Red Velvet & Love Letters II

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A/N: Cheese. So much cheese. And smut. Never forget the smut. Hope you all enjoy, eheueueu. Don't forget to vote and comment! <3


Red Velvet & Love Letters II

Abel Langdon felt his heart pounding uncontrollably underneath his ribcage as he made work of the cupcakes in the display in the sweet shop. In front of him, Tobias Hudson was humming and cleaning the tables. Abel bit his lip and couldn't help peeking up at the other man from underneath his eyelashes.

Tobias was looking right at him, a happy grin on his face. He winked when he noticed Abel looking and the chubby man felt his cheeks burn with a furious blush as he quickly tore his gaze back to the cupcakes, his hands shaking unsteadily at the attention, heartbeat going haywire and stomach filling up with butterflies.

He still couldn't believe that the incredibly handsome and kind man in front of him was his boyfriend. He had to seriously pinch himself sometimes just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. And to make it worse, Tobias just loved to remind him about their relationship.

It had been nearly two months, and Abel was afraid he wasn't going to get used to the abundance of love and affection Toby seemed to be pouring his way. Toby had taken him on dates and held his hand and kissed him on his doorstep and romanced him so much until Abel wasn't sure he knew what romance even was anymore.

Everyone in the shop knew about their budding relationship and that only made Abel even shier and more self-conscious than he'd been before because he could see it in some of their gazes.

You're too fat for him.

You don't deserve him.

He deserves better.

Wait until he sees a skinny piece of ass. You'll be gone in a wink.

"Excuse me?" a female voice asked rudely and Abel nearly jumped out of his skin.

It was late afternoon. The day had passed in a daze and he felt himself flushing when he realized he'd done it again – thinking about Tobias made the world seem to fade in the background. He was holding his clipboard, hand poised to write an order.

He shook his head a little to clear his thoughts. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, "What would you like to order?"

"I said I'd like a club sandwich and a hot chocolate, fat ass," the girl who could be no older than eighteen growled and Abel felt a stab of pain in his chest at the insult.

He smiled shakily at her and resisted the maddening urge to tug at the hem of his oversized t-shirt to hide his bulging stomach. "C-Coming right up. Anything else?"

"Make it snappy. I have an appointment," she replied as she rudely brought out a mirror from her purse to check that her lip gloss was still intact.

"Right away, Miss," Abel replied softly and then he left to the back of the shop to make the order.

Toby was watching with barely concealed fury. This was why he hated that Abel worked in the sweet shop because human beings were disgusting creatures that couldn't help but want to feel superior, so they did everything in their power to shove people beneath them because of their flaws.

He made his way to the back where Abel was probably getting the order and leaned over his back to kiss him on the cheek, startling him and nearly making him drop the mug of hot chocolate he was making.

"Tobias!" he scolded, his cheeks firing up with their usual blush, the involuntary action making Toby's stomach clench hard.

"Why don't I get that for you?" Toby asked sweetly, sturdy hands moving to cup his big hips.

Abel felt every nerve suddenly stand on alert at the feel of Toby touching him and he was seriously about to start hyperventilating, suddenly hyper aware of his bulging stomach and sausage fingers. He clenched his hands into fists, suddenly wanting to hide, feeling so vulnerable for reasons he didn't understand.

Toby, unaware of his boyfriend's reaction, removed his hands from his hips and the man moved to stand beside him, gently nudging his hip with his. "Hmm? You on earth, darling?"

Abel's cheeks burned hot and his gaze dropped to the floor and he shuffled his feet shyly. "Tobias..."

"Don't protest. Come on, hand me her order. There's a guy on twenty-five and a woman with her son on sixteen. Could you help me with that?"

Abel's cheeks darkened and he refused to meet Toby's gaze. "Yeah. Okay."

"Thanks. Love you," Toby planted a quick kiss on his lips, the soft smack loud in their little corner, took the order and was out in a flourish before Abel could even respond.

Abel's entire face was hot and he seriously felt like his heart was going to pound right out of his chest. God, Tobias, I love you.

"One club sandwich and a hot chocolate?" Toby said with a grin and the minute the bitch looked up at him, noticing that her waiter was different, her entire demeanour changed and she beamed a bright smile at him, flickering her eyelashes seductively.

"That's me!" she said with a fake giggle that made Toby inwardly barf.

He dropped the order on the table. "Will that be all, Miss?"

"For now," she giggled again, letting her gaze unnervingly run all over Toby's body. Ugh, disgusting.

He wasn't going to let her get away with making Abel feel like shit, though.

"I love your dress," he said and she was about to smile when he continued in a sickly sweet voice, "Did your mum pick it out for you?"

She sputtered, eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

Toby leaned down to whisper, still smiling but his eyes were hard. "The next time you come inside this shop and so much as look at my boyfriend again, petty insults aren't the only thing you're going to get." He got up and then smiled even wider, "By the way, you might want to redo the fake eyelash on your right eye – that is not pretty."

And then he was walking away from her, grinning at the sound of her shocked gasp. The minute he got to the back of the shop, Abel was rounding in on him.

"Tobias! You shouldn't keep doing that!" he scolded gently, his cheeks flushed and Toby knew even without the chubby man saying it that he was pleased with what he did.

Toby smiled dopily at him. "Do you want to go out tonight? There's this new restaurant opening on Eleventh Street."

"Oh," Abel blinked in surprise before his gaze was falling to the floor shyly. "Oh. Yeah. I'd...I'd like that very much, thank you."

Toby felt something in his chest swell. Gosh, how Abel could still be this bashful and pleased each time Toby asked him out on a date would forever be a mystery to him. But he didn't want this cute part of Abel to ever end. He loved it so much. He loved him so much.


"Thank you so much for another wonderful date," Toby said softly when they finally got to Abel's doorstep later that night. They'd gone to the new restaurant and ate and talked and laughed and Toby felt as madly in love with Abel as he'd been that very first night he'd kissed him and realized his feelings, on this same doorstep.

"I – thank you," Abel replied shyly.

"I love you," Toby smiled, tilting Abel's face up to their eyes met and held, "I love you so much."

Abel's big brown eyes seemed to shine with awe and feeling. "I love you too."

Toby leaned down to kiss him passionately on his lips, making sure they were both breathless when he pulled away. "Goodnight, love. I'll call you when I get home."

"I-I..." Abel stuttered nervously, hands suddenly playing with the hem of his shirt.

Toby frowned, his hands still cupped around Abel's soft cheeks. "What? What is it?"

"Do you want to come in?" Abel finally blurted, his cheeks turning the same shade of a fire truck.

Toby felt his heart skip, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. In the two months they've been dating, this was the first time Abel was inviting him in. "Oh. Is that – only if you want? Can I?"

"Yeah. Yes. I do. Want it, that is," Abel stumbled over his words, his face burning.

"Come on then," Toby grinned and Abel smiled at him shakily before turning around to open his door. He led Toby to the sitting room and gestured at the couch.

"I'll, uhm...I'll put some tea on. You can switch on the TV."

Toby nodded and made his way to the sitting room while Abel disappeared into the kitchen. Abel felt like his heart was going to hammer out of his ribcage. Oh God, Tobias was in his house. Oh God. For some reason, he'd wanted to be close to Toby, fantasized about snuggling up to him on his couch and the thoughts made him blush like a schoolgirl about to get her first kiss.

He quickly made the tea – sweet, rich and milky just the way he and Toby liked it – and got the customary slices of red velvet from his fridge.

His stomach was rumbling with butterflies when he got on the couch and Tobias was instantly pulling him close so that he was indeed snuggling up against his side, like he'd been reading his mind or something. His entire body filled with warmth as they both ate their slices of cake and sipped their tea, the sound of some random show on the TV lulling.

Toby was so full of love he felt like he was about to burst with it. The feel of Abel snuggled up against his side, head resting on his shoulder felt amazing – was more than he'd ever dreamed of. He stared down at his boyfriend, at his golden brown hair and the way he daintily held his cup in his hands, sipping gently from his tea.

Abel noticed him staring and looked up, their gazes locking. The air in-between them suddenly became electric.

"You've got...something..." Toby whispered before leaning down to capture Abel's lips with his.

Abel let out a small sound, like a mewl and Toby felt arousal bloom in his tummy. The kiss was different from all the other kisses they'd shared – there was an undercurrent of desire that their previous kisses had never had and Toby suddenly wanted Abel so badly he couldn't think.

His mouth tasted like cake and milky rich tea, his breath hot and mingling with Toby's and fuck, Toby's cock was about to burst out of his pants. He fumbled to place Abel's cup on the table before gently pushing him onto the couch so he was lying on his back, licking and sucking on his lips and when Abel began to shyly explore his mouth as well, his tongue bashfully licking out to taste Toby's lips, the older man felt his hips jerk a little, thighs shaking.

"God, Abel, I want you," he moaned headily, sitting up and immediately getting rid of his shirt.

"O-Oh," Abel whispered, his eyes wide as he stared at all that beautiful brown skin exposed for his gaze, the taut stomach and sinewy muscles.

Toby smiled shakily at him, holding his hands and then placing them on his chest. "Go on," he whispered huskily, "touch me."

Abel sucked his plump lower lip into his mouth and Toby bit his own lip at the sight, lust burning in his system. His soft chubby hands moved gently over his skin, almost reverently like he didn't want to break him and Toby balanced himself on his knees, grabbing Abel's hands and pushing them down to cup his ass and squeeze. Abel squeaked at the action, the tips of his ears burning red while Toby groaned.

"Don't stop," he whispered before leaning down to kiss him again, tangling their tongues together heatedly.

Toby kissed him almost furiously, groaning against his mouth as Abel shyly squeezed his ass rhythmically, making soft sounds in the back of his throat. Toby instantly wanted to touch him too, wanted to feel Toby's soft bare skin against his and he was suddenly sitting up and helping Abel out of his shirt.

The minute the shirt was off however, Abel began to panic. His hands immediately shot up to cover his chest and his breath started coming out in fast, panicked huffs, his entire body stiffening with apprehension.

Toby, ever perceptive of his boyfriend's moods, instantly noticed and pulled back, his gaze dark, "Abel? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I-I..." Oh God, he couldn't breathe. He'd never felt so exposed in his life, it was like Toby could see his very soul. His hands tightened around his chest and his eyes suddenly blurred with tears.

"Abel," Toby whispered gently and his shirt was suddenly back and covering him, and he was instantly able to breathe again, clutching at the shirt like a lifeline and making sure every single inch of his fat self was covered with it.

Toby pulled him up so that he was sitting and then hugged him tightly, stroking his hair. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have rushed this. I'm so, so sorry."

Abel didn't even understand why his chest felt so tight, he couldn't even speak, throat clogged up. Each time he opened his mouth, he felt like he was going to burst into tears and it made him feel weak and stupid.

When he finally got his voice, he had to swallow repeatedly before he could mutter, "'m fine."

Toby helped him put his shirt back on and then dragged him into his arms, burying his face in his chest and Abel still felt stiff and vulnerable, clenching his eyes shut and hating himself so much at that moment. He just felt fat and ugly and disgusting and even Toby's loving words whispered in his ear weren't helping to make him feel any better.

"You know you're perfect, right?" Toby was whispering, "You're fucking perfect and I wish you'd believe me. I wish you knew just how much I wanted you. How much I truly love you."

Abel nodded into his chest. "I know."

"I'm not going to push, okay? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I love you."

"Love you too," Abel mumbled shyly into his shirt, his hands gently fisting the material. I truly don't deserve you, Tobias.

They remained like that, falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch until morning came.


Almost another two months have passed since the heaviest make out session Abel has ever had in his life. Tobias still kissed him and held his hand and true to his word, he didn't push. In fact, it was as if he was thoroughly content with their relationship, not even hinting that he wanted more from Abel – except at times like these where Toby couldn't quite keep his desire out of his kisses and ended up practically bruising Abel's lips with his own.

Abel would notice the way Tobias would stare at his mouth sometimes, his eyes dark or how one time they'd come back from dinner and were kissing in the car and Toby's hips were actually, minutely writhing in his seat, thighs shifting restlessly.

Those were the signs of how badly Tobias wanted him.

It made Abel hotter than hell.

Now, they were once again in his house, snuggled up on the couch and Toby had one hand wrapped around Abel, the other playing with his iPad.

Abel felt incredibly self-conscious because Tobias was currently, distractedly drawing hypnotizing patterns over the jut of his hips, his fingers unerringly running over the subtle bumps of his stretch marks. He bit his lip, once again feeling awkward and vulnerable.

"Tobias..." he whispered.


"You're...uhm...your hand is..."

Realizing what he was doing, Toby immediately stopped with a blush, pulling Abel's shirt down to cover his exposed hip. "Whoops! Sorry. I just...they feel nice."

Abel blinked. "They feel nice," he repeated blankly.

Toby blushed harder. "Sorry."

He went back to focusing on whatever he was doing on his iPad while Abel felt the ghost of Toby's fingers on his hip, tracing over the unattractive dark brown marks that reminded him of what a pudgy whale he was.

They feel nice.

Abel didn't know what suddenly got to him but he was suddenly grabbing Toby's face in his hands and kissing him so hard that Tobias squeaked in surprise, nearly falling off the couch, grabbing onto his arms and steadying himself. When he finally pulled away, Toby's cheeks were flushed and his lips were swollen and wet, eyes dazed.

"I – not that I'm complaining but...what was that for?" he asked breathlessly, eyes wild.

Abel didn't speak, taking Toby's hand and placing it under his shirt, on his bare hip. Almost like his fingers were on autopilot, they immediately rubbed over his skin, finding the bumps of his stretch marks and lightly tracing over them distractedly. Abel shivered uncontrollably, for the first time in his life, those marks that always made him feel ugly and undesirable made him feel the opposite.

"I'm ready," he whispered.

Toby felt his heart skip a beat. "Oh."

"Not...not right now, of course. But I want you to know. I'm ready and I want...I want us to take...I want to be intimate with you." His cheeks and ears were burning furiously from his confession.

Toby leaned down and kissed him hard. "I love you."

"I love you too," Abel moaned against his mouth, kissing him back just as hard, heart pounding and those damnable butterflies swirling in his tummy.


Abel stared at the silk scarves in his hands with his mouth slightly parted with shock.

Tobias was blushing furiously. "I know you're not entirely comfortable and I thought...I thought maybe you'd feel more confident if I was blindfolded and bound to the bed?"

Abel just stared at him like he couldn't believe Toby was even real.

"I mean..." Toby began nervously, suddenly feeling like this was weird and too kinky, "I mean if you don't want to that's fine I just –"

Abel felt his eyes water and he moved up to Toby, cutting him off by kissing him hard. "I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"Are you sure about – about this?"

"Yes. I love you. I trust you."

"Oh God, Tobias."

They kissed messily, the silk clenched in Abel's fists.

", you want this?" Toby asked against his lips, kissing him hotly.

"Yes. Yes. I want this so much. I love you. I love you."

They kissed and kissed, just standing there in the middle of Abel's bedroom until both of them where hot and so, so aroused. He was gentle when he tied Toby's wrists to the headboard with the silk before blindfolding him with the same material. Toby's shirt was off and he was dressed in only his under shorts, the straining bulge underneath the fabric making Abel's cheeks and the tips of his ears burn red.

Tobias was right though, the fact that the older man couldn't see him – couldn't see his flaws – made him bolder than ever.

Toby's senses seemed heightened by his lack of sight and the restriction to his wrists and he licked his lips when he heard Abel fumble with his clothes. He heard the light flip switch and it suddenly became dark through the silk and he realized that Abel had switched the lights off. Toby felt a pang in his chest, suddenly hating the entire world for making his boyfriend feel so insecure with himself. There was silence until he felt the bed dip with Abel's weight.

"Are you okay?" Abel asked, his soft voice washing over Toby like a caress, making him shiver.

"Yeah," he replied, his voice coming out choked, "Yeah."

"I'm...I'm going to touch you," Abel whispered and even blindfolded, Toby could tell that his cheeks must've been red in his signature blush.

"Okay," Toby nodded his consent.

A soft palm came up to touch his chest, sliding down to his stomach, stroking gently.

"You're so handsome," Abel whispered, his voice husky and Toby couldn't help but shiver again. He felt the bed shift and suddenly, a warm weight was settling over his thighs as Abel straddled his hips.

Toby bit his lip, his wrists straining in the silk bonds, feeling his cock jerk painfully underneath his shorts because he was pretty sure Abel was dressed only in his shorts as well. Holy shit.

"Oh," Abel whispered on a soft moan, probably seeing Toby's reaction to his body on his.

And then Abel was tentatively leaning down to kiss him hard on his lips, tangling their tongues together, careful not to let his body touch Toby's. It made Toby's body strain. He wanted to plead, was aching for Abel to just settle his weight down over him, but he didn't want to look like he was pushing, so he kept the words swallowed down, telling himself to be content with whatever Abel was willing to give him.

Abel pulled away, whispering, "I've...I've never done this before."

Toby chuckled hoarsely. "That makes both of us."

Abel giggled and Toby felt his heart swell at the sound, happy that his lover was finally comfortable with him, even though he was blindfolded for it. For a second, he felt a pang of pain shoot through him that Abel didn't trust him that much, didn't trust Toby to love his body but he quickly let the pang fade away, ignoring it. It wasn't his fault. He was probably teased all his life for his weight and who knew Abel's history with his past relationships?

"I'm – I'm going to – uhm – I'm going to prepare myself."

Toby bit his lip, trying to ignore the hot, painful throbbing in-between his legs. Fuck. "Okay," he whispered breathlessly. He wanted to be the one to prepare him – to sink his fingers into Abel's heat and listen to him pant and mewl as he stretched him and the thoughts alone had Toby's hips churning in circles against the bed, his teeth sinking into his lower lip.

Abel shifted over his lap and then suddenly, finally, his weight was settling down over Toby's body, his face burrowed against his neck. His heart swelled with love and contentment at the physical contact of their bodies. He felt Abel shifting around, and then his shorts were gone and he felt Abel's legs spreading and God, God, Toby felt like he was going to lose it just at the images flashing through his imagination.

"Oh," Abel breathed on a soft exhale, "Oh," he moaned.

Toby's cock was fucking burning. His entire body was taut with strain as he listened to the slick sounds of Abel stretching himself, his tiny mewls muffled because he'd buried his face in Toby's neck.

"How – how many fingers?" Toby asked after a while of torture, flexing his wrists against his bonds, unable to help the way his body was shaking.

Abel huffed out a breath. "Uhm – I – I'm putting a t-third one now."

"Fucking hell. God."

Abel was motionless on top of him and then his body suddenly collapsed and he let out a loud moan, his hips rocking a little. Toby bit his lip and tried not to come early. He couldn't help rutting up against his shorts, his cock leaking, making the fabric wet and cling to his cockhead, the feeling torturous.

"I'm, I'm ready," Abel whimpered, sitting up and pulling down Toby's shorts.

Toby's hips churned off the bed when Abel's fist wrapped around him, his grip slick and hot. "Jesus Christ, God, Abel, stop, wait." Immediately the grip was gone and Toby tried desperately to bring himself back from the edge.

"I-I'm sorry."

"No – I – it's not – I was about to come," Toby blurted, feeling his cheeks heat.


"Okay," he whispered, "Okay. Slowly now, babe."

Abel shifted a little and then the grip was back and as if he couldn't help himself, Abel squeezed his cock a little, stroking his thumb over the leaking slit.

"Jesus fuck!" Toby gasped, his eyes stinging with frantic tears, "Don't – don't –"

"Okay. Okay. I'm – okay."

Abel gently rolled a condom over him and then shifted quickly and then he was suddenly sinking down abruptly, taking Toby right to the root.

Toby's lips parted on a silent howl, his hips trying to punch upwards to bury himself even deeper. Abel was so slick and so hot, clenching tightly around him, the grip of his body like nothing else. Toby turned his head to sink his teeth into his arm, clenching his eyes shut tightly even behind the blindfold, hot pulses of pleasure shooting up his legs to where Abel was clamping tightly around him.

"Tobias. Oh God, Tobias. So – s-so full. You' big."

Abel shifted a little, lifting up an inch and sinking back down. Toby clenched his hands into fists, fighting the tensing in his abdomen. Abel lifted again, this time more than halfway, before sinking down again. Toby's breath left him in a rough exhale. And then Abel was gaining confidence, gently rocking his hips as he lifted himself off and slammed back down, clenching rhythmically around him.

Toby held himself tensely, using every ounce of his willpower to make it last.

"Oh God, Tobias. I love you. Oh God, I can't – I'm so c-close."

The sound of those words pushed Toby even closer and he felt tears escape his eyelids and soak into the silk, feeling like he was going to lose his mind if he didn't come soon. "Let go, baby. Come on. Come for me."

Abel made little soft uhn uhn uhn noises and fuck, the sexy sounds weren't helping. Toby was surprised when Abel suddenly stopped, seemingly pausing in indecision and then he was reaching up to fumble with his bonds. Suddenly his hands were free and the blind fold was gone.

Even in the darkness of the room, Toby could see that Abel's golden hair was a mess and his cheeks and his neck and chest were flushed a beautiful reddish hue, his lips red like he'd been biting them. Abel stared at him, looking vulnerable and at the same time defiant, as if daring Toby to laugh at him.

"You fucking insecure idiot, I love you," Toby growled and then he sat up, making Abel squeak and nearly fall off his lap if not for the fact that Toby had reached behind him to hold him steady.

Toby got on his knees with Abel still straddling him and then he tilted Abel a bit backwards, so that he was nearly falling, only his hand keeping him up before he let loose, slamming into him so hard that Abel screamed and his back arched.

Toby bit his lip at the sight and sound, unable to control the way his hips slammed forward again. "Jesus fuck you're so sexy oh my god."

Abel must've been muffling himself earlier because now, he was keening loudly, and the expression of pure bliss on his face was incredible. Toby kissed his chubby cheeks, sucking hickeys into his neck and shoulders before taking Abel's nipple along with the supple flesh around it into his mouth and pulling hard.

Abel's hands flew into his hair and he yanked at the strands roughly, the younger man screaming his pleasure. "Tobias – Tobias – don't – don't stop –"

"I can't –" Toby sobbed, his vision blurring because of how fucking badly he wanted to come, "Jesus Christ, I can't –" He whined, his entire body bowing as he came in thick spurts, filling the condom, his entire body shaking, hips pumping furiously, "Fucking hell, Abel! Oh my fucking God!" He tried to hold them up but he was shaking too hard and fell back onto the bed, Abel falling on his chest.

He'd come so hard his ears were ringing and he couldn't see because of the spots dancing in front of his eyes. "Fuck. Fucking shit."

"T-Tobias..." Abel whispered shyly, his voice hoarse with need.

"Yeah. Yes, baby, come here," he whispered, pulling Abel up, both of them wincing a little as his softening shaft slid out of the hot grip of Abel's body, and he reached down to grab the condom before it could slip into Abel's body. He held Abel tightly in his arms, practically giving him no room to breathe as he snuck his hand down underneath the swell of his tummy to cup him intimately.

Abel moaned, hips rocking and Toby felt like he was going to get hard again, feeling himself twitch in the condom.

"Yeah. Yeah. I love you. I love you so much. You're so fucking beautiful, Abel," Toby whispered, still holding him tightly to his chest and pumping his other hand quickly, squeezing and pulling and making sure Toby was looking at him directly in his eyes.

It was hot and painfully intimate and when Abel finally came, his lips parted on a silent wail as he spilled all over Toby's fist, his eyes glistening with tears of bliss, Toby bit his lower lip hard as he felt something and hot and sharp shoot through his dick and holy shit, it felt like he'd had a mini-0rgasm.

Abel collapsed on his chest and Toby held him tightly, kissing his hair and his forehead and his cheeks, his heart beating, love swelling painfully underneath his ribcage. "I love you. Thank you so much for trusting me – for letting me see you. You're so perfect to me. You're so beautiful. God, Abel, I love you so much."

Abel buried his face into Toby's neck and suddenly began to cry, his shoulders shaking violently from his sobs.

"Abel? Abel? What's wrong?" Toby asked in a panic, trying to sit up but Abel wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"No – nothing – I just – I love you. God, I'm so happy. I love you. K-Kiss me."

Their lips met softly in the darkness and they kissed passionately, Abel sniffing and hiccupping into the kiss. Toby slid his hands down his back, stroking his soft, supple flesh, enjoying the way Abel was trembling and arching receptively into his caresses.

Abel still felt vulnerable and exposed but he didn't feel so ugly and unattractive anymore. With Tobias holding him like this, kissing him and whispering words of love, he felt positively vibrant and absolutely beautiful.


Abel didn't know when the love letters stopped. In fact, with Tobias sweeping him off his feet in the past six months, he didn't even care.

That is until he saw the drawer. He was at Toby's and was looking for his phone. He'd remembered leaving it in the bedroom because they'd cuddled last night and talked all night long before falling asleep in each other's arms.

And now, in the attempt to find his missing phone, he'd opened one of Toby's bedside drawers.

In it, on top of each other in neat little stacks were several of the little cream envelopes Tobias used to hide in his locker those many months ago. Beside the envelopes were stacks of pictures that he recognized – selfies Tobias would take on their dates and other pictures – mostly of Abel – where Tobias would catch him off guard, or take while his thoughts were elsewhere.

He frowned curiously, heart pounding as he picked one of the cream envelopes up. The little note and folded up letter fell out as he opened it and he picked them up from the floor, reading the note first.

#132 You steal my breath away

Abel bit his lower lip which was trembling like crazy as he read the love letter.

Dearest Abel,

Tonight was the night you gave yourself to me for the first time and I gave myself to you in turn. I'd say it was the best day of my life, but it's a close second.

What's the first?

The day I found your first love letter waiting for me in my desk. I'm so glad I have you in my life. You're incredible and you make me so happy.

Lots of love,

Your secret admirer xo.

Abel quickly picked up another one, his vision blurry.

#98 I can't live without you

Dearest Abel,

I took you to the amusement park today. Oh, the happiness, the pure joy in your face as I took you on all the rides and won you all the biggest teddy bears will fill all my lonely nights to come.

Except my nights aren't lonely at all, because I have you.

Well that was incredibly cheesy, ha.

Lots of love,

Your secret admirer xo.

Abel couldn't help but laugh a little through his tears.

"Abel? I found your phone on the –" his voice trailed off and if not for his brown skin, Abel was sure Tobias would've been a telling shade of red.

"You found them," Toby said shyly, shuffling his feet. "I was – I was going to – I was going to make a scrapbook with them. And with the pictures. 'Cause...I dunno. I just –" he was barely finishing his sentence before Abel was suddenly running over and slamming into Toby, both of them toppling to the floor from the momentum.

Abel sobbed his love over and over again, kissing Toby's lips and his cheeks and his nose and his forehead.

"Marry me," Abel blurted and his eyes grew wide, the tips of his ears burning red. "Oh. Oh – I mean – I didn't –"

A slow smirk spread over Toby's face and he dragged Abel down to crush their lips together before pulling away to whisper, "I thought you'd never ask."


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