Rvb S10 E3 "Follow the Leader"

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Past/Foster Care
All the children were currently inside the playing room where they could play games, draw, read or other activities. Every child was having fun... except one.

There was one child that sight by the window, simply staring outside sadly. Some children saw him and asked if he'd like to play with them, but he would always say no. He always held a sorrow look and was one of the quiet boys in the Center.

This boy was called Leo, the son of Lucas and Sharon. Ever since their funeral, he hasn't felt the same, before he was happy, kind, quirky and other emotions... but now, he doesn't feel anything except sadness.

He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his parents where dead. Thinking that maybe, this was some cruel game they were playing and they'd show up any second. But deep down... he knew they would never show up again, only adding fuel to his sorrow.

???: Excuse me, Leo?

The boy turns his head from the window and looks at one of the people that work here. It was the lady from the receptionist desk.

Leo: Yes?

Receptionist: Could you come with me, sweetie?

The receptionist holds her hand out for him, which Leo just looks at.

Leo: Why?

Receptionist: You've been adopted.

Hearing that freezes Leo's whole body. Just thinking to himself, who would even adopt him and why. He also felt... conflicted about being adopted, he doesn't want a new mum or dad, he just wants his and not someone else trying to fill that role.

Receptionist: Could you come with me now, sweetie?

Leo felt like slapping that hand away and running, but he knew the outcome wouldn't change. Sadly looking at the receptionist hand, he grabs it with her leading him to the a bedroom he's been sleeping in since he's gotten here.

Receptionist: I'll give you a moment to gather your things, just chap the door once your done.

She closes the door, leaving him inside the bedroom. Honestly, he didn't have much stuff to gather and so, he heads over under his bed to start collecting. First, where some story's he'd like to read, before bed that always helped him sleep. Secondly, where some spare clothes he had and lastly... was a photo of him, his Mum and dad.

He stares at it and brings it to his chest, hugging the photo. He places the photo in his pocket and wipes his eyes of tears, he grabs his bag from the end of the bed and starts packing his stuff up.

Once he finishes, he knocks on the door with the receptionist opening it up and then leading him through the foster care and towards the front desk area. When they go through the door, he sees the waiting room and a women with blonde hair and casual clothes standing by the front desk.

Receptionist: Alright, I've got him! But, before you take him off are hands, I just need you to fill out a form for us.

Allison takes a moment to look at Leo, before nodding at the receptionist. They both head to the front of the desk, where the receptionist hands the women a sheet. As they're doing that, Leo takes the time to think about this woman who's adopting him apparently.

By looks she seems alright, but anyone could look nice and be the exact opposite. He couldn't tell how old she is but, he wasn't going to ask, his mum told him something about never asking a woman her age. But he couldn't understand why she was even adopting him.

Receptionist: That's everything in order. He's all yours now!

Allison turns around and looks at Leo as both of them stare at each other. A small smile then appears on her face.

Present/UNSC Archives
To three UNSC soldiers shooting at Carolina who's taking cover behind a barricade. Wash comes running out of the base to assists her.

Carolina: Wash, take that right side.

Wash takes cover on the other barricade and shoots at one of the soldiers on the turret in the head.

Wash: Where's everyone else?!

Carolina: Working on an extraction plan. They should be here right about-

Suddenly, Grif and Leo suddenly come flying over a hill, in a warthog and mongoose as Grif is playing the red teams classic music.


Grif runs over two of the soldiers as Leo crashes into one soldier and quickly pulls out his Magnum and shoots the remaining one. Once that's done, they pull up in front of Carolina and Wash. Sarge, Wade and Caboose come running out of the base to join them.

Carolina: ...now.

Leo: Hey guys!

Wade: Sup.

Sarge: (Looks at Grif) Damn you Private Grif! You took out those two soldiers, before I could administer my legal brand of red justice. Now, where's Simmons?

Leo: He got caught in a bit of a pickle, but he should be here soon... maybe.

Wade: Maybe?

Just after he said that, Simmons and Tucker's warthog, drives out in front of the base, while playing some classical music and parks next to Grif and Leo. Simmons pulls the emergency brake after doing so.

Simmons: Present.

Grif: (Sarcastically) Wow... nice entrance dude. Very thrilling.

Simmons: Hey, I don't need all that flash. Some of us have respect for the fundamentals.

Grif: Hey, what did I tell you before? You know you're not allowed to use words that use the term "fun" in them.

Tucker: I'm riding with you two next time. He actually stopped at the train tracks.

Simmons: That's the law!

Leo: You guys where being shot at!

Simmons: (Grumbles) That's still the law.

Sarge: Simmons, only you could manage to make a high-speed chase boring.

Simmons: Thank you, sir.

Leo finally notices the music Simmons is playing.

Leo: Uh, what is that song?

Simmons turns the music off.

Simmons: Uh, it's a Bolivian Orchestral Mash-Up. Obviously, you guys haven't heard of them yet.

Grif: Thank Goodness for that.

Church and Zeta come running out the base.

Church: I still don't understand. Why did you guys rescue us?

Wade: Hey, don't blame us! You can blame Mrs. Fussy Britches for that.

Caboose: Yeah, actually it's Miss Fussy Britches. She gets really mad when you say it wrong.

Sarge: She wanted to get you out of that memory whatsit. Something about you being a geneticfide and mental imprint of muculeen of that Professor What's His Puss.

Church: Can somebody translate that? I don't speak Huckleberry.

Caboose: Yeah, the mean lady wants to find the Director and since you have all of his memories, you might know where he went.

Zeta: Wow, that's actually correct... too correct for you, Caboose. Are you sure there's something you didn't underst-

Caboose: -and when she finds him, we're going to throw him a very big surprise party.

Zeta: Ah, there we go.

Sarge: Sure, as long as surprise party means shooting him in the face and then walking away in slow motion. Hehe.

Caboose: (Yelling) SURPRISE!!

Church: Well, I- you know, I hate to break it to you, but I don't know how much help I'm going to be. I mean, I may have the Director's memories, but that doesn't mean I...remember them.

Caboose: Yeah, I have the same problem. I barely remember any of my own memeories, (Turns to Sarge and Wade) and none of anyone else's.

Sarge: (To Church) Well you better start remembering Blue. I had to watch Grif nearly die three times today. It's like fate was laughing at me.

Sarge looks up at the sky.

Sarge: Why don't you just take him already!

Church: I gotta say, I'm pretty surprised to see you taking orders from a Blue... Sarge.

Sarge: Hmph. Under duress.

Church: What? You didn't want to come?

Sarge: Let's just say you seem to know a lot of women with quick tempers. You got a fetish or something?

Church: I guess you could- Say yeah, apparently.

Sarge: ...Wanna talk about it?

Church: ...No.

Caboose: Wanna talk about it with-

Church: No!

Wade: What about-

Church: I don't want to talk about it with anyone!

Zeta: Does that include me?

Church: YES!

Carolina: Okay, everyone load up. NAV points are in your HUDs. Alternate NAVs uploaded to your secondary objectives. Sync.

Everyone stares at Carolina in silence.

Carolina: Sync?!

Wash: Oh, uh right! Everyone, just say "sync" whenever she says that.

Tucker: Oh. Sync?

Caboose: Refrigerator.

Carolina: You guys not used to getting orders?

Grif: Oh, were used to getting them alright. We're just not used to doing much with them.

Carolina: We're retreating.

Simmons: Oh! Okay, yeah! That's usually step one in most of our plans. Sync!

Caboose: Easy-Bake Oven.

Carolina: Let's just go...

Carolina walks over to a flipped over mongoose and sets it up right, as everyone else hops in the warthogs. Wade turns to Zeta and holds his hand out towards her.

Wade: So, you ready to come back inside here?

He says, while tapping the side of his helmet.

Zeta: (Smiles) There's no-one else's head I rather be in.

Zeta zooms into Wade's helmet as he holds his head, getting used to feeling of having Zeta in his head again. Zeta appears on his shoulder, while sighing with satisfaction.

Zeta: I forgot how good it feels to be inside your head, again.

Wade: (Smiles) It's definitely been lonely in here, without you.

Zeta floats in front of Wade's visor.

Zeta: Will this time, I'm not going anywhere without you.

They both smile at each other, until Wade makes his way over to Leo's mongoose.

The End

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