Rvb S9 E11 "Lifting the Veil"

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Epsilon Unit/Blue Base
To the blues, blindly (literally) looking around, after a flash bang went off at their feet.

Church: (Panicked) Aaahhh!! What the hell was that?! I can't see anything! Wade, Zeta, Tucker where are you guys? Caboose are you dead? I hope so!

Tucker: Aaah! What was that?!

Wade: I think it was a flashbang. I cant see anything!

Caboose: (Yelling) WHAT?!

Zeta: It definitely lives up to it's name!

Caboose: (Yelling) WHAT?!

Church: Oh my god, are we under attack?! Is it the Reds?

Wade: How are we supposed to know!? None of us can see!

Tucker: (Yelling) My mother always said I would go blind, but for a totally different reason!

Caboose: (Yelling) WHAAT?!?!

Zeta: Caboose, you can stop saying "What". You can't hear.

Caboose: (Yelling) Can of beer?! But this is not the time!

Church: You're deaf.

Caboose: (Yelling) Oh no! I had so much to live for!

Tucker: (Yelling) No you didn't!

Unknown Tucker and Church, they both bump into Wade.

Wade: What just hit me!?

Church: Something just hit me too!

Tucker: (Yelling) Is it another grenade?!

Church: (Panicked) We're under attack! Open fire!


Zeta ducks away as the rest began to shoot in random directions in the air.

Tucker: (yelling) AAAHH! Get some! Take that fuckers!

Wade: Are we even hitting them!?

Church: I don't know just keep firing!

Zeta: Don't keep firing!

Sadly for Zeta they still continue firing, while she tries to dodge any stray bullets near her. While, all this is happening a familiar person in black armour is watching the Blues make a fool of themselves.

Tex: What a bunch of idiots.

Red Base
To Grif and Lopez standing in front of the Warthog with Leo currently cleaning it. Suddenly, another eartquake appears.

Lopez: >You people should let me investigate this seismic phenomenon.<

Grif: Yeah, okay buddy, whatever you say. (Looks at the warthog) Hey, Leo you missed a spot.

Leo: How about you come and help me clean it then?

Grif: Uh, can't you see I'm on break right now.

Leo: Your always on break, now! Seriously, what happened to the old you, you would've cleaned this warthog five times!

Grif: Sorry man, but that Grif is gone. He never realised the true potential of being lazy.

Leo: (Sighs) Whatever, I'll just clean it by myself... I guess.

Lopez: >At least we'll all die with a clean vehicle.<

Leo: You could help me to you, Lopez.

Lopez stares at a bucket of water next to Leo.

Lopez: >I don't want water in my circuits.<

Sarge walks towards the three of them.

Grif: Heh, heh, you said it. Now come on, chop, chop. Back to work buddy. Lets hear less talk I don't understand and see more work I don't want to do.

Sarge: How's it going out here?

Grif: Great! The jeep has never been so clean.

Sarge: That's because you're not the one cleaning it, Leo is.

Grif: Good point. You know Sarge, all this time the laziness in me, its been really under utilized. I never reached my full potential. I just realized, I should be in management!

Leo: I hate to admit it, but he does seem like a natural.

Grif: It's the best job ever. You just tell people what to do, and they do it. And if you don't have anything for them to do, you just tell them to do something they did before, but do it better this time. I've got it all figured out.

Sarge: How about you get busy helping Leo with that jeep then?

Grif: I'm sorry, what? I'm on break.

A Radio sounds in Lopez helmet. As Simmons is seen at the cave entrance, near by on a hill.

Simmons: (Radio) Come in, Lopez. Lopez, come in. This is a secure channel.

Lopez: >I read you.<

Simmons: (Radio) This is "Flying Eagle". I have a secret mission for you.

Lopez: >Flying Eagle?<

Simmons: Actually it's Simmons. Were using codenames on this mission Lopez. Because its "Top Secret".

Lopez: >Why don't I get a codename then?<

Simmons: I need you to come to the cave and investigate something. It's "Top Secret". Don't tell Sarge, or Leo, or Grif, or Donut, or anyone else I didn't mention.

Lopez: >You could have just said "don't tell anyone", that would've been much faster.<

Simmons: Okay. See you in the cave. Come alone and unarmed. You could also come in with your eyes closed if you want...for secrets.

Lopez: >This seems suspcious. Also my eyes don't close. They turn off.<

Simmons: Yes, it is an honor to be selected. You are right. "Flying Eagle" out.

Simmons walks into the cave. As another earthquake occurs.

Lopez: >Why was I shipped to this unit?<

Lopez heads towards the cave entrance and goes inside.

Lopez: >Flying Eagle? Are you in here?<

Simmons: Down here Lopez!

Lopez heads further in the cave and sees Simmons standing a far. Between, Simmons and him is a large puddle of water with a "Puma Battery" trailing into the water.

Simmons: This is the perfect plan. Lopez will walk through the water, which I have electrified using, A. This battery, and B. My incredible knowledge of how batteries work. The resulting shock will short him out and all the guys will see that I'm the funny, smart one who's good at math and not having emotions. They'll see!

Lopez arrives at the puddle, across from Simmons.

Lopez: >Hello.<

Simmons: Oooh, hi Lopez. I was just down here investigating our mission. Hey...why don't you come over here...through that big puddle?

Lopez: >No. I heard you say that you electrified it. I have no idea why humans need to speak outloud when they think.<

Simmons: (Persuasively) Come on, over here.

Lopez: >No. You are trying to damage me.<

Simmons: Seriously, this way. Just walk into that puddle. I mean the regular puddle...the one that's not, you know...(Sighs) you know what, forget I mentioned the puddle. No puddle there, that's dry. Optical illusion.

Lopez: >You are very bad at this.<

Simmons: (Pleading) Pleease! Come on!

Lopez: >I will just go around. I see another way in.<

Simmons: What?! NOOO!! Wait!

Without realising, Simmons runs into the large puddle and gets electrocuted.

Lopez: >Oh lord. Give me a break.<

Simmons begins to jitters as he's being electrocuted.

The End

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