major, emphasizing on how every Army men and women, while diverse in background and role and even ability, are united as one and will always be even in the face of our losses, in light of our successful liberation of our main islands but also an uncomfortable truth about how this war won't be over by next year.

Overhead, a squadron worth of fighters and drone companions spread into combat formation, some released their missiles, as well as streaks of what must be ground or ship launched missiles. Even with the hot skies above, our regimental sergeant major kept his nerves as he began the final role call, calling out names, drilling the finality down into all of us. Including Private Yazawa. No one moved. No one made a sound.

Somehow, I wonder, how are our airmen and sailors; the islands' first and second lines of defense, were doing so far; and how long we can sustain things?

Then when it's time for us to pay our respects, I stepped out, following the platoon's leadership, to face Private Yazawa's photograph, followed by Private Goto Chang, the one who fell in Iwakuni - Leading Private Seichi Nakasone, Leading Private Mark Ghosn; one of few fully foreign descents, from Lebanon, who served in the regular army and not in the foreign regiments out of him being Japanese citizen, Sergeant Yuka Takami, and other names, men and women alike, who fought with the 3rd Company in support of the 11th Tanks, further down to those who served in Team Kirin.

"Now, attention, here is the good news from command. We are to be relieved by Nagoya Division's reserve 25th Brigade as well as two groups of NPS de-miners, not to mention extra police officers - up to 50 are going to deploy here from Tokyo alone."

About time.

"We're going home, Ichi-ban!" exclaimed one soldier.

"Yes, we're going home, we're going to see Kanto again and be refreshed as well as being beefed up with a third combat brigade are to be assigned to us. Many of you, especially NCOs as well as our officers can be subjected to transfer to the new brigade. However" Kashiwagi continued. "We are to be ready of all times!"

Each to everyone's own, men and women alike burst into hugging each other, some knelt in prayer, others remained cool, and for me, I put out my phone, opened the gallery for my moments with Watari.

"What we are going to do now?"


PFC. Watari Ryouta

The signal clear was given, and Kitazawa and I ushered the prosecutors and their entourages out from one of the mobile blast shelters.

The first thing I had to report on the radio was the status of those I protect. Those lawmen were lucky, but this moment won't be forgotten in their collective minds, and neither mine.

I cannot held it anymore, and some troopers burst to laugh, and us as well, as the prosecutors and their accompanying workers returned to their position and resume their identification works, The pain would come later as radios were reporting lost troopers... but I have to be grateful to the Lord Buddha again, as Kousei emerged somewhere from another shelter unscathed, ready to fight another day.

"Lieutenant" I told my commander.

"What is it?"

"Lt. Kaori's first squad lost their Gustav gunner. Tsubaki's squad"

Kousei responded. "Nothing we can do..." I can only nod to what my superior stated. "At least Tsubaki's still around right?"

"Yes, sir. Still there with her squad... there are many who are still lucky to survive."

Upon our time to return to our posts, the gathering for after action reports and debriefing by 1Sgt Kashiwagi revealed everything, from how one tank that was intended as Quick Reaction Force against any Chinese holdouts were destroyed by the drones as well as some other assets, mainly supplies... about how some who did survive the blasts got their limbs or other part of their body blown off and have to be airlifted... but also other things before the attack, for example, about how elements of the National Guard as well as 31st Infantry and their drone support who operated further west of our relative position in Shunan City exposed and snatched a squad worth of PLA holdouts, and many more.

I found myself hugging Tsubaki, before she and Kaori departed for their infantry regiment's CP, hierarchy aside.

"It's not your fault, just like what Lt. Kaori told you, and the Captain, too." I could see that she managed to have a small smile upon my touch, as her best friend.

After the regimental memorial ceremony and farewell, it's time to be back at our bivouacs, and with was hopefully our last night at this godforsaken city, for the first time of my young life, I touched a bottle.

"Thanks to our sustainment folks." that's what Sgt. Kitazawa told me, as he gave me a cup worth of sake. Most of the time, beers exists in our supply, but now, the more traditional former had finally arrived, to the joy of that sergeant.

Out of a need of separations, small group means your chance to survive was bigger - no regimental size gatherings unless necessary.

The gathering of tank crews of Team Kirin, including Captain Kawashima and the platoon commanders, followed by the platoon sergeants, then our company master gunner (1), Sergeant First Class Kaito Hoshizora, served as the Captain's tank gunner, as well as company sergeant Kashiwagi, raised their cups. The Captain spoke, "To our brothers and sisters of steel that are now in peace, for the future of our free people and the world in large... Kanpai!"


Even during times like this, etiquettes are not out of the window, as officers and enlisted men, all grizzled and some even got their hairs graying prematurely - something that I noticed on Lieutenant Kousei and Lieutenant Horokeu - were slowly sipping their cup.

We've turned this little bivouac of tankers into a family gathering, so close and so warm notwithstanding the unusually hot air on this fateful day. Inside, we are safe, well, more like safe-ish with respect of the current reality, while some are insane enough to believe that...

Kanto is waiting for us to return, and be rested....


(1). Master Gunner is a US Army appointment for technical and tactical experts for their weapon's platform especially armored vehicles. They are also responsible for developing training material and certify weapons/vehicle crews. They can also serve as gunners in company commander's personal vehicle particularly tanks.

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