Looking East

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Qiqihar, China

It was inevitable. I agree with our leaders that our massive preparation had go on for far too long to simply stand down. The whole PLA is like a coil spring, ready to throw ourselves into a fray. Some of our comrades were already engaging our enemies with other means for years, while the rest only need one word - attack! - to proceed. Spirits were high and the troops joked about how one day we will take what is ours in one fell stroke. But some didn't laugh. They had been into places like Pakistan, Central Asia (including incursions into Afghanistan), Africa, Yemen, Iran, Armenia, Syria, Lebanon... They know war despite the operations there were called "peacekeeping" or "security, counter-terrorism assistance"...

That morning after. "Well, Comrade Major Huang?"

"Comrade Colonel, this unit had a lot of thing to improve."

"Of course, from up to our generals. No greater danger than to underestimate our opponent, even pertaining to those Separatists in Taiwan, or the South Koreans, whoever it will be... And neither they would do so about us." replied the battalion commander he was attached to as part of the plan. 

"...Especially on their Korean." he said.

"I am struggling with it too, Comrade Major." admitted Colonel Xu Junhua to his subordinate. 

"We had no choice but to catch up with things. Our success in the Peninsula will also mean a boost of morale to our comrades assigned to Taiwanese Liberation Campaign."

On the Colonel left side, was the battalion's second in command, Lieutenant Colonel Wang Xiagang and on Junhua's right side was the Political Instructor, Colonel Xie Fung. He remembered very much when he first saw the latter man, when he somehow burst to hug Colonel Junhua. That's when he learned that those two were old friends, before everyone proceeded to his professional mannerism. Yet, that time was also when he overheard a troubling statement from his own CO.

"I can't say that I am very happy about this.

"Our leaders know what is right." that's the reply from both Colonel Xiagang and Colonel Fung.

"I know, comrades. We are servant of the people, and we must make them proud."

Yet, Huang went on to be fond on his CO. Especially how he had shown the epitome of a father figure with what some in the West called as a balanced diet of yes and no at the same time. Especially important with the fact that many of the senior officers and some NCOs in the regiment were products of the One child policy, that itself had been relaxed in the start of the new millennium.

"Now, Comrade Major Huang." the Colonel paused before continued. "Get Comrade Captain Xiaojun on the horn."

"Yes sir."


Shenyang, China

Northern Theater Command HQ

"We have so little time, but so many to catch up even with the aid they gave us..." growled General Zhu as he scanned through pages and pages of readiness reports of units of the entire command, not just the Ground Forces but also the other branches, Especially the fleet. 

"We agree, Comrade General." Besides him, standing at attention, was his second in command Admiral Liu Langhu and the theater command's political commissar, Air Force General Wen Xiaohua. "Everyone are in need of extensive unit training." The admiral paused. "Added with regular lectures, of course" added the commissar. 

Both men could swore that they could hear Zhu's mumbling in complaint on how the economic situation as well as the increasing isolation imposed by the international community, even with so much reluctance, had influenced the reduction of readiness of his forces. 

Even with almost seventy five percent of it's ranks were volunteers in a continuing process of professionalization of it's non commissioned officer corps since the 1990s to match the Western NATO model, the People's Liberation Army remained a heavily conscript force in nature and still inducts recruits in that fashion and still considered top heavy in officers compared to it's neighbors. 

An AI-augmented reporting system had laid bare such state of readiness for everyone to see with issues such as cultural prejudices that put soldiers and NCOs in the lower social standing compared to commissioned officers which resulted in the sub-optimal interaction between NCOs and officers which in turn affect readiness were the most urgent part that had to be addressed. Yet, such need of decentralization was counteracted by the recent Xi-era reforms that concentrated even more authority and inspection powers in the Central Military Commission offices, sending a mixed message to the force, especially "end-point commanders," in the battalion and brigade level, about "big brother" looking over their shoulder and second-guessing their decisions to the point of doubting each other's competence.

In addition, the established once-a-year conscription cycle was still in force thanks to the proposal of twice-a-year arrangement was axed in the highest party level citing the need of the funding for needs of research and development. As the result, in the Ground Forces, Air Force Airborne Corps, and Navy Marine Corps, conscript-heavy squads, weapons crews, platoons, and companies had large fluctuations in strength twice a year. In September, 40 to 50 percent of their conscripts are demobilized, and six months later, a new batch of privates enters the unit. In essence, small unit leaders was forced to build unit proficiency and cohesion with two different sets of personnel each year, then repeat the same process every year. During the period before new soldiers enter units, training can be adjusted to compensate for lower personnel strengths, but only later will fully manned units be able to "train as they fight." 

The traditional conscription cycle impacts aviation and ship units less drastically because their higher percentages of NCOs and officers. However, even in these units, conscripts perform important functions to keep the crews, ships, and aircraft operating. At one side, with the increased status of general readiness enacted by the CMC, demobilized conscripts who form part of the reserve force had been recalled for refresher courses to ease things for the small unit leaders as well as field officers like the case of Major Huang. His conduct was one of those deemed exemplary, thought the general. On the other side, there were those who performed otherwise. 

"If we wish to accomplish our goals in time for the Korean liberation... we must make an example of the worst offenders." Xiaohua started. "Right now the system had shown six names... Their conduct has been grossly and undeniably criminal. Look at the names and put what charges that fit to their crimes." he pointed out at the screen in front of the General. 

"There are two good men here, Comrade Xiaohua." Zhu objected. 

"I stand with my point and the system. They are the guardians of the people and enjoy positions of the greatest trust. By betraying that trust, especially by taking what was not theirs to begin with, they have endangered the People's Republic as a whole." 

"Even with our system in place, do you understand the consequences of your action?"

"The loyalty to the Party is the same as to be servant to the people... and I will take responsibility on every consequences of this decision, Comrade, as we all know that disloyalty means treason, and the penalty for treason is death. It is a hard thing, and even with my family's long record of service to the Party, they taught me that I have to take no pleasure in it, but unless we snap everyone into shape, how many promising young soldiers will die for their leader's failings? Remember, we don't want a repeat of the humiliations in the nineteenth century, so combat readiness is what we need more than we need four traitors and liars inside our ranks. If there is a gentler way to achieve this, I have no idea what that might be, comrade. Our history had shown that an undisciplined army is not better than mobs with uniforms and weapons. A few examples here and there will be a good start to jump things up."

"Very well" Zhu replied. "We'll call the Discipline Inspection Commission."

"That's what I am about to say, Comrade General" the commissar began after typing a few messages straight for the high command. A 'ping' sound was registered few minutes later with the reply. "A team from the CMC's Discipline Inspection Commission's service has been scheduled to be dispatched tomorrow, as you can see, our training memoranda had arrived in all tactical headquarters just now. I had taken this opportunity to let Beijing know about the news of these four traitors of our people which will encourage our unit commanders to implement them with vigor. Even then, it takes time before we have a clear picture of what we need to focus on, but we have to identify it faster and more accurate than before with technology that we have."

"Anyway, what is the CINC-East and CINC-South are doing right now with their responsibility on Taiwan?"

"The same as us, I hope" Langhu shook his head. "Particularly on CINC-East... Has he asked any of our units yet especially the rocket forces, or ships, or aircraft?"

"Not yet, comrades" Zhu answered. "But knowing that man, I expected that when that time comes, we will be forced to concede part of it, as well as some of the other capabilities to him. While Taiwan is surely a hard nut to crack, however many combined arms brigades, air divisions, and naval forces he had, he will clearly want - no, need - more. Anyway, I am going to call my field commanders, comrades."

"That's about updating our plan on Korea, right?"

Zhu replied at his deputy and then looked at the commissar as well "Indeed comrades. According to Water Dragon, we must make sure that we have enough Korean-speaking troops to assist and fight alongside our Korean brothers and reserves for further assistance when it's time for us to fight openly in their land" With the advancement of technology and growth of it's military power since 1990s, the PLA had decided, with North Korean reciprocation, that in a situation of a general conflict with the US and it's allies it will support the Korean People's Army wholeheartedly in denying any of the latter's forces further presence in South Korea, in the process reunify the Peninsula - killing two birds with one stone.

"Someone has to do it, anyway." Xiaohua's hands balled into fists when his nominal superior proceeded...


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