Extra Chapter: Sovereign

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Warning - this chapter mentioned the use of capital punishment, which is still legal in Japan. 

"When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time" - General Creighton Abrams, Chief of Staff of the US Army (1972-1974), namesake for American main battle tank "M1 Abrams"

Ministry of Defense No #2 Underground Operations Bunker, Tokyo, Japan

PM Nishikino, clad in one of his sweatshirts made by Uniqlo with the nation's symbol; Chrysanthemum, and a writing in both Latin and Kanji which read "I AM JAPANESE" was paying his attention to his military leaders about the next step in the war after the conclusion of the sessions with his economic and welfare related ministers as well as the Justice Minister, as the screens showed many celebrations of his people and his forces upon liberation of all main islands of Japan.

The months of the war had seem to be years for him, as hundred thousand of people had died inside the nation's soil, especially in Kyushu and Honshu. The "free passage" deal that he himself approved - and accepted by Japan's allies - had seen the withdrawal of Chinese troops, leaving those that could not be rescued to fend for themselves or surrender. Overall, up to 25.000 Chinese PLA and it's foreign legionnaires were now under Japanese custody, not include POWs transferred transferred from South Korea as well as those who were already transferred further away to North America or Australia or Indonesia, those who were already exchanged, or for most IAIB captives, the fighters' original home countries for trial as "unprivileged combatants".

For the latter case, to those unlucky enough to be tried in Japan due to the refusal of their home countries to take them back in lieu of merely internment as POWs, such trial was often a stopover to the gallows.

Based by a real time database of the Ministry of Justice on one of the command screens, there were already 90 new additions to the death row and 25 hangings so far from the beginning of the war - fifteen IAIB combatants convicted with various charges, namely related to sexual violence, terrorism, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity, as well as ten Japanese collaborators and saboteurs, including three DIet members with known association to the Unification Church as well as the head of Sasebo Naval Base. Other notable cases were two prefectural governors; Yamaguchi and Fukuoka, that also had begun their trial and public opinions were already in favor of their hanging, to his concern.

He and the entire Security Council had been informed about the addition of two conventionally-powered medium fleet carriers (CVV) for the U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet, the USS Ranger (CV-44) and the USS Oriskany (CV-45) with two more under various stage of construction as well as one unit for Australia - the HMAS Australia (R03) undergoing her sea trial - followed by launch of two lighter America-class derived light anti-submarine aircraft carrier, dubbed as Casablanca-class.

There were already calls within the Japanese Ministry of Defense in favor of purchasing either a Ranger-class or Casablanca on it's own to support the two Shoukaku-class and some merchantmen conversions currently in service, as well as to make up for losses, as during the first Chinese landings in Japanese soil, USS Reagan carrier strike group supported by light carrier Izumo and their respective escort ships, plus two Korean destroyers and three Taiwanese corvettes as well as several fighter squadrons was the first to respond only to result of heavy losses by the combination of missile, torpedo, and drone strikes, with Izumo and one of her escort HIJMS Chokai sunk and Reagan had to be withdrawn to the mainland USA after taking heavy damage on it's own, but not without taking down two and a half brigade (wing) worth of H-6 and H-8 (Tu-22M) bombers of the PLA Air Force.

Right now, the staffs of the Maritime Defense Fleet - once the Self-Defense Fleet - but more often called as the Combined Fleet or Rengou Kantai, evoking the old IJN organization, under it's commander Vice Admiral Keisuke Higashikuni was working overtime - even with so much applicable data from Japan's NATO and IPSDC allies - with other branches of the Imperial Defense and partners to plan for the next action, especially if the Chinese somehow managed to assemble a larger fleet for their supposed invasion of the United States territories in the Pacific Ocean and beyond.

IMDF chief Admiral Sakurai observed that his commander-in-chief's full attention was not on him.

"Mr. Prime Minister," he said, gently tapping the desk. "We have to be realistic in our expectations about eradicating Chinese missile threats to our territory and in the process, doing our part in destroying any Chinese invasion fleets aimed at the USA. I know we have just driven their land forces back to the sea, but that was only the beginning."

The PM understood the challenges; Chinese missile and drone swarms, as well as their air forces, are still formidable, as well as their Tiangong space station was still generally unmolested as much as the Coalition ones.

"What I want from everyone is a realistic plan of how we can contribute more to the collective effort in bringing this war to the close. First, about how to take out the Tiangong or at least disable it long enough. Second, how we can keep our sea lines of communication open, Third, how we should increase our drone production as well as strikes with it... Fourth, alongside our American ally in particular, about how we can step up our support to the freedom fighters particularly in China and Hong Kong. Fifth, how we can keep supporting the Free Koreans with fighting up there are now mostly positional in nature. Any suggestions shall be welcome here."

Joint Chief General Matsuura was the first to speak. "About Tiangong, to break that stalemate-on-space, we must reach out more to the civilian sector. According to my counterpart in the US, General Felix Meliala, he had received proposal from spaceflight operators and big name private security contractors eager to contribute, for what is known as a Letter of Marque. I recently had a call with him and he said that America will not act alone - he emphasized that space superiority is the duty of everyone in the Coalition. Speaking of which, Tsurumaki-san had discussed with me of this matter, expect his coming soon to let you know, face to face. There are a lot of ideas already, secured in the cloud, but the challenge now is how to prioritize our resources and obtain the best plan as well as preparing for contingency plans as soon as possible. We're also stepping up the recruitment for JSOCOM while the Free Chinese here are also expanding their commando pool, as their op tempo will soon be upped as well, namely in keeping the resistance in Taiwan alive and well. Coordination work with our allies continues."

Then came the turn of Admiral Sakurai, as he brought up a new image on the holographic monitor for them to look at.

First, was the state of the coastal defense grid. Nishikino's attention was fully on the screen as the Admiral explained in a short timeframe about the progress of it's restoration with Japanese' own system as well as lend-lease missile batteries from the United States, France, and Norway, as well as the state of Navy's manpower as a whole. Then, Sakurai went for another matter at hand.

"Sir, what you are looking at is our operations plan to further strengthen our holdings as well as to get closer to Chinese coasts, especially with the upcoming arrival of new American carriers as well as our current two carriers." On‑screen he also showed the list of missile and drone-carrying converted merchantmen, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, and unmanned combat vessels, especially newcomers from NATO countries as well as a destroyer squadron from India under attachment to IMDF' 3rd Escort Fleet, mostly assigned to convoy escort duty, as well as rough position of coalition fleet of underwater killers, manned and unmanned alike.

"And I just received the analysis result related to our carrier force expansion... here, I have decided that we shall purchase the Casablanca design, out of a need to keep Chinese submariners and their unmanned companions miserable as well as to fight their own light carriers. Minister (of Defense) Watanabe had also supported my choice."

Nishikino nodded. "Steady as she goes... we are still in a need of a more cautious but strike hard posture as long as that damned space station is still floating... but we have to fight, Good work so far in keeping most of our fleet active and kicking, Admiral."

The Imperial Ground Force chief, General Shinichi Ishikawa took his turn, "Mr. Prime Minister, about Korea, thanks to the arrival of the first batch of American-trained combat ready recruits - especially from Fort Moore, Fort Knox, (both infantry and armor) and Fort Sill (Artillery) -, we now have the 6th Division on it's way to South Korea and also the 2nd Division. Overall, with the upcoming trained manpower from US as well as Europe, plus including recent transferees from the National Guard, we are on the next phase, raising two GCC-answering "assault brigades"... expanding the Central Readiness Regiment into a brigade, raising a new 5th Division, to fully rebuild the 13th Separate Brigade as well as replenishing the whole Western Army (i.e. 4th and 8th Divisions as well as 15th Brigade). Although this might mean disbanding some formations, we will take it..."

"...In accordance with Directive 200 of the Ministry of Defense, the GDF had slowed down the recruitment rate for a time being in order to focus on training and equipping our men and women, especially in specialized roles. I also believe that several batteries of our SAM and laser air defenses can be deployed to South Korea to reinforce theirs, thanks to the first arrival of European NATO systems here - you name it."

One of the screens changed to show multiple French Renault and German MAN-branded truck with multiple missile canisters pointing upwards.

"SAMP-T Aster from France and Italy as well as IRIS-Ts and Oerlikon HELs (High Energy Laser) from Germany, complemented by older stuff as the following..."

"Hmmm..." Nishikino nodded. "Any more information?"

He continued "The Americans had also restored part of their Typhon system here, as remember, that launcher was enough to cover part of Northern Korea by Tomahawk long range strikes and Standard air defense, as well as Taiwan, in concert with the Aegis Ashore in Hagi."

"Speaking of European-made air defenses, what about the British?"

The Aerospace Defense Force chief, General Hiroki Tojo, answered Nishikino. "They are prioritizing the reinforcement of their Commonwealth allies, particularly Malaysia and Singapore. On the other hand, speaking of the Germans, we are also grateful for the MEADS - something that's compatible to our fleet of Patriot SAMs. Just today their first battery had been officially on combat duty around Ibaraki area, and with a new influx of F-15EXs from the US as well as the upgraded F-35s, a first batch of Kratos Valkyrie drones plus new batch of pilots fresh from combat training in Canada, Italy, and Britain, we are also going to step up our air operations in Korea, added with a second squadron of American F-22s stationed on the Aleutian Islands as well as a squadron of Korean-Indonesian KF-21s and their MQ-101 companions that had just arrived in Hokkaido, they are to reinforce our homeland air defense and also strike operations in Korea, in place of three of our squadrons that are in need of rest and maintenance, as well as two more that are in need of reconstitution due to losses."

"General Tojo, the KF-21s you mentioned is operated by whom?" asked Nishikino to his air chief, whose eldest daughter, currently a teacher, was also a school idol like the PM's own niece.

"Indonesia - their commitment for a force of their own in Korea was not only ground troops, but also a fighter squadron and a battery of license built Korean KM-SAM, here."

"Oh dear God, I was still quite surprised how those people, our partner for long, got so much strength in industry other than our investments for example, well, never mind their methods..." Nishikino said.

"Anyway" It was General Matsuura again. "We must also increase our effort alongside the Americans in courting the Latin South."

"I agree" echoed the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chizuru Hokaze. "The Brazilians, Colombians, and the Chileans are particularly keen as well as Argentina in some degree, this is already confirmed by my American counterpart. The Brazilian weapons production were already increased during the initial crisis with America and Europe supplied the most of their needed semiconductors and machineries... but their output had been tripled since the last month - thanks to the recent attempts against their President, as well as the threat of their pro Chinese neighbors... which painfully, have to be personal here, includes Peru, where my family once lived, basically being spared the horror of the Second World War, before they emigrated back to Japan in 1972. It's time to step up the scale of things."

"All right then," said the PM. "We will move forward with all the plans, and let's see what more we can do to help sow some chaos to the Reds." Then, he continued. "I will always expect the best for you. Every moves that we make is a life or death matter... and so, for today, this meeting is dismissed, due to the need of my presence in the liberated cities." He pressed a button from which he called the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Ichiro Sonoda. The message is simple.

"I need the helicopter to be ready for tomorrow."

There were no arguments from the group, so the PM quickly left the room with his security detail for yet another underground VIP metro ride to the Kantei to mull things over and be prepared for tomorrow's visit, started from Shimonoseki and Kitakyushu, followed by yet another coordination meeting with allies...

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