The Sarcophagus

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Maine, Carolina, California, and Washington enter the Vault, filled with Covenant weapons and Banshees.

Carolina: Alright everyone, spread out. What we need is here somewhere. It's probably something small, easy to miss. Take as many scans as possible, there may be other things we can use.

Maine picks up a Brute Shot and growls questioningly. Washington walks by and pauses to see Maine show him his new weapon.

Washington: That's a good look.

Cal looks up at the Banshees.

California: Oi, you think these things can still fly?

Maine: Doubt it.

Washington: And even if they did, I still wouldn't even try to fly one of them.

York then comes on the radio.

York: (over the radio) Carolina, motion trackers indicate you got an enemy team outside the door.

Carolina: Well, let's hope they're not as good at picking locks as you are, York. Alright team, we're about to have company.

Washington: Boss, I've got good news and bad news.

Carolina: Hit me.

Washington: We found the markings we're looking for. The bad news is... they're on that.

Wash points to a container with the markings, revealing it to be the Sarcophagus.

Carolina: That?

California: (palms visor) Why am I not surprised?

York: (over the radio) Team A, I got us an exit up here. Straight up the stairwell, door to the roof, helipad.

Carolina: (over radio) Copy, I'll radio air support. (to the others) Now, how are we going to get that thing up to the roof?

Maine shrugs his shoulders and growls.

California: (chuckles) Hey, worst-case scenario? Me and Maine just hump the thing to the roof!

Carolina: (taps radio) York, I saw a window-washing unit on our way into the facility, can you find where it attaches to the building?

York looks and sees the window-washing unit attached to the roof of the building.

York: (sarcastically) I don't know, that's a tough one. Lemme see what I can do.

Washington: What're you up to?

Carolina: Improvising. Come 'ere Maine.

Washington: Improvising? I hate it when we do that.

California: Wash, don't be a baby. Besides, we've done crazier shit when we HAVE a plan.

Cal pushes the Sarcophagus on a lift connected to the window-washer unit. Wash watches the door as sparks fly off the seams, indicating the Insurrection was cutting through.

Washington: (facing the door) Better hurry!

Carolina: Maine, it should work fine. You're the only one heavy enough to counterbalance.

Maine: Too high.

Carolina: (sighs) Cal?

Cal kicks Maine out the window and shoots the wire holding up the window-washer platform. Maine free-falls down the building, past two Insurrection Soldiers.

Soldier #1: Hey, did you hear that noise?

Soldier #2: Probably the sound of you being an idiot.

Soldier #1: Oh, you're probably right...dick-biscuit.

Maine lands near the bottom of the tower and the Sarcophagus launches up to the roof where York is.

York: Package is here.

Maine glances up to the top of the building, growling.

Soldier #3: Stop right there or we'll...shoot? (Maine pulls out his newly acquired Brute Shot while the soldier's voice dwindles in confidence) We-we're gonna need bigger handcuffs. Is-is that a knife? Rifle? Kni-knifle? Aah...!

Up in the Vault, Cal, Carolina, and Wash see several explosions from below.

Carolina: Well that oughta buy us some time.

Washington: I almost feel bad for the people down there.

Carolina: Don't.

Washington: What? I said "almost."

California: Can't blame him, love.

The Insurrection soldiers weld through the door and bust it open. Wash, Carolina, and Cal open fire and kill all of the soldiers except for one. The large soldier walks in dramatically, holding a flamethrower.

Washington: (gesturing with his head) What the fuck is with this guy?

The soldier fires his flamethrower and Wash and Carolina dive for cover, as Cal gets blown away by the flames, leaving his armor smoking and charred.

Washington: Whoa, that's hot!

Carolina: CAL!

Cal groans as he tries to get up, but just falls on his stomach again.

Washington: You're gonna pay for that, you son of a bitch!

Washington and Carolina open fire at the soldier. The soldier, however, has bullet-proof armor and is unaffected by their gunfire and grenades. He blasts fire at Washington, who clumsily dodges it.

Washungton: Hot!

As the soldier continues is attack, Wash throws a grenade toward him. Unfortunately, the soldier fires at the grenade, causing it to explode.

Carolina: I've got this. What The-? Ahh!

The covenant weapons overheat and explode, sending Carolina flying back. A fuel rod cannon lands in the middle of the floor in front of Wash. He dives for it and fires it at the soldier. However, the shot bounces off the floor and misses him.

Washington: What the hell? It bounces?! Who designs a gun that bounces? This is the worst gun ever... of all- ah-

Cal tackles him out of the way from the oncoming fire and they take cover.

Washington: Cal, you're okay!

California: And smell like I've been well done. Cover Carolina, I got this fucker.

Cal grabs two Gravity Hammers, and crosses them to block the fire. He runs across the room and throws one of the Hammers at the ground, launching him into the air and hanging onto one of the Banshees. He puts the other hammer on his back and uses the Banshees weapon systems to fire a green plasma blast that blows the soldier into the wall of the exit.

Cal hops out of the Banshee and walks to the soldier, attaching several small devices to Gravity Hammer. The soldier tries to reach for his flamethrower, but Cal kicks it away. The Freelancer yanks the soldier up and it zooms out to show Cal had attached several plasma grenades to the hammer.

California: FOOOOORE!

Cal swings the Hammer and the grenades explode upon impact to the soldier's head. Cal waves away the smoke and turns to see the soldier's headless body teeter before toppling on it's side.

Washington: (helping up Carolina) That guy was a dick!

Cal drops the Gravity Hammer and hugs Carolina, which she returns.

California: (steps back, holding her shoulders) You okay, love?

Carolina: I should be asking you that. Look at your armor!

Cal looks down at all the black soot and feels his shoulder spark.

California: It can be fixed and replaced.

Carolina: Right, come on. Let's get moving!

Washington: Hey, Cal. That bit with the purple plane? That was just showing off.

California: One: it's called a Banshee. And two: the GRAV-HAMMER was me showing off.

They run away as the Banshee Cal had used, falls from the ceiling behind them. They arrive at the roof where York is waiting.

York: Come on, come on, hurry!

York smashes the control panel to the door, closing it shut.

York: There, that oughta hold 'em for a while.

Soldiers immediately begin to weld through the door.

York: O-kay, maybe not. (He runs over to Wash) Hey, where's Maine?

Wash: Downstairs, keeping our hosts occupied.

York: Man, I almost feel bad for them.

Wash: That's what I said!

Carolina: (over radio) Four-Seven Niner, this is Team Alpha! We need evac on the roof of the tower!

479er: (over radio) Roger that, I'm on it.

York: Come on, it's up... here.

Carolina: You!

Tex is seen kneeling on the rooftop, setting up an unknown device. Carolina confronts her.

Carolina: What are you doing here? Is that a bomb? I knew it. It was you who blew up the oil platform!

Washington: That thing blew up?

Carolina: Somebody's been covering our tracks. You're on the roster too, but they hid your name. Why did they send you?

Cal steps between them.

California: Oi! This isn't the time for this!

York: Yeah, hate to bust up your reunion here, but we've got a problem.

Insurrectionists bust open the door.

Rambo: Let's go, go, go, now! Get into position! Completely surround them!

Hornets and soldiers with jetpacks surround the area.

Rambo: No one get behind me! Drop your weapons! (turns to York) You, dickhead! Disarm the bomb!

York: Easy, easy. No reason to get all dramatic! Okay, let me take a crack.

Rambo: Just fuckin' do it already!

York: Easy, easy, man. (picks up the "bomb") Uh... this isn't a bomb. It's a transmitter.

Rambo: (sighs) Alright, it's not a bomb! Wait, a transmitter? What's it transmitting?

York: Our location.

Rambo: Why would it do that?

Everybody looks up.


Up in orbit, the Mother of Invention charges it's main cannon.

F.I.L.S.S.: System online, Director. Awaiting your command.

Counselor: If I may Director, I think it would be wise if we-

Director: Shut up, Counselor.

Counselor: Of course, sir.


Lasers begin homing in on the transmitter, while a beeping sound gets louder and closer together until it sounds like one continuous sound.

Rambo: What the hell? There were four of them here! What the fuck is going on?!

Carolina deactivates her camouflage and begins to beat the crap out of soldiers. Tex uses her invisibility to also take out some soldiers, getting more and more camouflaged until it looks like people are being beat up by air.

Rambo: What did I say?! I said one thing! Keep them in front of me!

York: Hey man. You mind holding this for me for a sec?

Rambo: What?

York: Thank you.

York hands the transmitter to Rambo and slides off. Rambo, hearing the beeping, looks up.

Back up in orbit, the Mother of Invention turns toward the target.

F.I.L.S.S.: Target locked.

Director: Fire.

F.I.L.S.S.: Firing main cannon.

The Mother of Invention fires its MAC cannon.

Rambo: Oh, son of a...

The building gets hit by the blast, making glass on the building explodes outwards as everyone flies back from the explosion. The blast also creates a large gaping hole on the roof. Tex spots a Pelican in the sky, grabs a jetpack from a dead soldier and uses its momentum to kick the Sarcophagus off the building. She then flies off. York, Wash, Cal, and Carolina also see the Pelican hovering over them. The four begin to run towards the edge of the building as the hole crumbles down behind them

Carolina: (vaulting over a piece of crumbling roof) This must be karma for kicking Maine out the window!

York: I don't wanna do thiiisss!!!


California: WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!

The four jump off the building, with the Pelican rushing down behind them. The Freelancers freefall down the building in a diving position, avoiding oncoming debris and other falling soldiers. Carolina reaches for the Sarcophagus and stands on it. Pilot 479er tries to get the Pelican in position with Carolina.

479er: Line it up! Come on! Come on! Stay on target!

479er opens the Pelican's back hatch and begins to slow it down. Suddenly, two Hornets appear and begin to fire at them as Carolina hops off the Sarcophagus.

California: WASH! SLING-SHOT!

Wash flies towards Cal and they both grab forearms. Cal spins them both then throws the steel and yellow Freelancer at the Sarcophagus, allowing him to stand atop it. Wash fires his rifle at a Hornet and manages to take it down in mid-air. Tex appears, flying on her jetpack.

Washington: WAAAAAHHH!!

Tex successfully pushes Wash and the Sarcophagus safely inside the Pelican.

Washington: Oof! Ow...

479er: Hold on!

479er balances the Pelican and flies off.

Tex: Get the package back to Command, now!

479er: On it!

York, Cal, and Carolina still in freefall. They are falling closer and closer to the ground

California: Annnnd, there goes our ride.

Carolina: (jokingly) You think maybe we should've had a fallback plan?

York: Hey, what happened to Maine?

Maine suddenly appears, catching the three in a Warthog.

York: Whoa! Are we in a car?!

The Warthog then enters a tunnel. The second they did, the 110 story building slowly crumbles down to the ground. The Warthog then exits the tunnel, with Maine quickly swerving through traffic and dodging oncoming cars. York is riding shotgun, Carolina is on the turret, and Cal is laying on the roof.


Inside the Pelican, 479er is radioing the MOI.

479er: Command, this is Four Seven Niner. The Sarcophagus is secure, I repeat, the Sarcophagus is secure, we are inbound. I managed to get two agents aboard, remaining team's status is unknown.

In the hangar, Tex looks at her jetpack as it sparks.

Washington: So, jetpacks, huh?

Tex places the damaged jetpack on top of the Sarcophagus and jumps out of the Pelican.

Washington: That was interesting.

The Pelican closes its back hatch and flies away.


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