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"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." - Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), British statesman -


Sgt. Tsubaki Sawabe

2 hours later

As the clock struck three, Lieutenant Kaori had received the order that the whole platoon was to reposition along with the tanks. In this case our new position is a couple hundred meters from South Iwakuni Station. In front of us was the Nishiki river tributary; the city being at it's mouth, in fact.

"When those drones passed overhead, we'll move!"

Advancing in open ground, in this case a parking area of what used to be a shopping mall, was fraught with risk with drone swarms patrolling the lower altitudes, ready to pounce on those who were unaware from both sides. Including armored vehicles. That's also the reason regimental command had given us a Type 23 Heavy mounted-anti drone laser variant behind my squad's position covered by two wheeled Type 24s for anti-infantry work.

Type 24 autonomous UGV (Actually this is Archer combat drone from game Tom Clancy EndWar)

The Ni-yon shiki took up position and opened fire with it's miniguns, another signal for my squad to advance as the enemy UAVs, blended wing in shape, had passed us without engaging, only for one to get shot down, judging from a banging sound behind me.

Gunfire from the mall area itself showed that it's being occupied, Our tactical glasses had no idea, hence it's our duty to find it out who, up close and personal.

Upon further examination, the exact location was at an abandoned sport equipment store, with sandbags around it. And that when we rendezvoused with the familiar face of our ally; US Army soldiers.

All with guns ready; some of them were using captured Chinese types like QBZ-95 and -191 rifles, QBB-95 and QJZ-88 light machine guns, various grenade launchers, and PF-89 anti-tank weapons. One Asian-looking man with an insignia that I recognized as US Army Lieutenant out from the friendly recognition book that every Japanese soldier must read in training stepped forward, before I proceed to salute him.

"At ease. We actually expect our own forces to come first. However, we know that this land is yours, we are only guests here." said the American. "We will be your extra hands to get those Red bastards out of Iwakuni. I'm First Lieutenant Andrew Watanabe, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment "Go For Broke" - or what was left of it and the whole 3rd Infantry BCT - 25th Infantry Division. We have also some Marine stragglers, here."

I remember now about our final detailed intel briefing told us about how the reinforced 3rd Infantry BCT of the Americans, airlifted to Japan a week before the war with pre-positioned equipment around Hiroshima Prefecture, were fighting as much as they can with our 13th Brigade, only to be forced to retreat but not without inflicting a crippling losses to the invading Chinese, especially around Shimonoseki area.

"I'm Sergeant Sawabe Tsubaki, 3rd Company, 32nd Infantry Regiment, attached as the 3rd Platoon of the 3rd Company of 11th Tank Regiment, 5th Brigade (Mechanized), Japanese 1st Division, sir. Call us Team Kirin for short."

English was not my best subject at school and neither during my college days, so I had to repeat several words to ensure that the Americans could understand, as well as by making them to look at a patch mounted on my left shoulder showing Mount Fuji and seven cherry blossom flowers, the distinctive unit insignia of the Nerima Division, with a chevron above the mountain; representing the Roman number of V.

Oh, did you know that despite his heritage, Lieutenant Watanabe did not understand any Japanese at all when I try some? Honestly, maybe the reason why some of our people are not fond of Americans thanks to their geographical ignorance or some cases of disrespect to Japanese culture or general lack of multilingualism was true... but they were fighting on our side now so any grievances were best forgotten.

"You see, there are many of us got left behind during the fighting retreat from Kitakyushu; the same day as I heard on the net that two of our carriers got hit and were out of action..." Watanabe, growled a little before continuing. "Jamming all over the place, that's one of the reason."

"That's confirmed what we have been told when the Chinese landed here in Honshu... all sorts of jamming and hacking, including our space assets, sir." I replied.

"Anyway, your people are really helpful, especially with many of those left behind out there were now fighting as partisans... I have to commend your high command for such elaborate stay behind plan." Watanabe said. "Radios and messenger drones are really helping us to keep tab on each other despite the jamming. Our own command had permitted us to keep fighting until relieved. We also have to credit your 22nd Brigade in their counter attack so far."

I have to admit, that the unexpected success of the battered 22nd Brigade, concentrated on the central sector with Team Janken was essential for the fact that Atago Hills has a better room to breath, aside from the Red barrage. There were also evidence of the American transport planes were running the gauntlet to carry reinforcements and it's equipment; mostly infantry, to shore up the beleaguered 3rd IBCT.

"Anyway, our company's callsign is Wolverine 6."

"Wolverine... anyway, any chance it's related to Red Dawn? We were made to watch it - the original 1980s one, not the remake with a close friend of mine said that he hated the latter - during training. To make us ready for the inevitable Chinese invasion, our instructors said, sir."

"Of course!" Watanabe replied. "Before I entered West Point, my father, a retired Army colonel, made me to watch it on his Netflix. He told me that with the world today, it might not be 'just a movie'. I once thought that he was paranoid. Even with his rear echelon service - in transportation corps - he's seen enough death in his tours of duty; one in Kosovo, three times in Iraq and two times in Afghanistan... But it turned out that my dad was right... Here it comes! Chinese troops!"

Watanabe rallied his platoon around the side of the mall directly facing the street, and soon lead began to be pumped on the assaulting Chinese, some with their ZBDs on tow. My turn for reloading was soon come, just in time as one soldier near me shouted the "Grenade" warning.

Private Fuji Yashio saved the day by throwing it back at Chinese soldiers ahead not long before it went off.


"That's gonna hurt" quipped my squad's heavy rifleman/sharpshooter, PFC Eri Mizutani; her sight was on her HK G28 almost all the time. Now she was looking at her latest kill, one of the Chinese sergeants.

"Here, ammo! Our robotic friends are doing their best!" exclaimed one American soldier, Private Luke Hobbs. When there was no target to engage, he voluntarily helped in passing ammunition brought in from air drops, trucks, and unmanned supply vehicles.

"There is no such thing as too much ammo." quipped Eri, as she aimed the German gun again, this time on an RPG team, before pulling the trigger. Hit. Followed by Morishima's sharpshooter PFC Nakajima, who took out one Chinese radio operator.

Then... "Man down!"

"Keep firing" was the only option here if we want to survive, Opportunities are equal, and every troopers won't know until it struck. Nevertheless, Kaori's intermittent calling for our tracks, manned and unmanned alike, to charge in and fire short bursts from its cannons before retreating was quite effective in creating a breathing space for the platoon and other friendlies in the area. The Americans got their own robots as well, their hit and run attack in mostly autonomous mode were adding to our defensive power against Chinese attacks.

"They died doing what they believe."

"Just like what we are doing now. Private!" I snapped, my eyes were still on my rifle sight, at the private who had just said that, Private First Class Wang Yu-chen, the only Chinese-descent in the squad. There was once another one named Private Goto Chang, but he's been KIA by a light machine gun. "Keep your heads low!"


2/Lt. Kaori Arima

Without warning, I heard the unmistakenly loud roar of a jet engine, then an explosion out in the dark. I knew that the Chinese would be paying for what they have done. Even with Americans had two of their vaunted supercarriers and few airbases such as Guam, Hawaii, Osan, and Okinawa knocked out or degraded, theirs and other allied air and naval power were still very much in the fight, all the way from the Himalayas to Hawaii and won enough to relieve some pressure from areas like the Philippines and Indochina down to Australia.

Colonel Okazaki had also hinted that European countries had began deploying additional ground forces to Asia, which were made easier by the fact that Egypt had closed its Suez Canal to Chinese-operated and or owned ships and even impounded some of it with the help of it's erstwhile rival Israel while icebreakers from mainly America and Canada were doing their job near 24/7 in keeping the Arctic open for an alternate convoy route independent from Panama Canal which in the initial stage of the war were blocked by a ransomware strike.


First was 122mm artillery, 120mm gun-mortars, then the heavier 155mm far behind, operated in the Chinese group army or corps level, a holdover from the Soviet and Russian influence. Everything in the book. Followed by the armor and infantry.

Some of the Coalition drones used to pinpoint Chinese assault were lost, mostly by the enemy's own drones but others managed to break through.

The whole 3rd platoon had taken up position around the commercial area around the South Iwakuni Station with I am with Morishima's squad holding a car dealer across the street, which we gained in a close combat.

--- Frag em ! Somehow two squads of PLAGF soldiers managed to evade murderous fire by passing behind an abandoned car dealer. Their drones did a good job in keeping us busy. We are on the other side on that dealership, and so my first close quarter battle commenced. My focus was only one, to get them before they kill us and that's what we did. ---

--- "Greetings to your Paramount Leader and to your generals! Follow me, platoon!" In a full throated call to fight, I let loose of everything, with three men fell to my gun. I had a lot of close calls but that was the closest a bullet ever came to hitting me was that initial burst of light machine gun fire. The PLA were firing with their guns and UGVs from the west and north. there was a lot of confusion with all the bullets whizzing past in both directions with us stuck in the middle fighting back with only cars in the parking lot as cover, and it won't be enough to stop a heavy round from an UGV. Luckily Type 24s were always ready to dish out some in the finest display of human and machine teaming, and my sharpshooters were racking up some good kills including that machinegunner who nearly shot me. Unknowingly, my men saw a wide open smile on my face after the last Red was knocked out. Uesaka was lightly injured by richocheting UGV machine gun bullet, but PFC Sawachika, one of our combat life safers, was quick." ---

"This is Kirin Yellow 6 Foxtrot. Fire mission, Hostile Tanks..."

While I had my hands full with a fresh squad of Chinese soldiers and their ZBDs that were trying to wrest the car dealer from us, my lead forward observer Sergeant Ruka Takahashi as well as those with the other units had been working under heavy fire to direct friendly artillery and drones, while enemy armor who're close enough were serviced by the LMATs, Gustavs and Panzerfausts.

Outside the city, our Type 99 howitzers were the first to respond, braving the risk of drone and air attacks with a short barrage primarily targeting the charging Chinese tanks.

Over the hilltop, the whirling sound of propellers was my way to recognize that friendly suicide drones Ohka-IIs has been launched. The Indian company were occupying the hill while the Gaijins were now defending Kawanishi area against Chinese push from Kuga-machi ward.

At one moment, the Chinese increased their infantry presence, and I saw one of the machine gun team on the car dealer's right wing that might need extra hand. With what was left of my strength after hours of combat, I sprinted for the class where the MG was located.

"Ma'am?" asked one of the crew of the medium Type 62 Kai Ni machine gun, upgraded with lighter materials and it's barrel shortened a la American M240L.

"Great work so far."

"Much appreciated ma'am..."

"Medic!" I barked as the gunner yelped upon his face got hit by rifle fire. Without thinking twice I decided to call help for one of the tracks nearby, before I grabbed the MMG by myself.

"Terauchi, I'll evacuate Corporal Ghosn, you'll help the Lieutenant with the ammo!"

"Will do, mate." At that moment, my hand had been secured on the gun, the finger on the trigger.

Oh, how much time had changed, this hand are mostly with the violin, or with the mixer and spatulas... and yet here I am, a woman with a machine gun to defend me.

Even with the standard earplug issued to all soldiers, the thud of autocannon still echoed through my ears, combined with the MG on my hand and the rest of my platoon were forcing the Chinese to crawl, some who had lost their nerves pulled back, and to my horror, behind the enemy lines I could hear sounds of a pistol being discharged...

After a relief crew took over the machine-gun from my hands, I decided to be with my observers, coordinating fire support. A friendly drone swarm managed to penetrate the Chinese jamming net to transmit the picture of a company worth of assaulting ZTQ-15 light tanks and ZBD troop carriers as a spearhead, probably aiming towards the hill itself. Part of it loitered for a slightly longer time to intercept the opposing swarm as well as looking for target of opportunity on the ground to prosecute it on its own but not in this case..

"This is Fuso, fire mission initiated, hold tight, out."

Rushing 155mm shells from the cruiser fell into the biggest threat for the hill itself; the infantry backing the tanks before another, using UAV-designated Excalibur guided shells, were fired targeting the tanks. Along with infantry hand-held anti-tank weaponry, it served as a near impenetrable curtain for the Chinese assault.

"Those scumbags are no more." that's my reaction upon the second salvo from Fuso crashed into it's targets. Then my headset recorded several splashes in the water and screeches of what must be missiles/drones. "Be advised, Fuso to all units, our task force is under missile and UAV attack, we are repositioning, out!"

Other fire mission called on that day from the hill also involved white phosphorus shell, in which when it hits personnel in the open, it burned them badly and thanks to friendlies in close proximity, it was rarely used compared to regular high explosives and smart submunitions; the latter was specially made to target armored vehicles.

The Chinese replied and in one such shelling, I was unaware until I found myself on the ground, face first.

"Ma'am, you're alright?"

"It's okay, Uesaka, Yamaguchi... ah, damn, my head..." I was outside the premise coordinating the drone hit and run strikes when the shell hit, it's force was enough to obliterate one of our robots and forced some of us to kiss the ground.


2nd Lt. Kousei Arima

Fire mission to fire mission. That's what the infantry did to support us, the tankers. Really something to be grateful, with so many tanks and armored vehicles to be dealt with in this confined space and ruin that what used be a bustling city. Those who survived the barrage and airstrike by mostly unmanned assets must face the Japanese tanks; as well as it's surrounding infantry and light armor: Japanese, American, British, and Indian alike.

To my surprise, Capt. Kawashima had ordered my platoon to move into the more open vegetable fields in Ozu-machi ward to cover it as well as the nearby cotton factory and oil storage area. We're lucky that artillery does not hit it yet.

"Switch to sabot!"

"GUNNER, TANK, 11 O'CLOCK!" After two wheeled ZBL troop carriers that were closing in at the shopping area where the Mech Platoon and the Americans had dug in had fallen to my explosive rounds, our drones detected the incoming heavy assets ready to reinforce and take over the shattered medium force. We soon identified the newcomers as ZTZ-96s. The most threatening was one on my eleven, from the coastal industrial area.

"IDENTIFIED!" Kitazawa reported. Right now, 11 already had a sabot round loaded inside the breech; the autoloader did what it was meant to do in just two seconds.


Kitazawa called "On the way! Hit! That's for Hanazono, you bastard!" and following the plan of engagement, each shot means that we have to reposition and if necessary, fire on the move.

"Get yourself together, Kitazawa! All of 14's crew are still alive!" I barked.

He growled, "But they won't be around for a while, sir!"

Sergeant Hanazono had reported two kills five minutes before, only for 14 to disappear from the platoon leader's level combat management display after multiple hits.

"Target, cease fire! Driver, back up!, Gunner, make sure that the next round is Sabot! Wait, we got transmission from the company HQ, do not load yet..."

"This is Kirin 6; we got incoming company of Type 99A tanks. All Kirin callsign, regroup on me; 100th Foreign Regt. and Team Inu are slowly being committed as well. 32nd Infantry is holding well at our center with the remaining companies of Indian 9th Sikh LI in reserve, while our right flank anchored in Shin-Iwakuni and Kawanishi station area are being held by the British and the 20th Rapid Regiment... Head to the last intersection before the Phase Line Fujiwara..."

Phase Line Fujiwara is the Nishiki river tributary itself. "Make sure you got connection with our drones."

Definitely; those little friends of us are doing 120 percent of their AI power to help us, despite their jamming.

In no time, the battered company had lined up perfect-ishly. My integral ear protection system on the helmet were doing it's best to dampen the blast of yet another artillery barrage from both sides, and the screech of multiple rocket launchers further behind friendly lines.

Then came a warning of jamming; they must be concealing their tank and infantry crossing, with the last footage from one of our recon drone before it was shot down was additional tank-launched bridges were being laid on the river.

So it begins.

When the second tank passed the main bridge, I called "FIRE!"

"ON THE WAAAY! HIT" Kitazawa fired.


There were multiple ambushes executed, using building for concealment. With the failed introduction of enemy armor for the first instance, they had decided that air support will be needed, as my headset registerd whirling and chopping sounds of what must be helicopters, and a second message from Capt. Kawashima confirmed it. "Multiple hostile choppers inbound! Z-10 and Z-20s! They must be targeting our bridgeheads! Load LAHAT!"

Along with beyond-visual range tank busting that was mainly designed for open area engagements, the LAHAT was designed to be useful in anti-helicopter role as well.

The turret swerved left, and the gun went upward.

"I see them," The commander's sight caught the full form of an enemy formation of four Chinese Z-10 attack helicopters and Z-20 transport helicopters.

"Those things are clearly a copy of our Blackhawk, sir." remarked Kitazawa.

Once the Chinese detected radar lock from one of our Type 23 HUCGV mounted anti-aircraft missile systems they immediately pumped countermeasures. But they are vulnerable to laser-guided round, and that's when I took the final decision. "Fire!"

"On the way!"

"Come on.." I took over the guidance while Kitazawa tracked ground targets of opportunity, the flight time of the missile seemed forever until...


"Yatta!" One of the Russian-designed attack helicopters got hit in its portside engine, the impact of the warhead caused it to explode in mid-air. Kirigaya fired another LAHAT that dispatched the second Z-10.

Even with a second formation of Chinese attack helicopters with suicide drone support managed to destroy some unmanned AA system in our sector, man portable SAMs such as Type 91 Hand Arrow and newer Type 19 and American Stinger Block V were waiting for them despite casualties from the killer drones, forcing several "Sinohawks" to retreat.

Configuration of Milrem Type-X (Type 23 MUCGV) for various roles

"Nice shot Lieutenant!" Watari exclaimed. Then movement ahead diverted my attention.

Four Chinese ZTZ-99As were moving to the direction that I deduced as an attempt to outflank us from the relatively open vegetable fields. I grabbed the override and jerked the turret, facing the bigger threat.


Kitazawa dropped down and yelled, "SWITCHING TO SABOT - UP!"

"IDENTIFIED!" The gunner had acquired the targets and was ready to take over from me, so I let the override go. At the same instant, the lead ZTZ suddenly switched course and soon it's turret began to traverse toward 11.

"ON THE WAAAY! TARGET DESTROYED!" Kitazawa fired, a perfect hit on the turret ring ignited the ZTZ's ammo store.


As if it was all one action, the main gun recoiled, and when Watari was about to hit the accelerator, Tank Number 11 shuddered and bucked as if's hit on its side by a massive hammer. Followed by the hiss of halon gas fire extinguishers discharging and various alarms went off.

"Crew report!" The fact that 11 has finally taken damage was something new for me.

"Gunner is okay, but sir, we got fire on the engine and the APS is down! Shall we bail out?"

"Negative, Kitazawa! Unless the Captain ordered it, we are still combat capable!" To make my point, I took my free foot and blocked Kitazawa's route out. For the briefest of moments the NCO stared at me, then got back into position. "Check the gun, now!"

"Driver is alright, but we are close to losing the engine. They will prioritize us now." Watari reported.

"I agree, but we have to keep engaging." I proved the point by the virtue of radio traffic from what was left of my platoon showing how they were engaging.

Knowing that my crew were still around was an immense relief, as I decided to pop my head back out to find out more. The fire extinguishers had managed to put out the fire, but the white smoke remained.

Across the intersection, as one of the ZTZ-99s was burning and shuddering from secondary explosion, the other three had just begun to move out, just in time for Kirigaya's Tank 12 to announce it's arrival with a blast, and then Captain Kawashima's. The embattled Chinese tank platoon however managed to call reinforcements, and not long there were two ZTZs aiming their tubes at 11.

With the damaged engine Watari can't drive as fast as he want, nevertheless with the stabilizer remained functional, we did their part to lay the gun to give the Chinese tank a riposte. Right now, the range readout digits on the bottom of the helmet-mounted sight changed. Kitazawa had ranged and gotten a good range return. 950 meters.

"I'll pop smoke, Kitazawa, you fire the main gun. Make your shot count!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Watari, after the firing, get us backwards as much as you can."

"Ready when you are, sir!"

I put on the command "Fire!"


As the gun fired I hit the grenades, covering 11 with a curtain of white smoke. "SWITCH TO THERMAL!"

"UP!" Kitazawa announced. "Thank Kami-sama. I thought it got busted!"

While Watari was driving with the engine state in mind, "STAND BY TO ENGAGE." Just in time for one ZTZ-99 - which I thought was a company commander by it's marking - managed to slip by to charge down straight at Tank 11. It's gun aimed straight at the front.




Both tanks fired at the same time and both hit. The difference was that the Chinese round hit the most protected part of the tank; it's frontal armor, shattering the penetrator upon impact. On the other hand, 11 found it's mark directly between the turret and the hull. There was the flash of impact followed in rapid succession by secondary explosions thanks to the fragment of our penetrator dart, red hot, had reached the ammunition carousel on the Chinese tank's hull. The first series ripped off the turret of the ZTZ, flinging the hunk of metal high in the air as if it was cardboard. The turret slammed into the ground and flopped over upside down. A quick scan of the area revealed that the other ZTZ that we had engaged was burning fiercely, just as my engine finally sputtered and gave up.

"They are good fighters, as much as us."

It was pitch black now, and the slowly receding tide has been clear to us with drone feed showed retreating Chinese infantry and armor hounded by our fighters, drones, as well as attack helicopters.

"Kirin White 6 Actual to Kirin 6, we're out of commission and cannot move, please advise, over."

Kawashima's reply was instant. "White actual, Bail out, I repeat, Bail. Out. Stay near Tank 11 until repair crew arrives. Eagle 6 had called for replacement engine."

A bad news that means that we won't be available for a while especially for my love. In addition, 32nd Infantry's Team Taro brought us another tragedy - Lieutenant Kusunoki was no more after an enemy tank fire that penetrated his own; his driver and gunner was severely wounded.


Watari brought me back to earth.

"Gentlemen... we have a tank to protect! Bail out!"


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