Chapter 1: The Begining

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Warning, this takes in between season 12 and season 13 of Red vs Blue, and season two of RWBY.

The Reds, Blues, Wash and Carolina were fighting off Locus and Felix's men. Their own soldiers were fighting elsewhere. Luckily they still had a warthog. Simmons was on the turret while everyone else took cover. Sarge pointed his shotgun at a nearby soldier and shot his head off. "I love the smell of blown off heads!" Sarge yells.

"Epsilon, can you see how many of them are left?" Carolina asked. All of a sudden a soldier with a knife vaulted over and tried to stab Carolina. She grabs the soldier's arm, twists it and then elbows down on his elbow causing it to break. She then takes the knife and stabs him in the throat and kicks his body out of the way.

"There's still a ton of them from what I can see." Epsilon says. They just seemed to crawl out of the woodworks. Carolina shot her battle rifle at a few more soldiers.

"Everyone get back!" Wash yells. A grenade was thrown in their general direction they all dove and took cover. Well Caboose actual had to be dragged to cover since he's…Caboose. It went off and luckily no one got hurt.

They all got back up and starting shooting again. And then Felix appeared out of nowhere and dragged Simmons out of the turret. "What's up dumbasses?" He says sarcastically. He plants a plasma grenade on the warthog. Everyone, even Caboose, jumped out of the way. The warthog exploded.

As everyone tried to reach for their weapons the space marines pointed their guns at everyone. They were surrounded. Carolina was able to reach her magnum but Felix put his boot on her wrist and shot her arm three times. "Carolina!" Wash yells.

A space Marine puts his gun right into Wash's helmet and he shuts up. "Good job boys. Now let's chain them up." Felix says. The Space Marines actual does put chains on all of them. They plant the chains in the ground so they can't move. Everyone is in a circle chained up. And then Felix goes up to them and holds out a weird looking grenade.

"You know you guys have been a huge pain in the ass for all of us these past few months." Felix taunts. "And now, I'm ending it. This here is a little teleportation grenade that we modified." He explains.

"Big deal what are you going to do teleport us to a jail?" Tucker jokes. A space marine uses his gun to hit Tucker in the gut. "Ow, you fucker!" Again, another blow. Tucker just took it and didn't say anything.

"Actually, this grenade just won't teleport you anywhere." Felix said. There is a slight pause. "This Grenade, if our theory is correct, it will teleport you to another dimension." He says wickedly. "As to what the dimension's like or whether or not it works, I couldn't give two shits. All I care about is that you our out of our hair. Personally I would've just shot you till you died, but Control said otherwise. Goodbye, Reds and Blues." He says.

He throws the grenade at them and his crew back up. All of a sudden the portal opens up and it's like a black hole. It sucks up the Reds and Blues with Carolina and Wash. The next thing Felix knows they are gone. He chuckles and then tells everyone to move out.

Meanwhile the next thing the Reds Blues Wash and Carolina knows is that they are falling. They break out of the chains and they try to find somewhere to land. "Hey," Tucker says. "I think I see a-" all of a sudden he goes through a glass ceiling and into a building with everyone else. Carolina is the only one who managed to fall without too much injury as she landed perfectly on her feet.

She looks around and sees that they are in some kind of college, as students are up in long booths all staring at them. She turns around and is staring down the barrel of a gun. She lifts the gun up and it fires. She then punches whoever was holding it and then kicked him. He yanked his gun back and then held it like a… battle ax? It even had the blades. She is about to hit the guy but Wash gets in the way of both of them.

"Enough!" he yells and they both stop. Carolina then got a good look at the man. He was a big man with graying hair and a mustache that could give the Monopoly Man a run for his money. Wash then faces the man. "Forgive us we… had an accident." Wash said to him. He didn't lower his ax/gun.

"A group of eight, well armored people with weapons fall through the roof of our school. Forgive me for assuming something." He says in a sarcastic tone. Wash looks at the doggy pile of his friends. It did look kind of suspicious.

"Alright look, let's just put all of our weapons down and we'll talk. Okay?" Wash asks. The man looks at the armored soldiers. They all got back up and picked up their weapons. Wash looked at them and they sighed and dropped them. The man nods and he puts his weapon on his desk.

"Now then care to explain why you came crashing through Beacon academy?" He asks.

"Can we first speak to whoever is in charge?" Wash asked. The man nods and takes out of his pocket what looked like a small terminal. He messes with it and puts it to his ear.

"Ozpin, can you come down here? I have some… Guests that might intrigue you." He says. After a minute he hangs up. The large man then looks at the class. "All of you leave and go to your dorms." He says. The students, who are still stunned at what just happened slowly get up and leave.

As the last person left the room, a man with glasses, a cane and a formal looking overcoat walked in. He looked at his surroundings. Wash approached him. "Are you the man in charge?" Wash asked him.

"Yes, my name is Ozpin." He answers. The man named Ozpin looked at the group of soldiers. Caboose was looking around for his rifle/robot, Freckles.

"Freckles! Where are you?" He calls out, talking to every assault rifle he could. He did find Freckles eventually. But Ozpin didn't find this humorous. He looks at Agent Washington. "You seem to be the most… capable of this group." He says. Ozpin heard about Carolina punching his friend.

"Yeah… I'll explain a little bit more later, but do you have a place that is a little more… private?" Wash asks. Ozpin wanted answers now. Wash goes close to Ozpin. "Look, my friends are a little… stupid. If all of us can just go into a secure place where we can talk without people interrupting us, I will give you a full explanation." He whispers in Ozpin's ear.

Ozpin thought about it. It would be a good idea to discuss this in a private room. "Very well. I want all of you to follow me." Ozpin said. Wash ordered his Blue's to follow and, despite groaning from Tucker, they followed.

Sarge on the other hand didn't move an inch. "Why should we follow you? For all we know you could be setting us up for a trap!" he says. He points his shotgun at Ozpin. Carolina Grabs the shotgun and then punches Sarge in the gut. Everyone starts to follows, scared about what would happen to them if they don't.


Team RWBY heard about what happened in Port's class not five minutes ago. So of course they had to see if it was true. And low and behold, as they reach the classroom, there is Ozpin, and behind him is a group of colorful armored soldiers, holding guns. "Whoa." Was all Ruby could say as the soldiers went by one by one.

Weiss whispered to her teammates. "Why do they look like they are part of the military?"

"Maybe they're doing some testing in the school?" Blake says.

"Then wouldn't we have gotten a notice about it or something?" Yang answered.

Just then they heard one of the, what they assumed, soldiers speak. He was wearing orange armor and had an orange visor. "You want to know what I just realized," he starts. "We're going to miss lunch."

And then a maroon armored one with an orange visor answered back. "Is food all you ever think about fatass?" He said. The orange one turns to him and responds.

"Of course not! I also think of naps, lounging around and of course watching TV." The maroon one sighed. The orange on just continued to ramble on. "But I could really go for some spaghetti and meatballs. All of it going into my mouth with marinara sauce." Just then another soldier wearing Red came up to both of them.

"Can it you pansies. We can talk about this more later." He said in a gruff voice.

And then a pink one appeared and said "Yeah, we can stuff balls in our mouths later as well!" A couple of kids who were nearby giggled at that comment.

"God dammit Donut…" The maroon one said. Ozpin then turned and looked at them with an evil glare, and they all stopped talking. Then the group of blue colored soldiers came by. One with a dark blue was saying weird things.

"We have to hurry! We're going to be late for class!" He said in an almost childlike voice.

An aqua colored soldier then says "Caboose what are you talking about? We crashed into the school, that doesn't mean we go here."

"I sure hope the teachers are nice." The blue one said. The aqua colored one just sighed and ignored him. A black armored one with yellow stripes was whispering to a teal colored one. The teal looking one looked feminine.

"Got it Wash. My bad." She said. As the soldiers left and followed Ozpin everyone would look and stare at them. Ruby got the feeling that some fun times where going to be coming very soon.

Red vs Blue POV:

All of them could feel the students stare at them but they mostly ignored it. When they finally reached the elevator they had to go in two runs as it was too small. So the first people to go up were Sarge, Simmons, Donut, and Caboose. The others just stood around trying to ignore the eyes of curious students.

"I'm starting to get paranoid." Carolina says.

"When are you never paranoid?" Tucker said. Carolina shot him a look and he flinched.

"He does have a point you know." Church says. Everyone agreed to not mention Epsilon/Church until after their meeting with Ozpin. "You need to relax. Ozpin told us to look like we belong here. That the military was testing something and that something went wrong."

Carolina sighs. She calls the elevator one more time subconsciously. Eventually the elevator came back down. Ozpin was in it and he motioned everyone to get inside. Everyone gets in the elevator. After about a minute it finally reaches the top and they step out. It seemed like they were in a clock tower.

Ozpin goes over to a desk and sits down. A woman that looked like a witch was standing near it with her arms crossed. Ozpin takes a sip from a coffee mug and says "Now then, explain to me what you are doing in my academy." Everyone started talking at once explaining the situation. "QUIET!" Ozpin yells. Everyone stops talking except Caboose. He seemed to just be saying 'blah blah' throughout the entire thing.

"Oh we stopped." He says. Ozpin then clears his throat.

"Now, Mr. Washington, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened. No lies, no tricks. The truth." Ozpin says. Wash looked at his friends. Carolina gave him a nod, Sarge a thumbs up, and Tucker nodded as well.

Wash sighs. "All right, it all began in a place called Blood Gultch…" Wash didn't explain every little detail, as it would take about 20 some hours to do so, so he just explained how the Reds and Blues were sim troopers put in by the freelancer project, and gave some details on that. Then he explained what happened to Project Freelancer and what happened on Chorus and how they ended up in his school. "…so Felix dropped the grenade in front of us, and the next thing we know we're falling, and then we crash into that classroom." Wash finishes up.

The woman next to Ozpin scoffs. "If you expect us to believe a ridiculous story like that you must be insane!"

"I've had to deal with these idiots for about a year now, I think that's enough to drive anyone insane." Wash said sarcastically.

The woman did not find this funny. "Other dimensions? Aliens? Space pirates? I think you're just one of Ironwoods spies!" She accuses.

"GLYNDA!" Ozpin yells. She gets startled by this. "I believe them." He says.

"You can't be-" She is cut off by Ozpin raising his hand.

"Washington, you said that you thought that this Felix person was bluffing about the grenade and that you are on another planet, correct?" Ozpin asks. Wash nodded. "What if I told you I have never heard of the UNSC? Or the Great Alien War?"

"What?" Wash says.

"If my theory is correct, they did use a dimensional grenade. And it was successful." Ozpin says.

"That's impossible. There is no way they are able to create a dimensional portal in a grenade. How would they even begin to find a dimension in the first place?" Carolina says.

"Is it really so hard to believe? You have Aliens, space ships that can go light speed, laser rifles, how is this so hard to understand?" Ozpin said

"He has a point Carolina." Epsilon said.

"Oh right I forgot. Ozpin, I want you to meet someone else." Carolina says. Ozpin looks at Carolina.

"Carolina… you really think this is necessary?" Church says.

"I do." She says. She then removes her helmet. Her red hair is a little messy but she just shakes her head and its better. Glynda is a little surprised. "What?" She says as she looks at Glynda.

"I just expected you to look… gruff." She says.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Carolina says. She then hands the helmet over to Ozpin. "Ozpin, I want you to put on my helmet."

"What?" Ozpin asks. "Why?"

"Like I said, I want you to meet someone. And you can't do that is you're not wearing my helmet." Carolina says.

Ozpin is skeptical at first, but eventually puts it on. "Well isn't this great. The first cross dimensional communication." A voice says

"Who said that?" Ozpin asked.

"I did." Epsilon says. He then shows himself on top of Ozpins desk. He had his sniper rifle and looked at Ozpin. "What's up? I'm Epsilon. Also known as Church."

"Ah I see." Ozpin says. He puts his hand through Church. "Interesting, an AI that can make themselves into a hologram." Ozpin said. Wash had explained about the AI fragment and talked about Epsilon. He just assumed that Epsilon was taken by Felix, since it wasn't talking. He didn't realize that he needed to wear a helmet to see him.

"Ozpin who are you talking to?" Glynda asks. Ozpin takes off the helmet and gives it to Glynda. She puts it on and sees Epsilon.

"What's up?" he says. She takes off the helmet and gives it back to Ozpin. "Continue." She says.

"Ouch, I'm actually a little hurt." Church says as Ozpin puts the helmet back on. "Now then, if we are in another dimension, we need to learn more about it." Church says. "Ozpin, you have a computer I can use? Or at least something electronic with data on it?"

Ozpin logs into the computer on his desk. He then motions Epsilon to go in. "All right, see you guys later." Epsilon says. Ozpin was about to open his mouth and talk again but Epsilon came out of the computer. "Okay done."

"Well that was fast." Ozpin said.

"I want to see if it is true facts though." Ozpin said. He clears his throat. "Mr. Church, what is Dust?"

"Dust? You mean the stuff that was all in blood gulch?" Sarge asks.

"No Sarge, this is a different kind of Dust." Church says. He looks at his friends. "Dust is kind of like magic in physical form in this dimension. There are varying kinds of dust such as fire, wind, ice, and so on." And for the next thirty minutes Church explains everything there is to know on Remnant. From the Grimm, to the weapons, to auras and all of them are in great detail.

Ozpin was impressed that a little hologram could do all of that. "Well then," Wash starts to say. "Since you believe us, what are you going to tell your students?"

Ozpin removes the helmet and puts his hand to his chin. "What if we tell them they are part of Atlas?" Glynda suggests. Ozpin looks at her. "Well, they are coming soon for the Vytal Festival. We should just say he sent a few soldiers ahead to check things out." Glynda explains. Ozpin nods his head and gives the helmet back to Carolina.

"It would make sense. But how do we explain the fact that we crashed through a classroom?" Carolina asks as she puts the helmet back on. Everyone thought about that for a second. But Caboose just spoke the first thing in his mind.

"Oh I know! We are called crash soldiers, we specialize in crashing into things!" Caboose screamed out. Ozpin and Glynda look at him like he was crazy. The others just ignored him.

"Yeah ignore Caboose." Tucker said. "He's a little… I can't even put it in words about what he is."

"Retarded?" Glynda says.

"WHOA!" All of them yell. Glynda gets scared.

"That's taking it too far missy!" Sarge yells.

"Who do you think you are?" Simmons says

"I'm tempted to stab you now!" Tucker exclaims.

Despite wearing helmets Glynda can see the hatred in their eyes. Well more like feel. She puts her hands up. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" She says.

They back down but she can tell they are going to hold a grudge against her for a while. "I see," Ozpin says "Despite all of you being enemies at one point, you treat each other like family. I respect that." Ozpin says with a smile. "But back to the matter at hand: What are we going to tell my Students about soldiers from Atlas crashing through the classroom?" Ozpin asks.

They all sit and think about it for another minute. "How about we were testing something but we got launched after an accident?" Wash says.

"Yeah and if they ask about what kind of object we were testing we can just call it classified." Carolina finishes. Ozpin thinks about this and nods.

"All right. I think that will do." Ozpin says. Just then something rings and Ozpin takes out what Church explained was a scroll. "Yes what is it?" Everyone hears a muffled voice. "I see. I'll be on my way." He hangs up the phone and starts talking to the reds and blues again. "Well this may be the perfect chance to introduce you to some of my students. Come with me to the mess hall, we have to stop a fight."

Glynda hears this and gets a nasty look on her face. She charges into the elevator and Ozpin follows her. "Wait how are we supposed to get down?" Tucker asks.

"Take the stairs!" Ozpin says as the elevator closes.

"Stairs? Fuck that!" Grif says.

"Get moving twinkle toes, or I will commence operation Shoot-Grif-in-the-face." Sarge says. Grif sighs and they all start running down the stairs. They reach the bottom and Grif nearly passes out but everyone else is fine, just out of breath. Except for Wash and Carolina.

"Where'd they go? Epsilon!" Carolina says.

"Okay okay, just get outside and I'll instruct you." Church says. Everyone gets outside despite students pointing at them. Church instructs them where to find Ozpin and Glynda. They eventually find them after two minutes of running around.

"The mess hall?" Wash says. They open the door and they are just in time to see the tables being put back in place by Glynda.

"Children, Please don't play with your food." She says. All of a sudden a girl burps. Grif looks at the end of the hall and drops to his knees. He points to the wall and weeps.

"All that perfectly good food gone to waste!" He says. The team would've helped him but a girl suddenly fell from the ceiling next to a bunch of other girls. They all start laughing. Glynda growled but Ozpin puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Let it go." He says.

Glynda sighs. "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world." She says. Carolina hears that.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Carolina asks.

"We'll explain later." Ozpin says. "Glynda they will be. But right now they are still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a roll they'll have forever." He lets go of her shoulder and walks up to them.

"Oh, Professor Ozpin." One of the girls says. She was a small girl who had raven black hair but at the tips it was a little red. She was wearing a red hood and the girl's uniform. She scratches the back of her head and laughs. "Sorry for causing a mess."

"It's all right. I hope your little excursion was fun. We have guests I want all of you to meet." Ozpin says. He motions to the team.

"Hey aren't they the soldiers that crashed through Port's detention?" Another girl says. She had black hair and a bow. She had golden eyes as well.

"Yes this is them. As you know Atlas will be arriving shortly and Ironwood has sent soldiers here for some testing." Ozpin explains. "Something happened and the test went bad and it ended up as them crashing through our school. Now they just need a place to stay until Atlas arrives. I want all of you to show them around." The kids groan.

"Hey this is your detention for making a mess of the cafeteria." Glynda says. The kids look down at the ground, ashamed. "Anyway, team JNPR, team RWBY, introduce yourselves to the soldiers." She says. Both she and Ozpin leave them all alone.

The Red's, Blue's, and the two freelancers line up. And the two teams of kids line up as well. "Well, I guess I'll go first." The red hooded girl said. She steps up. "Hello!" She says with a smile. "I'm Ruby. Leader of team RWBY. That's spelled with a R, W, B and Y."

Sarge then steps up. "I'm Sarge. I'm the leader of the Red team." He says. Grif scoffs.

"You're not the leader of us Sarge, remember? Even if you were you were still a shitty one." Grif says.

"Simmons, please hit Grif for me." Sarge says.

"Right away Sir!" Simons says he then hit Grif in the side of the head.

"Ow!" Grif exclaims.

"O…kay? Anyway I'm Blake." The golden eyed raven haired girl said.

"And I'm Simmons." Simmons says. However his voiced crack and his friends chuckled. "Ah geez." He says. He starts looking at the ground. He was used to talking to his Squad but these were all new girls and he hasn't gotten rid of being nervous around them.

"What's wrong with him?" A blonde girl asks.

"Oh he just gets nervous around girls." Tucker says.

"Shut it asshole!" Simmons says.

"Really? That's kind of cute." The blonde says. Simmons lets out a little squeak. The blonde girl giggles. "Anyway, I'm Yang." She says.

"I'm Tucker." Tucker says. "It's kind of weird."

"What?" Ruby asks.

"Well we're just going back and forth on names. You guys will say one of your names then we'll say one of our names." Tucker says.

"Well if isn't broke don't fix it." A girl with orange hair says. "Hello! I'm Nora!" She says.

"Well aren't you energetic. That's good. I'm Donut." He says.

"Interesting name. I'm Ren." A black haired boy says.

"I'm Washington." Wash says.

"Weiss Schnee" The snow haired girl says.

"Carolina." Carolina says.

"Jaune." A blonde haired boy says.

"Grif." Grif says in almost a grunt.

"And lastly, my name is Pyrrha." A red haired girl said. Everyone looked at Caboose. He didn't say anything. He then notices everyone.

"Oh yes.. uh.. Hello! My name Caboose. It is very nice to meet all of you. I want you to meet my friend, Freckles!" Caboose says. he then points Freckles at the teens. They all back up.

"Caboose you idiot!" Tucker says.

"What?" Caboose said with his usual confused voice.

"Don't point the gun at the teens, Bluetard." Sarge says.

"I wouldn't have fired anyway. They are not Hostile." Freckles says. The teens get really freaked out over the talking gun.

"That thing wont shoot us will it?" Jaune asks.

"No it won't. Unless you try to hurt Caboose or any of us." Wash says. "Anyway, you heard Ozpin. Should we all just go in a group or split up?" They all sit down and think about it for a while. Eventually they all agree to go as a group.

Little do any of them know, that this is the start of one weird adventure.

To be continued.

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