Rvb S6 E19 "Chapter 19"

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Freelancer HQ
To the Meta fighting the Freelancer soldiers.

Chairman (Voiceover): To the Director of Project Freelancer. I write to inform you, that by the authority of this sub-committee, officers have been dispatched, to place you under arrest, and we expect your full co-operation. Congratulations are in order, I suppose. When they write the new morality protocols for dealing with A.I., I'm certain they will name entire sections of the doctrine after you. It seems that you will earn your place in history after all, dear Director.

Motor Pool
Then to the reds and blues in the motor pool. With Sarge, Simmons and Grif set up in one warthog and Caboose, Leo and a still drowsy Wade set up in another one.

Wash: Alright. Stick to the plan. Just run. Get Epsilon out of here. Turn it over to the authorities the first chance you get.

Simmons: Sarge, shouldn't we help them? They won't stand a chance against that thing.

Sarge: We have our orders, Simmons. We have to think about the mission.

Grif: Finally! An order I wanna follow. "Run away and live."

Leo: That's the only order you want follow, Grif.

Grif: Uh duh, because it's the best order!

Wash: Just drive. When the E.M.P. goes off-

Caboose: You mean the Emp?

Wash: Stop it. It will destroy Epsilon if you're not far enough away.

Caboose: You got it, Mister Washington.

Church: Take care of yourself, guys.

Leo: (Smiles) You to, Church.

Caboose: Your coming back... right, Church?

Church: (Hesitating) Yeah, buddy.... I'm coming back.

Simmons: *Sniff*

Grif: Are you crying?

Simmons: What!? No, I just caught some dust in my eyes that's all!

Church: Oh wait! One more thing, if you guys actually make it out of here alive... build me a fucking statue.

Leo: (Sighs with a grin) Wash, open the gate.

Wash hits a button and the garage door opens upwards.

Wash: He's gonna be on you as soon as you clear the gate. Be ready to move. Protect the Blues' and Leo's vehicle at any cost.

Sarge: Protect the Blues, right, yeah. We'll get riiight on that shit.

Leo: Sarge, you do realise I'm in the blues vehicle?

Sarge: We'll try not to hit you Leo!

The reds and blues, both drive out of the motor pool. Leaving Church and Wash, on their own.

Church: I'm serious about the statue!

Wash: Alright, Church. Now on to the second part of the plan.

Church: (Sighs) I'm going to regret this.

Freelancer HQ
To the Meta, standing over the dead freelancer soldiers, while watching the two jeeps drive a bit and stop.

Radio sounds.

Wash: (Radio) That's it. Lead the Meta as far away from the base as possible.

An A.I.: It's a trick.

Another A.I.: Get the A.I.

A Third A.I.: We need them.

Wash runs back into the motor pool.

Wash: I just hope there's enough time.

The Meta runs towards Wash and the base.

Leo: He took the bait! Let's go guys!

Grif: Hold on, everyone.

To Wash running through some corridors, pursued by the Meta. Wash then enters a large room.

PA Voice: Warning. Security breach detected.

Counselor: Agent Washington. Good to see you again.

Wash: Oh, hello. Are you somewhere nearby, Counselor? Somewhere I can say hello in person?

Counselor: Sorry Agent Washington, but we were more than prepared for this... eventuality. I'm afraid we will not be able to see each other in person today.

Wash: Well then you'll excuse me if I don't stop to chat. I'm on a timetable.

Counselor: There is someone else here who would like to speak with you.

Director: Well hello, Agent Washington.

Wash: The Director himself, I should be honored. I should be.

Director: Yes, I realize it has been a while since we've spoke, David. May I call you David?

Wash: No, you cannot. You gave me my new name, the least you can do is use it.

Director: I am certain you have a lot of questions, Wash.

Wash: Just one: How do I turn off this speaker?

PA Voice: Warning. Security breach detected.

The Meta arrives, and Wash puts up a containment field to keep him out

Director: Well. The prodigal son returns. Agent Maine, you've caused quite a few problems for us. You will not be leaving this time.

Wash: I think I've said that myself about twenty times in the last few weeks. Good luck holding him.

Director: You would be surprised what we are capable of, even from this distance. I suggest you work with us if you expect to survive this.

Wash: I'm sorry, did something about my actions indicate I expect to survive?

To the Reds and Blues driving across the landscape.

Sarge: Still about half a click to go. Step on it!

Back to Wash.

PA Voice: Clearance verified. The failsafe is now online. Awaiting activation.

Director: How did you get those codes?

Wash: You might be surprised what I know, Director.

PA Voice: Warning, this is a last resort measure. Activating the failsafe will destroy all electronic equipment in this facility, including this terminal. Please confirm.

Director: It was Epsilon. He inherited the memories, didn't he.

Wash: I've known about what you did since the moment you implanted him in me. I've only got one question on my mind... how could you do that to Leo.

Director: You... don't have THE RIGHT TO SPEAK HIS NAME!

Wash: If anyone doesn't have the right to say his name, it's you. He deserves to know, why you abused him all those years.

Director: ...He's here isn't he. Ironic, after running away all those years ago, he would end up in my own project. Well, then I am very sorry, Agent Washington, but Project Freelancer no longer has need of your services. Program, disable interior shield.

The containment field Wash turned on, suddenly turns back off.

Wash: (Surprised) What?

Director: Agent Maine, please kill Agent Washington.

They both draw their pistols but, the Meta quickly shoots Wash, causing him to fall to the ground clutching his bullet wound.

Wash: Nah!

Suddenly Wash's, recovery beacon activities.

PA Voice: Alert: incoming recovery beacon. Level zero. Immediate response necessary.

The Meta advances on Wash, who crawls backwards, until his back hits the wall.

Director: Agent Washington, I fear this is one recovery beacon you won't be responding to. Kill him, Agent Maine.

An A.I.: Where is it?

Another A.I.: Where is Alpha?

A Third A.I.: Where is it?

Director: The Alpha is not here. It has been moved far away. Attend to the matter at hand.

Counselor: Agent Maine, what the Director's trying to say, is we can discuss the Alpha later. What's important, is that you prove that you can be trusted again. We need to trust you before letting you meet the Alpha. Wouldn't you agree?

Wash: You know, Meta, why wait? Why don't you meet him, right now?

Church materializes over Wash's shoulder as an A.I.

Church: Hi there.

The A.I.s the Meta has acquired appear all around him.

A.I. One: It's him!

A.I. Two: Alpha!

A.I. Three: Alpha!

To the Blues and Reds escaping with Caboose about to drive into a rock.

Leo: Caboose! Turn right!

Caboose quickly steers the warthog right, avoiding the rock narrowly.

Leo: Jesus, That was close!

Caboose: Do I get my drivers license, now?

Leo: Uh, Yeah sure Caboose.

While Caboose is driving, Wade begins to gradually wake up.

Wade: (Groans) Uuuh, feels like someone slammed a sledge hammer against my head.

Caboose: Yay! Wades awake!

Leo: Welcome back to the living!

Wade: What's going on here!?

Leo: Were getting out of here and also hold onto Epsilon real tight!

Wade: Epsilon? You mean this thing on my lap?

Leo: Yes! Just hold onto it!

Caboose continues to drive, as we return to Wash, Church, and Meta.

Church: You know I can see why you didn't want anyone else in your head. Got some pretty heavy stuff going on there. I think you need to talk to a professional.

Wash: That's too bad. I just lost my job, and we have great mental health coverage.

Church: How much time do you need?

Wash: Whatever you can get me. When the E.M.P. goes off-

Church: I know, just tell Leo... I'm sorry for being an asshole.

Church enters the Meta, and all other A.I.s follow him in, making the Meta distorted.

Director: What's goin' on!?

Counselor: Agent Washington, please, there is time. If you would just secure Agent Maine we can discuss this situation, in a more civilized manner.

Wash: No, we can't.

Wash reaches his arm up to the terminal and slams his fist onto the button.

PA Voice: Thank you, failsafe initiated. Activating Emp.

Wash: Emp? You have got to be fucking ki-

The E.M.P. goes off, we see the A.I. storage facility go dark, followed by the briefing room, the jeeps in the motor pool crackling and sizzling, and finally outside to the edge of the compound.

Back to the Blues and Reds escaping.

Simmons: Here comes the pulse, don't stop!

The E.M.P. shuts down the Reds' Warthog.

Grif: Ah, shit, it stalled!

Sarge: Go go go!

Grif: Get Epsilon out of here, don't worry about us!

Caboose: Okay! I'm scared!

Leo: Just keep going, Caboose!

Caboose plows past some sawhorses.

Wade: Caboose! Watch out theirs a cli-

Suddenly a small pink A.I appears over Wades shoulder.

Pink A.I: CLIFF!!!


Wade: CRAAAP!!!

Caboose: NYAAAAA!!

Caboose drives off a cliff above river, with everyone yelling for their life's.

To a stream in the middle of the Valhalla canyon.

Director (Voiceover): Dear Chairman. I am disappointed by your decision to press charges, but I am not surprised. My only hope is that the courts will see the matters differently than you have. You see, I never had the chance to serve in battle, nor did fate provide me the opportunity to sacrifice myself for humanity as it did for so many others in the Great War. Someone extremely dear to me was lost very early in my life. My mind has always plagued me with the question, if the choice had been placed in my hands, could I have saved her? The memory of her has haunted me my entire life, and moreso in these last few years than I could ever have imagined. But given the events of these past few weeks, I feel confident that had I been given the chance, I would have made those sacrifices myself. Had I only the chance.

Red Base
To the Reds in front of their jeep.

Sarge: Men, I just got word from our new Command. They said that thanks to our brave efforts in bringing Project Freelancer to justice, we can have full use of these former bases to continue our training exercises, until such time as they need them for more official purposes. Whatever the hell that means.

Leo: That sounds great... I guess.

Sarge: We even got a shiny new jeep. Courtesy of the UNSC.

Grif: Yeah, but Sarge, what the hell is- uh, shotgun, by the way.

Simmons: Shotgun- fuck!

Leo: (Pats Simmons shoulder) We just can't win against him.

Grif: What the hell is the UNSC?

Sarge: Dunno, never heard of it. Sounds made up.

Leo: How have you guys not heard of the UNSC?

While the Director talks we cruise back up the river towards the blue base.

Director (Voiceover): I know that you disagreed with my methods, and that others will as well. This is beyond my control. However, I cannot imagine that any court would be able to convict me, no matter how low their opinion of my actions might be. You must understand one basic fact for all this to make sense, my dear Chairman. These A.I., they all come from somewhere; they are all based on a person. Our Alpha, was no exception. And while the law has many penalties for the atrocities we inflict on others, there are no punishments for the terrors that we inflict on ourselves. So you send your men. They won't find themselves a fight. They'll only find an old man. An old man tired, but satisfied he did his duty. An old man weary from a mind more filled with memory, than it is with hope.

Blue Base
We enter the base and find Caboose there, crouching over the A.I and Tex's body.

Caboose: Okay. Time to see if this works.

Director (Voiceover): Sincerely yours, the former director of Project Freelancer, Doctor Leonard Church.

The End
Author: That's it for season 6! Hoped you guys enjoyed it and next season, I'll be introducing the new A.I that Wade acquired. So, see you guys next season!

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