Mid-Game Substitution

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Inside of the cave, Lopez is standing in front of Simmons. His armor is maroon with a brown trim. Simmons starts to wake up, chained to a stone ball.

Simmons: (moans) Ugh, what happened?

Lopez: [Hello.]

Simmons: What, am I dead? I see my body, am I in heaven?

Lopez: [I am taking your place on Red Team.]

Simmons: (moans) Ugh, why is my body speaking Spanish? Oh no, did I go to Mexican heaven by mistake? That's like white people hell.


Lopez: [No. Replacing you is the only way I can get access to the equipment I need to research these quakes.]

Simmons: I knew it! You just wanted to become super popular so you take my place!

Lopez: [I wouldn't need to be super popular to do that.]

Simmons: You're gonna regret this Lopez.

Lopez exits the cave leaving Simmons alone inside.

Lopez: [I don't see how.]

Simmons: (yelling) We'll all regret this!

Lopez: [That didn't even make sense!]

At Red Base, Sarge, Grif, and Slade stand on the roof.

Sarge: I still don't understand, how does more breaks make us more efficient?

Another earthquake briefly occurs.

Grif: It's simple, if we have less hours to do work, we got more done in less time. It's all ratios.

Slade: Grif, do you even know what the hell a ratio is?

Lopez: (walks up) [Hello.]

Sarge: Simmons, where in Sam hell have you been?

Lopez: [Cave... study.]

Grif: You sound weird.

Sarge: Yeah, almost like he's speaking a foreign language, but he's speaking very slowly and clearly, so I understand what he means.

Grif: Me too.

Sarge: What have you been up to?

Lopez: [Oh you know. The usual human things like: urinating and getting math problems wrong for no reason.]

Grif: Sounds boring.

Sarge: I didn't understand that one.

Grif: Me neither, but boring is always a safe bet with Simmons.

Sarge: Good point.

Lopez: [Please excuse me. I need to check out some equipment.]

Grif: Okay. Bye Simmons.

Sarge: Good luck with whatever you're doing.

Lopez: [Thank you.]

Lopez leaves and goes inside the Red base.

Slade: You both realize that was Lopez and NOT Simmons, right?

Grif: That wasn't Lopez!

Sarge: Exactly, you got your head turned around or something, son?

Slade: (sighs, and walks off) Why do I even bother?

Slade heads inside the base and finds Looez looking for tools. He then aims his gun at the robot.

Slade: Look Lopez, I really like you, mate. And I don't want to have to shoot you. So just tell me where Simmons is, and I'll let you scan the earthquakes.

Lopez: [He's up in the caves chained to an iron ball.]

Slade: (lowers gun) Iron ball? Mate, we aren't in the 1920s anymore. Where d'you even find an iron ball?

Lopez: [It was just lying in a scrap pile behind the base. You know, the one where Sarge says he keeps his 'spare parts'?]

Slade: (quietly) That prickly old mother- Okay, thanks mate. And for the record, I understand you and did tell you to go ahead with scanning the earthquakes.

Lopez: [Also for the record, Simmons wanted to short-circuit me because he said I was taking his place on Red Team or whatever.]

Slade: Like I've been saying since the day we were shipped out here, he is a whiny bitch that cries like a baby if he isn't coddled time-to-time. (sighs) Alright, just do you scanning thing and I'll get his ass out of there. And you may wanna wash the maroon off your armor. You didn't exactly do a good job pulling it off as him.

Lopez: [None of the others noticed.]

Slade: That's 'cause they're dumbarses.


At Blue Base, Tex and Rho meet up with Epsilon, Tucker, and Caboose, who are all disoriented.

Epsilon: Ooh man. Instead of a big white blur, now everything's just a big black blur.

Tucker: Man, my head should only hurt this much if I had more fun the night before.

Caboose: WHAT?!

Tucker: Ow, Caboose! Stop yelling! Someone get me an aspirin.

Tex: You guys are babies.

Epsilon: Babies? You chucked a grenade at us you stupid bitch. What do you expect?

Tex: Hey, there's a big difference between a flashbang and a grenade.

Tucker: It doesn't seem like it.

Rho: Hey, Captain Deusche-Canoe. If it was a grenade, you three wouldn't be standing here bitching about being blind.

Tex: Exactly.

Tucker: (to Epsilon) This is your girlfriend I take it?

Epsilon: Oh yeah, Tucker, Tex. Tex, Tucker (mumbles)... there you go.

Tucker: S'up.

Tex: Hello.

Caboose: (yelling) Are people meeting other people?! I want to meet people!

Tucker: No you don't, and stop yelling.

Caboose: (yelling) Nice to meet you, MR. YELLING!

Epsilon: You know, why would you attack us? Aren't you coming all the way out here to help us?

Tex: Hey, I needed to evaluate the situation. I heard someone was dead, I show up here and three idiots are standing around arguing. I'm not walking into that blind.

Tucker: So you made us blind?

Rho: Oh, go cry to your girlfriend- Oh, wait I forgot. You don't have a girlfriend, Aqualad!

Tucker: Why didn't you help us, dude?

Rho: Help you?! Why didn't any of you just punt the damn thing?!

Tucker: Well, why didn't YOU punt the fucking thing?!

Rho: I didn't know how many seconds it had! Plus, considering how long you argued about the damn flashbang, you could've kicked it away in that time!

Tex: He has a point. And besides, it's not lethal.

Epsilon: So what! That's wha- is that supposed to make us feel better? A kick in the balls would be non-lethal too.

Tex: That depends on who does the kicking.

Tucker: Is that a threat?

Tex: Heh, how 'bout we call it an experiment? See what happens.

Tucker: How about we agree to disagree?

Tex: Good idea. So, who's dead?

Tucker: Oh nobody. We just made a mistake. We thought-

Epsilon: (coughs) Uhh, we thought we should bury our dead teammate and then take his name off the roster so that no one could prove he was never here.

Tucker: We did?

Epsilon: Yes, because that's what she is here to investigate Tucker. And if that guy didn't exist, why would she stick around?

Tucker: (plays along) Oh right. Yeah, I thought she meant some other nonexistent guy, who didn't die. Not the one guy who did die.

Rho: (rolls eyes) Nice save...

Tex: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wai- why did you remove him from the roster?

Epsilon: Uhh, I don't know. Seemed appropriate at the time. You know it's like a respect thing.

Tex: What was his name?

Epsilon: Anderson.

Tucker: Smith.

Tex: Well, was it Anderson or Smith?

Epsilon: Uhh... Andersmith. Private Andersmith.

Tex: Andersmith?

Caboose: Ohh, Mr. Andersmith, I'll always miss you! You were too young to die.

Tucker: Yeah, he was like ten seconds old.

Epsilon: (angrily) Shut up, Tucker.

Rho: (shakes his head) This is just an unending avalanche of stupidity.


Back at Red Base, Grif is standing on a hill as Donut walks up next to him.

Donut: Hey, Grif. Have you seen Simmons?

Grif: Yeah, we're working on some equipment together.

Lopez (still disguised as Simmons) is seen scanning the area, using a green glowing device.

Donut: Together?

Grif: Yeah. He went up the hill, he said he needed my help, so I said, "No problem. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Donut: When was that?

Grif: About 5 hours ago.

Donut: Oh... so, how is the project going?

Grif: Well, he hasn't asked for help again, which means I haven't had to think of a new excuse, so, I'd say it's going great!

Donut: What's he doing?

Grif: I dunno. He's got some new toys or something up there, I guess he's testing them out.

Donut: Toys?

Grif: Yeah.

Donut: "Toys" is a broad term Grif. It can mean a lot of things.

Grif: Gadgets.

Donut: Go on.

Grif: Electronic devices.

Another earthquake occurs.

Donut: I think I'll go check this out for myself.

Grif: You do that.


At the cave, Simmons attempts to escape from his chains.

Simmons: (struggling) If I could just riddle free a... little..., maybe I can... loosen... this!

The lock on his ankle suddenly blew off, making Simmons yelp and fall on his ass. Simmons looked up and sees Slade with his pistol smoking from the barrel.

Simmons: Jesus, Slade! You didn't have to shoot the fucking lock off!

Slade: (holsters pistol) You're welcome.

Simmons: (stands up) How'd you find me anyway?

Slade: Lopez told me. He also told me you tried to barbecue him.

Simmons: What?! And you believe him over me?!

Slade: He was right about you being here in the cave, wasn't he? Plus, you got yourself into this mess because of your fucking jealousy and whiny personality.

Simmons: (groans)

Slade: (gestures to cave's exit) After you.

Simmons drops his head and walks out with Slade shaking his head and grabbing his Lancer off his back.


Back at Blue Base, Tex is standing on a hill talking on her radio.

Tex: Command, do you read me? This is Freelancer Tex reporting in.

Vic: (over radio) Roger that señorita! We read you loud and clarita! How you doing?

Epsilon, Rho, Tucker, and Caboose, all watch her from afar.

Epsilon: Okay, I just need to make sure she sticks around for a little while. You know, so I can... talk to her a little bit more; and investigating this dead guy, is gonna be a good distraction.

Tucker: It doesn't bother you that you made up a guy out of nowhere, and then killed that guy, just to have a chance to talk to your girlfriend?

Rho: Yeah, man. Women always, and I mean ALWAYS, figure out the truth.

Epsilon: No, no, no, it's like a ne... ing... to... er, whatever you call it. I-it's even. You know, he didn't exist before and he doesn't exist now. No harm, no foul. Right?

Tucker: Dude, you seriously got to look into this "stalker" thing.

Caboose: I miss him.

Epsilon: You miss who?

Caboose: Andersmith. He's a reminder of how close we all are just to not being here one day.

Tucker: He wasn't here ANY days, idiot. He doesn't exist!

Caboose: Oh, how could you say that? (quietly) Don't you believe in the afterlife?

Epsilon: Wha-? Afterlife implies life at some point. He didn't have one.

Rho: Guys, how is this even surprising? You make something up right in front of him, and Caboose immediately thinks it's real no matter how fucking retarded it sounds.

Caboose: (sobbing) He was so young. He had hopes and dreams.

Epsilon: He WAS a dream.

Caboose: Yes he was... to all of us who knew him.

Tucker: Okay, I'm actually less worried about you now, and I'm more worried about Caboose.

Epsilon: Caboose, he didn't exist. You never knew anyone named Andersmith. None of us did.

Caboose: Denial is an important stage in grieving.

Epsilon: Yeah, apparently denial is an important part of reality too.

Tucker: Yeah, take it from the guy who calls that chick his girlfriend.

Rho: And THIS coming from the guy who says he's an expert on love and yet he's still a sad, lonely virgin.

Tex: Roger that. Over and out Command.

Tex turns off her radio and begins heading towards the others.

Epsilon: Oh shit, she's done with her call! (panicking) Quick... uh, talk about something else! Uhhmm...?!

Tucker: Like what?

Epsilon: (panicking) Anything! Anything! Uhh... uh, okay! Uh, you know what, I think you're right Rho! Cows can't talk, but maybe they can't talk because no one ever taught 'em how to do that. Right?

Rho: (drops head in hands) Oh, my fucking God!

Tucker: That might have been the worst ad-lib ever.

Caboose: You just blew my mind with the cow thing.

Tucker: That ain't hard dude.

Rho: And yet you're still small and unimpressive in that department.

Tucker: Man, I am gonna fucking-

Tex walks up to them.

Tex: Alright, here's the deal: I'm gonna stick around until we get this "dead guy thing" solved.

Epsilon: Ohh, really? Well that's great! Isn't that perfect Tucker?

Tucker: Don't gloat.

Caboose: Yes, Ms. Scary. I have a question. Um, how are we going to fix the dead... guy... being... dead?

Tex: Oh we're not. We're gonna even the teams. Come on, let's go up the hill and kill one of the Reds. Then I could get out of this mud puddle.

Epsilon: Oh...?

Rho: Still feeling gloat-y, Church?

Tex: Hey, I'll even let you pick which one. Come on, let's go.

Epsilon: Well this sounds like... fun?

Caboose: Let's pack a picnic.

Tucker: We could always just eat the Red we kill. Hey Church, pick the fat guy!

Rho: When the fuck did you guys become cannibals?!

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