Chapter 13: A Minor Hiccup Part 1

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It was the last class of the day. Port's class. Ruby and Yang were napping to keep their energy up for their plan tonight. Meanwhile Blake and Weiss were awake to wake them up. The class was an hour and fifteen minutes long, so the four girls were taking a shift. Blake and Weiss slept for the first forty five minutes and Yang and Ruby would sleep for the last forty five.

Weiss was staring at a hologram clock on her scroll, which was lying on her desk. It said 3:59. Blake was waking up Yang and Ruby while Weiss just sat and stared at the clock, waiting. Port was blabbering to the class but of course no one pays attention unless he actually teaches. But it was another story of his "greatness". But at least he could back it up.

Jaune slides over to Weiss. "So, Weiss," Jaune said. "You know uh, I was thinking that after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?" Weiss ignored Jaune, but he wasn't giving up. "And uh, you know well I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie if you want to make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome." Again no response. "And… then maybe after that we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm a, you know…"

The alarm on the Weiss's clock blares and she gets a smile on her face as it reached 4:00. Port was in the middle of a sentence. "And then I- oh…uh, timed that one wrong I guess. Well the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait. Until next time."

Students got up and started to leave the class, glad the day is over. Meanwhile team RWBY was still looking forward to the remainder of the day. Weiss stands up and puts her scroll in her pocket Jaune looked at her and tried to get her attention.

"Weiss?" he said. "Did you hear me?" Weiss walks past him. Along the way she puts her finger up and speaks.

"No, no, no, yes." She walks away from Jaune and he lets out a defeated sigh. He then puts his head on the desk. Ruby, Blake and Yang walk by him. However when Yang walked past him she gave him a sympathetic hair ruffle.

"One day," She said. Jaune was the only one left in the class. Port walks up to him.

"Mr. Arc," Port said. "I've noticed you seem to be having girl troubles." Jaune lifted his head and had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"No offense Professor Port," Jaune said. "But I don't want to discuss my girl problems with a teacher." Port lets out a boisterous laugh.

"Of course not! I know what it's like to have similar problems while in school." Port points at Jaune. "What you need is a distraction. Luckily I know the perfect place to get your minds off things." Jaune did kind of like the sound of it. He was going to at least give it a shot.

"All right, what's this place called?" Jaune asked.

"Fort Port!" Port said confidently.

Team RWBY kept walking excited to get ready for their first mission. Well, not official mission, but a mission nonetheless. "Oh, Ruby," Yang said. The leader turns to her sister and walks backwards. "What did you want to talk to Coco about?"

Ruby gives a malicious smile. "You'll see eventually," She said. She snickers, turns around and continues to walk to their dorm.

"Why does she have to be such a bother?" Weiss asked with a face palm.

"It's Ruby," Blake said. "I'm sure it's nothing too harsh."

"Speaking of Coco," Yang quipped. "How do you think she did facing the Reds and Blues?"

"I'm sure they got their butts whooped!" Ruby said.

"Agreed," Blake said.

"Yeah obviously," Yang said. "I'm asking how it went." The girls all imagine how Coco would face the reds and blues.

A few hours ago, in Glynda's class.

Right now it was one on one sparring matches. The second years didn't ask as many questions and things were able to go by quickly, enough for both two-vs-twos and one-on-ones. And right now it was Coco vs Grif.

Now as much as Grif didn't want to fight, he liked staying alive a lot more. And it seemed as if Coco really was trying to kill him. Grif got launched again by Coco. "Come on Grif!" Sarge yelled. "She's literally beating you with her bag!"

"That bag weighs like 5 tons!" Grif shouted back. He gets back up and aims his gun back at Coco but she is missing. He then feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and sees Coco peaking over her glasses smugly. She winks and then hits him in the head with a briefcase hook. He grunts as he got hit and he turns around from the force.

Behind him Coco started to wind her arm up a full revolution or two. She then takes a step towards Grif, kneels, and swings her Bag between his legs and into his groin. Grif lets out a very girly yell and he drops his gun. He then clutches his nuts. "Why does almost every girl I fight hit me in the balls?!" He complained.

Coco goes in front of him. She places her hand on her hip and looks down at the whimpering Grif. He looks up and she pushes the top of his helmet. "Timber!" She yelled as Grif fell backwards. Grif lets out a groan as he hit the floor.

Coco turns her bag into minigun form and spins up the barrel, aiming at Grif's face. Then an alarm goes. "All right that's enough!" Carolina said through her helmet speaker. "Ms. Adel, please refrain from breaking the Grifs, we only have one left." The class starts snickering.

"I. Hate. All of you…" Grif groaned.

Back to the Present with Team RWBY:

They reached their dorm and were dressing up for their big mission. They all agreed to not wear their normal clothes for this. It felt… unusual for them to wear them. So they decided on new outfits.

Ruby wore a grey long sleeve shirt with cuffs at the end of it. She wore a black pinafore with some red stitching on it. Her normal skirt was replaced with a red one with her black emblem on it. Other than that and some new boots her outfit was more or less the same.

Weiss wore a pure white dress with black edging. Inside her dress were black frills. However the dress was attached to an overcoat with four black buttons and black outlines. Weiss's Snowflake emblem was on her back. She wore thigh-high stockings and white boots as well.

Blake wore a white V-neck zip-up that stopped at her stomach. It had a collar and long sleves. She kept some of her black ribbons around her arms. She also wore black pants with a belt and some fabric that stuck out on the right side. She had Black high heel boots that had buckles on them which stopped halfway up her calves.

Yang is wearing a collared cream top over a black shirt, with mid length sleeves which are gold at the end of them. She is also wearing thigh high stockings and boots. She also was wearing a belt with golden accents on it. She also had her gauntlets on.

As they finished dressing up, Blake was the first to speak. "I thought that class, would never end."

"All right guys," Ruby said as she swung her legs. She was sitting on her bunk. "Today's the day. The investigation," She hops off her bunk. "Begins!"

"I'm glad to see that we are taking this so seriously," Weiss said sarcastically.

"Hey!" Yang said whilst lying on her bunk. "We've got a plan. That's… moderately serious."

"Right," Ruby says with a little nod. "Everyone remember their roles?"

"You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies," Weiss said with her hand on her hip. She crosses her hand over her chest. "Seeing as how I'm in the family it shouldn't be a problem."

"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members," Blake said with her hands behind her back. "If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning."

"I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale," Yang said as she crossed her arms. "Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard."

"Great," Ruby said. "We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found." Ruby does a fist pump. "Let's do this!"

"Yeah!" a voice said. The girls look towards their open window to see Sun there upside down, hanging from his tail. All of them take a step backwards surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Sun!" Blake said in an alarmed voice.

"How did you get up there?" Yang asked the monkey Faunus.

"Oh it's easy," Sun said. "I do it all the time."

"You do what?!" Weiss asked in a slightly disgusted tone.

"I climb trees all the time!" Weiss squints and frowns at him. "So," He says as he hops down from the tree he was hanging on. "Are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?"

"We," Blake said with emphasis. "Are going to investigate the situation." Sun gives a blank stare. "As a team."

"Sorry Sun," Ruby said with a small shrug. "We don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to."

"Pfft, that's dumb," Sun said with a wave of his hand. "You should always get friends involved. That's why I brought Neptune!" Sun pointed out the window with his thumb.

The girls look out of their window totem pole style to see the blue haired hunter pressed up against the wall of their building. Which was very impressive, seeing as how they weren't on the first floor.

"Sup?" Neptune said nonchalantly.

"How did you even get up here?" Ruby asked.

"I have my ways," Neptune said with a cocky smile. He then puts on a pleading face. "Seriously though can I come in?" He looks down. "We're like, really high up right now."

When they get Neptune inside Ruby pairs them off. "All right," She said. "I'll go with Weiss. Sun, you can go with Blake. And Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner." She was Pushing Neptune towards her sister as she said the last part. Neptune gave a wink to Weiss as he was pushed past her.

"Actually Ruby, why don't you go with Yang," Weiss said. She gave a nervous laugh. "After all she is your sister." Ruby was done Pushing Neptune but he was still rocking back and forth so Yang but her hand on him to stop him.

"But, Weiss," Ruby said. "Who would go with you then?"

"Well," Weiss said trying to be innocent. "I guess Neptune could come with me." Neptune points at her with a suave grin on his face.

Ruby is silent for a second then starts laughing. "Nah," She said as she waved her hand. Weiss has an unamused look on her face but it is soon replaced with shocked as Ruby began to drag her away.

"But! But!" Weiss said sticking her arms out to try and get back to Neptune with no avail. Ruby opens their dorm's door and was about to walk out but then stops in her tracks. Outside the door, with their arms crossed, is Carolina and Washington.

"So," Carolina said. "Neptune is going with Yang, Sun is going with Blake, and you two are going together. So who are we with?"

"Uhh…" Ruby tried to come up with a lie. "No one. We're all just going to Vale as friends and hanging out. You know to get to know our partners for when you guys take over for Glynda." Ruby let out a nervous chuckle.

"Ruby," Washington said. "As adorable as you are, you're a horrible liar."

"But I'm not―" Ruby is cut off.

"If you were going as partners," Carolina said. "Where's Jaune since he's your partner. Why is Sun going with Blake instead of Weiss? Why isn't Ren going with Blake?" Ruby tried to say something but knew they'd been caught.

"Look," Blake said. "We just want to do something to stop our enemies from growing."

"Okay," Washington said.

"Wait what?" Neptune said.

"Yeah, go for it." They were surprised by Washington's reaction. "Only thing is, we're coming with you."

"Why?" Yang said. "I thought Atlas was already looking for Torchwick?"

"They are," Carolina said. "But we aren't. We're stuck on guard duty, when we really want to be out there looking for him."

"And stopping the White Fang," Washington added. Weiss tugs on Ruby's sleeve. Ruby turns around and Weiss whispers in her ear.

"Should we really let them?" She asked.

"I don't see the harm in it," Ruby whispered with a shrug. Blake, Sun, Yang and Neptune all join in and put in their views.

"How did they even find out?" Blake asked.

"I found out didn't I?" Sun said.

"Still do we really need this many people on this?" Weiss said

"More protection," Neptune said. Everyone went back and forth trying to think if they should.

"Just tell them you'll tell Ozpin unless you join," Church said as he appeared.

"We will," Carolina said.

"We're just seeing where this goes," Washington commented. After another minute of discussing it Ruby clears her throat and then turns to the two soldiers.

"Sorry guys," She said. "But we just think that having you two will slow us down."

"OH that's fucking bullshit!" Church said. "Hang on for a second." He then heads into Ruby's Scroll. Ruby's scroll starts beeping and she pulls it out. She opens it and Church is standing in the middle of the screen flipping her off.

"What the?" Ruby said.

"You know you just don't want them to join because you're afraid they'll tell Ozpin!" Church said as he pointed at her.

"Epsilon we―" Ruby tried to get out a word but then Washington cut them off.

"Look if you don't want our help fine, but don't make an excuse for it," Washington said coldly. Ruby looked at her friends and they all shrugged. She sighs.

"All right, you guys can help us," Ruby said giving in. Church nods and leaves the scroll.

"Look," Washington said. "It's not that we don't trust you guys. We just don't want you getting hurt. Or, God forbid, killed, before you even graduate. Think of us just shadowing you and helping you when you need us."

"Like guardian Angels?" Sun said.

"Exactly," Carolina confirmed.

"Okay then," Ruby said. She points at Carolina. "Carolina you go with Yang and Neptune." She then points to Washington. "Wash I think you should come with us."

"No," Washington said.

"What?" Weiss said. She goes up to him and gets in his face. "Why not?"

"Do you really need me to make a phone call?" Washington said as he crossed his arms.

"I…" Ruby started. "Good point." They didn't even really need to go together just Weiss did. "All right then I guess you'll go with Blake and Sun.

"Cool," Sun said.

"Fine," Blake stated.

"All right," Ruby said. "Let's move out!"

As Weiss and Ruby continued to travel to the CCT, Weiss had something on her mind. "Say Ruby," Weiss said. Ruby turns around and keeps walking.

"Yeah what is it Weiss?" Ruby asked with a curious look on her face.

"How do you think they found out? And why did they keep insisting on joining us?" Weiss asked. Ruby shrugs.

"I don't know," She said. "Maybe they found out the same way Sun did. They passed by and heard us."

"But wouldn't that be too coincidental?" Ruby puts her hand to her chin.

"Weiss maybe you're just overthinking this." Weiss was very analytical when it came to this kind of stuff.

"But still, there's a lot we don't know about them." Ruby couldn't deny that. They were hiding something.

"Well they say they're a part of Atlas," Ruby said. "So, why not ask the person we're calling if they heard of them?"

"That's… actually not a bad idea," Weiss agreed. "My father supplies the military with Dust all the time. He has to know some secrets the public doesn't."

"All right, we'll ask them when we get there." Ruby said with a smile.

With Sun Blake and Washington:

The two students and the soldier were walking around Vale, trying to find hints for the White Fang meeting. "You'd think with the increase activities of the White Fang, the police would take better care to not have their meetings in the city," Washington said.

"The same can be said for Atlas," Blake mumbled.

"What was that?" Washington said.

"Nothing," Blake retorted.

"O…Kay… So what exactly is our Plan?" Sun asked. "We go in and get the info and then what?"

"Then we wing it," Blake calmly stated. Washington comes to a stop.

"That's not the best move in the world," he said.

"Why not?" Blake asked.

"Well what if it's a trap? What if someone recognizes any of you from beacon? What if there is only one exit point that's blocked? Do you have an escape plan? Do you have a getaway vehicle? Do you have to use force or sneak in? Are plans going to be handed out, or will you have to do an initiation first?" Washington kept pelting her with questions and each one made Blake think more and more that it wasn't the best idea.

"Aren't you over thinking this?" Sun asked.

"Yes, I am," Wash confirmed. "That's the point. You can't react to all possible outcomes if you aren't prepared for all possible outcomes." Blake and sun look at each other. It did make sense. Expected the unexpected, as they say.

"All right, how do we prepare?" Blake asked.

"Unfortunately we can't until we get more info," Washington said. "But I can start getting us an escape plan ready."

"All right then," Sun said. "So Blake and I will get the info, you get the escape plan junk. Sound fair?"

Blake and Washington nod. "All right keep your scroll on you, I'll let you know when I got one," Washington said.

"Will do," Sun said with a salute. Sun and Blake walk down one direction and Wash the other direction. Sun looks behind them and when he can't see Wash anymore he talks with Blake. "I like him, seems pretty chill."

"Maybe," Blake said. "But he is hiding something. The same for Carolina and the rest of them."

"Yeah." Sun put his hands in his pocket. "They do seem to be hiding something. But still, No point in trying to figure it out… yet."

"That's true. Speaking of the soldiers what do you think of the new one that popped in lunch?"

"You mean their medic?" Blake nods. "I don't know. I'm sure he missed his friends. But since he's a medic he's probably healing someone right now."

With Doc/O'Malley:

"So," Doc starts as he examines his patient. "You're telling me, you let the girl hit you in the head with the hammer… because both of you were bored?"

"Yeah," Ren said. Doc finished bandaging his head so now Ren was just holding an ice pack to it. "I can't say no to Nora. Mainly because I'm afraid she'll break my leg…" Doc just stares at Ren. "What?"

"You're a spineless moron," O'Malley said. "Why didn't you take her Hammer, and hit her in the head with it, until her brain juices spilled out?!" O'Malley gives his evil laugh.

"I can't hurt Nora for the reason I just stated," Ren said. "That and because she's my best friend."

"Awww," Doc said. "That's sweet."

"Oh God you make me want to throw up," O'Malley said to his counterpart.

With Yang, Neptune, and Carolina:

They were in the garage next to the school. Not that many kids had cars, but those who did, stored them in here. Right now they were getting to Yang's bike, bumblebee. "So what is this place we're going to?" Carolina asked.

"Let's just say he's an old friend," Yang said.

"You, friends with a shady character?" Neptune said. "What did you… uh… do for him exactly?" Yang looks Neptune dead in the eye.

"You better not be implying what I think you are," She threatened.

"You know what I'd rather not know!" Neptune said putting his hands up.

"Jesus and I thought we had secrets," Epsilon said.

"Seriously though Yang," Carolina said ignoring Church. "How do you know this guy?"

"I wanted info," Yang told Carolina with a shrug. "I caught wind that said he knew what's what, and had a little fun with him."

"I'm actually worried by what 'A little fun' means to her," Church said.

"So am I," Carolina said aloud. She accidently forgot that they can't see Church.

"You talking to Epsilon?" Yang asked curiously.

"AH crap, I forgot," Carolina said.

"Who's Epsilon?" Neptune said. Yang, Carolina and Church look at Neptune.

"Fuck," Carolina and Church said in sync.

"Oh… right," Yang said. She lets out a nervous laugh and turns to Neptune. "Epsilon is uh… a secret project for Atlas."

"Not anymore," Neptune's scroll said. Neptune takes out his scroll and opens it to reveal Church. "They actually disbanded the project since it was a failure. Carolina just has the liberty of keeping me around with her."

Yang looks at Carolina. "So… What's it like having another voice in your head?" She asked.

"Not as bad as you think," Carolina replied. "He helps me with some of my abilities. Not my semblance but other enhancements I have."

"Enhancements?" Neptune asked.

"No more questions," Carolina said. "All you need to know, is I have an AI implanted in me. Everything else can wait for later. Or never, if at all possible." Neptune and Yang look at each other. They see why Blake was having a hard time to trust them. Neptune closes his scroll and pockets it and everyone continues walking to Bumblebee.

"Ah crap I just remembered," Yang said. "I don't have a side car or anything, so I can only hold one of you." She motioned to Carolina and Neptune.

"Well if you squeeze in you can carry three people," Church said.

"Not happening," Carolina shot down.

"What'd he say?" Neptune asked.

"Epsilon said we can fit three people on a bike if we squeeze in tight enough," Carolina said. IF Tucker was here he would've definitely done his "Bow chicka bow wow".

"I mean…" Neptune said with a smug smile. "I'm okay with it."

"We agree he's walking right?" Yang said.

"Yep," Carolina responded. The two walk past him.

"Aw come on can't you take a joke?" Neptune said.

"Relax, you two can get on the bike," Carolina said. "I'll find another way."

"You sure Carolina?" Yang asked. They reached Bumblebee so now All Yang had to do was make sure no one messed with her. As she inspects the motorcycle Neptune is in awe.

"Yeah I'm sure, I'll find a way to get there." Carolina looks at Bumblebee and whistles. "Nice wheels."

Yang gets on it and starts it up. She grabs her helmet which was strapped to the side. "Thanks. Dad helped me build it. Although he did most of the work."

"It's still freaking awesome!" Neptune said, still amazed.

"So areyou good?" Yang asked Carolina one more time. Carolina nods. "All right. But just a suggestion, change into regular clothes. The place we're heading, they don't like authority very much." Yang revs her engine.

"Come on Neptune." Yang motioned with her head for Neptune to get on. Neptune does as he is told.

"Wait!" Carolina said stopping Yang. "Where am I heading?"

"Oh, right," Yang said. She pulled out her scroll, typed a few words in there and handed it to Carolina. "Keep it, I know the way there. Use it for directions."

"Church," Carolina said. The AI fragment knew what Carolina was thinking.

"On it," He said as he entered the scroll. The scroll vibrates a little and then Church exits. "Done."

Carolina closes the scroll and hands it back to Yang. "Epsilon knows, we'll see you there." Yang takes her scroll.

"You sure?" Yang asked. Carolina nods. "All right, but just in case here." Yang dug into a pocket and pulled out some lien. She handed it to Carolina. "If you need a taxi or something use that. See you in a few." With that, Yang revs the engine, and takes off.

"So…" Church said. "How are we getting to Vale exactly?"

"You think my speed boost still works?" Carolina asked her AI. Church looks at the ground.

"Aw shit," He said. "Can we at least see if we can get a taxi once we get there? Or another form of transportation?"

"Deal." With that, Carolina walks outside of the garage. When she's in an open area with no spectators she gets in a running stance.

"All right, we're ready," Church said. And then Carolina takes off at a full sprint with the speed boost and heads to Vale.

To be continued.

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