Rvb S10 E20 "Reckless"

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Past/Blood Gulch
Once again Leo was transferred, only this time with two other people that got him put into this situation in the first place. To think he could have avoided all this, if he just finished the training exercise. But just like their Lieutenant said, they were told to pack their things and immediately head onto a Pelican, which is taken them to a place called Blood Gulch.

Grif already disliked the name of the place, due to Leo being forced to listen to him through the entire flight. Simmons started to suggest other names for the place and now, Leo was forced to hear the both of them listen random names for this Canyon. Luckily for Leo, they finally arrived at their destination where they met their new Sargent. He was... interesting in Leo's book and he wasn't referring to his southern accent.

Immediately when they landed, he ran up to them in standard red armour, holding a shotgun and asked for our names, once the introduction were out of the way, he put us to work straight away, something about being more prepared then those blues. So, Grif was assigned to request from Command a Warthog, while him and Simmons kept watch for any blues. Still there was this nagging feeling Leo couldn't get rid of, like there was something more going on here in this simple Canyon. Leo just dismissed it as a random thought...

Random Cave
Over to Butch Flowers standing inside a cave and talking on the radio.

Flowers: Radio check... 1... 2... semblance... 1... 2... buckle my shoe. Can you read me? Vic?

Vic (Radio): Hello. Yes, hello, this is Vic transmitting from simulation outpost....

Flowers: Uh, uh. Remember, you're Vic from comaaand.

Vic (Radio): Yes. Apologies, Agent Florida, I will be sure to modify my greeting in the future. Are you nearing completion for your simulation preparation?

Flowers: Indeed, I am! You can inform the director that I've assembled both Red and Blue teams for Blood Gulch outposts 1 and Alpha. Everything is looking dandy! Let me tell you, nothing short of an Aspirin overdose will stop this plan from succeeding.

Vic (Radio): Excellent news sir. Alright then, protocol established by command now allows you to activate the Alpha. If our theories are correct, the Alpha will gain full control over the host body it assumes to be its own. Odds of memory contamination from the host mind are very slim.

Flowers: That is fantastic news!

Vic (Radio): And it says here in the Important Note Section: that you need to make sure the Alpha has no recollection of the events concerning Project Freelancer. Nothing about the other fragments, nothing about the crash. AND absolutely nothing about the Meta.

Flowers: Understood.

Vic (Radio): It also says not to put the Alpha in any immediate danger as quote: "It is unknown how sever injury or death may affect the host body-A.I. relationship."

Flowers: Ha. Huh. I wasn't planning on any of my men dying. That would just be poor leadership on my part.

Vic (Radio): That is all for the command objectives, Agent Florida. Keep in mind. Not only am I here to provide false direction for the simulation troopers, I am also programmed to assist you in monitoring and managing this operation. If you need anything else: Let me know and I will contact command.

Flowers: Will that sounds handy. Thank you, Vic!

Vic (Radio): Oh! There's one more note here. It also says to make sure you have a great day, Captain!

Flowers: Aw... That is so sweet. Now...

Flowers turns around and runs out the cave entrance, leading outside to the Canyon.

Flowers: It's time to begin.

Red Base
To Simmons, Leo and Grif standing outside of their base as their Sargent comes running out, towards them.

Sarge: Private Grif! Did you send in a the order for a new jeep?

Grif: Uhhh... Probably?

Leo: He decided to take a nap, while filling the paperwork, sir.

Simmons: But I was able to finish it for him, sir!

Sarge: I didn't order you to do that, Simmons. Both of you drop right now and give me 20. Leo, you make sure they do them all properly.

Grif: Wait, 20 what? 20 more minutes? You're not making any sense.

Leo: He's talking about push-ups! Why would he punish you with a nap?

Grif: I don't know why he's punishing me at all! Simmons was the one that took matters into his own hands. You know Sargent, I'd be careful with that guy, if I were you. He seems like a bit of a loose canon.

Sarge: Something tells me you're not being entirely genuine, Private.

Grif: Who? Me? Naah, I just wanna make sure we establish a good working relationship.

Sarge: We'll you can start establishing it, by cleaning up the base. That goes for the three of you!

Sarge runs back into the base as Simmons calls out to him.

Simmons: Will get right on that, sir!

Leo: Let's head to the top of the base and clean there first. Then we can make are way down from their.

Leo walks off, with Simmons following behind.

Grif: You know, I've got a way better idea of where we could go instead and ruin are lives!

Grif chases after the two, up to the top of the base. While they started to clean the equipment lying around, they began to stop due to Grif distracting them with his "amazing idea". They we're currently standing on the edge of the base, with Grif bugging Leo and Simmons with his plan.

Leo: (Sighs) No

Grif: Come on Leo, don't be a buzz kill.

Simmons sighs.

Grif: Simmons, don't do it, don't kill my buzz. Leo's already killed one buzz, I don't need you killing the other!

Simmons: For the last time, we don't want to go!

Grif: But guys, the Vegas quadrant is only three parsecs from here. We can get there. We can gamble away out life savings. We kill a hooker or two! And we can be back here before Sarge even notices that we're gone!

Leo: Grif, for the last time we're not going to the quadrant.

Simmons: Just stop talking about the quadrant, already!

Sarge (Distance): Grif! Leo! Simmons!

Grif: Ah shit. There goes our chance.

Sarge runs up a ramp onto the top of the base and stands in front of the three of them.

Sarge: I thought, I told you three to clean this place up. There are grenades and guns lying around everywhere!

Simmons: Sorry sir, it won't happen again.

Leo: Yeah, Grif was just distracting us from finishing cleaning.

Sarge: Is this true, Grif?

Grif: Actually, then two were distracting me! With some convoluted scheme to sneak away to the Vegas quadrant, before you came to check on us. I was about to report it to you.

Simmons and Leo snap their heads at Grif in shock and anger.

Simmons: WHAT?

Leo: That's complete bullshit!

Sarge: My god you two! How could you? I'm with holding both of your rations for the rest of the day. And thank you, Private Grif, for reporting this incident. You sure are a good soldier.

Grif: Good enough to take that extra ration? I don't think, Private Simmons and Private Church are gonna' be needing it.

Sarge: (Laughs) I don't see why not. Hell, keep up the good work, Grif! I think you and I are gonna' get along just fine.

Sarge starts walking away.

Simmons: Ah, but but but sir!

Leo: You can't seriously believe him!

He halts and turns around.

Sarge: Get back to cleaning you two! I don't want anymore of your back sass.

He heads back into the base, leaving two pissed off guys and one satisfied fat ass.

Leo: I can't believe, you fucking pulled that on us.

Grif: Look, I'm not gonna' apologize for conjuring an extra meal out of disobeying a direct order. Unless, of course, if you two want to go to the Vegas quadrant.

Simmons: GODDAMIT!!!


Leo immediately chases after, Grif who runs away from him in fear.


While Leo ran after, Grif who was beginning to pant. He couldn't possibly imagine being stuck with these guys for a long time. But you don't always get to decide the people your stuck with, he's learnt this throughout his life. Besides those people can turn out to be the best thing to have happened to you, even if you don't know it yet.

Underground Cavern
A windows startup sounds as Flowers is seen in a observing room, standing in front of a viewing screen with Vic on it.

Vic: Greetings Agent Florida! And welcome back. Do you have anything to report?

Flowers: Only that things are better than a cool glass of lemonade on a hot July afternoon, Vic. This quote, unquote "War" will be a stalemate for quite some time. Maybe up to 14 seasons, if we're lucky.

Vic: I'm sorry sir?

Flowers: Oh... uh... I... I prefer to think of the passage of time in terms of the 4 seasons. As appose to the standard Gregorian calendar.

Vic: Ah, very good sir. Would you like me to go over the fail safe protocol that we have established?

Flowers: Show me the list, please.

Vic: Here is the prioritized list of Freelancer personal to be sent to Blood Gulch in the event of your absence and or death.

The screen shows a list of Agents from one to five starting with Agent California, Hawaii, Kansas, Montana and lastly Oregon.

Flowers: Excellent work, Vic! Each of these soldiers are more than capable. Well... I suppose there's nothing left to do now but get back to...

Flowers walks away, but immediately trips over a wire connected to the screen, unplugging the wire.

Flowers: Ah fiddlesticks!

Electricity zapping sounds.

Flowers: Ouch.

Vic: Agent F-F-Flor-d-d-d (Gibberish) Duuuuuude, WHOA! You alright down there?Looks like you took a bit of a tumble my te...teal compadre.

Flowers gets up from the floor.

Flowers: Gosh... Must have slipped on a wet spot on the floor. Vic, could you do me a favor and put in a request to command for some wet floor signs? You never can be too careful.

Vic: You got it, diddlely dude. Remember, you need anything, just give your boy, Vic a call. At 555, V-I-C-K.

Flowers: I'll be sure to do just that. Farewell, Vic.

Flowers starts walking away, while Vic continues to talk.

Vic: This is gonna' run smoother than a baby's bottom Cappy. Not that I would know. Can't have kids since the vasectomy, the fact I'm (Singing) secretly a computer. But, that's a story for another tittlety t-time.

While Vic is talking. The list on the screen begins to change starting with Michael J Caboose, Franklin Delano Donut, Wade Torchwick and finally Kaikaina Grif.

Vic: Point I'm trying to make dude, that I got a reaaally good feeling about this Blood Gulch thing.

Present/Offsite Storage Facility
To Carolina over-looking the facility from a ledge. Church appears behind her.

Carolina: How many?

Church: None.

Carolina: Really? You're sure?

Church: Positive. We're alone.

Church vanishes as Carolina heads back to her Mongoose and drives it through a tunnel. Church is heard talking.

Church: (Sighs) We fucked up, pretty bad haven't we?

Carolina: ...

Church: He must of been holding those thoughts for quite awhile and all it took was us to set him off...

Carolina quietly listens to him, before speaking.

Carolina: ...I've always looked at him as the problem. But after everything he said... I see that I was the problem this whole time. Maybe, if I had listened before, things would be different. If I could just... let things go.

It remains quiet between the pair, until Carolina reaches the other end, dismounting her Mongoose and is called over by Church.

Church (Distance): It's up here!

Carolina walks over to Church to find a monitor on the side of a tree, with FILSS on it.

FILSS: I am sorry. This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter.

Carolina: FILSS? Is that you? What's happened to you?

FILSS: This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter. Please leave the premisis immediately.

Carolina: F.I.L.S.S, this is Agent Carolina of Project Freelancer. Acknowledge and go for secure.

FILSS: I am sorry. I recognize that designation, but only authorized personnel may enter this facility.

Carolina: Church?

Church: Open the door, FILSS.

FILSS: Certainly. Welcome back Director. I did not expect to see you again so soon.

The wall behind them opens to reveal a secret doorway.

Carolina: Thank you.

Church/FILSS: My pleasure.

FILSS: Strange. I was... unaware you left, Director. I will have to scan my files and find the error.

Carolina: Left?

FILSS: Yes. Since his last visit.

Carolina: So, you show the Director inside the facility as well as outside?

FILSS: Strange, is it not?

Carolina: Yes. Strange. And exactly what we were hoping for.

Valhalla/Blue Base
Wash, Wade and Tucker are standing on a ledge watching the Reds (Minus Leo) from nearby.

Grif: Well this is depressing.

Sarge: Can it, private.

Grif: What? I'm just saying what we're all thinking.

Sarge: You didn't say you were fat and worthless, and we were definitely all thinking that.

Tucker: Alright, you know the drill.

Simmons: Do we have to?

Wash: That depends; how badly do you want your flag back?

Simmons glances at Grif, who is standing behind him.

Grif: Don't look at me, it's your turn.

Simmons: (Sighs) I would just like to let everyone know that I suck... and that I'm a girl... and I like ribbons in my hair... and I want to kiss all the boys.

Wade: You know, this was pretty funny the first few times, but now it's starting to get depressing.

Zeta appears.

Zeta: Yeah... (To Red team) Is there anything else you guys have?

Just behind Wash, Wade, Zeta and Tucker was Red team's items stacked up upon each other.

Grif: Nothing! That stupid flag was the only thing we had left!

Simmons: Actually, there is one thing you haven't taken.

Red Base
Inside of red base, Leo was in his room, wanting to be left alone. He was sitting on the edge of his bed without a helmet, letting his head rest on his hands. He was inside one of the bases quarters, he shared with Simmons and Grif. The room was plain looking, besides the Meta's Brute Shot mounted on the wall, besides Grif's bed. Leo just sighs and lies back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Leo: Why couldn't she be different? Why did she have to be exactly like him? Why... couldn't she just open her eyes and see how much, I've cared about her? It's like she wanted to hate me!

Leo stands up from the bed with his fist clenched.

Leo: I suffered every punch, every kick, every hurtful word thrown at me and yet, I still considered her as a Sister! But no, she just tosses all that away and I just- GAAH!

Leo goes to punch the wall in fury, but stops. He starts to calm his breathing down and lowers his arm, sitting back down onto the bed.

Leo: (Sighs) I can't even describe, how good it felt to finally speak my mind at those two, especially at Lina. Seeing her tremble just like me, all those years ago. Feeling so, satisfied as she heard everything, I said. So why... why do I feel like complete shit, then?

A knock is heard on the door, interrupting Leo's train of thoughts.

Leo: Who is it!?

Simmons: (Muffled) It's just me, Leo! Can I come in?

Leo: Oh, uh sure come in.

The door opens revealing Simmons, who awkwardly looks at Leo.

Simmons: You doing, alright? It's just you haven't really came out of here, since... you know.

Leo: I'm fine, just... thinking.

Simmons: About Carolina and Church?

Leo: Yeah... can ask you something, Simmons?

Simmons: Uh, sure what is it?

Leo: Everything, I said to Carolina felt good in the moment, but now I just feel...

Simmons: Regret?

Leo: Yes, no... I don't know. It's like half me is saying she deserved it, but the other says I went to far.

Leo let's out an annoyed sigh.

Leo: I just can't understand, why I feel like this.

As Leo lies back on his bed, Simmons nervously shuffles his feet around, think of what to say.

Simmons: Maybe... it's because you want to hate her, but can't? That could be a possibility.

Leo: A possibility... maybe.

Leo thinks on it for a moment, before leaning up.

Leo: Thanks Simmons, for listening for me.

Simmons: Eh, it's just what friends are for. Besides you'd do the same for me.

Leo: So, is that all you came here for or is their something else?

Simmons: Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I came to grab that.

Simmons points at the brute shot, mounted on the wall.

Leo: That? What do you need that for?

Simmons sheepishly rubs his neck.

Simmons: Well...

Leo: You lost again, didn't you?

Simmons: You could be helping, you know!

Leo just laughs and stands up, heading over to the brute shot and taking it off the wall.

Leo: Nah, I think you guys had it all covered.

Simmons: By "covered," you mean our asses getting kicked. Now, come on the blues are waiting outside for it.

Leo puts the brute shot on his back, along with his Railgun. He reaches down and scoops his helmet up and latches it back into his head. Following Simmons out of the base, he see's Sarge, Grif and all of blue team waiting outside. They all turn their attention to Leo and Simmons, as Sarge walks up to Leo.

Sarge: Hey son, you feeling any better?

Leo: (Smiles) Yeah, I'm good. You can thank, Simmons for that.

Wash: It's good to see your doing, alright.

Wade: (To Simmons) So, where's the thing you said, you were getting?

Leo pulls out the Meta's Brute shot and places it on the ground. Sarge, Wade, Tucker and Wash are seen standing over it.

Tucker: Whoa! (Whistles)

Sarge: Great ginzu gunshow!

Wash: Is that what I think it is? Is that whose I think it is?

Simmons walks up to them.

Simmons: Stolen alien weaponry used by the scariest fucking mute in the galaxy? Yeah. Pretty much.

Sarge: It's like half-knife, half-rifle. What would you call that?

Wade: It's actually called a Brute-Shot, if I'm correct.

Tucker: We'll take it!

Grif: No! There is no way I'm giving up the "Grif Shot!".

Tucker: Oh please, what were you gonna do? Eat off it?

Grif: Uh, actually dickhead, I asked Donut to mount it for me in the base.

Donut comes running out from Red Base.

Donut: And you know I can't resist a good mounting!

Zeta: You've been hiding one of the most advanced pieces of technology known to man, so you can hang it in your living room!?

Grif: Well, when you say it like that it sounds dumb.

Wash: That's because it is dumb!!

Doc walks up behind them.

Doc: I think it's kind of cool! I mean, when I met you guys, all you did was stand around and talk. But now you can't walk five feet without getting wrapped up in some crazy adventure.

Sarge: What's your point?

Doc: I don't know, it's just cool. I mean, come on. You guys have been through a lot together. Don't you want something to remember all the good times?

Tucker: The good times? I was stranded in the desert!

Simmons: We were almost killed!

Leo: I lost my Mother, twice!

Sarge: I learned my entire military career was a lie!

Donut: And I got shot!

Wash turns away awkwardly and begins whistling casualy.

Zeta: Not all our adventures have been a "good time," Doc.

Doc: Ok yeah, it wasn't perfect, but look what you all got out of it.

Sarge: You mean the rifle-knife?

Grif: You mean the "Grif shot."

Wade: You mean the Brute-Shot, right?

Doc: Well, sure there's that, but Sarge, you got to lead an actual military operation. Leo, you kept your friends safe and Tucker, you learned to use your sword like a pro.

Tucker: Bow chicka bow wow?

Doc: (To Wash) You found a new team. Simmons got back his old team. Wade, has his own A.I and I managed to keep a patient from dying...

Donut: And in return, I didn't die!

Doc: You see? In the end we all worked together and everyone got what they wanted.

Caboose: (Sadly) Not everyone...

Wade crosses his arms.

Wade: Who cares what they want, they only used us as "pawns," remember? Why should we help them, right Leo?

Wade waits for a response from the man.

Wade: Leo?

Everyone looks at Leo, who has his head down in thought.

Leo: They don't deserve our help and I'd gladly just walk away. But, if I didn't help her and something happened to her, I'd have that on my conscious and have to live with that. Sure will fight, argue and piss each other off. But at the end of the day, we're still family.

Leo pulls out his Railgun, loading a round into it and walking off.

Wash: (To Leo) You realize that if you go after them, there's no promise you'll come back. This isn't a game to the Director. He plays for keeps.

Sarge: Oh well, this place was getting kinda stale anyway.

Wash: After everything Church and Carolina said? The-the way they treated you!

Simmons: Hey, we gave you a second chance.

Wade: Besides, if we quit every time Church started shouting, this crap would have been over a long time ago.

Wash: We'll be outgunned, we'll be out... everything! This is stupid. Just think for a minute before you do anything reckless.

Sarge: Son, stupid and reckless is how we always get things done.

Wash: But Sarge, I...

Leo halts and turns around facing Wash.

Leo: You know, Wash there's one thing you Freelancers always seem to forget. And that's the fact that we've managed to beat you guys time and time again. Sure, you've got all your smart plans, and your fancy technology, and your advanced training, but in the end, what's that ever got you?

Sarge walks up besides Leo and places his hand on his shoulder.

Sarge: Without a team you can count on and your fellow soldier by your side, all that doesn't really amount to squat, now does it? So instead of standing there bellyaching all day, just tell us, are you gonna keep playing it safe...

Sarge cocks his shotgun.

Sarge: ...Or do you wanna get a little reckless?

Wash: This has to be the worst idea... ever... but you can count me in.

Donut: Me too!

Caboose: Yes... and me! Oh! Church is going to be so happy!

Tucker: I thought Church wasn't your friend, anymore, Caboose?

Caboose: Well yeah, but... if Leo is giving Carolina a second chance, maybe I can give Church one?

Doc: I'm in too! Oh man, this is so cool! I love how inclusive you guys have become. I'm going to go pack my medical gear for the trip. WOOHOO, WE'RE BACK TOGETHER!!!

Doc happily runs back inside the Red base.

Simmons: Um guys... they have a huge headstart. How are we supposed to reach them in time?

A trio of Hornets, suddenly drop down from the sky and surround the group.

UNSC Police: Freeze! This is an ambush! You are under arrest for the theft of UNSC property!

Wade: What!?

Simmons: We really are wanted criminals of the UNSC?!

Grif: Holy shit! Wash was right?

Wash: Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me.

UNSC Police: Surrender now! You are outnumbered! Uh, well... technically you're not really outnumbered... I think we have the same number, uh, it's like one-to-one, but we do have airships! Fast, easy-to-fly airships! Which we will now land... in order to take you to jail.

Wash and Sarge turn to each other. They then proceed to raise their weapons at the Hornets. As the Hornets land on the land on the ground, the group starts to approach them.

UNSC Police: Now, all of you stay still and- Hey, I said stay still, your all moving that's the opposite of what I told yo- HEY!!

Leo throws the guy out of the cockpit as Wash and Wade, do the same to the other two. They all hop on the Hornets and lift off, flying away. The three UNSC pilots are seen stranded in front of Red base.

Caboose: Goodbye people we stole these planes from!

UNSC Police (Distance): Mother fucker!

Donut: Man! This is awesome! Hey Simmons, who's the blue guy with the yellow accents? His voice sounds familiar...

Simmons: Oh, right. Funny story about that.

The Reds and Blues fly out of the canyon on the Hornets, leaving their home and heading to help Church and Carolina.

Offsite Storage Facility
To Carolina inside the Facility, turning a corner of a hallway with her gun ready accompanied by Church.

Church: I don't like this.

Carolina: Me neither. Where is everyone?

Carolina walks down the hallway and turns, going through a doorway.

Church: That's not it. I just got a weird case of... déjà vu.

They stare out at the Freelancer storage area. Carolina, walks through the facility storage area as voices are heard through the intercoms.

??? (Intercom): Don't worry, you'll see me again...

Director (Intercom): Play it again, FILSS.

FILSS (Intercom): Sir, you really should stop to eat. It has been several days-

Carolina stops and see's some weapons, lying on the ground.

Director (Intercom): Again.

Carolina heads over to them and picks up a plasma rifle.

Carolina: You're not the only one...

Carolina walks towards some teleporters that are all lined up as Church begins to speak to her.

Church: This is it.

She stops and turns to one of the teleporters.

Carolina: Ready to meet your maker?

Church: I got your back, Carolina.

Carolina and Church enter one of the teleporters, ending up in another room, but though stop, surprised by what they see.

Church: Oh no...

Carolina: Church, what is this?

Church: He kept trying...

Above them the Director's monitor then notices them.

Church: He kept trying to get her right...

Carolina: You think these things are anything like the real deal?

In front of them is a large army of robotic Tex drones, who all crunch their knuckles and stretch their necks in unison. One of them steps forward to the front and stops, punching its fist into its palm and cracking its neck.

Tex Drone: You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in. (Slight chuckle)

The End

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