Chapter 11: A New Day

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As the morning sun rises, so do the students (and soldiers) at Beacon. Well most anyway. Team RWBY spent all night thinking of a plan. They were tired and exhausted, but at the same time excited to put their plan into motion.

"I'm so tired," Ruby yawned out. "But it is definitely a good plan!" Ruby had a mug of coffee in her hand but it was shaking. Not from being tired, but from all the caffeine and sugar Ruby likes in her coffee.

"You going to be okay sis?" Yang asked Ruby. Ruby takes another sip.

"Yeah I'll be fine," Ruby replied with a smile. "Anyone else see the dancing leprechaun in the corner?" Ruby pointed to the corner where there was nothing there. Her teammates look at each other.

"Oooookay let's just put the mug down Ruby," Weiss said. She carefully took the mug from Ruby's shaking hand and sets it aside.

"Are you going to be okay for school?" Blake asked. Ruby nods her head. A little too hard.

"I feel dizzy!" Ruby called out after nodding. Yang looks at Weiss and Blake and nods her head. Then the other two nod their heads. Yang goes to her little sister and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry Rubes," Yang said. She then punches Ruby in the face knocking her out. Yang catches her and picks her up bridal style. "Well then, who wants to help me dress her?"

"Why do we have to baby her?" Weiss said with a face palm.

"Having her drink coffee with cream and five sugars a cup doesn't help her," Blake stated. On that note they help Yang get Ruby in her school uniform. With a lot of lifting and struggling later, Ruby is eventually dressed. Still asleep, but dressed.

The other girls get dressed and when they do, they slump in their beds. "I'm so tired!" Yang said. She closes her eyes as she rests in her bed.

"Staying up all night was not the smartest idea," Weiss said.

"Maybe," Blake said. "But we'll be able to do our mission by the end of the day."

"That's true."

"Oh yeah," Yang said popping up from her bed. "We have Glynda for our first class right?"

"I think so," Blake answered.

"Perfect. That should wake us up for the day. If not we can just catch some extra sleep in Port's class." Weiss stretches as she gets off her bed.

"Isn't he our last class of the day?" She asked.

"Yeah, a nap before a big mission always helps!" Yang said. She gets off her bunk and stretches. Blake yawns and gets up. Yang goes to Ruby and lifts her off the bed. "All right who wants to help me carry Ruby to the arena?" Yang turns around with ruby in her arms and sees her roommates left. "OH, COME ON!"

Five minutes later:

Yang was carrying her sister to the arena but was only halfway there. Normally she would be okay with this but the all-nighter was really taken a toll on her.

"Yang?" a voice said. She looks and sees the aqua colored Tucker.

"Hey Tucker," She said. Tucker points at Ruby

"Why are you carrying Ruby over your shoulder?" Yang sighs.

"We stayed up all night studying and she hasn't gotten an ounce of sleep until about seven minutes ago."

"Yikes." Tucker goes up to her. "You need help? I can carry her."

Yang shakes her head. "No Tucker I couldn't."

"Ah come on, it's free help." Tucker shrugged.

Yang thinks about it. The more she thought about the more she was agreeing. "All right, here." She drops Ruby into Tucker's arms. He then adjusts Ruby so he is carrying her in a firemen carry. "Okay we're going to the Arena for Glynda's class." Yang said

"Perfect, I was heading there anyway." The two began to walk to the arena.


"Glynda asked for help again and Wash volunteered us. Again." Yang looked at the blue soldier.

"I thought you would be the kind to want to fight. You know being a soldier an all." Tucker points at Yang.

"That's racist against soldiers." Yang let out a laugh. "Besides half of the time all we did was stand around and talk."

"How could you stand it?" Tucker lets out a grunt with the horrible pun.

"Now I'm tempted to give Ruby back to you." Yang playfully punches Tucker in the arm.

"Come on don't be baby."

"Says the girl who looked like she was about to pass out."

"Hey I'd make passing out look good!" Yang said as she crossed her arms. They enter the arena and go up into the stands where Blake and Weiss were sitting. JNPR was sitting in a bleacher below them and Sun Neptune and his other teammates sat on the other side of the arena.

"Hello Tucker," Weiss said.

"Hey Ice Queen," Tucker said.

"Why does everyone call me that?!"

"Because you are?' Tucker said. He sets down Ruby next to her friends. "Well see on the arena." Tucker waved good bye and walked down the stairs.

"Thanks for ditching me!" Yang chewed out.

"We didn't ditch you," Blake said with a smile. "We just didn't want to help you. So we left." She shrugged.

"That's called ditching!" Yang said as she pushed Blake. The bell rings and Glynda walks on the floor. The Reds and Blues and Agents walking behind her.

"All right everyone, calm down!" the class began to settle down. "Today will be a very different day. Instead of normal one-on-ones I schedule,"

"Bow chicka bow wow!" Tucker quickly said. A couple of kids snicker while Gynda ignores it.

"I am handing over the reins to someone else." A student raises his hand. "Yes, Alex?" Glynda pointed at him.

"Who's taking over?" the student asked.

"Them." Glynda pointed her thumb back to the soldiers. "I'm letting them take over for the day." A murmur goes around the crowd. They've all seen how stupid the soldiers were by now. Now they're taking over their arena training for the day. Washington steps forward.

"Relax, we're not going to kill any of you," Washington said. This did not make the hunters and huntresses any calmer. "However, we are not just sparring today either. Everyone go to the locker room, get your gear and meet back here in five minutes."

No one moves from their seat. However Cardin gets up and leans over the railing with a smug grin. "What happens if we don't?" he said.

"Then you will have to fight us without your weapons." Carolina said. "And as a bonus for us we can use your weapons." Cardin laughs it off but the Soldiers don't move they just stare. Some of the students slowly get up, unsure what to do.

"Four minutes and thirty seconds," Washington said.

"Wait what about Ruby?" Weiss yelled.

"Just slap her!" Carolina said.

"What?" Weiss said. "Why would we ever―" She is cut off by a huge slapping noise. Weiss turns around and sees Yang just slapped Ruby across the face. And it actually worked.

"I'M UP!" Ruby yelled. She looked around. "Why does my face hurt? And why am I in the arena?"

"Why didn't you do that before?" Blake asked Yang.

"We stayed up all night, what do you expect?" Yang replied.

"Well now that she's awake," Washington said. "Four minutes." Students start to jump down and sprint to the locker room. Some are still hesitant on going and others won't go at all.

"Maybe this will help motivate some of you," Carolina said. "If you beat us, you might not have to show up to this class for the next week." This gets any remaining stragglers on the move. As the last student leaves Glynda walks over to Caroli9na.

"Why are you lying to them?" She asked. "Saying they won't have to show up next week if they beat you? You know I won't allow that."

"Glynda you know how hard the world is," Carolina replied. "And they have to learn not all promises will be kept." Glynda could hear hatred when she said that. Hatred or sadness. And Glynda knows that it is true. Better they find out here then out in the real world where it can get them killed.

The remaining time gets up and the entire class is limbering up, wondering what they're about to do. "All right all of you ready?" Washington said. The class all nods.

"Good," Carolina. "To start off all of you are racing." Ruby does a little fist pump. Her semblance gives her advantage. "All of you are going to face Grif."

"What!?" Grif shouted.

"This will be a cake walk," Yang says as she cracks her neck.

"All of you have to do five laps around the arena," Washington said. "However, Grif only has to do one."

"That's a load of bull crap!" Cardin yelled out. All of the students agreed with him.

"Enough!" Carolina yelled. "We don't care how you do it, just beat Grif in the race." A couple of students look at each other and smile. Grif notices this and tries to sneak out of the arena.

"Oh no you don't!" Sarge said behind him. Sarge hits Grif in the neck with the stock of his Shotgun.

"WHY?!" Grif yelled. As Sarge dragged Grif back to the starting line, or what would soon be the starting line because Tucker was spray painting a white lin., the students start to stretch and get ready.

After a minute of Grif complaining, and then his friends beating the crap out of him to…"persuade" him to do the race, he gets up and starts at the starting line. The class does too but as they all get in running positions, Grif just stands with his hand behind his head.

"When you hear the gunshot, go," Washington. He takes out his pistol, checks for ammo and then pulls back the slide. "Ready." The students nod and Grif grunts. "Set." Washington aims the gun in the air. "Go!" he shoots in the air and everyone but Grif takes off. He just starts to walk.

Ruby is doing a full sprint to build up her adrenalin. After a few seconds she uses her semblance. She goes around the arena five times and stops by the finish line. "Done!" She said cheerfully.

"Good," Carolina said. "Now you have to wait for your friends."

"Can I at least fight someone?" Ruby said. Carolina and Washington look at each other.

"Sure I'll fight you," Washington said. However he throws his pistol and rifle to the side. "One rule though." Ruby nods her head. "No weapons." Carolina gets behind Ruby and takes Crescent Rose out of its holster. Ruby just stares with her mouth open.

"But… my baby…" She muttered.

"Ruby there are going to be times when you have to fight without it," Washington said. "And if no other weapons are available, and your teammates aren't around… you need to rely on your own fists."

Ruby nods her head but looks at the ground. She was a weapon fanatic and having to fight without one made her feel naked. Washington looks at her and sighs. Meanwhile the rest of the group has finished their first lap, while Grif was only ten feet from the starting line. He was barely trying.

"All right," Washington said. He lifts his right leg and unstraps a knife holster and takes it out. He twirls it in his fingers then grips the blade end with his middle pointer and thumb. He throws it to the ground next to Ruby. "You can use that."

Ruby slowly bends over and picks up the knife. She then throws it back to Washington's feet. "You're right," She said. "There will be times I can't rely on Crescent Rose." She looks up and puts on a small smile. "So now is the perfect time to learn how to fight without any weapons."

Washington picks up the knife. He puts it back in the sheath and cracks his knuckles. "All right Ruby, ready?' Ruby puts her fist up and nods. "Begin!"

Meanwhile, as the students were running they were noticing the sparring match going on. Some kept watching as they run. Some actually stopped. Grif saw this and decided to take actions. He decided to run. A student notices this and points and shouts "Grif's running!"

A few students hear this and are about chase after him, Yang being one of them. However Grif just collapses right as they catch up. Yang gently kicks him and he groans.

"What the heck's wrong with him?" Yang said.

"Nothing!" Tucker yelled over the arena. "He's just fat!" Yang listens closely and hear Grif literally gasping for breath. Like he ran a marathon in a full sprint.

"But he only ran like twenty feet!" Yang said.

"Yeah he's that fat!" Sarge called out.

"Fuck… You…!" Grif yelled. The students just shrug and begin to continue their run. And watching Ruby fight with no weapon.

Ruby charges at Washington and pulls her right fist back. When she's close enough she tries to punch him. But he grabs her arm, drags her and pushes her on the back and she falls over. She does a roll and stops on the ground.

"Come on sis!" Yang called as she passed them. The other students just behind her.

"Be smart," Blake said.

"Don't be a dolt!" Weiss said

"Don't give up Ruby!" Nora said.

"Stay calm," Ren said.

"Find his weak point," Pyrrha said.

"I think I'm gonna throw up!" Jaune said as he covered his mouth.

Ruby gets back up and faces Washington. "Gotta try harder than that," Washington said with a shrug. Ruby gets up and tries to kick him but Washington grabs her leg with his hand, lifts up the leg as high as he could send her falling back. "Yang did you teach Ruby anything about fighting?" Washington said as he turned to her.

Ruby gets up and gets behind Washington. "She taught to always attack when they least expect it!" Ruby yelled. She kicks Washington in the knee. He falls down on it and Ruby removes his helmet, so she can actually hit him in the face.

However Washington sweeps his other leg and trips Ruby. He takes a few steps away from her. "Give me a minute, I need to remove my armor," He said. He starts taking off all the pieces until the only thing left was his skinsuit. "All right, ready for round two?"

For the next few minutes it's the students finishing their jog and Ruby training with Washington. Grif tried getting up again but was too lazy to do it. At the end of the run most of the students were panting. Jaune even threw up.

"All right everyone warmed up?" Carolina said. Everyone nods. "Okay. Wash!" Washington just tripped Ruby again. He looks over to Carolina. "They're ready!"

Washington gives a thumbs up. He goes over to Ruby and offers her a hand. She takes it and he lifts her back up. "You really need to take lesson from your sister," Washington said.

"I was using everything Yang taught me to fight," Ruby said.

"Yang taught you to go on the full offensive?"

"It always worked out for her." Ruby shrugged. Washington looks at Yang. Then back at Ruby.

"Okay listen, it's my word against your sisters, but until you know how to fight without a weapon, stay on the defensive. Know where your opponent will attack, use the opening to attack, and use their own momentum against them." Ruby nods her head. Wash picks up his armor as Ruby walks back to the others.

"All right, now what?" Cardin asked the soldiers. "What do we do now?"

"Now?" Carolina said. "Now, all of you pick a partner that is not on your team." The students look around confused why they are doing this. After a few minutes of choosing everyone had a partner. Many tried to get other friends from different teams but it sometimes proved challenging. Weiss tried to get with Neptune, but he was with Yang instead. So she got Sun, much to her dismay.

The partners were Ruby and Jaune, Blake and Ren, Nora and Scarlet, Neptune and Yang, Weiss and Sun, and Sage was with Pyrrha.

"Everyone has a partner?" Washington asked. Everyone nods. "All right. This is your training partner. From now on whenever we lead a class, you are no longer in four man teams, you are partners. We will put you on controlled missions that we make, we will go through basics if need be, we will exercise you no matter what, we will have you spar with us… and with each other."

The students began to whisper to each other. "So…" Sun says. "You mean we have to fight…"

"Your own teammates," Carolina said.

"Why would we do that?!" Weiss yelled a couple of the others started to agree and yell as well.

"To know your team's weaknesses," Washington said. The students look at him. "When the enemy knows your weakness…"

"They'll exploit it." Sarge said. "Morph it and use it against not only your team but against yourself."

"But if you know your friends weaknesses," Caboose said.

"You can protect it from being exploited," Tucker said.

"Okay," Pyrrha said. "But why partners?"

"Four man teams can pick up anyone's slack," Simmons said.

"But partners need to have mutual respect," Washington said. "Enough to know if they are in trouble the other will help them. Instead of relying on three, you need to rely on one. If you can't trust each other you will fail."

"Well… yeah," Jaune said. "But there's a chance that the teams will stay together after graduation."

"And there's a chance that you won't," Carolina said. For some reason that struck the students deep. "Some of you are going to go alone, some of you are going with your teams or another partner. There will be time you have to rely on strangers and other people to help you. To help give that some sort of familiarity, you're partnering with someone you barely know."

"Look," Washington said. "Next time we take over we'll go through some of this more, but it's getting to the end of the class. I want at least one sparring match today. Who will volunteer?" no one raises their hand for a minute.

"No one?" Carolina asked. Then one hand went up.

"We will," Sun said. Next to him was Weiss. She glared at him as if he was insane.

"No we won't," Weiss said.

"Stop being the Ice Queen for a second would ya?" Sun said. The two began to argue but Washington stopped it.

"Sun raised his hand," Wash said. "That mean both of you are going. Whether you both agree or not." Wash tone was threatening. Enough to Scare Weiss and Sun. "The rest of you, to the bleachers!" As the students went back to the bleachers, Weiss and Sun step to the middle of the Arena.

"So who are we facing?" Weiss asked with her hands on her hips.

"Us," Tucker said. He had his sword in his hand. Next to him was Grif. Grif just had his arms crossed as if he was bored. "Let's see who wins, eh?"

To be continued.

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