Rvb S5 E23 "Why Were We Here?"

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Blood Gulch
To the Reds hunting down Wade and Caboose in their jeep. The pair are currently hiding behind a tree.

Simmons: (Yells) Hey Caboooose, Waaaadde.

Grif: (Yells) Come out guys!

Leo: Were not killing Wade and Caboose, guys!

Simmons: There blue Leo, the enemy! Come out guys so, I can shoot you ya fucksticks!

Grif: Where did they go?

Sarge: I don't see them. Wade! Caboose!

Leo: Just keep hiding, guys!

Simmons: Come out guys, all we wanna do is shoot you two!

Wade: (Whispers) Don't listen those two, Caboose.

Caboose: (Whispers) It's a trick!

The Warthog's radio starts picking up the Blues radio.

Tex: (Over radio) This is Freelancer Tex broadcasting on an open channel.

Church: (over radio) This is Private Church broadcasting on an open channel.

Leo: Why are the blues on the Radio?

Simmons: Who knows? (Radio turns on) Hey Blues, shut the fuck up, get off our radios and quit running our batteries down!

O'Malley shoots in to Simmons' open radio frequency.

O'Malley: Do it now, or I will kill every last one of you! And then everyone else here as well! Just to prove a point! Mahahahahahahaha!

Grif: Whoa Simmons, hey. Don't you think that was a little over the top?

O'Malley: Suck it you fool!

Leo: Simmons, just calm down!

O'Malley: Calm down!? Maybe, YOU should calm down!

Sarge: And what's wrong with your voice?

O'Malley: Nothing. Why does something have to be wrong with my voice? Maybe something's wrong with your voice. Ever think about that, cocksucker?

Grif: Um, you do know that's Sarge you're talking to, right?

Simmons: I mean cocksucker, sir!

O'Malley: Muahaha, hahaha.

Leo: I've got a bad feeling about this.

To the Blues, and Tex executing the last Wyoming.

Church: This is Private Church broadcasting on an open channel.

Tex: What are you doing?

Church: I'm making you harder to find. Tucker! Turn on your radio!

Tucker: Fuhuck that! If O'Malley gets me he'll get the sword.

Church: Attention all Blues! Turn on your radio and start broadcasting right now!

Caboose: (Over radio) Okay, I'm on the radio too now! This is fun! What do you want to talk about?

Wade: (Over radio) Why are we all going on the radios?

Church: Well, he can't find you now, Tex.

Tex: Don't get involved Church. Omega wants me, he can have me.

Church: Why, so you can kidnap Tucker's kid? And enslave an entire race?

Tucker: Yeah what's up with that, bitch?

Tex: We have to win the war, Church.

Church: Well, what about after? You think Omega's just gonna stop after he gets a whole species for an army? He's gonna take over everything Tex, and you're not gonna be able to stop him!

Tex: I guess we'll find out.

Underground Lair
To Doc and Sister, watching the screen.

Doc: Hehey, uh Church? It's Doc. Yeah uh, you remember that Blue Leader guy down here? Weuh he's just keeled over. So I... I think O'Malley's on his way. Just FYI.

Church: (Radio) Tex, shut off your radio.

Tex: (Radio) I would get away from me if I were you.

Church: Doc, any idea where he went?

Doc is currently in the underground lair, watching the green alien take Junior on the screen.

Doc: I have no idea. And that alien buddy of his took off with Junior too. If you want, I could look for them on this computer down here.

Church: Computer? What?

Doc: Yeah. It's showing us the whole canyon. What's with all the dead white guys?

Church: What computer? Well whatever, listen. Just keep looking for him, and tell me if you find him.

Doc: Okay.

Sister: Hey uh, shouldn't you try to help this guy?

Doc: What?

Sister: Aren't you, like the Medic or something?

Doc: Yeah, okay, whatever, shut up, you talk too much.

Sister: Hey! You think I could use this thing to check MySpace?

Blood Gulch
To the Blues initiating a standoff between Tex, Church, and Tucker.

Church: Tex, is he in there?

Tex: No. Is he in you?

Church: Bullshit, I think you're lying. I think that-

O'Malley: (Over radio) Nothing, why does something have to be wrong with my voice? Maybe something's wrong with your voice. You ever think about that cocksucker?

Tex knocks down Church and heads for the Reds.

Church: Fuck! Tucker, stop her!

Tucker tosses a grenade at Tex but, misses her, letting her get away.

To the Reds, with Donut showing up on the ghost.

Grif: Hey, who are you calling a buffoon? I am not a buffoon. I don't even know what a buffoon is!

Sarge: Both o' ya shut up.

Grif: Seriously, what is that. Some kinda monkey? It's a monkey isn't it?

Leo: Guys, I think something is wrong with Simmons.

O'Malley: You fool!

Church runs up to the group.

Church: Hey Reds!

Sarge: Freeze, you dirty Blue!

The Reds aim at Church, except Leo.

Leo: Church? What are you doing here?

Church: I'm here to help. Omega's on the loose, and I think he's infected one of your guys.

Sarge: Infected? Initiate Emergency Plan Delta, men!

Sarge turns and prepare to shoot at Grif but, Leo quickly grabs the muzzle of the shotgun and points it down.

Leo: Sarge, it's not Grif, he's talking about!

Grif: Oh, thank god!

Sarge: But, how can we be so, sure!

Church: I think it's actually Simmons.

Leo: Same, his voice is more deeper and he's more violent now.

Simmons runs up to the jeep turret on hops on it.

Sarge: Simmons, get off that gun right now!

O'Malley: No!

Sarge: What did you say to me?

O'Malley: I said no, hahaha! How do you like that? No!

Sarge: Well since you asked, I don't like it at all!

O'Malley: Fi-irst, I'm going to kill you. And then my plan to be leader of the Reds will be complete! After that I'm going to kill every being in the Universe. From now on, everyone will kiss my ass, hahahahaha!

Church: Uh, yeah, it's definitely Simmons that got infected.

Leo: How do we get Omega, out of him!?

Church: I.. uh, haven't really thought about.

Sarge: Simmons, do not fire that weapon. That's an order!

O'Malley: Too late Sarge! Simmons is getting a promotion. Mahaha, mua-

Tex creeps up on Simmons and knocks him off the turret, trying to whack O'Malley out of him.

O'Malley: *Punch* Ow, the back of my lower legs! *Punch* Ow, the side of my head! *Punch* The back of my face! *Punch* The front of my front!

Leo: Tex!? Since when did she get here!?

Tucker: (from a distance) Hey Church, I think Tex is over here!

Church: Thanks for the update!

Sarge: Tex I know now might not be the best time, but I'd really like you to consider coming over to the Red team. Technically you know black is just a really dark shade of red. We'll talk later.

Caboose: (over radio) Church, are we still talking on the radio?

O'Malley returns through the air to Caboose via radio.

O'Malley: Muhahahahaha! 'Cause I'd love to talk on the radio. What? What am I doing in this idiot?

Wade: Caboose? You ok there buddy?

Tex runs toward Caboose, dumps her body, and ghost Tex enters Caboose.

O'Malley: Hegagergerk!

Church: Heuh, crap. Sarge, I need you to do me a favor. If I'm not outta there in ten minutes, I'm gonna need you to disable that ship. 'Cause if Tex gets out of here with O'Malley and that kid, there's no one that's gonna be able to stop her.

Church leaves, heading toward Caboose. Tucker walks up next to Leo.

Leo: What the hell, is he talking about!?

Tucker: Oh. Tex and Omega have some kind of stupid plan to enslave the whole alien race. But Church thinks if she does, she's gonna become the Queen of the Universe or some shit.

Leo: That doesn't sound like Tex at all.

Donut: (gasp) Wait, Queen of the Universe? Noone even told me we were having a competition!

Caboose Mind
To Church popping in to the derelict metal that is apparently the inside of Caboose's head.

Church: Oh crap.

Blood Gulch
To the real world, where Sarge is in the warthog and Wade is walking up to the group.

Wade: What just happened to Caboose?

Tucker: I think he just hot infected... again.

Leo: Well, at least Simmons is back now

Simmons: It's good to be back!

Sarge: Alright then, let's go blow up that ship.

Tucker: Hey, Church said to wait 'til he gets out.

Sarge: Well that's a nice idea, son, but blowin' up stuff ain't a democracy. Leo, where can we get some explosives?

Leo: Isn't Andy still in the cave?

Sarge: Of course! Come on men! Let's got grab Andy and blow that ship, up!

The reds hop in the warthog, with Leo hanging on the side, while Donut rides the ghost.

Wade: Why do the reds get to blow something up!

Tucker: Oh, don't even start.

Caboose Mind
Back to Church in the depreciation that is Caboose's inner workings.

Church: Man, this place has really gone to Hell. I guess maintenance isn't a priority. Caboose! Tex! Anyone in here!? What was that? Caboose? Tex? Omega?

Mental Simmons appears behind Church and aims his gun at him.

Mental Simmons: Freeze! Look! I captured someone! I am the best! I mean, I'm the best one that isn't Caboose!

Mental Grif, appears from the side.

Mental Grif: (voice all scratchy) Great job Simon!

Mental Simmons: Thanks orangish guy whose name I really don't remember.

Mental Leo comes walking to the group.

Mental Leo: Hold on, Simmons! That's my dad, you can't capture him!

Mental Simmons: He's not my dad, tho.

Mental Donut: (female voice) Let's all go shopping to celebrate.

Mental Sarge: Arr, let's be making him walk the plank.

Church: Oh. Hey Reds. Hey have you guys seen Omega or Tex?

Mental Leo: Why would Mum be here?

Church: I just need to know where she is!

Mental Simmons: Stop asking questions, you! We don't like questions in here. Thinking of answers makes people's heads hurt.

Mental Tucker drops in from above.

Mental Tucker: Hey guys, what's up?

Church: Tucker, how did you get in here?

Mental Tucker: I'm in here all the time. I have this sword now. You might think it's cool but it isn't. Nobody wants to play with it because it's dumb, and even though I don't let people play with it no one cares anyway. Because it's dumb.

Church: Oh, right. Tucker.

Mental Tucker: Also I'm stupid and ugly. And my butt stinks. Like a butt.

Church: Alright, alright, okay, okay, guys listen. I need you to take me to Mister Caboose, can you do that?

Mental Simmons: *gasp* Why would we do that?

Church: Oh, uh, because I am... ugh... because I'm... his best... friend.

Mental Leo: Oh, nice to meet you.

To the mental Reds bringing Church to Mental Caboose, with mental Wade standing next to him.

Mental Wade: (Aims rocket) Who dares to approach the all mighty, Caboose!

Mental Caboose: Settle down Wade, we mean them no harm.

Mental Wade: As you wish, Caboose.

Mental Sarge: (now with a Cockney accent) Jolly good day, Mister Caboose. We be havin' a prisoner for you we do.

Church: I thought you had a pirate accent?

Mental Sarge: (back to the pirate accent) Arr, I'm not very consistent. Yurrr.

Church: Caboose, hey, it's me, Church.

Mental Caboose: Yes. Hello, Church. You must be very happy to see me.

Church: Yeah, right, of course. I'm so happy, I wanna fuckin' puke.

Mental Sister: (male voice) Hey what's up.

Church: Hey, who the fuck are you? Sister?

Mental Sister: Yep. I'm Sister... Church's twin brother and Leo's uncle. I came here in a spaceship, that came from the moon. It crashed next to Blue Base, and now I live with Caboose, and the people from the tail section of the spaceship, live on the other side of the island.

Church: What the fuck, that's like, wrong in eight different ways.

Mental Sister: Yeah. I know. Tell me about it.

Church: Caboose, do you ever listen, to anything that we tell you?

Mental Caboose: New Church and Wade are my best friends.

Mental Wade: Yeah!!

New Church: I would argue with that too, but... what's the point.

Mental Tucker: Did I mention that I had a baby but I won't tell anyone how babies are made? Not that it matters because everyone knows how anyway. Stupid babies!

Church: Okay, enough. Has anybody seen Tex or Omega? I'm in kind of a rush.

Mental Simmons: I haven't, but you know who might know? Those two new people that we saw fighting over by the ramps. We could ask them.

Church: Okay. Let's go do that.

To Church spying on Tex and Omega behind a pillar with Tucker, watching the two, quietly conversing.

Church: Oh shit, they're not fighting, that's bad for me. Alright Tucker quick, I need you to jump out there, and kill'em with your sword. If they die in here, they get forced out of Caboose's head.

Mental Tucker: No way that sounds scary, you do it. I wanna get back to my busy day smelling butts.

Church: Dude I can't, your sword only works for y- ...Wait a minute. There's no possible way he understands that, fuck it, give me the sword, dude.

Blood Gulch/Ship
To Sarge dropping off Andy and Lopez next to the ship.

Sarge: Okay Andy, we're gonna need you to get in that ship and explode. You think you can take out the whole thing?

Andy: You bet! Just say the word and I'll detonate. Man, this is gonna be great!

Sheila: Hello Lopez.

Lopez: >Sheila? Is it you?<

Sheila: Yes. It is good to see you again.

Andy: Hoh, Lopez! Looks like your girlfriend's put on a little weight!

Leo: Andy, that's just being rude.

Andy: What? You were all thinkin' it. I mean, I'm just saying. Someone should seriously consider switchin' to unleaded.

Caboose Mind
Back to the Tex-Omega conference inside Caboose's head.

Tex: But I have your word that none of them will be hurt, especially Leo!

Church: Tex, get away from him!

Church draws the sword and charges O'Malley, killing him.

Church: Fuc- Deawn! Booyah!

Tex: No! Dammit Church!

Tex aims her gun at Church and fires but, misses. Church runs up and kills her with the sword too.

Church: Awesome, I'm like a fuckin' Jedi. Aw fuck they're both dead. Quick, somebody kill me. Quick, hurry please, somebod- anybody! Please, just fucking kill me!

Mental Simmons: Why?

Mental Leo: You just killed my Mum!

Church: She's not dead, she's.. um, sleeping! But, I need to get outta here, come on please, hurry, quick just kill me, please! Hurry, it'll be fun, I'm a dick.

Mental Simmons: None of our guns work, we just have them for show.

Mental Donut: Mine is just a purse.

Church: Gah, you know, never mind.

Church picks up some fallen frag grenades and throws one at his own feet.

New Church: Hey, can I ask you one quick que-

The grenade explodes, killing both Church and New Church, and Church returns to the real world.

Blood Gulch
Church: Caboose, what happened?

Caboose: Tex appeared out of nowhere and beat up Tucker, Wade held her off for a bit before he got beat up which was sad but, awesome for Tucker, and she took his sword. Also, someone may have been surprised by that, and peed his pants, just a little bit. Or a lot.

Church: I was only behind him like thirty seconds, what the fuck, where is she!?

Caboose: She took the sword and a Wyoming helmet to the ship. I think she went to the ship to save Tucker's kid. He's on the ship too now.

Church: Fuck! What about O'Malley, where's he?

O'Malley: (over radio) Uhuhuhuha! That's the problem with living in a Patriarchal society; men just automatically assume they know everything. Hahaha!

Church: Never mind.

New Church pops in to the real world next to a fallen Wyoming.

New Church: Huh? What is this place? Hey buddy, are you okay? What's that noise?

Wyoming's time loop mechanism triggers, sending New Church, who is yellow, back to the army of time-looped Churches on Sidewinder

Yellow Church: ...

Churches: ...

Yellow Church: Well, fuck.

Blood Gulch
To Flowers walking up to Tucker and Wade.

Flowers: Hello fellas, how's everything going out here?

Tucker: Not good. Hey, you don't sound evil any more.

Flowers: Thanks for noticing Private, yeah, being possessed by an evil force can be difficult at times, but with a little hard work, and positive thinking, you can overcome anything.

Wade: Who's this guy?

Flowers: I don't think we've been properly introduced, I'm captain Flowers a pleasure to meet you.

As the conversation continues random sniper shots hit the grassy mound behind Flowers.

Tucker: Also, I think you mean hard work, positive thinking, and no longer being useful as a pawn in their evil plan.

Flowers: Hyeah, that too. So, who are we fighting today?

Tucker: Uh, you know, the usual. Tex, Red Team-

Flowers: Red Team, those old rascals. Some things never change. They still wearing red armor these days?

Wade: They are red team, so yeah.

Flowers: Oh, Red Team.

Tucker: Hey, I could use some help.

Flowers: You bet. And I have some information about the Reds that will guarantee our victory.

Wade: Wait, you do?

Flowers: Ahai certainly do. Would you two like to hear it?

Tucker: Yeah, I wanna hear it!

Flowers: Great! Because I'm just about to tell you guys!

Tucker: ...

Wade: ...

Flowers: ...

Wade: Well, aren't you going to speak?

Tucker: Yeah, why aren't you telling us?

Flowers: Good question. I seem to be dramatically pausing for some-

Suddenly, Flowers gets sniped in the head.

Flowers: (Shot) Herk, bleah.

Wade: Where did that shot, come from!?

Tucker: Who cares, good riddance to him. I wasn't giving this armor back anyway.

To Sarge, Leo, Grif and Simmons holding guns on the O'Malleyed Donut.

Leo: Take it easy, Donut. We're all friends here, remember?

Simmons: You've been infected by a computer virus, and we just need to figure out what to do about it.

O'Malley: Wuhuhuhaa, huha! No! It's my body! It's my choice! And another thing: why do I do as much work as you guys, but I only make ninety-two percent-

Tex beats Donut in the back of the head and knocks him down.

Leo: Tex, what are you doing!?

Tex: I'm sorry Leo but, I've got no time to explain to you.

Sarge: How dare you, hit my soldiers without my permission.

O'Malley: I'm the one who gets to hit mah soldiers. Wahahaha, yeah! Eat lead, world. Drop and give me infinity.

Grif: Sarge, you've finally gone crazy.

Tex vanishes and reappears behind Sarge, knocking him down, and O'Malley shoots into Grif.

O'Malley: Whoa, that's weird. I have a sudden urge to conquer the Universe. Which is odd for me because, well that would take actual work... I think I'll just fall asleep instead.

Grif actually falls asleep inside his armor.

Leo: Shit, where did he go-

Suddenly O'Malley shoots into Leo, cutting of his sentence.

Tex: Leo! NOOO!!

Before Tex could knock Leo out, O'Malley turns around and grabs her fist, before kicking her in the stomach and away from him.

Sarge: Leo, what are you doing!?

O'Malley faces Sarge and points Leo's railgun at him, slowly charging it up.

O'Malley: Time to taste, OBLIVION!!!

But, before O'Malley could shoot Sarge. Leo's body starts to jerk, before dropping his gun to the floor and onto his knees, clutching his head in his arms.

O'Malley: What do you think your doing, you imbecile!!

Leo: GET.. OUT.. OF.. MY HEAD!!

Suddenly Leo, let's out a painful cry, until his whole body went limp, leaving him in deep breaths.

Sarge: (Holds his shoulder) You ok, Leo?

Leo: Yeah... I'm fine.. I.. think he's gone now. (Picks up his gun and stand up, stumbling a bit)

Doc, Church and Wade then arrive.

Doc: We're here, is anyone hurt?

O'Malley moves back to Doc.

O'Malley: Anyone need to be killed? Huhuhahahahuhuhuh!

Church: I know that laugh! Nobody move!

O'Malley moves to Church.

Church: You know uh... I don't really feel all that different. Mha, mhu mha, mhu mhu, mhuh. Uh, nuh, feels pretty much the same, that's, that's kinda weird, ah, amean, expected more-

Tex hits Church in the back of the head. O'Malley then goes into Wade.

O'Malley: Muaaah hahaha! Time to burn in hell!

O'Malley then swings Wades rocket launcher to his left, knocking Church off his feet.

Church: Oww!!

O'Malley: Haha! You shall all perish!

Tex: Sorry kid.

Tex then appears behind Wade, hitting him in the back of the head and knocking him down.

Church: Where'd he go, where'd he go? Is he gone?

Leo: ...Tex?

Tex: Leo run!

Church: Tex, don't!

O'Malley jumps back into Tex.

O'Malley: You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in. Nahah!

Tex/O'malley grabs Wyoming's helmet and runs into the ship.

Church: Wait, Tex you don't want to do this!

Leo: Shit! Tex get out of there!!

Tex/O'malley enters the ship, 'where the Green Alien and Junior are waiting, carrying the Wyoming helmet.

O'Malley: Sheila, are you ready?

Sheila: All systems online. Ignition coil activated. Starting thrusters.

O'Malley: Launch when ready.

Sheila: Please, take your seats. Launching in three, two, one.

Leo: (Radio) Mum! Don't do this!

Sheila: Liftoff.

Tex: (Radio Leo) Goodbye Leo.

Leo turns off his radio and looks down in shock.

Leo: (Whispers) She... said goodbye.

Church: We have to stop her right now!

Sarge: No problemo, Blue. Andy, you there?

Andy: (from inside the ship) I'm here coach!

Church: What's going on!?

Andy: (from inside the ship) Tex is hooking up Wyoming's helmet to the computer.

Sarge: Ready for your job soldier?

Leo: Wait, what!?

Andy: (from inside the ship) You bet!

Sarge: Alright then, son, do what you were born to do. Detonate.

Andy: (from inside the ship) Hey, you want me to start from ten or three? Come on let's build it up a little bit, suspense, it'll kill 'em. Ten!

Leo: No!! Andy abort, ABORT!

Church: I told you to disable the ship-

Andy: Nine!

Church: -not destroy it!

Andy: Eight!

Sarge: Oh well, score one for the Red Team, I guess.

Leo: We need to stop, Andy!!

Andy: Seven!

Wade: What about, Tucker's kid?

Andy: Six!

Sarge: Oh, right-

Andy: Five!

Sarge: -score two.

Andy: Four!

Church: Andy! Do not-

Andy: Three!

Church: -detonate, can you see her heading?

Andy: Two!

Church: Do you know where she's going!?

Andy: One!

The ship, having lifted off in to the air, disintegrates in a blue-green flash.

Church: ...Tex?

Leo: ...Mum?

Grif: Boo, no explosion! That sucked.

Grif looks down and misses a great big explosion in the sky.

Leo: NOOOO!!

Sarge: I'm sorry about this, Leo.

Leo: (Cry's a bit) I can't believe I lost her again... for good now.

Simmons: Don't worry Leo m-maybe, she survived?

Sarge holds onto Leo's shoulder, doing his best to comfort him.

Donut: Wow, that explosion was awesome!

Grif: What explosion, I didn't see it, do it again!

Wade: Uh Church, what should we do?

Church: Do whatever you want. I'm goin' home.

Church starts walking away, Wade and Tucker follow him.

Tucker: Hyeah, fuck this.

Leo: *Sniffs* I.. need some time.. to myself.

Leo walks away in red base, direction.

Simmons: Sarge? Are... we fighting?

Sarge: No, Simmons, I think they've had their ass kicked enough for one day. Let's leave some for tomorrow. Besides, I've got other matters to attend to. (Looks at Leo walking away)

To Leo sitting on the edge, looking up at the sky where Tex died.

Leo: I can't believe your gone for good now... Mum. I just wish I got to talk to you a bit more, before this shit happened.

Unknown to Leo, Sarge is walking along the cliff, before standing right behind Leo.

Leo: (Sighs) What do you want, Sarge.

Sarge: I just wanted to see, how you where holding up?

Leo: My Mum just died... (Grits Teeth) how do think I feel!?

Sarge: ...I'm sorry Leo.

Leo: (Calms down) It's ok Sarge, it's just... she said 'goodbye'.

Sarge: Isn't that a natural thing to say, when... 'leaving'?

Leo: No... it's just my 'real' Mum, Allison. She hated goodbyes and always told me to never say it but, instead to say 'see you later' or something like that. But, when Tex got on that ship... she, said goodbye. I don't think ready for her to leave me.

Sarge took all this in and thinks of what to say carefully.

Sarge: ....Leo, at some point in life, where going to lose the ones we love. When that happens, not all of us are ready to say 'goodbye' ...but, in order for us to move on in life... we have to let go the ones we love or it'll eat you up inside, until there's nothing left.

Leo: ...

Sarge: I'll let you have sometime to yourself and once your ready maybe, you can help me rebuild the warthog with the old parts, laying around.

Sarge then walks off, leaving Leo to think about what he said.

Leo: (Mumbles) In order to move on... we let go of the ones we love.

Leo let's out a heavy breath, before looking at the sky.

Leo: I enjoyed our time together Tex, even if you were a clone, I'm glad I was able to see you again one last time.... goodbye, Mum.

Leo gets on his feet, making his way back to base, to help Sarge.

Blue Base
To Caboose and Church on top of Blue Base.

Caboose: Church.

Church: Yeah.

Caboose: You ever wonder why we're here?

Church: You know Caboose, I used to not care. I just went along with orders, and hoped that everything would work out for me. But after all that's happened, you know what I've learned? It's not about hating the guy on the other side because someone told you to. I mean, you should hate someone because they're an asshole, or a pervert, or snob, or they're lazy, or arrogant or an idiot or know-it-all. Those are reasons to dislike somebody. You don't hate a person because someone told you to. You have to learn to despise people on a personal level. Not because they're red, or because they're blue, but because ya know them, and you see them every single day. And you can't stand them, because they're a complete and total fucking douchebag.

Caboose: ...

Church: ...

Caboose: I meant why are we up here in the sun, when we could be standing down there in the shade with Wade.

To Wade sitting down in the shade.

Wade: It is much more cooler here.

Church: Oh. Yeah, okay, let's go stand in the shade.

Church and Caboose walk to Wade in the shade.

To Grif and Simmons on a cliff, with Grif watching the Blues through a sniper rifle.

Simmons: What're they doing?

Grif: What?

Simmons: I said "what're they doing now?"

Grif: I don't know, man, talking. That's all these guys ever do, they just stand around and talk.

Simmons: ... What're they talking about?

Grif: You know what? I hate you.

Simmons: Yeah. I hate you too buddy.

Sarge: (Yells) Hey ladies, get down here! Leo and I built a new vehicle from some old Warthog parts we had laying around!

Donut: It's an ATV! It's Hawhawsome!

Leo: I don't think is safe to drive, yet!

Sarge: Front 'n' center on the double! We need help naming this thing. And nothin' stupid this time.

Grif and Simmons start running down to meet Sarge, Leo and Donut.

Simmons: I get to name this one.

Grif: Why?

Simmons: Because you named the last one.

Grif: Hey Simmons? Just one thing.

Simmons: What?

Grif: Shotgun!

Simmons: Fuck!

The End
Author: And that ladies and Gentlemen, concludes the end of the blood Gulch chronicles! 🎉🎉🎉

I just want to say thanks to all the people who have been reading the series so far!

And I always want to say big thanks, to fireslash97, BattleDroid1106 and to DeadMC55. Who have been a great help to the series!

So, I hope you guys are excited because now, where moving out of Blood Gulch and into the 'The Recollection' arc now!

See you guys, soon!

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