Chapter 16: Painting the Town Part 2

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A White Fang member began to pace around the stage, beginning the meeting. "Thank you all for coming," He said. "For those of you joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours. I can assure you he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for, for so long."

Everyone looks to the left where the comrade stood. It was Roman Torchwick. Now of course, that didn't really settle well with the new recruits, with Roman being human and all. The recruits started to jeer at him, but he kept a smug sarcastic smile on his face.

"Thank you, thank you!" he said. Around the corner came a short girl with pink hair with white stripes on one side, and brown on the other. She had leggings, shin high white boots with heels, with a brown corset with a white jacket that stopped just below her breasts, but the back side went down her back. The interior of said jacket was pink.

"Please, hold your applause," Roman said in a sarcastic tone.

A deer Faunus points at Roman and yells. "What's a human doing here?!" Roman looks at her.

"I'm glad you asked 'dearie'," Roman said. "Now I'll be the first to admit, humans… Are the WORST!" he does a little salute. "Case in point." He begins to pace around. "So I understand why you would love to us all locked away, or better yet, killed!"

As Roman continued Sun leaned over to Blake. "So is he going somewhere with this or…?"

"…would like to mention the fact that you and I ALL have a common enemy. The ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty rotten humans that run our kingdoms." Every time Roman listed something off he counted on his fingers. "Government. Military. Even the schools, they're all to blame for your lot in life!"

A bunch of the recruits and other White Fang members were cheering. Blake and Sun looked around and didn't like that feeling. "And they're all pests that need to be dealt with," Roman continued. "Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around. No offense to any rodents in the room." Roman snaps his fingers.

The tarp that had a red White Fang logo behind Roman is dropped to reveal a giant robot. To be specific, it was the Atlesian Paladin. The crowd cheers at the fact they were able to land one. On the arms were the White Fang logos.

"Uh… that's a big robot," Sun said a little intimidated. Blake turns to sun.

"How'd he get that?" She asked, as if Sun would know.

"As some of you may have heard," Roman said. "This right here-" He knocks on the shin of the robot. "Is Atlas' newest line of defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my employer, we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, hit the shelves."

"This isn't good…" Blake mumbled to herself.

"Now many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the south east. If you'd rather stay in the city, that's fine. But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?"

The crowd cheers, ready to begin their instructions. Blake looks at Sun. "We should get out of here."

The WF commander speaks. "Will all new recruits, please come forward." The recruits begin to move.

"Welp." Sun said. The two Faunus look around trying to figure a way out of this.

With Sarge and Simmons:

The two were in the weapon workshop. Having scythes that are also guns, sword/spears that also turn into a gun, a grenade launcher that double as a hammer and all sorts of other transformation weapons, it took a lot to keep them maintained. So after the lesson with the Warthog today, Sarge wanted to see if he could make anything. And Simmons needed a tune up on himself.

They got permission by the weapon maintenance teacher to use the parts, as long as they didn't destroy everything. Simmons stripped off his armor and grabbed a nearby mirror. He looks at himself. Being a soldier, he was buff, much like the rest of the Blood Gulch crew, save for Grif. But half of his body was metal. His left ribs were mechanical, his right shoulder, his right jaw, parts of his arms, back of his neck, and parts of his leg and feet.

Luckily, his brown eyes and hair were still intact. His hair was combed slightly. The parts of flesh he did have on his face were covered in a slight goatee. He rubs his chin and lets out a sigh. "You all right Simmons?" Sarge asked not looking away from his shotgun. He was dismantling it and trying to see what he can do with it, what mods he can make.

"Yeah," Simmons responded. "Just… I still got to get used to this. I mean half the time I'm wearing a helmet and armor, my skin and metal barely show. Always leaves me awestruck."

"Yeah, sometimes I forget you're a cyborg. Still though, kind of funny how your semblance is the ability to control electronics." Simmons looks at his hand and closes it.

"Yeah, imagine what I can do if I progress with it." Simmons shakes his head. "Anyway, I should get back to my calibrations. Mind handing me a screwdriver?" Sarge tosses one and Simmons catches it. Simmons turns his arm over to reveal the five screws, one for each finger.

The screws had to be tightened every now and then. His nerves were synced with part of his robotics, if the screws were loose, his reaction to his fingers would be off, too tight, he wouldn't be able to move it as fast, and if it was really tight Simmons' arm would actually start to hurt.


Disclaimer: I have no idea how a cyborg would work. I am using my best estimation/whatever I thought sounded good. Please do not judge too harshly.


As Simmons began to calibrate every finger Sarge finished dismantling his shotgun. Now all he had to do was experiment. "Hmmm…" Sarge hummed. "Maybe if I add some kind of rocket launcher to the top of it…"

"Sir," Simmons said as he continued to screw. "Maybe before adding extra guns, you should add a part that will add dust to the weapon." all of a sudden Simmons feels pain. "Crap! Too tight!" He unfastens the screw so he isn't in pain.

"Bah!" Sarge waved him off. "I won't need dust once I can launch a missile in their faces!" Sarge grabs a barrel large enough to hold the rocket. He connects it to the shotgun's trigger. He begins to put the shotgun/rocket launcher back together. The shotgun was more or less the same, but now next to the barrel was a larger one, the rocket launcher part.

Sarge grabs a clip and a rocket and heads outside. The classroom was next to a testing range for students who wanted to try something new. Sarge loads the clip and the rocket, aims down range, and fires.

An explosion happens. Simmons doesn't even bother looking up. The door slams open and Simmons can smell the smoke radiating off of Sarge. "You didn't open the back of the rocket launcher did you?"

"Nope!" Sarge said. "I forgot to install it even." Simmons looks up and sees Sarge covered in soot. And he has a dislocated shoulder.

"Is the shoulder because you didn't add a switch to the rocket launcher or another trigger?"

"Yep!" Sarge puts the gun back on the table and grabs his arm. He pops it back into place and lets out a grunt. He moves it around and stretches it a little bit. "So what was that you were saying about making it Dust compatible?" Simmons Moves his fingers one at a time, he smiles when there is no delay.

"All right, left arm's done." Simmons grabs a manual next to him and hands it to Sarge. "Use that, tells you how to do it."

"I don't need a manual, I built Lopez after all!"

"Yeah and after all the crazy shit we've been through he stills speaks Spanish!"

Sarge is silent for a full second. "Touché," he said. He flips open the book and starts learning what he needs to know.

With Yang, Neptune and Carolina:

Junior slams down the glass. Yang was asking him questions about Torchwick and anything else he might have heard. Neptune was watching just a few feet behind Yang and Carolina was sitting a few bar stools away from them having a drink. As much as she hated clubs, they did serve some really good drinks.

"I don't know," Junior said.

"How can you not know?" Yang said as she crossed her arms.

"I haven't talked to him. I haven't even seen him since the night you first came in here. He paid upfront, I lent him my men, and none of them ever. Came. Back."

"So where did they go?" Neptune said trying to help. Junior looks at him as if he was crazy.

"What kind of stupid question is that? They never came back! Who is this guy?"

Yang places her hand on Neptune's face. "Don't worry about him," She said. She then points to herself. "Worry about me if I don't find what I want!"

"I already told you everything! Torchwick hired my boys and I guess he wasn't happy with them." Junior turns to his guys who were still setting up and guarding. "Which is something I can relate to!"

A couple of his henchmen said sorry while others were offended. Yang looked at Carolina, who had her eyes in her glass. She points to her. "All right, what can you tell me about her?"

Junior looks to Carolina. One of Junior's guards gave Carolina another glass and sat down next to her, a suave look on his face.

"Sorry about pointing the guns in your face," he said. Carolina still had her helmet on but she gave a quick glance to let her know she heard him.

"Holy shit," Church said as he appeared. "Is this guy doing what I think he's doing?"

"You know I bet you look hot under that helmet," Junior's guy said.

"Oh man I wish I had popcorn," Church commented.

"Why don't you take it off so we can have a drink? And maybe we can take other things off later in the night?"

Carolina takes off her helmet and looks the guy straight in the eye, with a smile. She raises her glass and he raises his and they clink and drink. They put their glasses down and Carolina keeps the tips of her fingers on hers. The guy moves a little closer.

"See? I told you you were―" He is cut off by Carolina glassing him in the face. She stops with the fake smile and puts on a look of disgust. "YOU BITCH!"

"If you're desperate enough to flirt with an Atlas soldier, you got accept the consequences," Carolina said.

Yang had big grin on her face for seeing that and Neptune was trying to hold in laughter. Junior looks back at Yang. "What about her?" he asked. "You know, aside from assaulting my men."

"You should know everything that goes on in Vale," Yang said pointing at Junior. "So you should also know if Atlas is sending any secret soldiers here."

Junior lets out a chuckle. "You really think they would send them here if they were? But I will say one thing." Junior points his thumb over to Carolina. "Your friend is hiding a lot more than she lets on. I can tell from her eyes."

They thought Carolina wasn't paying attention but she was. Her and Church. "You sure we should let this go?" Church asked.

Carolina nods her head. "No point in acting suspicious, otherwise it will prove their theory," Carolina thought.

Yang let's out a sigh. "Come on Neptune," She said. "Carolina let's go." Carolina nods and gets up. She puts on her helmet and walks with the blonde and blue.

"So did we get what we needed?" Carolina asked.

"Well, we got everything we can," Yang said. "Hopefully the rest of the team is having better luck."

With Donut, Ren and Glynda:

Glynda let out a loud laugh. Donut was telling the story of how he accidently forgot to bring reinforcements for a rescue mission as he thought they just needed his help. Her face was a little flushed and she had this very weird smile on her face. Ren, who had only had one or two glasses, leans over to Donut. "I think she's drunk," He whispered.

"I think so too," Donut said with another bite from his cheese. He swallows and takes Glynda's glass. "Okay I think you've had enough Glynda."

"Miss Goodwitch," Ren said. "Shouldn't you do what you originally came here for?" Glynda lets out a sigh.

"Yes I suppose I should," She gets up and stretches but wobbles a little bit. "So Pastry, where's Doc'Malley? I want to talk to them."

Donut puts his hand to his mouth. "Hmmm…" he hummed. He then points to the sky. "Oh yeah! Doc said something about going to Ozpin's office. Something about getting info for domination or something like that."

When Donut answered the question, Glynda's face went from a little tipsy happy, to serious sober. "Doc is in Ozpin's office?" She said quietly.

"I think so," Donut responded. Glynda grabs Donut's chestplate and drags him to her face.


Meanwhile, with Doc/O'Malley:

"Why are we even doing this?" Doc asked himself.

"Obviously, to find out what he knows!" O'Malley responded. The split personality soldier broke into Ozpin's office. Right now he was at Ozpin's desk and was trying to find the password to get in.

"Why do we need to know?" Doc asked.

"Fool. He's the headmaster here but he is still a hunter! He's hiding something, and once I find out, I will rule this world! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" all of a sudden Doc/O'Malley felt a hand go on their shoulder.

"Hello Doc," A calm voice said.

"Please let that voice be Washington trying to sound like Ozpin," Doc whimpered. The hand tightens.

"It isn't," Ozpin said.

"Oh dear lord this will hurt," O'Malley said.

With Glynda and Donut:

"I can't believe I let myself be distracted," Glynda said, mentally punishing herself.

"Glynda I'm sure it will be fine!" Donut said trying to keep up with her. Right now they were in the courtyard, with Glynda speed walking to Ozpin's office. "I'm sure Ozpin would let Doc in his special room!"

Glynda scoffs and is about to reach the door when they hear a crash, and screaming.



Donut and Glynda turn around and see Doc, face down in the pavement. "Everything's broken…" Doc moaned out. Then Glynda gets a call on her scroll. He picks it up.

"Glynda," Ozpins voice ran out. "Will you be a dear and fix my windows?"

"Uh… of course Ozpin."

"Thank you. Oh and take Doc to the infirmary for me." Ozpin hangs up and the two just stare at the scene before them.

"Face down with another man beating his ass," Donut said. "Seems like Doc always finds himself in that situation." Glynda just stares at him. She shakes her head and pulls out her wand.

"Donut, do you mind taking Doc to medical?" Glynda asked.

"Sure thing." Donut picks up and fireman carries Doc. "Sorry for getting you a little drunk!" Donut called back.

Glynda ignored him but Donut just shrugged it off, he knew Glynda could be cold. But, despite the way it turned out in the end, Glynda did have a good time with Ren and Donut. She uses her semblance and picks ups all the shards and puts them back into Ozpin's office.

With Blake and Sun:

The crowd was still hyped up from the speech, as most of them were cheering and the new recruits were hastily moving forward. Sun leans over and whispers in Blake's ear. "What're we going to do?"

"I'm thinking," She responded. She looks around trying to find an escape route, but no matter what it would be obvious they were trying to get away. In the back of her mind Blake was thinking Washington was right. Coming in here without a real plan was stupid.

Torchwick was about to put his cigar in his mouth, but then he noticed the blonde haired monkey faunus and the black haired cat faunus. "He sees us!" Sun said. Torchwick scowls and tosses his cigar and walks towards them. Blake is still trying to find a way out and Sun waves his hand to Torchwick, trying to stay incognito.

Blake then notices a fuse box. "He can't see in the dark," She said. She pulls out her gun and shoots the fuse box. The lights go out and Torchwick yells.

"Don't let them get away!" Roman lets out a grunt as he hit something.

"Sun, the window!" Blake called out.

"Stop them!" Roman yelled out. All of a sudden there was a giant whirring noise, like the sound of something being powered up.

With Washington:
Luckily no new White Fang members came out to check the suspicious car. But Wash still had a very bad feeling. Something was about to happen. And just as he thought that, he hears the sound of glass breaking and looks to his right.

He sees Blake and Sun running towards him. "WASH! DRIVE!" Sun yelled out.

"Why?!" all of a sudden the wall in the warehouse broke to reveal the giant robot running towards them.

"That's why!" Blake yelled.

"Oh crap!" Washington yelled. He puts the car in drive and was about to floor it. Blake and Sun jump on the car and then on the roofs and Washington speeds out of the robot's way.

He does a U-turn and starts driving towards the robot, pulling out his pistol as he does.

Blake and Sun continue jumping rooftop to rooftop hoping to get away from the robot controlled by Roman. As they do Sun spoke up. "So you wouldn't happen to have," He jumps to another rooftop. "Oh I don't know?" Another jump. "Some form of backup?!"

"I'm on it!" Blake yelled as she pulls out her scroll. Meanwhile Washington was in range of the Robot and began to shoot it with his pistol. The bullets went through the glass window but cracks remained. And the bullets seemed to be doing little to no damage to the robot. Washington grunts and punches the window to make it clear of glass. He continues firing at it.

With Weiss:

She got down to the ground level from the CCTs building when she picked up her scroll. The elevator opens and she walks out.

"Everyone!" Blake yelled. "If you can hear me we need back―"

"HEEEEEEEELLLPP!" Sun yelled. There were a couple of gunshots heard in the background. Weiss does an eye roll and gets a small smile on her face, ready for some action.

With Ruby:

She stares at her scroll as the call continued. She boarded up the dumpster she was in to keep the rats in there.

"They got a robot!" Sun said through the scroll. "And it's big, really big!"

"Oh I am not missing this!" Ruby said excitedly. She runs to join the fray.

With Yang Neptune and Carolina:

Sun continued to scream through the scroll, and the gunshots continue. "That Torchwick guy's in it! But not like, it didn't eat him... He's like, controlling it or something!"

Yang and Neptune were on Yang's bike and Yang had her helmet and glasses on. Carolina stood next to them. "Where are you guys?" Yang asked. They hear rumbling and gunshots behind them and turn to see Sun and Blake running from the Paladin and a car with Washington shooting at the robot.

"HURRY!" Sun yelled.

"I think that was them," Neptune said.

"Yeah I got it!" Yang said as she revved her cycle. She turns to Carolina. "Carolina will you―"

"Go!" Carolina yelled as she pointed. "I'll catch up!" Yang nods, circles her motorcycle around with a yelp from Neptune and drives off.

Church appears and looks at Carolina. "Ready for round two?" He asked.

"You know it!" She gets in her running stance, church charges the speed boost, and they speed off to help them.

Blake and Sun jump onto cars in the middle of the highway, with one of them honking at the sudden surprise. They jump to another set of cars as the robot hops down to chase after them. Yang and Neptune do the same as does Washington. Carolina jump off from a building and into traffic as well.

The robot charges, knocking all the cars in its way, making it hard for Yang Wash and Carolina to keep up, but they still manage to get it through.

"Whoa!" Sun yells. The two faunus continue to jump car to car. Meanwhile Yang was getting closer to the robot. Washington and Carolina matched speeds, and the two soldiers look at each other. They nod and Carolina hops onto the roof of the car, with Church activating her gravity boots to help her stay on.

Carolina takes out her battle rifle and begins to pelt the robot with bullets. Meanwhile Yang was talking with Neptune. "We've got to slow it down!"

"Got it!" Neptune responded. He somehow got his orange goggles on during the ride there.

Roman hears beeping and notices that Neptune is reaching for his weapon, and that Carolina and Washington were actually doing damage now. He starts throwing the cars around to make it even harder for them to keep up with him.

"Hold on!" Yang yelled.

"Uh oh," Neptune said as Yang started to drive sporadically to dodge the cars.

"Will you quit throwing shit?!" Washington yelled as he maneuvered past the cars.

"Carolina duck!" Church said. Carolina does as she was told and a car flew past her head by mere inches.

"Thanks Church!" Carolina said.

. Carolina kept shooting and Washington did as well. And now Neptune got out his weapon in gun form, charges a lighting round and fires at the robot, causing a small explosion as each shot hit.

Carolina pulls out a grenade. "Wash, floor it!"

"It's floored!" Washington and Carolina were closing in on the robot. Carolina pulls the pin out of the grenade and counts, cooking off the grenade. "1…2…3!" She throws the grenade and it hits the robot and explodes just as it bounced off, still damaging it.

"Nice throw!" Washington complimented.

Neptune stands up and turns his weapon into guandao form. He jumps off the bike and switches his weapon to trident form, and then launches towards the robot. He lands and sticks his weapon into it.

Sun and Blake stop on top of trucks when Sun sees his friend hanging on. "Neptune, hang on!" Sun said. As he said that Torchwick made the robot spin hopefully to get Neptune off. Sun slams his fists together and creates two aura clones. The jump a few cars and hit the Robot, doing no obvious effect.

Sun then launches off the truck, takes out his staff and is about to slam down, but the robot spun one more time, this time succeeding in getting rid of Neptune and his weapon, which cause the two friends to hit each other and fall off to the side.

"Well they're out," Carolina said. She reloaded as did Wash and continued to fire.

Blake saw this but then heard Weiss's voice come from the scroll. "Blake I'm in position!"

Weiss flips down from a highway onto another one where the robot was coming and readies her rapier. The robot continues to charge and Blake jumps off of the highway. Weiss slams her rapier down and creates ice which causes the robot to slip and fall down. Carolina and Washington accidently keep driving. Yang actually finds a spot for her bike and jumps down.

The robot lands and Ruby is waiting for it at the bottom. It turns around and the rest of team RWBY jumps down and gets ready for the fight. The robot was about to fire it's guns but another engine could be heard. Every looks towards the sound, and sees Washington and Carolina coming from a ramp.

Wash dives out of the car while it was in midair, Carolina stuffs a grenade in the car and jumps off as well. The car crashes into the robot and grenade goes off causing an explosion. Washington bounces off the ground to team RWBY and Carolina lands perfectly next to them.

"Ah man," Washington groaned as he got up. "I'm going to feel that in the morning. Did we get it?" The robot tosses the burned car and slowly walks towards them.

"Nope," Yang said.

"We have to obscure its vision!" Carolina called out.

"Freezerburn!" Ruby yelled. Ruby grabs Carolina and Wash and uses gravity ammunition to get away and Blake falls back as well.

"What the hell?" Carolina yelled. Meanwhile Weiss does a little spin and slams her rapier in the ground, as Yang jumps high in the air. Ice forms in the ground and Weiss falls back. Meanwhile Yang falls to the ground, she pulls her fist back, and punches the ice and with the help of her aura, a yellow streak follows her.

When she hits the ice, it creates a mist. "Nice," Washington said. "I'll keep you cover from afar!" With that Washington sprints back to a safe distance.

"Now we're in my territory," Carolina said smugly. Church activates adaptive camoflauge, much to Ruby's awe and she begins sprinting around the robot with Blake and Yang.

The robot uses lasers to help with its vision but to little effect. It tried shooting at a passing Yang but failed. The lasers finally see Yang and Blake at the same area and fire the guns. They miss but from the explosion comes Ruby. She slices the front of the robot and Carolina sees her chance.

She sprints, and jumps on the robots top and stabs the middle of it. She then uses her weight to drag the knife down to cut apart the armor. It succeeds and she goes back into the mist.

Ruby pulls her slide and calls out "Checkmate!" Now Weiss and Blake go in. they each do a flurry of blows to the feet of the robot. Then Weiss hops up and stabs a sensor causing it to malfunction. She then uses a white glyph to hop away from the robot. Washington sees this and gets a clear shot and shots the sensor off, and shoots another one.

The robot raises its foot to crush Blake but Weiss uses another glyph to send Blake backwards, narrowly avoiding the foot. The robot then fires a barrage of missiles. Weiss uses another glyph to help them dodge the explosions.

The robot fires a couple of shots at Weiss, but she blocks it with her rapier, yet it still sends her flying. She sends another glyph towards Blake with gears on it. Blake's body turns yellow. The robot fires another barrage and Blake swings her blades. With each swing it cuts the rocket in half causing them to explode. Each swing gets faster and faster and then she poses as a bunch of explosions happen to her side.

Ruby runs in and yells "Ladybug!" Ruby fires a gravity round and cuts the robots foot. Blake turns and charge to slice again. With each slice the two girls circle the robot. They both jump up and come down hard, slicing through one arm of the robot.

Yang and Carolina look at each other and nod. Yang goes around and Carolina goes in front and they both jump onto the robot. Yang starts firing into the cut Carolina made earlier, causing a lot of damage. Meanwhile Carolina found where the cabin was and started to punch it, hoping to drag Torchwick out.

The robot slams Yang through a column, but Carolina is still hanging on. The robot turns and makes a fist, and then grabs Carolina from the front of its body, and starts crushing her. Carolina let's out a scream.

"CAROLINA!" Washington yelled. He throws his assault rifle away and charges in. Meanwhile the robot then throws Carolina into Yang, sending both of them through another pillar. Meanwhile Washington jumped up on the back. He pulls out a grenade and shoves it into a socket and jumps off.

The grenade goes off and most of the armor on it goes away. "Yang!" Blake called out.

"Don't worry," Ruby said. "With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back. That's what makes her special."

"And Carolina?" Weiss asked.

"Her healing unit should be working, but that was a big hit." Washington said catching up to the girls.

Both Yang and Carolina get up, with Yang's hair glowing with power and her eyes red. And despite the helmet, you could feel the anger radiating off of Carolina. Yang makes a fist and Carolina takes out her last grenade. The robot pulls its arm back and punches Yang, but she blocks it. Carolina then shoves the Grenade into the arm, Yang pulls her fist back, and punches while shooting.

The power of Yang's attack alone was enough to shred the arm off, with the grenade packed in there, it took the entire shoulder with it. The cabin was visible on the right side. Torchwick then kicks Carolina and Yang which launches them back.

Yang goes past them while Carolina is stopped by Washington. Epsilon appears. "She's knocked out!" Washington nods.

"Bumblebee!" Ruby yelled. Blake throws her Gun as she hangs onto the ribbon for Yang to catch. Yang does and Blake uses the momentum to swig her around to hit the robot. However the robot takes a step back.

"We have to slow it down!" Ruby said.

"And how do you propose we do that?" Weiss asked.

"Ice flower!"

Weiss creates a glyph while Ruby loads in ice rounds. The glyph appears in front of Ruby's gun, and Ruby fires. An ice shot zooms and hits the robot, causing the part where it hit to freeze. Ruby kept firing until the Robot was covered and immobile.

Blake swings Yang around one more time and Yang punches the Robot this time. With the force created by the momentum and Yang's power, the entire robot shattered as it hit the ground. Roman picks himself up and dusts himself off.

"Just got this thing cleaned!" Torchwick said.

He turns to Yang who still had aura radiating off her. She loads her shot-gauntlets, and fires. However another person appeared with an umbrella and blocks the shot. The person then reveals herself to be the girl at the meeting.

"Ladies," Roman said. "Ice Queen."

"Hey!" Weiss said.

"And of course, Atlas slaves." Washington points his pistol at them. But he doesn't fire, he's afraid it might ricochet off the umbrella. "Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would." The girl names Neo does a little curtsy. All of a sudden Church appeared before Washington.

"Washington over there!" Church pointed to nowhere. "Shoot!"

"What?" Washington said.

"They're an illusion! Just shoot!" Church said.

Wash shoots in the direction Church said and all of a sudden Roman and Neo appeared again, with Roman shot in the arm.

"AGH!" Roman yelled. Neo notices this and turns to Wash, with an evil look in her eyes. Washington fires again, only for them to shatter to pieces.

All of a sudden he is hit with a barrage off attacks. He notices the girl is attacking him and gets on the defensive. She tries to cut him up with her Umbrella but he dodges most of the attack. He then takes out his combat knife and starts parrying her blows.

When Washington goes for a stab she shatters again. Washington looks around and doesn't find her anyway. That is until he feels something hitting him in the back. He was caught so off guard that she continued with her attacks.

No matter how hard Wash tried she would keep hitting him. Whenever he tried to counter attack She dodged and continued her assault. All of a sudden Washington felt like something that coated his body shatter.

And then he feels something enter his body. The blade. He looks down and sees Neo smiling evilly before him, with her blade sticking from her umbrella. She removes it with a satisfied grin.

"Washington!" the girls cried. And Wash falls over and clutches the stab wound. Neo does another curtsy and this time Yang attacks. The Neo shatters and they hear a bullhead. They turn and see both Neo and Torchwick are in the bullhead and they pull down the door and escape.

The girls go over to Wash who was slowly getting up. Yang and Blake help him up. "Washington, are you okay?" Ruby asked.

"I'm fine," Wash said weakly. "Are you girls okay? Anything broken? Bleeding?"

"We're fine," Weiss said. "But we need to get you to a hospital! You're bleeding!"

"I'm fine!" Washington yelled, scaring the girls. He takes a few deep breaths and calms down. "Look, just get me to Carolina, I can use her healing unit when she wakes up. As long as I keep pressure on the wound, I'll be okay until she wakes up." The girls look at each other. They nod. "Who was it that stabbed me anyway? Neo I think her name was?"

"A new henchman," Yang said. They all started walking towards the unconscious Carolina. Blake helped Washington my having him hang on her shoulder as he kept pressure on his stab wound with his other hand.

"Yeah," Weiss said. "She really made our plans… fall apart?" Ruby giggles.

"No," Yang said is disapproval. "Just no."

"What?" Weiss said upset. "But you do it!"

"There's a time and place for jokes."

"Was this not it?"

"No… it just wasn't very good."

"Well at least I'm trying!"

"Wait…" Ruby said. "Where are Sun and Neptune?"

At A Simple Wok Noodle house:

Neptune and Sun were chowing down on some noodles, but Neptune turns to Sun. "They're probably fine, right?" he asked.

"Probably," Sun responded. Neptune shrugs it off and continues enjoying his dinner.

To be continued.

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