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Carolina overlooks the facility from a ledge. Epsilon appears behind her.

Carolina: How many?

Epsilon: None.

Carolina: Really? You're sure?

Epsilon: Positive. We're alone.

Epsilon fades away as Carolina drives her Mongoose through a tunnel. Upon reaching the other end, she dismounts and is called over by Epsilon.

Epsilon: It's up here!

Carolina walks over to Epsilon to find F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S.: I am sorry. This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter.

Carolina: F.I.L.S.S.? Is that you? What's happened to you?

F.I.L.S.S.: This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter. Please leave the premisis immediately.

Carolina: F.I.L.S.S., this is Agent Carolina of Project Freelancer. Acknowledge and go for secure.

F.I.L.S.S: I am sorry. I recognize that designation, but only authorized personnel may enter this facility.

Carolina: Church?

Epsilon: Open the door F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S.: Certainly. Welcome back Director. I did not expect to see you again so soon.

The wall behind them opens to reveal a secret doorway.

Carolina: Thank you.

Epsilon/F.I.L.S.S.: My pleasure.

F.I.L.S.S.: Strange. I was...unaware you left, Director. I will have to scan my files and find the error.

Carolina: Left?

F.I.L.S.S.: Yes. Since his last visit.

Carolina: So you show the Director inside the facility as well as outside?

F.I.L.S.S.: Strange, is it not?

Carolina: Yes. Strange. And exactly what we were hoping for.


In Valhalla, Wash, South, and Tucker are standing on a ledge of Blue Base watching the Reds from nearby.

Grif: Well this is depressing.

Sarge: Can it, Private.

Grif: What? I'm just saying what we're all thinking.

Sarge: You didn't say you were fat and worthless, and we were definitely all thinking that.

Tucker: Alright, you know the drill.

Simmons: Do we have to?

Wash: That depends; how badly do you want your flag back?

Simmons glances at Grif, who is standing behind him.

Grif: Don't look at me, it's your turn.

Simmons: (sighs) I would just like to let everyone know that I suck... and that I'm a girl... and I like ribbons in my hair... and I want to kiss all the boys.

Tucker: You know, it was funny the first few times, but this is starting to get depressing.

South: Oh, really? Ya think?

Wash: Yeah... (to Red Team) Hey, what else have you got?

Grif: Nothing! That stupid flag was the only thing we had left!

Simmons: Actually, there is one thing they haven't taken.

Later Simmons drops the Meta's Brute Shot on the ground outside Red Base. Sarge, Tucker, Wash, and South are standing over it.

Tucker: Whoa! (whistles)

Sarge: Great ginzu gunshow!

South: Ho-ly shit.

Wash: Is that what I think it is? Is that whose I think it is?

Simmons walks up to them.

Simmons: Stolen alien weaponry used by the scariest fucking mute in the galaxy? Yeah. Pretty much.

Sarge: It's like half-knife, half-rifle. What would you call that?

Tucker: I don't know, but we'll take it!

Grif: No! There is no way I'm giving up the "Grif Shot!"

Tucker: Oh please, what were you gonna do? Eat off it?

Grif: Uh, actually dickhead, I asked Donut to mount it for me in the base.

Donut runs out from Red Base.

Donut: And you know I can't resist a good mounting!

Wash: You've been hiding one of the most advanced pieces of technology known to man, so you can hang it in your living room?!

Grif: Well, when you say it like that it sounds dumb.

South: That's because it's not only DUMB, it's fucking stupid!

Doc walks up behind them.

Doc: I think it's kind of cool! I mean, when I met you guys, all you did was stand around and talk. But now you can't walk five feet without getting wrapped up in some crazy adventure.

Sarge: What's your point?

Doc: I don't know, it's just cool. I mean, come on. You guys have been through a lot together. Don't you want something to remember all the good times?

Tucker: The good times? I was stranded in the desert!

Simmons: We were almost killed!

Sarge: I learned my entire military career was a lie!

South: I lost my fucking brother!

Donut: And I got shot!

Wash turns away awkwardly and begins whistling casually.

Doc: Ok yeah, it wasn't perfect, but look what you all got out of it.

Sarge: You mean the rifle-knife?

Grif: You mean the "Grif shot."

Doc: Well, sure there's that, but Sarge, you got to lead an actual military operation. And Tucker, you learned to use your sword like a pro.

Tucker: Bow Chicka Bow Wow?

Doc: (to Wash) You found a new team. Simmons got back his old team. I managed to keep a patient from dying...

Donut: And in return, I didn't die!

Doc: You see? In the end we all worked together and everyone got what they wanted.

Caboose: (sadly) Not everyone...

The Reds and Blues look at each other in shame.

???: She deserved what I did to her.

The group then sees Slade come out with Kan at his side.

Slade: Guys, we've been doing nothing but get used, trampled on, beaten to pulps, shot at over and over. And I honestly think she and Church deserve to get killed... but that'd make me no better than Carolina or the Director.

Tex: (appears) He's right.

Everyone: TEX?!

Tex: Good to see you cockbites too. I don't care if I'm a copy of someone that's dead. I'm alive. And I choose to live my life helping this Australian lug over here.

Kan: I have seen more and more to Slade over the years and he has shown to be more than just a worthy leader. He is an honorable comrade and a friend.

Rho, Delta, and Theta appear as well.

Rho: The three of us are byproducts of a sick experimentation. But we've looked past that. And we're alive too.

Delta: And as such, have chosen to aid Agent California whatever his decisions may be in the future.

Theta: Yeah! Holo-bros for the win!

Tex: (clears throat)

Theta: (chuckles nervously) And sister, hehe.

Slade: So, point is, I'm going after 'em. If any of you wankers want in, now's the time.

Tucker pulls out his sword and begins walking to Slade's side.

Wash: (to Tucker) You realize that if you go after them, there's no promise you'll come back. This isn't a game to the Director. He plays for keeps.

Sarge: Oh well, this place was getting kinda stale anyway.

Wash: After everything Church and Carolina said? The-the way they treated you!

Simmons: Hey, we gave you a second chance.

Grif: Besides, if we quit every time Church started shouting, this shit would have been over a long time ago.

South: (shrugs) We can't argue there, Wash.

Washington: We'll be outgunned, we'll be out... everything! This is stupid. Just think for a minute before you do anything reckless.

Sarge: Son, stupid and reckless is how we always get things done.

Wash: But Sarge, I...

Sarge: You know, there's one thing you Freelancers always seem to forget. And that's the fact that we've managed to kick your ass time and time again. Oh sure, you've got all your smart plans, and your fancy technology, and your advanced training, but in the end, what has that gotcha? Without a team you can count on and your fellow soldiers by your side, all that doesn't really amount to squat, now does it? So instead of standing there bellyaching all day, just tell us, are you gonna keep playing it safe...

Sarge loads a shell and cocks his shotgun.

Sarge: ...Or do you wanna get a little reckless?

Wash: This has to be the worst idea... ever... but you can count me in.

Donut: Me too!

Caboose: Yes... and me! Oh! Church is going to be so happy!

Doc: I'm in too! Oh man, this is so cool! I love how inclusive you guys have become. I'm going to go pack my medical gear for the trip. WOOHOO! WE'RE BACK TOGETHER!!!

Doc happily runs back inside the Red Base.

Simmons: Um guys... they have a huge headstart. How are we supposed to reach them in time?

A group of Hornets suddenly drop down from the sky and surround the group.

UNSC Police: Freeze! This is an ambush! You are under arrest for the theft of UNSC property!

Simmons: What?! We really are wanted criminals of the UNSC?!

Grif: Holy shit! Wash was right?

Wash: Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me.

South: Way to jinx us, Wash.

UNSC Police: Surrender now! You are outnumbered! Uh, well... technically you're not really outnumbered... I think we have the same number, uh, it's like one-to-one, but we do have airships! Fast, easy-to-fly airships! Which we will now land... in order to take you to jail.

Wash, Slade, and Sarge turn to each other before raising their weapons at the Hornets. After landing and throwing the pilots out, the Reds and Blues, now in control of the three Hornets, fly away. The three UNSC pilots watch in front of Red Base.

Caboose: Goodbye people we stole these planes from!

UNSC Police: Motherfucker!

Donut: Man! This is awesome! Hey Simmons, who's the blue guy with the yellow accents? His voice sounds familiar...

Simmons: Oh, right. Funny story about that.

The Reds and Blues fly out of the canyon on the Hornets.


Carolina turns a corner of a hallway with her gun ready accompanied by Epsilon.

Epsilon: I don't like this.

Carolina: Me neither. Where is everyone?

Epsilon: That's not it. I just got a weird case of... déjà vu.

Carolina, with Epsilon, walks through the facility as voices are heard through the intercoms.

Allison: (over intercom) Don't worry, you'll see me again...

Director: (over intercom) Play it again, F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S.: (over intercom) Sir, you really should stop to eat. It has been several days-

Director: (over intercom) Again.

Carolina picks up a plasma rifle.

Carolina: You're not the only one...

Carolina walks towards the teleporters, Epsilon begins to speak to her.

Epsilon: This is it.

Carolina: Ready to meet your maker?

Epsilon: I got your back, Carolina.

Carolina and Epsilon enter one of the teleporters, but stop, surprised by what they see.

Epsilon: Oh no...

Carolina: Church, what is this?

Epsilon: He kept trying...

The Director's monitor then notices them.

Epsilon: He kept trying to get her right...

Carolina: You think these things are anything like the real deal?

A large army of robotic Tex drones all crack their knuckles and stretch their necks in unison. One of the drones steps forward to the front and stops, punching its fist into its palm and cracking its neck.

Tex Drone: You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in. (slight chuckle)

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