Rvb S10 E1 "Revenant"

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Author: Yep, season 10 has just begun and I can already tell my brain is going to hurt during writing this. I thought Season 9 was difficult to write, but seeing how it has less flashbacks than season 10. Meaning a lot more scenes to be written.

I might be overreacting, but when you try to write your own scenes for rvb a show with a lot of standing around and talking... it's a task to write. But it's great to know I've got you guys out there, helping me with writing this series!

And with time, effort and a lot of energy drinks, we can get through this! Also, I don't know how good the flashbacks will turn out so, just bear with me here. Anyway, I now present red vs blue season 10!

It was raining lightly from the sky, drenching the people down below. The sky was as grey the peoples faces as they all stood around two holes in the ground. Everyone there was attended a funeral of two beloved people, as their caskets could be seen inside the graves... waiting to be buried.

Off to the side of the graves, stood five UNSC soldiers in their uniforms, saluting. They all had a battle rifle on their backs, as a they watch a high ranking officer make his way to the front. Everyones eyes lay on him, as he clears his throat.

Officer: We are gathered here today to honour and pay tribute to the life of Lucas and Sharon, and to express our love and gratitude for the both of them and their service to our country. Also to try to bring some comfort to those of their family and friends who are here and have been deeply hurt by their sudden death.

Most people in the crowd begin to wipe away their tears.

Officer: Lucas and Sharon, we're good people and excellent soldiers to have under my command. What made them great is the fact they still continued to help fight our battles, while they fought their own.

One of the UNSC soldiers lined up who was a woman with blond hair, fought back to hold the tears that threaten to escape.

Officer: To those that don't know these two, Lucas and Sharon we're a loving couple... with a son they loved with all their heart. I have never had the privilege of knowing these two personal, but I do know others that knew them, the people that counted in their life's. Could Allison Church, come up and say a few words.

The Officer moves off to the side as the UNSC soldier known as Allison, makes her way to the front. She takes a few deep breaths, before speaking.

Allison: Lucas and Sharon were... surprisingly the best friends I've ever had the pleasure of having. When I first meet these two during our years in the UNSC, we we're assigned in the same squad and I never once thought we could get along with each other... and I guess I was wrong.

She begins to smile.

Allison: Now, Lucas... he could be described as a big brother to anyone that knew him, he'd always be there to lend a hand for anyone in need of it. (Laughs lightly) I remember one time, during training I stole a packet of his Oreos and he spent the whole day searching for it, until the Sargent question what the hell he was doing. I never let him, lived that down ever since then and he'd always get annoyed whenever I mention it.

Allison finishes chuckling as her face held the same expression as before.

Allison: As for Sharon... she was mostly the one that had to keep Lucas and I in check all the time. You could say, she was the mature one of the three of us. Sharon was a smart girl and was quite the mechanic to, she could fix cars, tanks and even pelicans, you name it. She even helped teach me, herself in fixing things.

Remember all the good times she's had with these two left a smile on her face as tears went over it.

Allison: And when I heard the news that these two we're getting married, I was shocked that the two even liked each other.

She wipes a few tears away.

Allison: I'm... just glad that I got to know the two of them, during our time together... even if I didn't want to know them at first.

Allison looks towards the Officer and nods, signalling she's done. She walks off and lines back up with the other soldiers as the Officer heads to the front. While, everyone's attention was focused on the Officer as he talked again, Allison had her sights set on someone else.

Standing in the crowd of people stood a small boy, who looked to be around six or five years old. He had short black hair and brown eyes filled with tears. He was wearing a black suit, like everyone else and his hands limply hanged by his sides.

Her focus on the boy is interrupted as the Officer stands, beside the row of soldiers. He signals to us all to give these two a military honour by gun salute. They all aim their BR's at the sky and simultaneously fire, they repeat this motion four times.

Once they finished the Officer turns to the crowd one last time.

Officer: Thank you, all for taking the time to be here and even tho, Lucas and Sharon are no longer here with us... they will always be in are hearts.

Everyone lowered their heads down for a moment of silence out of respect. They all stand up as some begin to comfort others, while others started to head home. The Officer walks off towards the boy Allison saw earlier and takes a knee on the ground in front of the boy, with his hand on the boys shoulder.

The Officer was clearly trying to comfort the boy as he simply nodded his head at each word spoken to him. The Officer stands back up as a women takes the boy's hand, leading him away. Allison takes this time to walk past some people and towards the Officer.

Allison: Excuse me, Sir.

He turns around and looks at her.

Officer: Ms Church, you gave lovely speech up there, I'm... deeply sorry for your lost.

Allison: Thank you, Sir. About the boy... what will be happening to him, now?

Officer: (Sighs) He'll be dropped off to a fostering care, until someone can find any relatives of his or someone else decides to adopt him.

Allison nods at the answer as he rest his hand on her shoulder.

Officer: Please, take all the time you need to grieve for them and remember the good times you've had to together.

He walks off, leaving Allison all on her own. She makes her way over to the two graves with the caskets already having flowers placed on them. She reaches into her pocket and takes out two dog tags, holding them close to her chest.

Allison: I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything to help you two. But I promise, I'll look after your son and make sure he lives the best life he can...

She clutches the dog tags harder.

Allison: ...I promise.

Present/UNSC Archives
To Church, Sarge, Zeta, Wade and Caboose all standing in front of Carolina.

Church: Agent Carolina?! What are you doing here!?

Zeta: Didn't you die!?

Carolina: I'm standing right here, aren't I? But I didn't come here for you, I need Epsilon's help. I'm tracking the Director of Project Freelancer and you're my best bet for figuring out what hole he's hiding in.

Sarge: Hole, eh? You know, our buddy Donut was always talking about his holes!

Church: Sarge...

Sarge: Constantly trying to get people to look at them and what not.

Church: Come on Sarge, he's dead now. He was shot, remember?

Sarge: Oh right. ...Probably has a few more holes in him, huh? Heh heh heh ...What, too soon?

Wade: Sarge, I don't think there's ever going to be an appropriate amount of time, for that joke to be okay.

Sarge: Ah whatever, you big blue babies.

Zeta: (Laughs) It's certainly feels good to be back with the old gang, huh Church?

Church: Shut up, Zeta. What are you doing alive Carolina? You're supposed to be dead. This is impossible.

Sarge: That's a funny thing to say, for a guy who's literally a ghost.

Caboose: Yeah, uh, actually he's not a ghost... Um, he's a computer program.

Wade: He just gets holograpically projected on our armor when he or Zeta wants to talk to us.

Caboose: Yeah...

Sarge: Seismographic computer programs? Heh heh. You boys, you say the craziest things sometimes. What an imagination on you two.

Caboose: Yeah, I don't know what that first word means, but it sounds the same ...I will allow it.

An explosion goes off and Wash backs up into the room firing in the opposite direction.

Wash: Hey, how we doing in here?

Zeta: Is that... Washington?

Wash: You got Epsilon and Zeta out, good. We can't hold them off much longer. They're not too happy about us breaking in.

Carolina: Let me see what I can do to help that.

Carolina runs out of the room and start firing her battle rifle.

Wash: Heh, same old Carolina. I guess coming back from the dead doesn't change anybody.

Church: Washington, why are you wearing blue armor? Why are you wearing my armor?

Wash: Oh... Um...

Wade: Oh... Yeah, yeah.

Wash: They sort of used me to... replace you? On Blue Team.

Church: Replace me?

Caboose: I wouldn't really use the word replace... But there's no word for "Take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say replace.

Church: When did this happen?

Caboose: Oh, do you remember when you and Zeta went into the memory unit and then everyone was sad?

Church: Yeah!

Caboose: It was right after that.

Church: Right after I left?!

Caboose: Well, it wasn't right after, you know, but you know it was like 5 or 10 seconds.

Church: You've got to be kidding me.

Caboose: Life is short Epsilon; we had to move on.

Church: I think I just got dumped by Caboose. This is unfucking believable!

Caboose: Yeah, it's-it's not me; it's you.

Wash: Epsilon, they just needed to even the teams, it's really not-

Church: Hey! Would you guys stop calling me "Epsilon"?! I'm Church now.

Caboose: Oh... um, we sort of call the new guy Church. You know, sometimes.

Church: (Quietly) What?

Wade: (Mutters) Awkward.

Wash: Caboose just finds it easier. The armor color confuses him... As do a lot of things.

Church: Let me get this straight Agent Washington; you took my name, too?

Wash: It's only in certain circumstances.

Caboose: Like when we talk to him... Or need to fill out paper work... Or sing happy birthday to him.


Zeta leans over to Wade.

Zeta: Did you guys seriously sing happy birthday to him?

Wade: Uuh, yeah. Just ask Caboose about it.

Zeta just holds in her laughter as Sarge speaks up.

Sarge: Well... this is awkward. You know, I think the quickest solution would be a good old fashioned thinning of the ranks with my trusty shotgun. Any takers?

Wade: Er- We're good, Sarge.

Sarge: Well, it was worth a shot. You win this round blue... (Quietly/gruffly) but I'll be back... (Faces Church) Actually, this guy's been kicking our ass! I'm kind of glad to have you back. Sure would be nice to have an idiot in charge of Blue Team again.

Church: (Sarcastically) Thanks. It's great to be needed.

Zeta: (Smiles) Yep, definitely feels good to be back.

An explosion occurs outside as Carolina rushes back into the room.

Carolina: Everyone, front and center now!

Another explosion occurs outside of the room.

The End
Author: And that's the first chapter done! Let's just hope that the others turn out well... and I don't take to long to write the next chapter.

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