Rvb S10 E13 "Home Sweet Home"

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Carolina, along with the Red and Blues, drive up beside blue base and park. Wash walks up to Carolina as she hops off her Mongoose.

Wash: Pelican's over there. That's where Tex ended up.

Carolina: You mean her body ended up there.

Wash: Right.

Carolina: Show me.

Carolina and Wash leave for the crash site, until Simmons runs up from behind one of the Warthogs.

Simmons: Wait! What about the military? This could all be a trap remember?

Carolina: What are you talking about?

Sarge: Wash told us we were fugitives of the law. Bandits. Cast out by society with no hope of redemption!

Simmons: Yeah, and that the UNSC would be waiting for us when we got back to base!

Leo: And we just came back here?

Carolina turns to Wash.

Wash: It was a possibility.

Carolina: So, let me get this straight...

Over to Wade, Zeta, Caboose and Tucker who calls Church over to them.

Tucker: Psst! Hey Church! Over here!

Church appears in front of the four of them.

Church: Yeah, hey. Can't talk too long. My connection with Carolina's memory unit's not so good. What's up?

Tucker: Ah, not much, my first time here so, I'm just taking it all in. Really enjoying the scenery. What about you?

Church: Well, I mean, yeah, you know, now that you mention it the trees are kinda nice. Especially in comparison with the desolate environment of the sand and the- wait, wait, wait, wait, is that it?!

Tucker: No, that's not it! What the fuck are you doing with Carolina?

Wade: Yeah, since when were you installed in her armour?

Church: Hey, calm down guys! Turns out she's more complicated than we thought.

Zeta: What do you mean by 'complicated'?

Caboose: Like Monopoly! Or like the board game.

Wade: Ugh, I hate Monopoly! I also seem to have pay everyone in that bloody game!

Tucker: Church, just because you want to get close to someone doesn't mean that you have to end up inside them!

They all fall silence.

Zeta: Uh, aren't you going to say it?

Tucker: No, because I'm pissed off at him!

Tucker points at Church.

Church: Alright, alright, look guys. I'm still on your side, okay? But if Carolina is hiding something, I'm going to have to stay close to her in order to find it. See? Proximity is the key.

Wade: Wasn't it, memory was the key?

Caboose: Yeah, and the sword. Sword is the key too!

Tucker: Caboose, shut up!

Church: Hey, I gotta go. We'll talk later.

Church vanishes.

Caboose: We should probably get a key ring.

Zeta: Maybe, later Caboose.

Back over to the reds, where Leo is talking to Carolina.

Leo: So, what exactly do you want us to be doing in the meantime?

Carolina goes to say a threat, but holds her tongue.

Carolina: (Sighs) Just sit tight. In fact, don't do anything. At all.

Leo: (Sighs) Like that's new.

Grif: Now, that's the kind of order I can get behind. Next do you think she'll tell us to sleep in tomorrow or order us to stop bathing a week?

Simmons: Wait, what? You've done that?

Grif: No... I wanna say "no".

Leo: That would explain the horrible stench. Grif, once we're done here, you are taking a bath!

Grif: I don't smell that bad!

Simmons: I can smell you from here!

Sarge: We've been sitting tight for days. If I sit any tighter, I'll strangle my seat.

Grif: I'm not worried, I could use the break.

Sarge: We haven't done anything!

Grif: Exactly. Avoiding work is kind of what I do, so if you think about it, I've been on the clock this entire time! I should get paid overtime for this!

Simmons: You get paid overtime?

Grif: Uh, yeah. Time and a half over forty hours dude. Time and a half and a half over sixty. It's a shame there aren't any numbers higher than sixty.

Simmons: What?! Seriously?!

Leo: Wait, are you not getting paid for overtime?

Simmons: No!

Grif: I've never gotten it though. One time I thought I did, but it turns out you have to do it in just one week. Could've sworn it was monthly.

Simmons: They told me, I wasn't eligible for overtime! I put in sixty hours a week!

Leo: Really? That's... weird.

Grif: Well, tell me they at least match your 401k.

Sarge: Fringe, benefits, I'm tired of all this waiting! Come on fellas, now's our chance!

Simmons: Uh, I don't know. You know how I feel about taking chances, sir.

Sarge: You said, Lopez was shot here. Let's go get him back! Leave no man behind, Simmons! No robot without his nuts. No warthog unlubed.

Leo: Sarge, that doesn't make any sense.

Sarge: He's a robot, Leo! We can rebuild him and activate him at any time! Gives us an edge over those pesky Blues. In the battle of ghosts versus robots, robots always win. Except in anime.

Simmons: No. I mean it didn't make sense why we would do that. He's an awful soldier!

Sarge: But he's a great mechanic.

Leo: (Mutters) Oh... I thought I was a great mechanic, but ok.

Simmons: Nothing's broken.

Sarge: Au contraire. Lopez is broken. You said so, yourself. He can get to work on that.

Simmons: But, but we would have to fix him in order to- You see he's the- You know what, just never mind.

Sarge: Aha. So you see the point

Leo: You do realise, I'm a mechanic as well?

Sarge: Oh right! Leo can fix Lopez then!

Simmons: At least that part is sorted out. Let's go.

Grif: Yeah, I think I'll stay here and take a siesta. Lopez would've wanted it that way.

Grif walks away.

Sarge: A siesta! I don't know if I'm angry that he's bucking responsibilities, or happy that he took my multicultural squad seminar to heart. That was one of the best pep talks I've ever given. That's saying somethin'.

Simmons: But sir, I gave that seminar. You made me work on it for weeks. I even did the traditional Quinceañera dance!

Leo: (Laughs) I remember that! I think I saved a recording of it somewhere.

Simmons: You told me, you deleted it!

Leo sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.

Leo: I... may of lied.

Sarge: Oh, couldn't have been that great. I don't even remember it. Let's go, boys.

Over to the Blues watching the Reds leave.

Wade: Looks, like the Reds are leaving.

Caboose: You know what? I'm going to see our awesome new base. It's so much basey-er than our old one. I've missed it so, much!

Caboose runs off to Blue Base, leaving Tucker, Wade and Zeta all by themselves.

Tucker: (Scoffs) So much for sticking together...

Zeta: Do we ever stick to a plan?

Wade: Never, it seems.

Past/Boot Camp
A few rows of soldiers are seen lined up outside on the dirt ground in the blazing sun. Each soldier had their body straight as a wooden plank with most of them having a emotionless expression plastered on their faces.


A Sargent is seen walking down in front of the first row of soldiers, making sure he gave each of them a cold glare.

Sargent Alan: My name is Sargent Alan and will be your Drill Instructor! All of you will address my as Sir, UNDERSTOOD!

Soldiers: Sir, yes sir!

Sargent Alan: I can't hear you!

Soldiers: SIR, YES SIR!

Sargent Alan: Better! Now, my mission is train each and every one you little shits to become a marine! Most of you will wish you were dead, throughout your time here. But with discipline and spirit, you can all become a marine! Now, look your left!

Each soldier looks left.

Sargent Alan: Look to your right!

They all look right.

Sargent Alan: These are your fellow trainees, you'll be working with for the next few years! You shall respect them because if I find one of you's picking fights, your ass is getting sent back home!

The Sargent moves over to the left end of the row and stares at a male soldier with blond hair and green eyes, who's eyes stare at the Sargent nervously.

Sargent Alan: What do they call you, maggot!

The Sargent says, while leaning closer to the soldier.

Ethan: Ethan William, Sir!

Sargent Alan: Who decided to send your ass to me!

Ethan: My parents, Sir!

Sargent Alan: Well, then I'm going to take a shit in a box and send it to your parents for sending me theirs!

He moves onto the next soldier, who's a female soldier with short brown hair and blue eyes. She doesn't appear to affected with how stern the Sargent is staring at her.

Sargent Alan: And what I'm I supposed to call you!

Racheal: Racheal Jackson, Sir!

Sargent Alan: Why the hell are you here!?

Racheal: To fight for my country, against the covenant, Sir!

Sargent Alan: Excellent! Will be sure to use you as cannon fodder!

He moves onto another male soldier, who looks familiar. He had short black hair and brown eyes, staring at the Sargent with a hint of fear.

Sargent Alan: What do I call you!

Leo: Leo Church, Sir!

The Sargent quietly stares at him for a moment, before continuing.

Sargent Alan: Tell me... why are you here?

Leo takes a nervous gulp.

Leo: I'm here because... I wish to be like my Mother who served in the army.

Sargent Alan: Try not to die, first.

And then the Sargent moves onto the next Soldier, leaving a nervous Leo. He never thought the Drill instructors would be this intense! But still he doesn't regret his choice for coming here, it was already difficult enough to get in with a young age. Leo's just glad he's finally free from his Dad reach from ever finding him. Most importantly he was finally following his dream to be like his Mum. So, far everything seemed to be going just great in Leo's opinion.

Sargent Alan: Now, I want 50 laps around this course! Last ten people that come last, don't receive any dinner!

Maybe, it wasn't exactly going great...

The End

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