Extra Chapter: Once in a Lifetime

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Maj. Saitou Tachikawa
JAXA - Japanese Imperial Aerospace Defense Force

Months after I am back on earth...

Before Christmas, a special guest arrived at the JAXA Training Center, by the name of General Tojo, the Aerospace Force commander.

He told me personally, and several more on the physical training room. "On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief... you're going to America for a special program with chosen partners."

First step was multiple paperworks to sign, a good old written signature in lieu of electronic ones. Then to the more exciting part, the trip to America.

The flight alongside old companions that I know including my superior Colonel Nanba, and six enlisted men with commando bearings was beyond imagination, On the tarmac we're dropped off, the plane that's waiting for us stood tall. No military or government symbols of any kind on the fuselage, just "November" civilian registrations. It has more resemblance of a fighter plane with passenger windows rather than typical business jets. The overall sleek and smooth of it's design with refined sharp noses and two engines with fighter like appearances bore an obvious implication on how fast this thing could fly.

"How many secret stuff Americans actually hid in their bosoms?" I wondered.

"Welcome aboard Lockheed Martin-Aerion Sonic Star III" My first taste of American hospitality as flight attendants ushered us into the jet's interior, which as stylish as was expected of a government jet, and for comfort, it's obviously a league of it's own compared to the joint KARI (1)-JAXA-ESA robotic shuttle Friendship that was used to bring us to Mirai/Mirae back and forth.

"... This is your captain speaking... once we take off, we're taking the shortest route to exit these mountains and Honshu Island, with so many planes especially fighters are in the air as well as drones and transports carrying supplies to the war effort... and then about 10 minutes after take off, we'll go supersonic and once we are one point five times the speed of sounds, we do not need the afterburner anymore as this bird can super-cruise, maintaining supersonic flight without afterburner. We can also hit two times and half if there is an urgent need to reach the Continental United States...

The first impression on this bird was it's takeoff run is just the same as your regular airplane while it's shorter thanks to the use of afterburner, with the new normal arrangements of seeing jet powered drones circling overhead, even with the airport itself was relatively untouched so far, being in the center of the mountainous Nagano Prefecture. When flight trackers showed us that we're now off the main islands, the fun started with the captain's announcement.

"We're about to switch the afterburners... ladies and gentlemen, you may feel the airplane give very small lurches as they fire up, and very soon afterwards we will be going supersonic so keep your eyes on the screen..."

"Here we go!" muttered the only woman in our group and fellow Mirai/Mirae duty veteran, Captain Yukiko Kotobuki. "This is just like my actress days." referring to her past when she was still a kid, before her path changed irrevocably to the point that she's now with us, the lovers of space and a Defender.

Thinking on my love as well as that station, somehow I clasped my hands, beseeching whatever spirit that is guiding our flight today.

Like a flash, as the plane slowed down, it also began descending in a relatively rapid rate, which, to be honest, are similar to our shuttle... Even my observation confirmed that the attendants were more than aware, with one of them, probably the youngest, had some discomfitures.

Another Captain's announcement came out as the screen in front of our seat showed that we're subsonic again. "Welcome to the United States of America... According to the flight plan and map approved by the highest level of command authority, we are now approaching the state of Nevada... And all the time, this flight is protected by a next generation electronic and cyber warfare system of systems, which, I can say, are pissing off those commies more with so many diverse sets of data that we have... and finally, our guests can focus on our port and starboard side..."

"Look, Sergeant. F-16s" said one of our enlisted escort.

"Those are not your usual F-16s." The reply came from the Captain. It's appearance and that reply was enough for us to figure out the truth behind the six-ship fighters that are now protecting us.

But a bigger surprise came as the outline of the deserts of Nevada State greeted our eyes and the awaited moment of landing.

"All of our guests, you are to get off this plane in 10 seconds.." a direct instruction from the captain after the plane stopped in one of the hangars.

"You gonna be kidding me!"

"Is this...?"

More questions than answers, as upon disembarkations, government-looking civilians and desert-clad armed personnel were on standby to usher us deep into the bowels of the famous U.S Air Force testing facility that we're now inside.

"This is a standard procedure, especially when dealing with foreigners. Even our allies. Cannot be too careful nowadays." said one of the agents up front.

And these were only the first phase of things to come.


(1). Abbreviation for Korea Aerospace Research Institute, South Korean space agency similar to US NASA and Europe's European Space Agency (ESA)

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