Rvb S9 E13 "Team A: Break-In-Enter"

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Outside of UNSC Archives
Once everyone got their equipment together the rest stayed with the vehicles as Wash, Wade, Caboose, Sarge and Carolina made there way to the base. Of course, Sarge was reluctant with working along with Carolina, after what she did to Leo, but Wash was able to convince him to just deal with it for, now.

They where able to successfully make it to one of the Facility entrance. But, the only down side was their we're three guards patrolling around it. They were currently hiding behind some crates near by the entrance and where currently discussing on how to get in.

Wash: Looks, like there's only three guards, blocking our way in.

Wade: I say we just blow this joint and grab Zeta and Epsilon.

Carolina: Not- wait Zeta?

Caboose: Oh, that's the nice lady!

Carolina looks at him questionable, before facing Wash.

Wash: What he means is the other A.I with Epsilon, who belongs to Wade.

Carolina: Why didn't any of you's tell me?

Sarge: Guess, we just kinda forget to mention it.

Carolina just growls in frustration.

Carolina: Since when did a sim trooper get their hands on a A.I?

Wade rubs the back of his neck, remembering the trouble they went through when he got Zeta.

Wade: It's a pretty long story.

Wash: I can fill you on the details after this.

Carolina: Fine.

Wade: So, about blowing the joint?

Carolina: That's not an option, the second they know where here. The whole base will be right on top of us.

Sarge: Silent and deadly it is then, got it.

Carolina: I'll handle the two on the left you guys get the one on the right.

They look over to the guy on the right side of the entrance.

Wade: Wait, how come you get more guys to fight-

Wade looks back to where Carolina was crouching earlier, only to not see her there anymore.

Wade: (Sighs) I hate it, when you freelancers do that.

Wash: I can understand why, now.

Caboose: What do you guys mean-

Caboose looks where Wade is looking.

Caboose: Oh, my god she's not here! Is she a magician?

Wash: No, she's not. Come on we better go deal with that guy, now.

Over to two of the soldiers standing next to each other.

Soldier 1: Hey.

Soldier 2: Yeah?

Soldier 1: You ever wonder why we're here?

Soldier 2 looks at him questionable.

Soldier 2: For our pay checks?

Soldier 1: That to, but that's not what I meant.

Soldier 2: Whadda mean then?

Soldier 1: I mean like... do you ever feel like your in a story?

Soldier 2: A story? Ok, then if we where in a story who would even want to read that?

Soldier 1: I don't know... but, you get what I mean right?

Soldier 2: No, I've got no fucking clue what you mean!

Soldier 1: I bet the rookie would understand!

Soldier 2: Fine then, go ask him!

Both of them look over to the third soldier on the other side of the entrance.

Soldier 1: Hey rookie!

Soldier 3 looks over to them.

Soldier 3: Yeah?

Soldier 1: Do you think where in some sort of story?

Soldier 3: I believe so, but can you guys just get knocked out already this scene is getting longer then necessary!

Soldier 1: Fine, fine- Wait what did you just say?

Almost after he asked, he gets punched in the back of the head and falls to the ground. Before, the soldier next to him could act, his legs get kicked from underneath him and as falls on the ground, as a fist collides into his visor, knocking him out as well.

Soldier 3: Ah, crap!

Before he could call out for help, he feels someone wrap an arm around his neck. He looks over to his shoulder to see Sarge.

Sarge: You may want to prepare your face.

Soldier 3: Huh!?

Just as he says that Wade comes standing in front of him and punches the soldier, clean across the helmet, knocking him out cold. Sarge drops the guy on the floor as Wash, Caboose and Carolina come walking up besides them.

Wade: Well, then that easy.

Carolina: Come on, let's get inside now.

They make there way over to a control panel that's connected to the entrance. Unfortunately for them, the door requires a password.

Wash: Hmm, where gonna need a password to get in.

A moment of silence.

Sarge: Have you tried typing password?

Wash: No, they wouldn't make it that easy.

Caboose: Maybe, that's what they want you to think.

Wash: What that's ridiculous, there's no way they would-

Suddenly, the entrance slides open revealing a hallway into the Facility. Over by the control panel was Wade.

Wade: Well, would you look at that! It was actually was 'password'!

Sarge: Told ya, so.

Carolina walks inside the Facility without saying anything.

Wade: No 'thank you', for the door?

Caboose: Thanks for opening the door, Wade!

Wade: Well, at least someone appreciates it.

Everyone follows in after her as they sneakily make their way through the base. Carolina goes on her radio.

Carolina: Team B, come in.

She waits for a moment, until she hears snoring on the other side of the radio.

Carolina: (Aggressively) Team B, come in!

Grif (Radio): Huh, uh what!?

Carolina: Tell the others to head to the extraction point, got it.

Grif (Radio): Like, right now? Or in a few minutes-

Carolina: Got it!

Grif (Radio): (Nervous) Uh, yeah got it!

She gets off the radio and sighs.

Carolina: (Mutters) Complete morons.

Wade: So, how are we supposed to find Zeta and Epsilon in here?

Wash: There should a security room, nearby that might have some information on where they're holding them.

With that they begin their search, passing by any guards they come across. At first it seems like they wouldn't find the security room, until they find the next best thing. They all wait around a corner, as two guards are walking down the hallway in there direction.

Soldier 1: I cannot believe on clean duty.

Soldier 2: Tell me, about it.

Soldier 1: Like Seriously! Where freaking trained soldiers and they put us on cleaning duty! What are janitors, now expensive or something!

Soldier 2: Look, it might not be as bad as it sounds.

Soldier 1: Not as bad? Where cleaning the storage area! You know how much junk is in there!

Hearing that these two soldiers where heading exactly where they needed go, they quietly follow behind them, sticking to the sides of the hallway listening to the guy rant on about cleaning. They finally reach a hallway with a door at the end of it.

Soldier 1: -I'm telling you man, there's not enough bleach in this world to rid the stains I've seen in that room, you hear me.

He doesn't get a response.

Soldier 1: Dude, did you even hear-

He turns to look at his partner, only to see him lying on the ground.

Soldier 1: What the!?

Suddenly, someone grabs him and begins to choke him out, until he finally passes out on the ground, next to his partner. Wash steps over them and stands next to Carolina, who took out the other guy.

Wash: Alright, you guys come out now.

Wade, Sarge and Caboose come out from the corners of the hallway.

Sarge: So, far this stealth operation is going pretty well.

Wade: Yeah, I thought for sure we'd be caught by now or something.

Caboose: A guess today is our lucky-

All of a sudden, the alarms start going off inside the base.

Caboose: -day.

Carolina: Someone get that door open, now!

Wade: On it!

Wade heads over to a console, besides the door. Carolina turns on her radio.

Carolina: Team B, we need extraction! Make your way over to us, now!

On the other side of the radio, she hears gunshots.

Leo (Radio): Where a bit held up at the moment! Just give us a sec- WHOA! That was close!

Carolina: What's going on!

Grif (Radio): We've got some guys chasing our asses!

Leo (Radio): Will be there soon, just hold on- WHY ARE YOU STOPPING AT THE TRAIN TRACKS!?!?

And with that she cuts off the radio.

Carolina: (Growls) They can't even handle a simple task.

Wash: They'll get here, just give them time.

Carolina moves past him and stands near Wade who's still working on the console.

Carolina: Why isn't this door open yet?

Wade: It needs a freaking password!

Sarge: Did you try-

Wade: I already tried it twice!

Sarge: Well, onto method two then.

Sarge pulls Wade aside and aims his shotgun at the console, blasting it apart and forcing the door open.

Wash: Good work, now let's find Epsilon and Zeta.

They fill into the room, which is filled with equipment, supplies and some old looking junk. Everyone begins searching for the Memory Unit.

Wade: Where could it be-

Caboose: FOUND IT!!

Caboose proudly holds up the memory Unit in his hands.

Wash: Alright, now we just-

Before, he could finish gunshots pour into the room as soldiers are seen standing outside of the door in the hallway.

Wash: Dammit!

Carolina: You three get Epsilon out of there! Wash, your with me.

Wash nods as the two of them stand on either side of the door, returning fire at the soldiers. Wade, Sarge and Caboose stand around the Unit, which Caboose places on the floor.

Sarge: We're going to need some power to jump start this thing.

Wade: Got it, I'll go look around for any power sources. You guys try and figure out how to pull them out of there!

With that Wade starts searching around the room as Sarge and Caboose start working on the memory Unit.

The End

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