Dumb Cop, Bad Cop

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In the desert, Sarge and Caboose are by Headcase's jeep. Grif is by the wrecked Warthogs and other junk, trying to radio Simmons at Valhalla while Slade is conversing with Kan and his A.I.

Grif: Simmons, come on, Simmons, are you there or what? (only static) Okay I give up. Something's wrong with the radio now, too. I'll go check their jeep.

Sarge: What the hell is wrong with this jeep anyway? It doesn't have a turret.

Caboose: Maybe it's just a car?

Sarge: What does that mean?

Caboose: You know, like a car. A regular car.

Sarge: What kind of car doesn't have a massive cannon on it?

Caboose: All kinds of cars. Most kinds of cars.

Sarge: That's ridiculous. That would be like saying there's some kind of thing you can wear on your head that's not armor plated, and doesn't offer a 5X optical zoom.

Caboose: I think you've been in the military a really long time.

Sarge: Yep. It's been a good run.

Meanwhile, with Slade and his Elite comrade.

Kan: So I don't get misconstrued, the human in the brown armor is the leader of the archenemy of Freelancer?

Slade: I wouldn't exactly say 'archenemy', though the bastard was against Freelancer in every way. And he and Resistance were actually the good guys. The Director played everyone in the Project like a damned fiddle, all to bring back his dead wife.

Tex: (appears) Exactly! And it pains me that I didn't see it before. What he did to Alpha, to me, to Carolina, everyone in the Project!

Kan: So then what happens now? We don't exactly know much about what they're looking for here in this desert.

Slade: Like I said, eyes peeled and ears to the ground. See if maybe you can convince some of the other Elites to let you in on what's going on.

Kan: How do I do that?

Tex: You're an Ultra. Can't you pull rank or something to make them tell you?

Kan: I'm afraid it doesn't work like that.

Rho and Theta appear.

Theta: Maybe me and Rho can pull something from their computer.

Slade: (cocks a brow) What computer?

Rho: Uh, their Elephant? We might be able to get something useful out of it.

Slade: Fine. Pull what you can. But don't take longer than ten minutes. We don't know what kind of security system they got for that thing. Meantime, Tex, you and Delta see if you can scan the temples for energy readings. Whatever it is these wankers are looking for is bound to be inside one of them.

The three A.I. then disappear.

Slade: (to Kan) Come on. Let's check on the others.

Grif walks up to Sarge and Caboose.

Grif: Dammit, no radio here either? Someone's yanked it out. Why would they deliberately pull the radio out of their own jeep?

Caboose: Let me take a look at it, Grif.

Grif: Why? You want to confirm that there's no radio?

Caboose: Maybe I can fix it.

Grif: How are you going to fix something that isn't even the- You know what, no, fuck it, go for it, whatever. (walks over to Sarge) Sarge, this place gives me the creeps. Something's really wrong here. I mean, why would they deliberately pull the radio out of their own jeep, and why can't I get a signal on long range?

Sarge: Something does seem out of place. You heard what Slade said about these guys. Maybe they're using the parts from this radio to fix the others.

Grif: And we just happen to only find all the ones that are broken? That seems unlikely.

Sarge: Hmm, maybe they have one enormous radio somewhere that requires a ton of parts, like one the size of a house.

Grif: ... Once again, unlikely. Wait a second... (Grif turn to the Elephant) What about that thing? The big freighter? It looks like a mobile base. Maybe it has a radio.

Slade: Good assumption, mate. But don't worry, I have Rho and Theta looking through it to find out what they're looking for.

Sarge then notices Caboose by the Warthog.

Sarge: Hey, what are you up to over there?

Caboose: Nothing. (drops the Epsilon unit) I'm up to nothing.

Slade: Wait a sec, Caboose that better not be what I think it is! Why did bring that with?!

Sarge: What is that? What are you doing?

Kan then sees Headcase walking towards them.

Kan: Headcase is approaching.

Sarge: Caboose, stop messing with their jeep.

Caboose: I'm not doing anything! Just ignore me!

Sarge: If you're not doing anything, then what would we be ignoring?

Caboose: Ignore what I'm not doing.

Slade: Caboose, put that away!


At Valhalla, Lopez stands up wiping his hands and faces Simmons next to two Mongooses.

Lopez: [OK Simmons. Your motorcycles are ready.]

Simmons: Wow Lopez. That's great. You made motorcycles? Thanks!

Lopez: [Now you can catch up to Sarge, tell him about that A.I. unit.]

Simmons: Now I can catch up to Sarge, and tell him all about that A.I. unit he has.

Lopez: [Are you mocking me?]

Simmons: All right. I'll be back as soon as I can. Come on, Donut! (no response) Hey Lopez? Did you see where Donut went?

Lopez: [No.]

Simmons: I bet he's over at Blue Base again. I'll go get him. Man, why do I have to do everything around here?

Lopez: [You? I'm the one who just built two motorcycles.]

Simmons: Yeah, I know Lopez. I guess I'm just naturally responsible, and people take advantage of that. It's a curse really. (gets on one of the Mongooses) I'll go grab Donut and bring him back for his motorcycle.

Lopez: [No. That's not for Donut.]

Simmons: No, that's not for Donut? Then why'd you build a second one?

Lopez: [That's a spare. If there's anything I've learned about working with you idiots, it's always build two vehicles.]

Simmons: Uh-huh? I don't even understand- okay whatever Lopez, see you soon!

As soon as Simmons drives off, an explosion is heard with the wrecked Mongoose landing next to Lopez. Simmons then walks up to him.

Simmons: Hey, um, I'm just gonna take this other motorcycle.

Lopez: [The keys are in the ignition.]


Sarge: Okay, let's see what we can find out. You guys follow my lead.

Slade: This won't end well....

Headcase: Hey, what's going on down here?

Caboose: I said nothing.

Sarge: (coughs) We're just down here scavenging for parts like you said.

Headcase: Okay, well hurry it up.

Grif: You realize we're not gonna fix this in like the next ten minutes right?

Headcase: Yeah, just the sooner the better.

Sarge: Why? What's going on around here?

Headcase: I can't tell you that.

Sarge: You can't tell us, or you don't want to tell us?

Headcase: I can't tell you which is convenient because I don't want to tell you.

Grif: Why don't you want to tell us?

Headcase: Because it's secret!

Sarge: Regular secret, or top secret?

Headcase: Top secret!

Sarge: Damnit, the worst kind!

Grif: Well, why is it so secretive?

Headcase: I can't tell you that because that information is classified.

Sarge: Classified as what?

Headcase: Classified as something I can't tell you, now stop fishing for information!

Grif: ...What information do you think we're fishing for?

Headcase: Okay, that wasn't even a good attempt.

Grif: Yeah, I gotta agree with that.

Slade: (fake American accent) Grif, Sarge, will ya just cut it out already?

Headcase: Look, I'm sure you're curious. We're curious about you as well. All you need to know is what you can plainly see: We're trying to uncover that structure to... recover something. That's already more than you need to know!

Grif: Do you have a name?

Headcase: You can call me C.T.

Sarge: Got a rank there, C.T.?

Headcase: Not one you would recognize. Now let's- Hey! (sees no sign of Caboose) Where's your other guy?

Slade: (mutters quietly) Goddammit, Caboose. (in his mind) D, Tex, where is he?!

Delta: (in Slade's mind) He is currently attempting to do something inside the Elephant.

Slade: (in his mind) SHIT! Tex! Find Rho and Theta and get them out of there!

Sarge: Uh, what guy?

Headcase: The other guy.

Sarge: He's right there.

Headcase: The other, other guy!

Grif: He's right... there?

Headcase: THAT'S IT! You're either here to investigate us, or you're complete idiots! Either way, I've had it.

Grif: Investigate?

Headcase: Grrrrr... Tell me where the blue guy went, or I'll shoot the orange one.

Sarge: ...

Headcase: ...Well?!

Grif: Dude, I can save you some time. You just picked the wrong guy to threaten. It'll make more sense when you get to know us.

Alarms go off as soldiers and aliens rush to the Elephant.

Headcase: That's him, isn't it?!

Kan: Most likely.

Headcase: Move! Up the hill!

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