Rvb S6 E11 "Chapter 11"

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To the beach of the Fortress, where numerous of objects fall from the sky as the Chairman speaks.

Chairman (Voiceover): Dear Director. Do your "creative solutions" include the circumvention of the safety protocols that every member of the Military must follow? If they do not, then I fail to see how an enemy has managed to secure not one, but several of your experimental A.I.s. The protocol is not a guideline, dear Director, it is doctrine. And no one is above its rule.

To Grif running for his life as a tumbling Warthog chases behind him.

Grif: Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, ooooh God!

The Warthog hits two palm trees, nearly crushing Grif. Wade and Church walk out of the building their hiding in.

Wade: Boo! No explosions!

Grif: What the hell was that!?

Church: Aw, he lived? That's bullshit.

Wade and Church return into the building.

Sarge: Grif, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you gotta pay attention in battle! You can't let yourself get distracted by- oh crap, flying jeep.

A flying Warthog, thrown by the Meta, that nearly hits Sarge.

Simmons: Run!

Simmons and Sarge retreat, chased by several falling objects, falling behind them as they run for their lives.

Back to the Blues and Wash.

Church: Well. Guess they're definitely not workin' together.

Wash: Now that he's powered up, he's just killing everything. We're next.

Wade: This guy is just begging for a explosive sandwich... and it's not going to taste good.

Caboose: Do I get a sandwich?

Sarge and Simmons come running into the building.

Sarge: Move it or lose it.

Simmons: Yeah come on, scootch, scootch.

Church: Hey. Get out of here, Reds. This is our cover.

Simmons: What is that thing?

Church: You guys remember Tex?

Simmons: Yeheah, the girl who kicked our asses all the time?

Church: Yeah, well, this thing's like, eight of her.

Wash: It must be at full power now. Caboose, Wade, Church, you three and the Reds keep it busy. I'm going to help Leo.

Wash runs off.

Simmons: Did he say keep it busy?

Wade: Seems like it.

Simmons: How the hell do we do that?

Sarge: Looks like Grif is doing a pretty good job already.

To Grif, hiding behind a pile of objects with more objects falling down onto the pile.

Grif: Okay I get it! Stop throwing things at me, you fucking jackass!

Sarge: Keep up the good work, Grif!

Grif: Ow! Okay, that could have taken out an eye!

To Wash arriving at Leo's limp body on top of the fortress.

Wash: (whispering) Leo. Are you okay? Leo. Dammit. Delta, are you here? Delta?

Wash places a healing unit next to Leo in order to heal him. Then radio sounds.

Wash: Guys, I have Leo. He's hurt, but I'm going to keep him alive with a healing unit. How are you guys doing with the Meta?

Wash sees some explosions back where the reds and blues are hiding.

Wade: (Radio) For the love of god! Call in an airstrike on this guy!!

Wash: Oh, great.

Back to everyone else except Grif as the Reds' Warthog, playing Tejano music, skids past the room they're all cowering in.

Sarge: Hey, come on. We've still got payments left on that thing. You'd better not scratch the paint job.

Wade: He's done more then just a scratch.

Meta: *Growls*

Behind the Meta, Wash drops down behind him and walks towards him with a chain gun, in his hands.

Wash: Hi. Remember me?

Wash approaches and fires at the Meta with a chain gun, causing blood. But, then the Meta slows down time and changes his armour back to white, and leaves the area. Seeing that the Metas gone, the reds and blues come out from the building.

Wash: It's gone! Dammit! You idiots, we almost had it!

Simmons: Almost had it? We never even hurt it!

Wade: He means before you got here! We were able to cripple it and then you guys showed up and ruined everything!

Sarge: Aw, yeah. You guys looked like you had everything under control before we got here.

Church: Hey, up yours, Red. I don't see you doing anything heroic.

Simmons: It threw our car at us.

Grif: I'm fine by the way, just in case anyone's wondering.

Wash: Well, the three of you are staying with us now. I can't possibly hope to fight the Meta in this state with just Church, Wade, Caboose and ...Leo!

Church: (At the same time) Leo!

Everyone is now crowded around Leo, who's still passed out.

Sarge: (Points the blues) What have you blues done with my boy!?

Church: Don't start pointing fingers at us, it was that Meta guy that did this!

Sarge: How do I even know your telling the truth!

Wade: Look, once Leo wakes up from his nap time, I'm sure he can tell you, what exactly happened to him.

Sarge: Grrrgghh.. If I find out that one of you's hurt my son-

Church: Wait.. since when was he your son!?

Sarge: Since I adopted him!

While they where arguing, the rest of the gang take a step back, hoping not to get caught in the cross fire.

Church: Adopted!? You can't just adopt him, I'm his dad!

Sarge: Like hell you where! You where a horrible farther-

Wash finally thinks a enough is a enough and steps between the two.

Wash: CUT IT OUT! I don't care who's the father! But, we need to be focusing on him first!

Church: ....

Sarge: ...Fine.

Wade: Sooooo... Wash, what's the verdict?

Wash: I don't know. He seems okay. I think he was knocked out, I just can't get him to come out of it.

Leo: (Mumbling) Whuh, I, memory is the key,

Wash: What's he mumbling?

Simmons: Is he mumbling about Oreos again?

Wash: This makes no sense. All his vitals check out. Now why can't I revive him? Hey do you guys know a medic around here by any chance?

The Reds: NO!

Church: Well maybe removing Delta did something to him. Like a, uh, coma or somethin'.

Wash: Yeah, but there's no way to know that for sure. Unless you have a way to see inside his head. Prep him for evac, I'll put in a call to Command and get an extract going. This is Recovery One calling Command. Come in Command...

Wash wanders off up a ramp.

Simmons: Hey Blue, why don't you do that thing? You know, the thing you do. The ghost thing.

Church: Yeah, this guy doesn't know about that, so I don't really wanna let him know and freak him out. Why don't you go keep him occupied, I'll see what I can do.

Simmons heads up to join Wash.

Simmons: Hey, Agent Washington, I think it turns out we do know a medic after all. But he's really far away. Maybe if we run around this corner right here we'll get better reception.

Caboose: Why does Peo, get to have nap time?

Wade: He got forced into nap time Caboose. (Looks at Church) You going in or what?

Church: Yeah, just give me a second.

Church crouches down and leaves his body, then enters Leo's mind.

Leo's Mind
Once Church entered Leo's mind, he appeared in what looks like a kids bedroom.

Church: What the? I swear if I find one dirty image in here, I'm out!

Church looks around the room and sees that it's currently dark and raining outside but, once he turned around, he saw a small boy sitting at a desk writing on a piece of paper.

Church: Umm.. hello?

The boy doesn't respond back.

Church: Hey I'm talking to you!

Church walks up to the boy side and sees that he has black hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a plain black shirt with blue jeans and white socks. Church waves his hand in front of the boys face but, he doesn't respond to the gesture.

Church: What the hell is going on?

Delta: Hello Church, you are currently viewing one of Leo's memories.

Church looks to his left and sees Delta, as a normal sized soldier in green armor.

Church: Delta?

Delta: Unfortunately, I have been taken by the Meta. This is merely a memory I left in Leo's mind to help you along your way.

Church: Well, then how are you talking to me?

Delta: I am not. I merely used logic to determine what questions you would ask, and in what order. Then I left the appropriate responses.

Church: Oh really.

Delta: Yes. Really. I left this memory in case you found it.

Before, the two could continue talking a loud voice interrupts their conversation.


The boy known as Leo, starts to shake in fear while continuing to write at his desk.

Church: Wait.. is that boy Leo?

Delta: Correct. He is currently experiencing a memory that's been haunting him since the event took place. Once the memory has finished, I'll tell you the message I have left for Wash.

Delta then disappears, leaving Church to watch the events of Leo's memory. Suddenly a man barges into the room, looking at Leo with flames in his eyes. The man seemed to be wearing a messy suit with his tie fumbled up, and his face looks flushed from drinking.

???: When I tell you to come down! YOU COME DOWN!!

Mental Leo: (Sighs) I'm just trying to do my homework.

???: I don't give a shit about your homework!

The man then walks up to Leo and grips his shoulder hard, before yanking him off the chair and onto the floor. While Leo is clutching his shoulder, the man stands over Leo.

Church: Hey! You stay the fuck away from him!

Church tries to intervene but, when he goes to push the man back, he fades right through him and bumps into the wall.

Church: Ow!!

???: It's YOUR FAULT that my wife is dead!! If you had never, in courage her to fight for what she thought was right, she could be standing here right now!!

The man sends a kick, right into Leo's left side. Causing him to cry out in pain and clutch it.

Mental Leo: (Crying) ...It ...wasn't my ...fault

???: I don't know, why we even ADOPTED YOU!!

The man punches Leo in the stomach, causing him to clutch his stomach and go into a coughing fit. While all this is happening, Church is leaning his back against the wall, powerless to stop this horror.

Leo: (Crying) I'm... sorry.

???: (Growls) ....Sorry, doesn't bring her back.

Seeing that Leo has had enough for today, the man walks out the room, not even bothering to close his door. While Leo is laying on the floor, curled up into a ball, trying to ease the pain. He opens his eyes and sees his older Sister watching him behind his door, who had red hair and green eyes, which were staring at him with disgust, until she walked away. Church gets off from the wall and knees down next to Leo, wishing he could've protected him from that torture.

Church: Jesus fuck... I'm so, sorry Leo.

Delta then appears while the memory fades away into a white room with nothing in it, signalling the end of the memory.

Delta: It is quiet a "Disturbing" memory, most would say.

Church: Yeah.. who the fuck was that guy?

Delta: That would be Leo's adopted father.

Church: I hope he dies in hell for what he's done. (Sighs) So.. was there something you wanted to tell me?

Delta: Please tell Agent Washington that memory is the key.

Church: Memory is the key? What does that mean?

Delta: Wash will know.

Church: Okay seriously, does it have to be a riddle? Can't you just tell me what you want me to do? How hard would that be?

Delta: I don't have enough time to explain everything to you.

Church: Well if you're in the Meta, then why don't you just help us from the inside?

Delta: Church, I have to be objective. The next time you see me, I may not want you to help me. I guess this is goodbye... Alpha.

Church: Alpha-

Real World/Fortress
Church pops out of Leo and back into the real world, surrounded by the reds and blues.

Church: Delta, Delta, wait! "Memory is the key"? What about the Meta, what about-

Grif: Uh, dude?

Church looks up and sees Wash and Simmons staring at Church while in ghost form.

Simmons: Yeah, turns out I'm not so good at distracting.

Church: Wash, don't panic, I can explain.

Grif: Yeah, see when Simmons was boring you with random conversation about nerd stuff, he was really just trying to distract you from what the blue guy here was doing.

Sarge: He means explain the fact that he's a ghost.

Grif: Oh, right. Yeah, he can explain that part too.

Sarge: Idiot.

The End

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