Wattpad Friends Group Picture

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Hey y'all! About two weeks ago, I started drawing a 'group picture' of me with some of my Wattpad friends, and here it is! The drawn people are ruddergrl (me), Fruit_Spice, -honeyandtea, Chamops, Livien467, NeonKittyPoptart, BlueDiamondKat, Artistic_Author, InkAndGraphite, and _Frostpelt_. If you aren't pictured, it's because of one or two things. 1: I couldn't be bothered to draw more than ten cats. 2: Your character is a dog, dragon, etc., and I can't draw those. xD

Here's the rough draft:

And the final result:

I'm quite proud of all of this, especially since I drew the sketches of all of these cats within twenty-four hours. That's insane for me! The most that I'd drawn before that on one page was for an art contest last winter, and that was only five cats! Well, they were full-body while these aren't, but let's not get hung up on that. x3

I really improved my cart (cat-art) skills while making this. xD I learned how to properly put in nose-ridges, and where the planes of the face should go. Also, I think that I've finally started figuring out ear fur and eye shapes. Hah, I kind of stole Finchwing's eye coloring style. I like it. It's simple, yet complex. I hope that I got better with expressions, but that never really seems to happen. Lol.

I'm sorry if your character is too big, small, fluffy, short-haired, etc. 0.0 My real-life reference pictures seem to determine what my drawing looks like, and not me. Here's some close-ups, with some sappy stuff written below them.

Eyyy, it's me! xD The stripes shall go on foreverrrr

^ Yep, definitely sappy rudder.

There's Fruit! Oh, guys, I forgot to mention that I got this 'group friends drawing' idea from Fruit_Spice. If you haven't already, be sure to check them out! Hah, Fruit, I saw that in the reference sheet description, Spade is said to be "slate-gray", so I actually stole his pelt colors from a picture of legitimate slate. Seriously though, you really do mean a lot to me Fruit_Spice. We've known each other for over a year on here, and I'm looking forward to more awesome adventures. I wonder where the world of Wattpad will take us?

Here's the fantastic -honeyandtea! x3 Girl, you are always so kind, helpful, caring, yet mysterious. I've had a blast with you so far (especially with roleplaying xD), and I'm glad to call you my friend.

Here's the phantasmagorical Chamops! I've known you for over a year now, too, and I'm so happy about that! You've gone so far since we first met. You aren't just a pawesome artist- you're a spirited person who deserves every hug in the world.

Eyyyy, here's the floof cat! xD Livien467, you have grown into yourself a lot since you first joined Wattpad, and I'm glad about that. You're on your way to becoming an even better animator and artist, and I can't wait to see where your improvement takes you. :3

NeonKittyPoptart...it's true that I'm very upset about your leaving of Wattpad. You have continued to inspire me with all that you do, and I hope that you do good wherever you go. I've seen you in many moods, beginnings, and endings, and I hope that you'll be around to have some more fun if or when you return. If you do come back, know that I'll be here.

BlueDiamondKat, I've known you for ages now, and I'm glad about that! xD I believe that we met in the winter of 2016-2017, when I was desperate for some more people in my old Jayfeather fanclub. I searched up usernames with the word 'Jayfeather' in them, and yours happened to have that, so I advertised to you. xD You are cool and awesome, and I can't wait to have some more good times.

Hi Artistic_Author. xD I know you in real life, but I talk to you more on here than the outside world, so I guess that you're a Wattpad friend? I don't really know. You've been cool on here, and I'm sorry (not really) that I've had your older sister bug you about roleplay stuff. Hah, we've had some good times, haven't we?

Here's your cat, InkAndGraphite! I remember when, over a year ago, we roleplayed a ton of craziness with Ravenpaw/dusk, Robinpaw/thorn, Pebble, etc. Hah, so much has happened since then. You've been so awesome, and I'm looking forward to more great times.

And, last but not least, is the majestic _Frostpelt_! x3 Last year, after you were gone for several months, I thought that I'd never talk to you again. Hah, I just about jumped into the Texas sky in surprise when I saw that you'd gotten a new phone and all of that jazz. Thank goodness you did! You've always been a great friend to me on here, and you still are.

So, that's just about it. Once again, if you aren't up here, that doesn't mean that you aren't my friend! It means that I got lazy. xD Love y'all!

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