Rvb S10 E11 "Out of Body"

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Over to Tucker, Wade, Zeta, Grif and Simmons standing in front of Carolina's Mongoose. Caboose and Leo are seen crouching beside the Mongoose and tinkering with it.

Leo: Annnnd... done! That should be everything all sorted, right Caboose?

Caboose: Yep! As long as it doesn't cause a fire... again.

Leo and Caboose stand up and take a step back.

Zeta: So, how are you feeling in there?

Carolina's Mongoose engine comes to life at the question.

Church: I feel like running over each, and every one of you.

Church's voice speaks through the Mongoose.

Zeta: So, pretty much just the exact same as before.

Church: Yeah. Pretty much.

Grif: Y'know Simmons? I think I'm gonna let you call "Shotgun" on this one.

Grif runs off.

Simmons: Fuck that! I'll let Leo have the honours this time!

Simmons follows after Grif.

Leo: Yeah no, I'd rather call "Shotgun" on something that won't complain to me, throughout the whole ride.

Leo chases after the two as Church appears on the windshield of the Mongoose.

Church: Hey, that was one time! Besides, this sucks!

Wade: What are you complaining about? You finally got your own body.

Church: My own body? Wade, I'm a fucking tonka truck!

Tucker: Yeah, but think about it! You could literally pick up chicks with this thing!

Church: Oh, yeah, because every girl just dreams about settling down with Optimus Prime - HONK!

Church flashes as the Mongoose's horn goes off. He turns around and sees Caboose with his hand hovering over the Mongoose honk button.

Church: Caboose! Don't do that.

Caboose pulls his hand away.

Caboose: Sorry.

Sarge comes up running from behind the group and halts besides them.

Sarge: Alright, places people! Here they come!

Sarge runs away as Church vanishes.

Caboose: Don't forget to shout "Surprise!"

Wade: Caboose, not now!

Carolina and Wash run over the hill to where the Blues are.

Carolina: Tucker, bring Church over here. I've got some questions for him.

Tucker: Goddamnit.

Over by the Elephant, where Carolina speaks to Wash who's inside using a computer.

Carolina: Any luck?

Wash: I think so.

The computer screen displays the Project Freelancer emblem, which spins and than reveals several pictures, among them, one of them being Church former Monitor body.

Wash: Alright, data pad accepted. Looks like we're in business.

Tucker runs up to Carolina.

Tucker: So, uh, what do you need Church for?

Carolina: I just told you.

Tucker: Oh... yeah, but I mean you could talk to me instead! 'Sup girl?

Carolina: Why on Earth would I ever want to do that?

Tucker: Well, you know, we're a perfect match. We're both super good-looking badass rebel loners, and we've got the same color armor! Greenish-blue.

Carolina just simply stares at Tucker.

Tucker: Uh, aquamarine? Turquoise? Hey, what the fuck color is this anyways?

Wash: Listen, it's important that we figure out what's on C.T.'s data pad. It might be our next clue to finding the Director.

Tucker glances at the screen.

Tucker: Hey I know that thing!

Wash: Wait, you recognize this artifact?

Tucker: Hell yeah! It was the biggest pain in the ass!

Wade and Caboose runs up behind Tucker.

Caboose: Ah, it's Church! Yeah, he had lost a lot of weight.

Carolina: What?

Tucker: Oh yeah, Caboose transferred Epsilon from a memory unit into that thing a long time ago.

Carolina: Where is it now?

Tucker: I dunno, who cares?

Carolina: I do.

Tucker: Oh. Well in that case, uh, Wade tell her where it is.

Wade: Uh, yes! But I feel like Caboose... can explain it to her better.

Caboose: Right. Yes. Okay. Right. Yes. I will do that...yes...right...now.

Over to the Reds, standing not far away and watching the blues.

Grif: Well Sarge, You've always wanted to watch a Blue die. Looks like your going to get your wish after all.

Sarge: Actually Grif, it's always been my wish to watch you die.

Grif: Oh, right.

Sarge: Yep. Every night after you boys would retire to your bunks, I would climb up to the top of the base and just wait. Hoping I would see a shooting star. So that I could wish for your violent, and unbearably painful demise.

Grif: Okay, you can stop now.

Sarge: I even even had a little jingle to go along with it.

Grif: Please don't.

Leo: (Smirks) Aw, this'll be good.

Sarge: (Singing) "I just wish that Grif was dead!"

Grif: I hate you.

Simmons also starts singing along.

Simmons/Sarge: (Singing) "Put a bullet-"

Sarge stops, noticing that Simmons had also started singing.

Simmons: (Singing) "-through his head!"

Grif: What the-? Simmons how do you know that song?!

Leo: (Singing) "Hide his body in a shed!"

Grif: What-? Leo you too! How do you even know this song!?

Leo: It's one of the first things, Sarge taught me when he adopted me.

Sarge: It's a new family tradition, I've started!

Grif: Why do you even sing it!?

Leo: It's actually a pretty catchy song, alright! Even sing it at night, sometimes.

Simmons: It's been in my dreams for years!Now it all makes sense! Oh thank God!

Grif: What?!

Simmons: I thought I was crazy when I woke up with that rifle in my hands!

Leo: You've noticed that to? Everything time I sing it, I instinctively reach for a gun.

Sarge: Heheheh, well ain't that the power of music!

Grif: Guys! Why didn't you tell me about this?!

Simmons: Oh, shut up. It wasn't even loaded.

Leo: Uuuh, I can't say the same for me.

Grif: Seriously!?

Back over to the Elephant, where Carolina is standing in front of the blues.

Carolina: How can you just leave an ancient alien artifact on the floor of a warehouse?!

Caboose: Okay, hold on, I mean, to be fair, you know, uuh-

Caboose looks at the others for help. Zeta appears closer.

Zeta: In all honesty, we did kind of broke it, anyway.

The computer screen flashes repeatedly and an error message appears stating; "DATA CORRUPTED END OF FILE ERROR CODE 32165206.35".

Wash: Uh-oh, that's not right...

Carolina: Ugh! I can't believe we came all this way for nothing!

As Carolina runs off, Wash turns to the other Blues.

Wash: You guys are not making my life easy right now.

Tucker: Do we ever?

Wash: Good point.

Over to Carolina followed by Wash, as they walk underneath one of the temple structures.

Wash: So, what's the plan now?

Carolina: There's an island nearby that I want to visit. Shouldn't take more than a day or so.

Wash: That old fortress? Carolina, I'm not sure there's a-

Carolina: Wash. Trust me on this?

Wash: Right. You should probably listen to your instincts.

Carolina: You stay here and keep the sim troopers from causing any trouble. I won't be long.

Carolina heads back over to where her Mongoose is parked and drives away with it. Wash walks by the group, while addressing to them.

Wash: Alright, everyone move into the temple. It'll be getting dark soon.

Wade: Hey, Wash, where is she even going?

Wash: She lost something. I think she just needs some time to try and find it again.

The sun could be seen shining through the trees that surround a warm looking Cabin in the woods. For once, it was a pretty quiet start to the day, unless-

???: Come on big bro! You said you'd let me have a turn today!

A young boy's voice yelled from within the Cabin. Suddenly, the door slams open revealing a young boy wearing casual clothes with red eyes, black hair with blue tips at the end. He could be seen dragging another person by they're hand who appears to be older than the boy.

The young man had short black hair, black eyes and wore some plain casual clothes with a coat. The man is seen being dragged down the steps by the boy, who's leading him over by a shed, near the Cabin.

Man: Wade, if you keep dragging me every day, you might actually pop my arm off.

The boy now known as Wade frowns at his big brother.

Wade: Maybe, if you wake up faster, than I wouldn't have to drag you!

Brother: (Smirks) But where's the fun in that?

The two reach the shed as Wade opens the door and inside. There's some grunting heard as Wade struggles to drag out a flamethrower and some tanks connected to it.

Brother: What, to heavy for you?

Wade: No! I can do this!

Wade attempts to pull the flamethrower a few times.

Brother: Alright, I'll be waiting over here than.

He slowly starts walking away.

Wade: Fine! (Sighs) I may need help.

He smiles and walks back over to Wade, grabbing the flamethrower and tanks, lifting it up with ease.

Brother: Now, that Wade. Is how you pick up a flamethrower.

Wade: Just you wait! One day, I'll be able to pick that up all by myself.

Brother: Sure, just wait a few more years. Now, come on you want to have a shot don't you?

Wade nods his head rapidly as he follows his brother, who leads him over to the other side of the Cabin. There they see a giant pile of wood.

Wade: (Excited) It's even bigger then last year!

Brother: And you know what that means.

Wade: Bigger flames!

They both stand besides the pile as the Wade's brother gestures him over.

Brother: You remember what I taught you about how to use this, right?

Wade: Yep! You twist this Valve and then press this button, which shoots out the flames!

Wade says, while pointing to different parts on the flamethrower.

Brother: That's right, want to give it a go?

Wade: Yes please!

Wade straps the tanks on his back and grabs ahold of the flamethrower with his brother helping him hold it. Wade aims the nozzle at the pile of wood.

Brother: Alright, listen closely. Now, what you want to do is-

Wade immediately presses the button, causing flames to erupt from the flamethrower and setting the pile of wood on fire.

Brother: -or just do that.

Wade: This. Is. AWESOME!!!

As Wade continues to douse the pile in flames, his brother smiles, while watching him... knowing that it would be a long time, until he'd see him again. Once Wade calmed down, him and his brother both sat down and watched the bonfire burn peacefully.

Brother: It's beautiful isn't it.

Wade: Yeah...

Wade's brother reaches into his coat and pulls out a plastic bag with some chocolate chip cookies in it.

Brother: You hungry?

Wade nods and happily reaches his hand into the bag, pulling out a cookie. As Wade munches on some cookies, his brother wraps his arm around pulling him close.

Brother: I'm going to miss you know.

Wade lowers his cookie down with a sad expression on his face.

Wade: I know...

Brother: It's going to be difficult waking up without you dragging me every day.

Wade giggles at the joke as his brother ruffles his hair.

Wade: Guess so, but at least you'll be out their kicking butt and blowing stuff up! Oh, I can't wait, until I get to do that!

Brother: I can't wait either little bro. (Mutters) But I'm going to miss you, until that day.

Wade: I'm going to miss you to, Alex.

The two of them continue to watch the bonfire burn, hoping this moment would last forever.

The End
Author: Halfway through the season... yay and also here's a flashback for Dead with more information about Wade and a certain flamethrower dude!


Tex: Did I say you can stop writing?

Author: Uh, no! I was just getting back to work, Tex!

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