Go Forth My Son!

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"I feel like I'm flying when I'm playing piano. I become all sparkly like the stars." - Riko Sakurauchi (Love Live! Sunshine!!)

Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Imperial State of Japan
16.00 JST

Arima Kousei

I have to be grateful to God for Japanese people's well deserved reputation of discipline and adherence to safety for the uneventful train trip. Right now, I am taking a taxi for my father's childhood house where my parents were enjoying their retirement.

As classical MP3 music accompanied me since the start at Tokyo Station, and as the taxi passed through the city center, still alive with business despite the announcement of the State of Emergency, I went back to that day.


"What's the occasion, Kaori?"

"I have something to show you. Right now change your clothes."

Upon dressing up, I found Kaori with our car key hanging on her right hand.

"It will be outside and few minutes driving from here."

"I'll be driving but you'll show me the way, Kaori."


The drive was uneventful, even with the situation, showed by the fact of Tokyo's traffic was dominated by cars who were leaving the metropolis as well as military vehicles. Out of the city and into the smaller outlying towns, we stopped at a temple when Kaori gave me the signal.

"Follow me."

My legs were trailing Kaori and deep inside the temple, already with due respect paid on it's front, we reached a room full of urns. One of it went on to grab her attention. Meticulously maintained like the others.

"While as you've already know, Miyazono family are Christians ever since the end of World War II, especially with my grandpa married an American woman who was a missionary back in the 50s, my family still visit here if it's only to introduce us about our ancestors."

My eyes went on to read the name written below it.


"Who is she?"

"She is one of the few women who are warriors, Wife of a Samurai. Onna-bugeisha. Fallen in the Battle of Aizu during Boshin War."

"Oh... I remember back at school we were told the story of Niijima Yae (1) who fought in Boshin War before becoming a nurse and then created Doshisha U... but it seems that she were not the only women who fought on what they believe back then."

"Now hear this, Kousei-kun... Yumi Nakano was my great-great-great aunt. The point is, yes, we women are not drafted except in roles like cyber, clerical, intelligence, or medical, etc. However, while I wished to never need to revisit that heritage in a need for a fight... this moment is what exactly I am doing now for us. I believe you will go out there and fight, just like when your dad was in the Navy, but please let me do the same for you."

"I cannot demand you to do this. Kaori. You've done so much for me. How can I live when you fall in battle? Do you really want this?"

She went closer, her hands wiped out my accumulating tears.

"Don't you know that I thought the same about you? Yet, I believe this is what I am called for! I don't want you to fight alone! There are many who are called to stay behind and support those in the frontline, but for me, my place will be on your side, so I insist to go with you."

"I... I don't know what I must say, then. With all been said, you can follow me to the service, let's do this together!"

"That's what I want you to say. You want to honor your father's service, I am doing this in honor of my own family."

"Mum, Dad. I am home."


Here comes my dad, still in his overall and full of sweat from the garden work that he came to love since his retirement just one year after the success of the country's vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in 2022.


Ever since his war service followed by Mom's illness and recovery, being closer to his family is the priority for Takahiko Arima. The hug he extended for his son was a small part of such undertaking that matters more after the recovery as well as a valuable commodity in a world co-existing with Coronavirus.

"How's the house, dad?"

"All in order." My eyes were aimed at the vegetables on the small plot, green and fresh as a very welcomed break from the city's atmosphere. "Right now" Takahiko showed his son a basket. "I had just harvested lettuces, leeks, and hakusai (cabbage) when you came."

"That's delicious, dad!"

"Of course. Now come, Mum is waiting for us."


At 18.00, it's time for dinner.

As we dug in, my mind went on how I have to drop the bomb.

"Kousei, are you still with us?" My mum asked, driving be back to reality "You are eating slower than usual, why?"

"I have something to tell Mum and Dad. Something that you might not able to stomach..."

"Finish your food before, son."

"Alright, dad"

The dinner was done, and then, we head for the living room that also double as the TV room. "Now this is what I want to tell you, Mum, Dad... I have been drafted to the Defense Forces."

"We know, son." Mum was the first to reply. "When the letter came to you, we're also got notified as well. I know this is new for you, with our lives are mostly revolve around music as well as your wife's, it must be tough for you to accept that we are now at war. Your father had been through that back in the Navy, so I believe you and Kaori can do it."

"Yes mum, and to be honest, I am afraid."

In the meantime Dad turned on the TV just as the news came in about the formation of a National Public Service for conscientious objectors, multiple alleged saboteurs being detained nationwide; either by police, national guard, or in some other cases, SWAT officers from the National Security Service. 

Then came a special report from the Imperial Palace.

"Look" Mum told us, as the cameras showed Emperor Furuhito, the largely ceremonial Commander in Chief of the Imperial Defense Forces in full traditional regalia with his consort Empress Akiko on his side.

For the past eighty years Japanese people have been striving for world peace, as we slowly but surely come to terms with our past, as painful as it was. The horrors of war seems remote enough as I and my family shared the joy of my birthday with the nation. Even with that effort, this madness of war has once again returned to our shores and through the world. Our beloved Japan must once again play it's part to survive against this great odds that many said are against us.

I have never forgotten the stories from my grandfather the late Emperor Showa when I was 10, the sorrow and also the pride as he told me how this nation went to war and subsequently rose from the ashes of defeat, as well as how my father, the late Emperor Emeritus Heisei faced the same day back at 1999, and our forces emerged victorious with it's allies. Not a single moment I imagined that such time will one day be part of my reign as well.

We all know that the dangers facing us today are greater by far than at any time in our long history. The main enemy is not the soldier with their rifles, the sailor with their ships, nor even the airmen prowling the skies above our cities and towns but the deadly power of abused technology and perverted idea of governance.

But whatever terrors lie in wait for us all, the qualities that have helped us to regain our freedom and build a stable and prosperous society with all of it's challenges during the last and current century will once more be our strength.

My wife and I share with families up and down the land the fear we feel for sons and daughters, husbands and brothers who have left our side to serve their country, some of them had done so in 1999 and today, they must do it again. Crown Princess Himiko had volunteered for service in the National Guard while our second in line for the throne, Prince Hazuhito, is on training with the Imperial Naval Force and regardless on what we believe, we hope and pray continually for their safety and for the safety of all servicemen and women at home and overseas, and those in training, we conveyed our prayer for you to finish it with excellence.

It is the bond of family life that must be our greatest defense against the unknown. If families remain united and resolute, giving shelter to those living alone and unprotected, our country's will to survive cannot be broken. My message to you therefore is simple. If there any rift among you, reconcile. Then help those who cannot help themselves, give comfort to the lonely and the homeless and let your family become the focus of hope and life to those who need it. And as we strive together to fight off the new evil, let us pray for our country and men and women of goodwill wherever they may be.

"Son, it's okay to be afraid, That's what I found myself back in 1999, but with our faith in God, I survived everything, and also Mum back then..."

"Go forth and be brave, my son. It has been proven that the Arima family is not a family of cowards, and we are a nation of fighters."

"We'll pray for you everyday, and your wife too."

"How did you know that Kaori is going to enlist, mum?"

"She'd called me when you were on your way here." It require Mum's smile in order for me to reply.

"And so, Mum, Dad. I'll go and serve. Orders are clear."

"That's my son." replied my Mum.

"Before you go, son." Dad added. "You must keep this in your heart everyday; a word from my superior when I finally dismissed after serving 10 years."

"What it will be, Dad?"

"He told me this as his parting words at me: "Lieutenant Commander Arima, if your son somehow want to join the defense forces you must tell him this; Every warrior lives by wearing a funeral shroud everyday, and when he fell in a place unknown or at home to defend and protect what he (or she) loved - in this case, our beloved country - that place will be his (or her) grave or pyre, and his uniform will be his (or her) shroud. Every time you wear the uniform -which you will don it soon - you have to think about it, and after you immersed yourself with the uniform, show the people that you deserve the honor of it everyday. Failure is not an option."

"I do, Father."

"There is more; this is a Navy and Coast Guard thing, but one of my superiors stressed that it is also applicable in the other branches. It's a reflection that every sailors did every day, especially during training." My dad continued.

"One, Hast thou not gone against sincerity?; Two, Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds?; Three, Hast thou not lacked vigor?; Four, Hast thou exerted all possible efforts?; And the fifth is, Hast thou not become slothful? Before you head to your bed in whatever academy you will be trained for; Army, Navy, Aerospace Force or Cyber Defense Force... you must reflect on this and bring it to your night prayer for His guidance which will ensure that you improve yourself everyday."

"I will, and finally, Mum, Dad, can I play the piano here tonight?"

"Of course, my son... Love's Sorrow?" And so, with Mum I head for the music room. Through the silent night a familiar melody reverberated. A vow from me to remember my home when I am away, and how I might never come back.

"I have another piece that I suddenly remember after our conversation. Two Steps from Hell's Heart of Courage."

"First thing first, I never heard that song before your dad made me listen to it six years ago on National Sovereignty Day (2)!" My dad nodded after Mum finished her statement. "And yes, upon listening to it I came to love it and learn to play it on the piano!"

"Have the heart of courage. That's what you have told me." And from that I brought the piano to live, not only one, but two times, six minutes in total. I could see tears welled up on their eyes. Tears of sadness, but also hope for the best. Their bright smile and hugs was more than enough to solidify my resolve.

The first order upon my return to Tokyo was to tell Kaori and Kenji everything with my parents, and a closing statement. "I'll go."

"It's we, Arima Kousei-kun." Kaori corrected it for me, then she continued. "The Ground Officer Candidate School (3) in Camp Maegawara surely have places for both of us. Thanks to Starlink connection, Kenji and I were able to search for things that might suit us or in our case, where the recruiters might pipeline us after induction."

The next day we went for our medical and psychological examination, and the result was quick to arrive.

Back in the car, I read mine out loud: "Class 1-A (Conscript): Suitable for unrestricted military service."

Kaori followed "Class 1 (for volunteers) Suitable for unrestricted military service

Attached to each of our letters was an order to proceed straight for basic training in Camp Itazuma, Gotemba before heading for Camp Maegawara for the officer course.


Ryouta Watari

It's D-Day for Tsubaki and I to enter Army basic training; we have received order to head for Gotemba after our assessment result went out, showing our unrestricted suitability for service. 

As we're waiting for the bus that will pick us up, I asked Tsubaki; "Will Kousei and Kaori be happy as officers? I remember Kousei told us that he had his own doubt, hence he head for his parents."

Tsubaki faced me with her reply. "Do you really think that - not just he, Kaori, us, but every Japanese - are actually warlike, craving for a fight, just like what many people of this world often regard Americans as? We have no choice in this matter. Especially those who have their family once served in 1999 War, like him. Otherwise, we are all going to speak Mandarin, and will end up in re-education camps like what happened to the Uyghurs, Tibetans, Mongolians or Christians in China!"

"Yeah, I remember Uncle Takahiko told me that he joined the Navy initially only for experience in his resume, for sake of being employed gainfully. but history showed us otherwise.... you may want to say that he can handle himself better as a simple music teacher alongside Kaori, things they are devoted to. Just like us being teachers as well. However, you have made your choice to fight alongside me. Kaori too as well, notwithstanding the risks. The point is, we are doing this for sake of our children in the future, Tsubaki. Theirs too."

I can see her eyes sparkling, thinking about the future of us in marriage just like Kousei and Kaori.

"And so, the responsibility will surely be tough, but I believe we can pass through it all. Watari-kun."

So I seized the opportunity to embrace the girl I had committed myself to after few years of on and off again relationships... and soon our lips were in contact with each other.

"Together, Watari-kun?"

"Together. No matter what happens."


A/N: Yes, in this universe Japan is more willing to acknowledge it's brutal past just like Germany hence the reference to "painful past" by the Emperor. Also, just like how I use fictional head of states and governments and political parties, I also give Emperor of Japan the same treatment to the point that I also tweaked the Imperial Household rule as well as a role of Commander-in-Chief of the military akin to the British monarchs (while delegated to the Prime Minister).

(1). Niijima Yae (born Yamamoto Yae); 1 December 1845 - 14 June 1932, also known as Yamamoto Yaeko (山本 八重子), was a Japanese female warrior (onna bugeisha), nurse and scholar of the late Edo period who lived into the early Shōwa period. She helped defend Aizu region during the Boshin War in the side of the Shogunate, earning her the nickname of the "Bakumatsu Joan of Arc".

After the Restoration she continued her service, this time as a nurse during the Russo-Japanese War and Sino-Japanese War, and became the first woman outside of Imperial House of Japan after the Meiji Restoration (originated in 1870s) to be decorated for her service to the country. She was famously known as the wife of Joseph Hardy Neesima, the founder of Doshisha English School in 1875, and with a help of American missionary Alice J. Starkweather, they co-founded the Doshisha Girls' School (now Doshisha Christian University) a year later.

(2). A day established in 2000 by the Japanese government in this story based on Memorial Day, an American holiday as well as India's Kargil Vijay Diwas (Kargil Victory Day), for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the Self-Defense Forces/Imperial Defense Forces. The date of it's observation, August 10, was also the day where the "Senkaku Islands War" came to an end with Chinese withdrawal.

(3). An Officer Candidate School (OCS) is a military school which trains civilians and enlisted personnel in order for them to gain a commission as officers in the armed forces of a country. How OCS is run differs between countries and services. Typically, officer candidates have either serving enlisted personnel or for civilian candidates had attained post-secondary education, and may even hold a Bachelor's degree. OCS candidates undergo a short duration of training (not more than a year) which focuses primarily on military skills and leadership. This is in contrast with military academies such as the United States Military Academy in West Point, British Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, or Japan's own National Defense Academy which includes academic instruction leading to a bachelor's degree.

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