Rvb S13 E8 "Test Your Might"

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Author: This chapter was definitely a workload to deal with, but hopefully it all turned out alright for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

Abandoned Fueling Station
After driving for a few hours through the desert the Reds, Rebels and Feds come across a desert canyon and follow along a dirt path. Shortly after their welcomed by the sight of the abandoned gas station.

Deciding to stop here and fuel up the Reds, followed by the other armies park their warthogs by another part of the fuel station. The Reds hop out their warthogs and huddle up together. The Rebels, Feds, Zeta and Wash dismount from their warthogs as well.

Sarge: Now look, the fact of the matter is the ability to fly north, and only north, is just gonna lead to more problems than it solves.

Simmons: Thank you!

Zeta walks up to the Reds.

Zeta: Don't tell me you guys are playing that game again.

The Reds turn to look at Zeta.

Sarge: Young lady, as a temporary Red you'll have to experience all the wonders of being Red and why being Blue, isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Simmons: It was also issued in Red Army Manuel. Didn't you read it?

Zeta: That? I kinda skimmed through it.

Grif steps closer to Zeta.

Grif: Zeta! I need you to back me up here! The ability to only fly north isn't "entirely" a terrible superpower, right?

Simmons: It is though! Who only wants to fly ONE direction!

Grif: What if there was a Sammie Raphaello's Pizza place up north! You wouldn't even have to worry about traffic, you can just fly up there anytime you want.

Simmons: But then your stuck walking all the way back!

Zeta: Yeah, I'm siding with Simmons on this.

Grif: You guys aren't looking at the opportunities of this!

Zeta: More like opportunities for you. Though it's better then "Cheese king" in my opinion.

Grif: Whatever, this road trip sucks!

Sarge: Nonsense! Road trips are an inherent part of the Red Team experience. Enjoy the exotic sights and sounds of this beautiful, albeit wartorn, land.

Grif: It's a gas station... that we've been to before! Seriously, there's like three places to go on the whole planet!

During Grif's rant, Wash comes walking up to the Reds and Zeta.

Wash: Alright, almost time to hit the road again.

The Reds and Zeta huddle up in front of Wash.

Simmons: Any word from the away team?

Wash: They found some sort of giant alien temple shooting pure energy into the sky.

Grif: (Sighs) What'd I tell ya? Blue Team problems.

Zeta: At least my teams more interesting.

Simmons: At least we're not searching for trouble all the time.

Wash: You know, I think it's really admirable that you all choose to stay and fight for the people of Chorus.

Simmons: Oh. Thanks, Wash.

Wash: When I first met you all, I honestly thought you'd never amount to anything but you've really proven me wrong.

Grif: Uhhhh, cool. Thanks, dude.

Wash: Sure, you may not be the most conventional soldiers but no matter the challenge you always manage to find a way to come out on top.

Zeta: Um, that's nice of you to say Wash.

Wash: And I want you guys to know, it's a special quality you all share.

Sarge: What's going on with you?

Wash: Me? Nothing.

Simmons: No, you're acting really weird.

Wash: I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you.

A brief pause.

Wash: That's it.


Wash: (Quickly) No, I don't!

Grif: No, you do, you definitely do! You're getting all sentimental and shit!

Wash: Nooooo, guys. Come on, you'll be fine! I've got total faith in you.

Zeta: Are you bullshitting us!?

Wash: I'm not! You're some of the best solders I ever knew.


Wash: Look, I just want you to know, I'm proud of you. I'm sure if you stick together, you'll be okay. What unit are you in?

Sarge: Volunteered for the front lines!

Wash: Oh...

Grif, Simmons and Zeta spin their heads at Sarge.

Grif: YOU WHAT?!

Simmons: SARGE!


Wash: Well, look on the bright side!

Awkward beat.

Grif: You know, if you say that, you're supposed to follow it up with the bright side!

Wash guilty stares down at the ground.

Wash: (Solemnly) I know.

Jungle Temple
The Blues, Leo and Dr. Grey are crowded around together at the Jungle Temple, standing a few feet away from the energy beam.

Epsilon: A true warrior?

Dr. Grey: Of physical strength and mental clarity.

Tucker: Well it's a good thing I'm here.

Carolina: That's cute.

Tucker: What?

Leo: I think your giving yourself to much credit.

Tucker: Hey obviously I'm a true warrior. Plus, I got a sword. That means I'm the chosen one.

Epsilon: Finding a sword in a hole doesn't automatically make you an unstoppable badass.

Wade: And it doesn't really enhance your strength or IQ.

Tucker frowns at Wade.

Tucker: Wait, I'm strong and intelligent!

Caboose: Eh, you have your moments.

Epsilon: Well, we're low on time and one of us need to check what happens.

Leo gives Tucker a pat on the back.

Leo: Well it's a good thing, Tucker decided to volunteer.

Carolina: Fine.

Carolina places her hand on Tucker's shoulder.

Carolina: Just... be careful.

Tucker: Nothing to worry about baby.

Tucker steps closer to the gateway, pulling his sword out and lighting it up.

Tucker: I am a true motherfucking warrior.

Tucker charges at the gateway with Wade deciding to clap for him.

Wade: Come on, Tucker! You got this!

Tucker jumps into the portal screaming and is almost instantly thrown out of it, hitting a boulder.

Wade: Ohhh, never mind. You gonna be all right, just... walk it off.

Shaking his head, Tucker stands up and darts his eyes around the place.

Tucker: Whoa! What happened?

Epsilon: Wow.

Carolina: Apparently, you're not a true warrior.

Caboose: Or maybe he's so good he passed the test super fast.

Wade: Why'd it slam him into a rock then?

Dr. Grey: What did you see? Tell me about the other side. Did you make contact?

Leo: Let's not start bombarding him yet.

Dr. Grey looks at Leo.

Leo: He did hit the ground pretty hard.

Dr. Grey: Oh, silly me.

Dr. Grey turns back to Tucker.

Dr. Grey: How are you feeling?

Tucker gives his body an entire shake, before looking at Dr. Grey.

Tucker: I saw Felix.

Leo: Isaac was there already?

Tucker: Well, I don't think it was really him. He showed up, then another Felix showed up. And the next thing I know there were a million fucking assholes all over me. Same thing with Locus, I couldn't fight them off!

Dr. Grey: You weren't strong enough.

Carolina: Well, I am.

Everyone turns to look at Carolina.

Carolina: And I've been waiting for a rematch.

Carolina appears within the gateway in more or less the same place Locus ended up in before. Immediately she raises her battle rifle.

Carolina: Epsilon, you seeing this.

Epsilon doesn't respond.

Carolina: Epsilon?

Alien Voice: ~WHO ARE YOU?~

Carolina stares up in the direction the Alien Voice is emitting from.

Carolina: I'm your true warrior.

Suddenly, Tex walks out of a corner.

Tex: Actually, that would be me.

Carolina turns to her staring in confusion, seeing Tex alive and breathing.

Carolina: Tex?

York: Hey there, Carolina.

Carolina turns around, looking up at the platform above her, her eyes drowning in shock and prompting her to lower her rifle. Standing on the platform above her are all of her old Freelancer teammates: York, the Twins, Maine, Wyoming, C.T. and Florida all silently looking down at her.

Jungle Temple
Outside of the gateway, Carolina is surrounded by the others. She's currently sitting on a UNSC crate with Leo sitting beside her.

Carolina: I said I don't want to talk about it.

Epsilon: Carolina, all I saw, when I went through was static. You gotta tell us more! You saw the Freelancers, then what happened? Was there crazy karate? Big gunfight?

Wade: Was their bombs left and right? Or even those two dollar fire crackers?

Carolina: What? No, there was no fighting. They just...

Leo gently rubs her shoulder.

Leo: You don't have to give us the details.

Carolina stands up from the crate.

Carolina: It doesn't matter anyway.

Tucker: See?! Not as easy as it looks, huh?

Carolina grabs ahold of his chest piece, bringing their visors close together.

Carolina: I will throw your ass right back through that portal if you don't-

Dr. Grey cuts in between them, separating them.

Dr. Grey: Okay, happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

Tucker: Man, whatever.

Wade glances at Tucker and Carolina, before heading off to the gateway. Until Epsilon appears in front of him, making Wade stop.

Epsilon: Whoa, hold up! Where do you think your going?

Wade: Uh, to try the test? Duh!

Epsilon: And then what? End up like those two.

Epsilon points at Tucker and Carolina.

Epsilon: No offence.

Tucker simply gives him the middle finger.

Wade: I'm not blind, I'm either gonna face something like a bear or face some voodoo nightmare stuff, which I completely doesn't scare me!

Tucker: Really now? No fears.

Wade: Haven't found any yet!

Epsilon: (Sighs) Fine, guess where doing a elimination process then.

Leo sits up from the crate.

Leo: Well, it's either this or coming up with a plan B.

Wade: Trust me, I've got this in the bag!

Wade appears within the same area that Carolina, appeared before in.

Wade: Hello! Anyone here!

Brief pause.

Wade: ...A bit chilly here.

Alien Voice: ~WHO ARE YOU?~

Wade looks up, searching where the booming alien voice is coming from.

Wade: The names Wade, though the "e" is silent. So don't call me Wad.

Alien Voice: ~HMM...~

The alien voice goes quiet, leaving Wade standing alone in the area.

Wade: Uh, mister voice you still there?

Instead of an answer, edges of the area begin to become submerged in darkness. It slowly begins to spread all around Wade, who takes a cautious step back. Eventually, he's completely surrounded by darkness with a small circle of light shining down on him.

Wade: There wouldn't happen to be a light switch close by would there?


Wade: So, where's my challenge?


Wade: ...is this really it? Hello! Anybody here!

???: Sorry Wade.

Wade: Finally, for a sec I thought I was all alo-

???: Mum and Dad, aren't coming back.

Wade: Huh?

Wade looks around for the person talking, but founds no-one other then the darkness.

???: They've... gone to a place to get help.

Wade's eyes open in realisation.

???: It's just you and me, little bro.

Wade: Alex?

A section of the darkness spreads apart, causing Wade to look in shock. Standing a distance away is his brother Alex looking down at a younger version of himself.

Alex: It's going to be difficult waking up without you dragging me every day.

Wade reaches his hand out.

Wade: Wait...

Past Wade giggles as Alex ruffles his hair.

Past Wade: Guess so, but at least you'll be out their kicking butt and blowing stuff up! Oh, I can't wait, until I get to do that!

Wade tries to walk over to the scene, but each step leads him nowhere.

Wade: No, this isn't...

Alex: I can't wait either little bro. (Mutters) But I'm going to miss you, until that day.

Past Wade: I'm going to miss you to, Alex... you'll come back right?

Wade tries to push against the invisible force keeping him in place, forced to watch Alex gives his past self a unsure look.

Alex: ...you know it.

Wade: Stay!

Wade reaches his hand out one last time, before the section becomes consumed by darkness again.

Wade: Why... why I'm seeing this!?

Wade slowly falls down on his knees.

Wade: Don't... leave me.

Jungle Temple
Wade appears back in the temple with the others waiting in for him.

Dr. Grey: Ah he's back!

Tucker: Finally, dude you were in there for almost a minute.

Wade: A minute? It... felt like years in there.

Carolina: Years?

Leo: What happened in there, Wade?

Wade: It was just memories. MY memories. It... just showed me them. I thought I was gonna go crazy!

Epsilon appears next to Wade.

Epsilon: Did you pass the test?

Wade: I don't think so? I... I'm just glad to be back here with you guys.

Carolina: Guess this means, we're back to where we started then.

Dr. Grey: We can't give up hope. The government spent ample time studying these relics and we've only been here a few hours!

Leo: How far did they get?

Dr. Grey: Actually they got fed up and abandoned all of their work.

The group look down at the small crate Leo and Carolina we're sitting on earlier, revealing a note attached to it saying "Will return in: FUCK YOU!"

Tucker: (Sarcastically) Great. Super inspiring.

Leo: Look why don't I try? I'm the one with the alien tattoo remember, maybe it'll just let me pass?

Dr. Grey: Leo has a point. It's possible that merely walking through the portal with the mark will override the need to be strong and intelligent.

Tucker: Well, why didn't we let him go first then!

Dr. Grey: It's only a simple hypothesis, I'm not completely certain if it'll work.

Epsilon: It's the best chance we got.

Epsilon appears next to Leo.

Epsilon: Just hurry up we don't exactly have a lot of time on our hands now.

Leo: Got it.

Leo walks up to the gateway and reaches his hand out towards it.

Carolina: Leo.

Leo looks over his shoulder at his sister.

Carolina: Whatever you see in there... be careful.

He gives her a nod and takes a deep breath in and out, before making contact with the energy beam.

Opening his eyes, Leo looks around and see's he's ended up on the space platform. He grips his DMR tighter, preparing himself.

Leo: Here we go.

Alien Voice: ~WHO ARE YOU?~

Leo looks up at the sky above.

Leo: I'm the one your looking for.

Leo is left with silence as he waits for something to happen. Everything seemed quiet, until a smell began lingering around Leo. It smelt metallic, similar to iron but with a foul odor.

Leo: (Mutters) What?

Following the scent, he turns around and immediately feels his stomach drop as his eyes widen in horror. His gun clatters to the floor, next to a blue armoured hand. Lying among the floor, before Leo's eyes was all his friends... dead. He wanted to look away, wanted to shut his eyes and tell himself it wasn't real. But...

Seeing Tucker on his back smeared in his blood with stab wounds littering his body.

Wash leaned up against a wall with a bullet size-hole in his visor.

Grif and Simmons bodies completely riddled with bullets.

Sarge lying on the floor with his hand desperately reaching for his shotgun, which is covered in blood.

Lopez body broken into pieces with his helmet smashed, beyond repair.

Caboose lying by Leo's feet without his helmet, staring up at Leo with blues eyes without a spark.

Wade and Zeta holding hands, covered in their own blood.

Donuts body marked with scorches on the left side of his body, barely any remains of his left hand.

Carolina facing upwards on the ground with a knife embedded in her visor. Next to her head was a A.I. chip cracked into pieces.

Each of the Republic lieutenants piled up together of what remains of them.

And finally Vanessa lying on her side with her neck twisted the wrong way.

Leo couldn't even breath. His stomach twisted at the sight, seeing them all like this. It... it was too much.

???: Did you really think...

Leo barely lifts his eyes up and stares at the person responsible for this, currently striding through the corpses of his family and friends while wearing a smug grin.

Felix: You could save them?

Jungle Temple
Leo appears back with the Jungle Temple and immediately walks off, everyone see's him walking in there direction.

Wade: There he is.

Caboose: Leo's back!

Tucker: We can all see that Caboose.

Carolina walks up to Leo.

Carolina: Leo you alright-

Leo pushes pass Carolina and the rest of the group, tossing his helmet off and emptying his stomach onto the ground.

Dr. Grey: Oh dear, that's not good.

They go to rush over to Leo, but he quickly holds up his hand and wipes his mouth with his other hand.

Leo: Just... just give me a second.

He needed space, he couldn't look at any of them right now. Not when he was expecting to see blood staining their armour. Epsilon appears over his shoulder.

Epsilon: What the fuck happened in there!?

Leo: Nothing hap-

This time, Epsilon appears right in front of Leo's eyes. There he gets a clear view of tears leaking out of Leo's eyes

Epsilon: Don't even try to pull that! Something obviously happened in there!

Leo stares up at him and hesitates, before glancing at the others who're staring at him in worry.

Tucker: I don't want to pry, but... what exactly did you see in there?

Leo looks at Tucker, remembering the way he saw him and immediately stares back at the floor.

Leo: I... rather not say.

Epsilon: Why can't you tell us-

Carolina: Epsilon!

Epsilon turns to Carolina, who gives him a stern look.

Carolina: I know you want to know. We all do. But now isn't the time, he'll tell us when he wants to.

Epsilon gives a defeated sigh and appears on Carolina shoulder.

Leo: ...Thanks Lina.

Leo straightens up and faces everyone.

Leo: I know this looks bad, but I'll be fine I promise.

Caboose: So... your all better now?

Leo does his best to give Caboose a soft smile.

Leo: Yeah... I'm feeling better now.

Wade: You did give us a bit of a scare man.

Leo walks over to where he tossed his helmet, scooping it up and placing it on his head. Carolina walks over to him and places her hand on his shoulder.

Carolina: Look, you don't have to tell us. But if you want to...

Leo: Thanks, I'll... think about it. But let's get this mission done first, yeah?

Carolina nods. She and Leo walk back over to the group as they all huddle together.

Wade: Um, so what do we do now?

Epsilon: Well, if the inscriptions weren't so vague we'd might actually be getting somewhere. But True warrior? Mental clarity? What does that even mean?

Caboose: Uh yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the opposite of false warrior. Duh.

Epsilon: Caboose, not now.

Caboose: Yeah, I'm just saying we can at least cross that off the list. You know.

Carolina: (Annoyed) Caboose.

Caboose: The false warrior. That is.

Everyone: CABOOSE!!

Caboose: Well excuse me for trying to help! I am going to go find the bathroom.

Caboose walks away.

Epsilon: Jesus, that empty headed little... wait a minute. Empty head.

They all look at each other.

Wade: Your not thinking...

Tucker: There's, no way.

Caboose having entered the portal, appears in the same location the others ended up in, leaving Caboose looking around in confusion.

Caboose: Hey, this isn't the bathroom.

Alien Voice: ~WHO ARE YOU?~

Caboose casually looks up towards the booming alien voice.

Caboose: I'm Caboose.

Alien Voice: ~Hmm, you are not like the others.~

Caboose: Yeah. I'm blue.

Alien Voice: ~Your mind lacks fear. Doubt is non-existent. Completely absent of negativity.~

Caboose shakes his head.

Caboose: I'm sorry what you were saying something?

Alien Voice: ~And your strength.~

Caboose: Yeah. I have been told, that I am an excellent listener.

Alien Voice: ~I've increased the gravity tenfold since you've arrived.~

Caboose: What's a tenfold?

Alien Voice: ~You... haven't noticed?~

Caboose: What a tenfold is? You know I-I don't know you. You're the one who brought it up.

Alien Voice: ~Hmm. Then it seems that you...~

A red light matterializes in front of Caboose and begins to take the form of a red hologram alien.

Alien A.I: ~...are a true warrior.~

There's a brief pause as Caboose silently stares at the Alien A.I.

Caboose: ...Neat.

Jungle Temple
Caboose returns to the temple.

Caboose: And we're back!

Everyone rushes up to him.

Carolina: Caboose!

Dr. Grey: Are you okay?

Leo: Did anything bad happened in there?

Caboose: Ah, well ah not really, I went to the bathroom and then I met an alien and we became friends and he told me everything about the universe and the meaning of life and then-

Tucker: Wait! An alien?

The alien A.I appears behind Caboose.

Alien A.I: Greetings.

Everyone takes a step back, taken by surprise.

Epsilon/Dr. Grey/Leo/Tucker: Whoa!

Carolina: Jesus!

Wade: It's a demon!

Alien A.I: My apologies, but is there anyone else I could speak to? Perhaps someone with a broader vocabulary?

Carolina: Who- What are you?

Epsilon: He's an AI.

Alien A.I: Correct. I'm a construct left behind by my creators to ensure that their gifts are passed on only to those who are worthy.

Caboose: Yes. And that is why I have named him: Santa.

Leo: ...Santa.

Caboose: Santa.

Tucker: Santa?

Caboose: Yes. Santa.

Santa: Santa.

A brief moment of silence occurs.

Epsilon: Santa, the alien AI construct.

Santa: It is an honor to meet you, noble warriors.

Santa bows in front of the Blues, Leo and Dr. Grey.

The End

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