Titles and Responsibilities

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January 25th, 2026

1000 Hours, Camp Asaka, Nerima
Tokyo, Imperial State of Japan
Third Person POV

It just another taxing day for the commander of the Eastern Army Lt. Gen Aoki Uehara, his skeleton staffs present within the garrison, and other officers, present and remote, who liaise with other components of the Defense Forces, foreign allies within IPSDC and NATO as well as the civilian authority.

Formalities finished, and after the first agenda about the redeployment of Nerima Division from the US, the garrison proceeded into the main agenda.

"It has been decided. This army will serve as a core of a Korea-based multinational (IPSDC/NATO) hakengun (expeditionary army corps in English), as we all know on how the Koreans won't hold much longer and multiple brigades of theirs had been withdrawn from the front line [for refit and replenishment]."

That day, it's also been decided it will be given proper designation in it's own.

"Let's name it using a castle in this country." said General Uehara, in which the staffs inside and those attending from their screens went on to put their proposition, in the end, the name of Shirasagi was taken. Literally meaning "white egret bird" but in this case, it refers to Himeji-jo - a UNESCO World Heritage historical Japanese castle in the city under the same name, in Hyōgo Prefecture (1).

"We have to credit the Americans who offered us their unit first. A newly formed cavalry regiment to serve as Shirasagi eyes and ears... they even reserved one division, still in their own homeland, to possibly fight under our command... it's about time for the giant to take more burden it means to be, anyhow... "

His planning officer, a major general, nodded, then took his turn. "That [American army division] will probably be for rotation later on as time comes and attrition kicks in." The interactive map inside the room then changed into the Korean Peninsula one, showing the planned positioning of the Shirasagi Expeditionary Corps.

"As we're speaking, the first element of Indian 5th Infantry Division are now in Japan, before being transported to Korea to serve as our tactical reserve alongside the currently present and full-strength German 9th Panzerlehr Brigade of their 1st Panzer Division with a mixed Norwegian-led Nordic battlegroup (regimental combat team) reinforcing it, fully furnished with latest iterations of Leopard 2 tanks... Another Leopard tank unit had also be confirmed as present with the Germans and Norwegians, this time, the element of Indonesian 1st Cavalry Brigade of their 7th Division, plus a Polish-Lithuanian detachment, also heavy armor with K2 tanks and Anders IFV.. Our objective is to be another hammer, either behind, or in front of the Koreans committing their two Maneuver Corps - when that time comes for them to get out there. Or as fire brigades in case things go wrong... Furthermore there is also US I Corps ready to assist us with their own heavy hitters including a reinforced heavy division, the 1st Cavalry Division."

"So be it... let's go to work, ladies and gentlemen, we don't have much time!" It was the closing word from General Uehara.


February 2nd, 2026

1LT Kousei Arima
Imperial State of Japan

A normal-ish Christmas passed by in the United States, and finally the Nerimas had just been redeployed back to Japan with multiple airlift operations, but most equipments were still carried by ships.

On the train carried us from Tokyo to Gotemba...

"Day 337 of the War in Asia... Today there are a lot of updates. On the sea, the first news came from the Northern Pacific..."

Losses were there. The Youtube narration in English showed the news confirming that one ship carrying a part of our armored fist got hit by Chinese subs that managed to penetrate our screens, and damaged two more within the convoy.

Yet our training goes on, since our regimental, brigade, and division commanders received their orders about the future deployment of the Nerimas. Those rumors from our time in America turned out correct - our next deployment would be in Korea like where the Northern Army's 2nd Mechanized Division and Northeastern Army's 6th Rapid Deployment Division had been deployed, and our leaders want the 1st to get into shape faster, as more and more reports came in about multiple Korean and some allied formations that were now in rotation, and even refit, with Japan being the nearest point of such activities. Such need for replacement and training was also made clear to be the reason of Northern Army's 7th Armored Division's official disbandment three weeks ago - high command want their resources to be spread wider, and also to retain its personnel.

My parents had revealed when Kaori and I was in America, they had housed four Korean army man and women in their house as they were either recuperating or simply awaiting to be reorganized and reequipped. The Numazu Ecumenical Church, the local mosque for the minority Islamic community, as well as Shinto and Buddhist temples around Numazu had also served as transit and lodging point for not just Koreans, but also other Coalition forces on their way to the Peninsula; Americans, French, Belgians, Germans, Indians, Italians, Turkish, British, Canadians, Malaysians, Indonesians, and many more. Same case as Kaori's, there were cases of them allowing non-Japanese allied soldiers for temporary lodgings.

Back to the training field on the Mount Fuji area, where we (most of the time) were training alongside South Koreans, like what we saw in America, to the point that we began to pick up some of their words, and even sing their songs...


"an-gaekkin sanmaru saebyogeul neomeogalttae-e..." (when the misty ridge crossed the dawn)
"byeolbiche bitnaneun eomeonim-ui nundongja..." (mother's eyes shining in the starlight)
"jeonjin jeonjin tto jeonjin, bulgul-ui gaseumeuro" (Forward, Forward, Forward, with an indomitable heart)
"jikija nae sanha imom dahalttaekkaji!" (let's protect it (Korea) until my body runs out!)

In return, some of them were also eager to practice Japanese.

"I watched Sakamichi Series (2) concerts. Especially Nogizaka46, when I was able to take a day off." one day, said one South Korean tank lieutenant, older than me, in Japanese.

"Sugoi" (That's cool). I replied. "I learned to play their songs with piano too, both in high school as well as in University."

That fellow, named Sin yong-jin, was once an office worker in the city of Pohang before being mobilized. Now, he's learning to operate and command a Type 10 tank, some of those big guns that we managed to spare to be given to the Koreans as aid, as much as their own designs like K2 Black Panthers were increasing in terms of production rate, either in Changwon, a southern coastal city 35 km from the fortified port city of Busan, or in America, Malaysia, India, as well as Poland. He learned Japanese initially as a second foreign language lesson other than English, before he jumped into being an J-pop fan as much as he appreciated his own country's pop culture big names. Furthermore, that company that he worked for did a lot of business with Japan.

"Anyway, you should know that the official SNS accounts of the North Geongsang Province had long followed many prefectural accounts of yours, including Tokyo, but particularly, the Hiroshima Prefecture where the City of Pohang are twinned with Fukuyama City, also Niigata Prefecture where the City of Jōetsu - another twin city of Pohang - is located."

"Well, Lieutenant Toyosaki here" I pointed at my fellow tank platoon leader under Kirin Company. "He is a born Tokyoite like me, but his family was originally from Jōetsu, and he told me on how he often paid them a visit, during his NDA days in particular."

"NDA... It's like our Yuggunsagwanhaggyo..?" the Korean replied, still in Japanese. Toyosaki then took his turn, explained to him briefly on the difference of National Defense Academy of Japan with the Korea Military Academy or KMA also called Hwarangdae by the Koreans, in terms of organization and course, before he changed the conversation. "Hear me out, Yong-jin kun... the people of Niigata, and all across Japan, are standing side by side with the Free Koreans, here and now, Jōetsu are doing it's part in housing both refugees and also soldiers, despite it's not a major city.... much more if we talk about Osaka (3). Besides, in our brigade, one of our higher level commander is [ethnically] Korean. Jungnyeong (4) Cha Yong-su."

"Thank you, everyone. Korea will always remember your service and generosity, also we credit the Americans - they made us see beyond our tragic past to be closer to each other."

We're all aware what he's referring to, and we looked ahead for that time when we finally in Korea.


1LT Kaori Arima

Off the field, our activities were largely involved preparations for deployment in our respective forward quarters dotting the Mount Fuji area, with a notable event on February 11th - National Foundation Day - to the shock of everyone, our brigade commander Colonel Yamabuki as well as the 1st Brigade commander Colonel Nobuhiro Asahara - absolutely no family relation to that domestic terrorist - came to Komakado with news from Ichigaya. Furthermore, it's been confirmed that commanders of the 1st Artillery Brigade, 1st Logistical Support Brigade and 1st Combat Support and Protection Brigade as well as separate regiments directly reporting to division such as air defense, aviation, and the engineers were also currently visiting their commands.

"We cannot be here for longer, in respect of concern against any attack targeting this base on it's most vulnerable moment" Yamabuki started.

"His Excellency the Prime Minister of Japan on behalf of His Imperial Majesty as the Commander-in Chief of the Defense Forces had declared the following..."

...In respect to the distinctive performance in combat duty by 1st Division... 3rd Division... 10th Division... 7th Division... Central Readiness... 12th Mountain Air Assault Brigade... 1st Airborne Brigade... 4th Division, 8th Division..."

"... the following unit above, along with being awarded the theater honor of "National Defense Campaign, Phase 1" has been hereby designated as "Emperor's Own" with it's accompanying privileges..."

And with that, everyone present in the parade ground watched as the TV screen in front of us broadcasted from Camp Asaka the ritual of adding streamers - inscribed ribbon with the name and date denoting participation in combat, in this case the campaign for the defense of this nation - into divisional, brigades and regimental banners and separate companies' guidons, followed by the other streamer denoting our status as elite, other than those in JSOCOM spec-ops community who're also received the same designation on their unit names.

Times passed and a new order arrived.

"Korea here we come..." that's the reaction of Tsubaki and the rest of the platoon NCOs upon I broke the news, followed by the privates. Newer faces were generally much more eager, but quickly dissipated by the gaze of veterans.

For sure, I glad that I am still to fight side by side with people I know and love, especially with Kousei. Although he would clearly be need to adapt with a new arrangement.

Now assembled once again on the start of April, the first to speak was the now-Major General Narazaki from Tokyo. His keynote speech reinforced what we had learned about the situation on the Korean Peninsula and a need for fresh reinforcements. Followed by the constant need to be alert especially when it comes to their digital signature. Then, the more explosive part came.

"...Most of you will come back! It's okay to be scared, but heroes are those who keep fighting despite their fear, no matter the situation. Especially, because heroes fight as a team!"

"Think not just about yourself... but your buddy, your loved ones besides you, in front of you, behind you! Then our Coalition allies! Cowards are like trash that need to be taken out before it spreads all sorts of diseases and maladies, remember that."

"The surest way to win this war and stop any possible nuclear annihilation... is to throw those Commies out, start by taking Pyongyang. It's overdue for the Koreans to be only under one government. And to make it happen, we shall attack and defend with precision and strength. We shall show those bastards that we have more guts and brains than them, side by side with our friends and allies all around the globe! You are not given the title of Emperor's Own without reason, never disgrace it!"

"I'll close this by quoting a famous American general and adjust it to our realities... Then there's one thing you men and women of Nerima will be able to say when this war is over and you get back home. Thirty years from now when you're sitting by your Kotatsu with your grandkids and he or she asks, 'What did you do in World War Three?' You won't have to cough and say, 'Well, your granddad or grandma shoveled turd somewhere in the mountains.' No sir, ma'am, you can look at them straight in the eye and say 'Kid, your granddad and or grandma rode with the finest heavy division of the Japanese Army, the 1st "Nerima" Division, Emperor's Own, Guardians of the Capital of Japan!"

A wish for the best, and the connection stopped.


SSGT. Sawabe Tsubaki

Waiting was the next game... and it also means learning something new everyday about other men and women of this platoon, this particular platoon under my best friend -turned-superior.

"Anybody got a story to pass the time?"

The one who answered was one of the newer guy, Private Kaito Yoshikawa.

"Me... either I go to the army, or jail. And even with that, in jail, you gonna have to shut up to do work of national importance nowadays, like in ammo factories, missile factories, or even in the rice fields."

"What's your charge?" Asked Leading Private Tachibana.

"Stealing, Was really broke, trying my luck in a konbini... "

"For once, let me say this" I started. "You have picked up a good choice"

"Well if I'm go to jail and just do good, I might just go out in just one year, but I know what I'm doing, you know..."

Most of us chuckled.

1LT Kaori Arima

Another time passed, and Team Kirin got their turn, now here in the tarmac of Shizuoka Airport, freshly repaired after several sabotage and also drone and missile strikes, now functioned as air base by all means and purposes. C-130s - both ours and Americans, and larger Kawasaki-made C-2s lined up, anti-air batteries including those manned by National Guardsmen were always on the lookout.

I also couldn't take my minds away from the 24/7 working logisticians and sailors - especially mobilized civilian ferries - that carried most of our equipment, to the point that I folded my hands, beseeching the Lord.

Short words from Captain Kawashima then came with the main essence being "Never disgrace yourself and your comrades" and here we go. Some folks got Boeing and Airbus airliners, Liberty Lifter GEVs, or fast ferries to carry them, but for most of us, rugged transporters were the mean.

Not long after uneventful take-off... "Ma'am, please play for us" one of my veteran - that Chinese descent PFC Wang Yu-Chen told me when the C-130 finally reached cruising altitude along with the escorting fighters and drones outside.

"Request granted, Unfortunately, I can only do it when we're landed in Korea." As much as he must be disappointed on how I could not access my violin which are in a separate baggage container, only our kit bag with weapons that were in our lap right now, but everything has been organized for our own good.

True to the general's word, it's not our time to die... yet.



(1). Himeji Castle's pure white-plastered walls resemble a dancing white heron-known locally as a Shirasagi-with wings outstretched, earning it the nickname Shirasagi-jo (Shirasagi Castle)

(2) Sakamichi Series (Japanese: 坂道シリーズ, "Sloping Roads Series") refers to a Japanese idol group franchise that began with Nogizaka46, an "official" rival group of AKB48 (AKB means Akihabara), produced by Akimoto Yasushi. It currently consists of four groups: Nogizaka46, Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46, and Yoshimotozaka46.

(3) In Japan, other than in the Greater Tokyo Area, Osaka Prefecture is the region with significant amount of Korean diaspora population, called Zainichi Kankoku/Chosenjin

(4). Jungnyeong is South Korean translation for the rank of Lieutenant Colonel/Navy Commander/Wing Commander (Commonwealth air forces only), or in Japanese, Nitto Rikusa.

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