Rvb S10 E17 "Remember Me How I Was"

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Leo, Simmons and Grif are seen standing at the back of Red base, staring out at the ocean.

Grif: Hey, guys?

Leo: Yeah?

Grif: You ever wonder why we're here?

Simmons: You mean metaphysically?

Grif: No. I mean why are we going through all this trouble just to find one guy?

Leo: You mean the, Director?

Grif: Yeah, that guy.

Simmons: I don't know. He's evil... he did hurt, Leo remember?

Leo: (Sighs) Simmons...

Grif: Oh yeah, hey what aren't you jumping at the opportunity to find this guy, Leo?

Simmons: Yeah, he's the one that started all of this. You know. He's the reason we have to deal with the Freelancers, the A.I.s, and the Meta. He's hurt you as a kid and I mean when you think about it, he's the reason why we're here. Wouldn't you want to get even with him?

Leo: I...

Sarge emerges from inside the base and approaches the three, interrupting Leo.

Sarge: Yep. He's a real dirtbag all right and deserves to die. But... even if he's six feet under, we'll still be in the same damn spot.

Simmons: Uh...sir?

Sarge: All I'm saying is we made it back to base in one piece, and even found the rest of our team. So, do you boys really think running off again will make things any better?

Over by the side of red base, where Wash is seen eavesdropping on the Reds talking.

Sarge: 'Cause the way I see it, leaving this place is only going to make things worse.

Grif: Hmm. I guess you have a point Sarge.

Wash walks away.

Sarge: Shut up, Grif.

Over to another area in Valhalla, where Carolina is seen walking past some rocks.

Carolina: Church, can't this wait?

She stops and turns around, facing Church as he appears.

Church: No, it can't. Carolina, the guys are terrified of you.

Carolina: What's your point?

Church: My point is that they think you're a killer psychopath and you can't be trusted! But I know they're wrong. I know why you're doing all this. And I know you're not really crazy!

Carolina: (Sarcastically) Gee, thanks Church. You certainly know how to make a girl feel special.

Church: What I don't know is what happened between you and Tex.

Carolina: I don't want to-

Church: You mentioned her name back on the island.

Carolina: What does Tex have to do with anything?

Church: Well, a lot apparently! Because every time I bring her up you act like you're going to put your fist through something. And then, you do sometimes.

Carolina: That's ridiculous! I don't-

Church: Look, I understand you're angry. I'm angry too. The Director's a fucking dickhead and we're going to make him pay! But Tex was your friend, right?

Carolina: (Laughs) My friend?! Who the hell gave you that idea?

Church: Well... she did.

Carolina turns away from him.

Church: Look, she was a total bitch. Trust me, I know. But she told me once she would have given anything to save you. I don't know what she meant exactly, but if you really want to take down the Director, you gotta pull yourself together, you know. You gotta let it go.

Carolina: You say that... like I'm sad she's gone, but I'm not. I hated her. I couldn't compete.

Church: That doesn't matter anymore.

Carolina: But even she couldn't find the Director! Agent Texas; the best of the best. How the hell am I supposed to do what she couldn't?!

Church vanishes and reappears in front of her.

Church: Carolina, if she was really the best, then she would be standing here right now, not you. Let it go.

Carolina looks down and pulls out something.

Church: What is that?

Carolina opens her hand, revealing a dirty looking dog tags.

Carolina: They're her dog tags... Wash found them in the crash.

Church: Tex didn't wear dog tags.

Carolina cleans off some dirt from the tag with her thumb, revealing Connecticut's name. A USB then quickly pops out from the top.

Carolina: Connie?

Church: It looks like some kind of data unit.

Carolina: Can you tell me what's on it?

Church: Only one way to find out. And hey, if I'm not out... in like three months, don't bother coming in looking for me. Just... move on with your lives.

A brief pause of silence.

Church: Okay, im gonna... I'm gonna go now.

Church disappears.

Past/Boot Camp
It's been quite awhile since Leo told his friends his past and by "awhile," roughly over two years to be exact. Leo, Racheal and Ethan have grown in those years as friends, physically and their skills.

Even at the moment them and their fellow trainees are doing some training, practicing their marksman skills. They were all equiped with the standard Battle Rifle and lined up at the shooting range, firing at their respective target dummies.

The whole place was filled with the sound of guns going off and no-one was allowed to wear earmuff headsets, apparently the Sargent believes that bursting your eardrums now, is better then them bursting on the battle field. Can't disagree with him on that.

Over to Leo who was doing fairly, well with his target. Each time he fired the gun, his bullet would hit around the middle and sometimes dead centre to Leo's enjoyment. Leo goes to put in another clip of ammo, until he catches that Riley guy, glaring at him over from his section.

This has been going on ever since the Railgun training. Whenever he ever saw Riley or walked past the guy, he would either give him a glare of hatred or purposely bump into his shoulder. At first Leo just ignored the guy, but as more time passes on with Riley still continuing his actions. There's only so, much Leo could take, until bursting.

Leo: (Sighs) Just focus on something else, Leo.

Leo was so, lost in thought that he hadn't notice the guy he was talking about was making his way over to him. Leo reaches for his ammo clip and puts it into his gun, but before he fires a hand lands on his shoulder.

Riley: Leo, is it? How you holding up here?

Leo looks at Riley, seeing a sinister smile on his face. Leo shrugs his hand off his shoulder.

Leo: What do you want, Riley.

Riley frowns.

Riley: I want you, to back off you hear.

Leo: Back off?

Riley: You heard me, I see the way you act. Thinking your better then everyone and we're all below you, but guess what? Your the weakest guy, here.

Leo takes some calming breaths, before turning around to face Riley, gripping his gun tightly.

Leo: Look, Riley I don't want to cause a scene. Why don't you go back to were you, came from and we'll act like this never happened.

He just smiles at this.

Riley: You would like that wouldn't you?

Riley leans down to Leo's ear, making sure he hears his next words.

Riley: I'm not surprised, coming from the Sargents pet.

He leans back from Leo, who's currently giving him an cold glare.

Leo: What. Did. You. Say.

Riley: Are you ears not working, Sargents Pet?

He starts laughing as Leo body starts streaming with angry. He was starting to get very pissed off at Riley and began clenching his hand so, hard on his gun he could feel something moving below his finger- *BANG*

Riley: AAAHHH!!

Everyone stops what their doing and see Riley fall to the ground, clutching his foot leaking blood. Leo stands their with shocked look and smoke coming out of his guns barrel.

Riley: H-He shot my foot! HE FUCKING SHOT MY FOOT!

Leo looks around and see's everyone giving him shocked and disbelief looks. Among them he sees his friends Ethan and Racheal just staring at him in confusion and shock.


Leo turns to the voice and see's Sargent Alan glaring at Leo with flames in his eyes.

Sargent Alan: IN MY OFFICE, NOW!!

Leo just stares at the Sargent with regret smothering his face. He begins his walk of shame to his Sargents Office as a pair of medics run over to Riley clutching his foot.

Sargents Office
Leo is inside sitting on a chair in a simple looking office, he had his head down.

Sargent Alan: Eyes up, when I speak to you, Private.

Leo strains himself to look up and see's the same glare his Sargent is giving him.

Sargent Alan: Tell me, why you shot your fellow marine.

Leo: It was by accident, Sir!

The Sargent doesn't believe those words.

Sargent Alan: Why wasn't the gun on safety, Private.

Leo: I forgot, Sir!

Sargent Alan: That's no, EXCUSE! Why did you shoot him!

Leo: ...He was making me angry, Sir.

Sargent Alan: Making you, angry? So, you just decided to shoot him? Why didn't you control yourself? Why didn't you ignore him or address me of the situation?

Leo: I-I... don't know why I didn't, Sir.

The Sargent just massages his forehead, letting out a sigh.

Sargent Alan: Private Church because of injuring a trainee and breaking safety, I should discharge you.

Worry flashes over Leo's eyes.

Leo: Sir! Didn't you say at the beginning of our time here, that no-one shall disrespect each other.

Sargent Alan: That's correct, Private.

Leo: Riley has disrespected many recruits during our time here, one of them being Private Williams. He even disrespected me, you say you'll deal with anyone causing disrespect so, why is Riley still here?

Sargent Alan sinks in Leo's statement, before letting out a laugh.

Sargent Alan: God, you remind me of your Mother.

Leo: (Confused) My Mother? You mean, Allison sir?

Sargent Alan: That's her, I see the same fire she had in her, but now, I see it in you.

Leo: How do you know her?

Sargent Alan: I was her drill instructor. Taught her for many years, until the war came. I remember her, always standing her ground whenever she talked to me, even influenced her friends Lucas and Sharon to stand up as well.

Leo's eyes widen at those names.

Sargent Alan: I always thought those three would win ever battle they'd come across... but fate seemed to have other plans. I'm sorry, for what happened to them.

Leo: It's alright, Sir.

Sargent Alan: ...I remember you, when you were just a boy all those years ago at the funeral. You've grown so, much since then. I can see with each pain you went through, you always came out stronger. Allison, would be proud of you.

Leo wipes his eyes of some tears and smiles.

Leo: Thank you, Sargent.

Sargent Alan: Because of what you did, your no longer able to serve in this unit. But I'll see if I can pull any strings to keep you here, understood?

Leo: Yes Sir!

Sargent Alan: Now, go get some rest. I can tell you need it.

With that Leo stands up and salutes the Sargent, before leaving his office. As he begins going through his paperwork.

To Carolina still standing in the same area, waiting for Church.

Church: C-Carolina?

Carolina turns around and see's Church glitching a bit.

Church: I know where to find the Director.

Carolina: What? How?

Church: I just remembered...

Church vanishes briefly and then reappears in his full form.

Church: ...Everything.

The End
Author: Next chapter! The Hologram-Chamber moment!

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