Fourth and Twenty

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At the desert, Caboose is standing on top of a tall rock, being harassed by the Elites below. Tucker is watching from the side.

Caboose: Go away, bad aliens! Shoo aliens shoo! Rolled up newspaper!

Tucker: Maybe you should have thought about that before you lost their all-powerful Deity.

Caboose: I didn't lose him, he left. Or maybe he lost himself. Or maybe the Reds took him. I don't-

One of the Elites shoots Caboose.

Caboose: Ow! Stop that!

Tucker: Well, until the Reds come back, they need somebody to blame. Better you than me man.

Caboose: Tucker, help me.

Tucker: Hyeah, dude, I don't know. I don't really wanna get in between an angry mob and their religious iconography. And I should know, I used to date an Italian girl.

Caboose: But he's not really a god, it's all made up. You know that.

The Elites turn toward Tucker.

Tucker: Whoa dude, I don't know shit. That sounds like straight up blasphemy. You guys gonna put up with this shit?

Elite: <Give us back our god or we will kill the blue one!>

Tucker: H-I know dude, that's what I'm saying. Took the blarg right out of my mouth.

Caboose: Tucker? They're going to eat me!

Tucker: Caboose, shut the fuck up, they're not gonna eat you. They're just gonna persecute you and kill you, stop being such a baby.

Caboose: Look, the Reds, they're back. And they have your worshippy guy.

Tucker: What? Sarge...

Sarge: Hey Blue, we're back. Got Simmons and South too. Where's the water can? Oh also you got any more spare jeeps around here? I don't wanna get into it, but we've identified a tactical weakness in the hood of the current models. Oh uh, what're you guys doing? Killin' Caboose? That's cool.

Tucker: Who the hell is South?

Sarge: Another lady Freelancer like Tex.

Tucker: What?! Is she single?

Sarge: Nope. She's with Slade. And they got down and dirty so many times that I feel he's been gone more than Grif!

Tucker: What the fuck, man! Why is he getting all the chicks and I'm getting cock-blocked?!

Caboose: (points at Sarge) There he is! He is the one who took Church! Get him.

Elite: <What? Him?>

Sarge: Uh-oh.


Slade is carrying South with Kan following and they enter the Elephant.

Slade: Kan, see if you can find any medical supplies in this thing.

Kan: Yes, Leader. (leaves to do so)

South: (moans in pain) Cal....

Slade takes off his helmet and holds her face.

Slade: Stay with me, love. Just keep your eyes open and steady your breaths. D, Rho, Theta, give me everything and anything you got and put it towards the healing unit.

Delta: (in Slade's mind) Affirmative.

South: (chuckles) You know, I'm getting real tired of being the damsel in distress and all that shit...

Slade: (chuckles) Don't think I get a kick of having to save your ass 24/7 also, lass.

Kan returns with the med kit and Slade gets to work on healing the blonde Freelancer.

Slade: I'll handle this, Kan. You go make sure you the other Elites don't kill any of the Reds and Blues.

Kan nods and heads out as Slade then takes out some bio-foam.


Elsewhere, Grif and Simmons are with Epsilon, still being offline.

Grif: How's Floaty McGee?

Simmons: Eh you know, same old. Still not working.

Grif: Is he dead?

Simmons: How the fuck would I know? And even if he was, would it make a difference with this guy?

Grif: Meh, probably not.

Simmons: Now we've got sand all in his ports. How'm I supposed to fix him in an environment like this?

Grif: Sounds like you have sand in your ports.

Simmons: Why did we even come here, it's a fucking desert.

Grif: I don't know. This is where we were before we came to get you. And where else can we go anyway? There's bad guys at our base and Sarge never wants us to get far from the Blues. I don't know if you've noticed this Simmons, but he's a little obsessed. He still wants to get 'em back in the database so we can kill 'em. How's that goin' by the way? Any progress?

Simmons: Progress?

Grif: It's your project.

Simmons: I was held captive.

Grif: Whatever dude. If Sarge takes that as an excuse for not getting work done let me know. I'll get captured all the time.

Sarge: Nope. They're right around this corner up here. Grif and Simmons, right up here, where we're walking.

Grif: Uh oh, here he comes. You're about to get busted.

Sarge: And you'll see when we get around this corner up here, we don't have any kind of floating device. No balls or spheres or anything.

Simmons: Who's he talking to?

Sarge: You'll see, big group of aliens. We don't have anything like that at all.

Grif: What? Uh oh.

Epsilon begins to turn on.

Epsilon: Whah? Where am I?

Grif: Sshhh, dude shut up. Be quiet.

Epsilon: No, what-

Grif: Shut your hole.

Epsilon: What's happening, how did I get here?

Grif: Oh shit! Ub-uh duh-

Epsilon: Don't do it you fucker-

Grif then punts Epsilon behind them.

Epsilon: -rrrrrrrrrrr!

Simmons: What're you doing?

Grif: Shut up man, be cool.

Simmons: Be cool?

Sarge then arrives with the Elites.

Simmons: Whoa! I mean, what's the four-one-one, daddy-o's? Me and my homey were just, hangin' all up in here. Deserts-ville. 'S'all good. You know what I'm sayin', scrillas?

Grif: What the fuck are you doing?

Simmons: You told me to be cool.

Grif: Right. So what the fuck are you doing?

Sarge: As you can see, we don't have your stupid rolley baloney. It's just this yellow guy, and- M.C. Fonzerella over here.

Simmons: Whatevs, y'all. You don't know me.

Tucker: Nahaha, gotcha! See, I knew they would have it.

Caboose: Uh, I don't see him- oh my God he's invisible.

Tucker: Alright Reds, what did you do with-

Tucker turns to see Reds running away.

Sarge: Book it, quadruple-time!

Tucker: It. Dammit! I should have seen that coming. Well Caboose, I guess we're on our-

Tucker turns to see Caboose running off.

Tucker: Own. Dammit.

Caboose: Revenge!

The Elites turn to Tucker, accusingly.

Tucker: Alright, I'll just go get up on top of the pillar.

Grif approaches Epsilon in the sand, behind some flashing, buzzing, warning lights.

Grif: Uh oh.

Sarge: Grif, what're you stopping for- ah, nuts.

Simmons: What, there he is.

Caboose: Oh no, he landed in the middle of the-

Caboose turns to look at Simmons, remembering Simmons doesn't know about the minefield.

Caboose: ...-uh-of of the there. The, the over there.

Kan: (walks up) I hope you four haven't been- by the gods, how did he get in there?

Simmons: So, let's get him.

Grif: Yeah, tell you what Simmons, why don't you go get him?

Sarge: We'll secure the area here while you retrieve.

Simmons: Hh, okay, I don't have time for this.

Simmons runs into the minefield and sets one off, blowing him back at their feet.

Simmons: Ow! You knew, didn't you?

Caboose: Yeah, kinda.

The Reds, Kan, and Caboose all burst out laughing.

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