Out of Body

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Slade, Tucker, Grif, and Simmons all stand around Carolina's Mongoose.

Tucker: So, uh, how do you feel?

The Mongoose's headlights activate, one being cobalt and the other green.

Epsilon: I feel like running over each, and every one of you.

Delta: While malice is not a part of my programming, I believe I can concur Epsilon's statement.

Slade: Okay, will the both of you knock it off? Besides, it can't possibly be that bad.

Tucker: Either way, you feel pretty much the same as before?

Epsilon: Yeah. Pretty much.

Grif: Y'know Simmons? I think I'm gonna let you call "Shotgun" on this one.

Grif then runs off.

Simmons: Fuck that!

Simmons also runs off as Epsilon and Delta appear on the windshield of the Mongoose.

Epsilon: Man, this sucks!

Tucker: What are you complaining about? You finally got your own body.

Epsilon: My own body? In case you forgot the Jolly Green AI, it's not my own body, Tucker! Not to mention we're a fucking tonka truck!

Tucker: Okay, yeah, but you could literally pick up chicks with this thing!

Delta: May I point out, while being in this vehicle is very... unique, we do not have sensor perception in telling if someone were to sit on us.

Epsilon: Yeah, plus every girl just dreams about settling down with Optimus Prime - HONK!

Delta: HONK!

Epsilon and Delta flash as the Mongoose's horn goes off. The two AI turn around as Caboose stands up from behind the Mongoose.

Epsilon: Caboose! Don't do that.

Delta: It would be most pleasant to not experience that again.

Caboose: Sorry.

Sarge runs in front of Tucker.

Sarge: Alright, places people! Here they come!

Sarge runs away as Epsilon and Delta vanish.

Caboose: Don't forget to shout "Surprise!"

Slade: Caboose, not now!

Carolina, Wash, and South run over the hill to where the Blues and Slade are.

Carolina: Tucker, bring Epsilon over here. I've got some questions for him.

Tucker: Goddammit.

Slade: Stay here and watch Caboose. I'll take care of her.

Tucker: Right...

Inside the Elephant, Wash is typing on a computer as South and Carolina stand outside.

Carolina: Any luck?

Wash: I think so.

The screen displays the Project Freelancer emblem which spins and reveals several pictures, some being Epsilon's former Monitor body.

Wash: Alright, data pad accepted. Looks like we're in business.

Slade runs up behind Carolina.

Slade: What do we got?

Carolina: I thought I asked for Tucker.

Slade: And last time I checked, the world doesn't revolve around your cyan arse. Deal with it.

Carolina gets in Slade's face, the latter not moving from how close she was.

South: Guys! Come on!

Wash: Listen, it's important that we figure out what's on CT's data pad. It might be our next clue to finding the Director.

Tucker then comes up.

Tucker: Hey I know that thing!

Wash: Wait, you recognize this artifact?

Tucker: Hell yeah! It was the biggest pain in the ass!

Caboose runs up behind Tucker.

Caboose: Ah, it's Church! Yeah, he had lost a lot of weight.

Carolina: What?

Tucker: Oh yeah, Caboose transferred Epsilon from a memory unit into that thing a long time ago.

Carolina: Where is it now?

Tucker: I dunno, who cares?

Carolina: I do.

Tucker: Oh. Well in that case, uh, Caboose tell her where it is.

Caboose: Right. Yes. Okay. Right. Yes. I will do that...yes...right...now.

Slade: Caboose, don't. I'LL tell you where it is.

The Reds and Kan were watching from a distance.

Grif: Well Sarge, You've always wanted to watch a Blue die. Looks like your going to get your wish after all.

Sarge: Actually Grif, it's always been my wish to watch you die.

Grif: Oh, right.

Sarge: Yep. Every night after you boys would retire to your bunks, I would climb up to the top of the base and just wait. Hoping I would see a shooting star. So that I could wish for your violent, and unbearably painful demise.

Grif: Okay, you can stop now.

Sarge: I even even had a little jingle to go along with it.

Grif: Please don't.

Sarge: (singing) "I just wish that Grif was dead!"

Grif: I hate you.

Simmons also starts singing.

Sarge: (singing) "Put a bullet-"

Sarge stops, noticing that Simmons had also started singing.

Simmons: (singing) "Put a bullet through his head!"

Grif: What the-? Simmons how do you know that song?!

Simmons: Oh, it's been in my dreams for years! Now it all makes sense! Oh thank God!

Grif: What?!

Simmons: I thought I was crazy when I woke up with that rifle in my hands!

Sarge: Heheheh, well ain't that the power of music!

Kan: I truly do not want to understand this...

Grif: Simmons! Why didn't you tell me about this?!

Simmons: Oh, shut up. It wasn't even loaded.

Slade stands tall as Carolina's fingers curl into fists from what he just explained.

Carolina: How can you just leave an ancient alien artifact on the floor of a warehouse?!

Slade: Maybe 'cause I was a little busy fighting another one of the Director's experiments at the time!

Tex: (in Slade's mind) Excuse me?

Slade: (in his mind) Sorry, love.

The screen on the computer flashes repeatedly and an error message appears stating: "DATA CORRUPTED END OF FILE ERROR CODE 32165206.35".

Wash: Uh-oh, that's not right...

South: Well, shit...

Carolina: Ugh! I can't believe we came all this way for nothing!

Carolina runs off as Wash turns to the other Blues.

Wash: You guys are not making my life easy right now.

Tucker: Do we ever?

Wash: Good point.

South: Christ, this is getting annoying.

Slade: NOW it's annoying? When has it never NOT been bloody annoying?

Wash and South find Carolina underneath one of the temple structures.

South: So, now what?

Carolina: There's an island nearby that I want to visit. Shouldn't take more than a day or so.

Wash: That old fortress?

South: (eyes widen) You mean the one where...

Wash: Carolina, I'm not sure there's a-

Carolina: Guys. Trust me on this?

Wash: Right. You should probably listen to your instincts.

Carolina: You stay here and keep the sim troopers from causing any trouble. I won't be long.

Carolina drives away on her Mongoose as Wash addresses the group.

Wash: Alright, everyone move into the temple. It'll be getting dark soon.

Tucker: Hey, Wash, where exactly is she going?

Wash: She lost something. I think she just needs some time to try and find it again.

As the others leave, Slade stays behind and watches her drive off in the distance. Kan stops and notices and walks up next to him.

Kan: Something troubling your mind?

Slade: The longer she stays stuck in the past, the more pain she's just causing herself. I hope D and Church will find something out. (slaps Kan's arm) Come on, mate. Let's head inside.



In the Freelancer training floor, Carolina makes her way to the center.

Chairman: (voice over) Dear Director, the loss of military equipment is a severe infraction. I should not need to remind you that all UNSC property, especially our more experimental technologies, must be kept from the hands of our enemies at all costs. In these trying times, vigilance is paramount.

Carolina reaches the center of the training floor. She is soon surrounded by two rows of rotating green targets. Carolina readies herself and begins to expertly punch and kick the targets, turning them red.

Cal, meanwhile, was looking down at her from the observation room, still armored but without his helmet on. North walks up behind him in casual clothes, patting his shoulder.

North: Still training at this hour?

California: What can I say, mate? Some of us are more active at night than others.

North: You gotta be kidding me, she's always been like this.

Cal and North look at the leaderboard as Tex is still number one, while Carolina is number two.

North: You know you don't have to watch over her.

California: She's gonna get herself killed if I don't.

North: What do you mean?

California: Mate, ever since Tex has shown up, shit's gone downhill faster than an avalanche. Carolina has her head so far up her arse, she can't see she's fighting over nothing. The Director's always been a scumbag and he'll never stop being one. (sigh) Well, on different note, why are you up? I thought all blondes need their beauty rest?

North: Funny. It's Theta. Couldn't sleep. And if Theta can't sleep-

California: Having two people share the same mind... it's freaky, ain't it? I mean Rho's always talking about how my masculinity has it's faults.

North: Well that seems annoying.

California: He also said that my strength is likely to get me cursed by God or something and get struck by lightning. But those odds are pretty low.

North: Seems like it would be higher considering our line of work. Guess I'm due for a few lightning bolts.

The two Freelancers laugh as F.I.L.S.S is heard announcing the results.

F.I.L.S.S.: Round complete. A six-point-three percent increase in efficiency that round Agent-

Carolina: Run it again F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S.: Resetting training room floor for next round.

Carolina begins to take out the targets yet again.

California: Is Theta up late often?

North: You're wondering if he gets scared a lot.

California: He's a kid, North.

North: Well, it happens. Mainly at night. He likes when I walk the halls. When we were kids, my dad would have to drive South around in the car to get her to fall asleep. It's kinda the same thing.

California: I wonder if they're all like this, the AIs. You know, jittery, nervous, no, not nervous...

North: Anxious.

California: There's the word! Rho's always wanting something exciting to happen.

North: Uh, Pelican crashes, lightning strikes...Hey, maybe they know something we don't.

North then yawns.

California: Why don't you just pull him? Get yourself some sleep.

North: Pull Theta?

California: You know any other purple-magenta AIs with child-like personalities?

North: He gets even more scared when I do that. I feel obligated to help.

California: You act like way too much of a father to that tyke.

North: Look who's talking.

California: Well, he has to face his fear at some point. If they want to be human that's a good place to start.

North: What can I tell ya? I guess some things are just harder to face than others.

California: Point made. 'Night Nathan.

North: Don't stay up too late. You need your rest.

North walks away.

F.I.L.S.S.: Round complete

Carolina: Run it again.

F.I.L.S.S.: That last round showed a three-point-six percent increase-

Carolina: Just run it again!

F.I.L.S.S.: Resetting training room floor.

Carolina attacks the targets once again. She completes it extremely quickly.

F.I.L.S.S.: Round complete.

Carolina: Run it again.

F.I.L.S.S.: Resetting training room floor for next round.

California: What am I gonna do with her?

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