Rvb S6 E4 "Chapter 4"

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Outpost ???
To Leo, Wade, Wash and Caboose walking up a dirt way towards a gate.

Director (Voiceover): Dear Chairman. Rest assured we have the situation under control. While the Meta is proving to be an elusive enemy, our Recovery agent is already closing in on it. I expect this incident will reach a conclusion soon, and I will be able to return to my research. Hopefully, without further interruption.

To the four of them standing in front of the gate.

Wash: And you two are sure this is where we can find this guy?

Wade: I believe so. We all found out our new orders at the same time; he tried to hide his from Caboose so, that he couldn't find him.

Washington: Really. I can't imagine why.

Caboose: I said it was like a game of hide and seek, and he said that that was right; he was going to hide from me. And the only way he could win, is if he dies without ever seeing me again.

Leo: That definitely sounds like him.

Washington: And he knows about Freelancer as well.

Leo: He knows a lot about the freelancer and their A.I's.

Caboose: He also dated Tex!

Wash: Agent Texas? Um, how could a person-

A sniper shot rings out between them.

???: Fuck!

Leo: Ah, shit!

Washington: Sniper! Get down!

Agent Washington quickly takes cover behind a rock, followed by Leo and Wade. Leaving Caboose standing in the open.

Caboose: Huh?

Wade: Caboose get over here!

Leo: It's dangerous out there!

???: Okay, that was your one warning shot! The next one's goin' right between your eyes!

Leo: Wait a second...

Wash: Private Caboose! Get down!

Caboose: Wait a minute-

???: Alright! I warned ya! Sayonara, biatch!

Another sniper shot misses Caboose.

???: Aw come on, what the fuck!?

Leo looks at the ground and laughs, with Wade joining in, knowing who this horrible sniper is.

Wash: Caboose! (Looks at the two) Why are you two laughing!

Wade: (Giggles) Don't worry about it, everything's going to ok.

Caboose: I know that voice! Church! Church! It's me! Your all time best friend!

Church: Caboose? Caboose is that you?

Caboose: Yes! Church, it's me!

Church starts firing at Caboose a lot, and missing, a lot.

Caboose: I have missed you so much! It has been so long! Did you miss me!?

Church: Fuck! I missed him!

Caboose: I knew you did!

Leo walks out of cover and stands next to Caboose.

Leo: Hey Church! I still see you have a horrible aim!

Church: Leo!? What are you doing here!

Wade joins the two, out in the open.

Wade: That's not all!

Church: Wade!? How did you guys even find me!?

Leo and Wade both point at Caboose, causing Church to start firing at him, missing him each time.

Wash: This is your friend?

Wade: That's Church, for you.

The shooting resumes.

Washington: And he's shooting at your, friend Caboose.

Caboose: Well, at me and stuff around me. Yeah, it is kind of like our thing. See, he acts like he doesn't like me, but he really does. Oh and he might bring up something about me killing him, but that's only the truth. Uh it's a joke. *inhale* You could play along if you want!

Wash: Wait, that doesn't make any sense. You did what? You- you killed him?

Leo: (Sighs) It's a long story.

To Church, who's on top of the gate.

Church: Hey, scram, seriously! Get the fuck outta here, guys!

Leo: Church! We're here for a reason, Agent Washington needs a word with you!

Church: Agent Wa- You guys brought a Freelancer here? What's wrong with you guys?

Wash: Open this gate.

Church: Uh, no can do, bud. See this is a secure facility: nobody in, nobody out. Sorry, I guess you'll have to come back, never.

Wash: Oh no, then I guess we'll have to just walk through the huge hole in your secure wall.

They all look at the collapsed hole in the wall.

Wade: Nice defence.

Leo: Just open the goddam, gate Church.

Church: Fine, I'll open the fucking gate.

To the inside of the base.

Church: Okay well, sorry the place is so messy. I would have cleaned up if I'd known you guys were coming. But hey, no one called ahead.

Wash: How long have you been here?

Church: How long? Um... What day is today?

Wash: Today is Tuesday.

Church: I've been here fourteen months.

Wade: You've been here for over a year!? ...By yourself, Church?

Church: Yeah, it's been um... it's been great, I mean just, just, it's been great. Really great.

Leo: Must of been.. pretty lonely, huh?

Church: It would've been nice, if a certain 'son' paid me a visit, once in awhile!

Leo: Well, I'm sorry 'dad' ..I've got my own life, to live you know!

Wash: (To Leo) Wait... your his son-

The radio sounds in, cutting Wash sentence off.

Command: This is Command calling Recovery One, come in Recovery One.

Wash: Hold on a sec. (To Command) This is Agent Washington. I found a red soldier and some blue team members that have extensive experience with Omega.

Church: Did he just say Omega?

Caboose: Yeah. And some other words too.

Command: Excellent, Agent Washington, please stand by for orders.

Unknown to the group, a invisible figure stands on top of the wall, looking at the group, until running off, before Caboose looked his way.

Command: Now that you have one of the reds  and have reassembled the blues, you should head to Outpost 17-B. See what clues your team can gather there based on what they know.

Wash: Roger that.

Command: They want you to stop the Meta at all costs. This is a Level One directive. Good luck Wash. Recovery Command out.

Wash: Recovery One out. Come on, let's move out.

Church: Move out? Hey at what point in this conversation did you think that we were buddies or somethin'? I'm not goin' with you.

Caboose: Yes! You are not in our buddy club!

Church: Shut up, Caboose, and what did I tell you about that armor, when we had to pick new suits?

Caboose: You told me to upgrade.

Wade: Caboose, that's mark five armour, where wearing mark six armour.

Caboose: In a Top Ten list, five is better than six.

Church: We're not a top ten list!

Wash: How do you ever get anything done if all you ever do is argue with each other?

Leo: It's what makes us special... I guess.

Wash: Look, I know you guys are all wrapped up in your little "red versus blue" battles-

Caboose: Blue versus red battles. No one says red versus blue, it sounds stupid when you say it backwards.

Washington: But this is important. Actual military operations. Not your fake simulation stuff. Something is hunting our top agents, and I need all the help I can get to stop it.

Leo: Wait.... it's killing all your agents?

Wash: Yes, and we need to stop it, right now.

Church: Stop it? If it's killing Freelancers, I want to start a fan club for it, build it a website.

Wash: And now that the ship from your canyon is crashed, we think it's more poweful than ever. It gains new abilities every time it kills-

Church: Wait, wait, wait, whoa- you found Tex's ship?

Washington: We believe so.

Church: Where?

Wash: Come with me, and I'll show you.

Church: Okay, I'm in.

Leo: If there's something that dangerous, killing people... we can't just let it continue can we.

Wade: This sounds like it's going to be one heck of an adventure, I'm in!

The five of them, start making there way down the dirt path.

Caboose: Yes, this will be the greatest road trip ever!

Church: If anyone says anything positive, I will fucking kill all five of us right now.

Caboose: Okay. I will be very depressed about how awesome this will be.

The Meta decloaks on the base and starts meddling with a recording he made of Washington's conversation with Command to create new audio, then sounds the radio with it.

Fake Command: This is Command calling Red Base, come in Red Base.

Sarge: (Radio) This is Blood Gulch Outpost Number One.

Fake Command: Agent Washington has reassembled the Blues and have your soldier as a hostage.

Sarge: I knew it! I knew he was a Blue! How dare they kidnap my boy!

Fake Command: Gather the rest of your team. We want you to stop Agent Washington at all costs. This is a level one directive. Good luck, Red Base.

Sarge: Hey, one sec. Any word on that soldier poison I ordered?

Fake Command: No. Good luck, Red Base.

Sarge: What about the robot nuts?

Fake Command: No. Good luck, Red Base. Command out.

Sarge: Well you don't have to get so te- ...

Meta closes the connection. The Meta then sees someone in purple armor off to the side. South steps out from behind a broken wall with Delta activated.

Delta: I still believe this course of action is dangerous. If we are following Agent Washington, logic would dictate that others could be as well.

The Meta then hops down the wall and begins to sneak towards them.

The End

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