Chapter 21: Medical Class

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With Doc and Donut, Medical class:

The practice arena had a lot of students in it, Jaune Arc being one of them. He argued with Pyrrha about it but they essentially agreed that one of the team should attend this and he said he should since he was leader.

As the students discussed what this was, Donut and Doc took a head count. "Sixty students," Donut said. "Honestly this is pretty good."

"Yeah I didn't expect this many to show up," Doc said. "Shall we begin Donut?"

"I will gladly Doc."

"Okay!" Doc raised his voice. "Everyone settle down!" It appeared as no one heard him or at least pretended to not hear him. "Can we all please quiet down?" again, no one listens.

"SILENCE YOU INSUFFEREABLE BRATS!" O'Malley said. At the sound of O'Malley shouting everyone took a seat and became silent. Doc clears his throat.

"Okay then," Doc started. "If you have no idea why you're here or what we're learning, I'll explain. As you all know, Aura can not only be used defensively and offensively, it can also be used to help heal minor wounds. However, who here knows what to do if your aura stops working and you have to heal a laceration or set a bone in place?"

Nobody raises their hand. "I see," Doc continued. "Well, now you are learning that today." A student raises her hand. She had bull horns on her forehead with jet black hair. "Yes?" Doc said pointing towards her.

"Why do we need this? Can't aura just heal everything up for us?" She asked.

"It can," Donut said. "But depending on the wound it can take a while, and if you're being chased by grimm you want to get yourself fixed up and then continue with the mission. With aura it can take up to hours depending on the severity of the wound, meanwhile what you learn here can be done in a few minutes."

The rest of the class could see where they were coming from. With no further questions the class continued.

"All right," Doc said. "Right now we will focus on cuts, and, worst case scenario, a laceration. Who here has ever gotten so cut they needed stitches?" A couple of students raise their hands. "That's a laceration. If that happens to you in the field, you better find a way to get that fixed up quickly, any other cuts, just wash the wound and bandage it.

"Lacerations are different. Depending on the severity, you could have to take time to clean the infection from it or fix it before an infection. For both, you will need antiseptic. Aside from the medicinal kind from the infirmary here and in hospitals, what else can be used for antiseptic?"

A student raises her hand and Doc points to her. "Saline," She said.

"Correct. Saline is basically salt water. However it isn't like sea salt water. Who knows why?"

Another student raises his hand and Doc points at him. "Saline is sterile, in order to use dirty water you need to boil it."

"Ding ding!" Donut said.

"Right," Doc said. "But that's only if you don't have anti biotics or anti septics. Once you know the wound is clean or at the very least cleaning the infection, you can either bandage or sew it up if necessary and let your aura do it's magic, or leave it open and make sure you got rid of the infection. Just because you have aura doesn't mean you can't get sick or have the arm get infected."

"Now then should we move on to the example?" Donut asked.

"Yes!" O'Malley said gleefully. "I've been waiting for this next part."

"What does he mean by example?" Jaune asked with a gulp.

"Oh yeah," Donut said. "Doc and I agreed that in order to make this more memorable, we would have a live demonstration."

"Wait," a student said. "So you mean that…"

"We're going to show you how to treat the wounds," Doc said.

"BY INJURING!" O'Malley said. A lot of the students shifted uncomfortable in their seats. "Who will be the first victim?"

"VOLUNTEER!" Doc shouted. "Not victim ignore that!" This did not make the students want to volunteer any sooner. After a minute goes by Doc sighs. "Yeah I guess I should've figured. You ready donut?"

"I'll strip right away!" Donut said. As Donut begins removing his armor everyone looks uncomfortable. However they realize he is still wearing his skin suit they relaxed. Until they saw him strap himself to the table in the middle of the arena with the help of Doc.

"Donut," Jaune called. "What are you doing?"

"Well," Donut said with a sappy grin. "With no volunteers, I guess I'll just have to be the example."

"Yes yes," O'Malley said. "Boo hoo he's going to get hurt."

"Now then," Doc said. "Are you ready for the incision?"

"Yep," Donut said casually. When Doc takes out the knife, that's when everyone looked at Donut. Despite his cheerful personality, pain was still pain. They saw Donut shut his eyes, and looked away and tensed his arm up.

As Doc started to aim the knife into Donut's arm the class started to cringe. When Doc raised the knife Jaune couldn't take it anymore. "Wait!" he yelled. Doc looks at Jaune, knife still in the air, and Donut opens one of his eyes and looks at Jaune.

Jaune was standing and looking towards the ground. He really didn't want to do this. But he can't stand the sight of one of his friends, even if they were years older than him, get hurt. "I'll volunteer." The students begin whispering as Jaune walk down to the arena.

Donut and Doc unstrapped Donut and walked over to Jaune. Donut places a hand on the blonde huntsman in training. "You don't have to do this," Donut said. "I'm perfectly fine with being the example.

Jaune shakes his head. "Truth be told, I'd rather not," he said. "But you're my friend Donut, I can't watch a friend get hurt just for a learning purpose."

"So you are disagreeing with our method?" Doc asked.

"A little, but I understand why you are doing it. No one will remember writing down notes, they'll remember seeing a student being fixed up." Doc and Donut turn towards each other and nod.

"You're not doing it Jaune," Doc said. "You honestly think Ozpin would let us harm you guys?" Jaune looked at the soldiers confused.

"I-If I'm not doing it," he started. "Then why did you ask for volunteers?"

"IT was a test," Donut said.

"A test for what?" Jaune asked.

"That's between us and Ozpin," Doc said. "Return to your seat and we'll get set up again." Jaune nods his head and heads back up to his seat.

Once everything was set and in order. The class began again. Donut shut his eyes and waits for the blade to enter his skin. The class waits as well, ready to turn their heads away when the blade struck. Doc raised the knife, and began to slam it down when a door is opened and voice is heard.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" the voice cried out. The knife was mere inches from Donut's skin.

O'Malley yells. "Why won't anyone let me stab this man?!" he said. Everyone turns toward the door to see Ruby panting.

"Sorry," She said as she regained her breath. "I was messing around with Freckles and I lost time." Just then Caboose walked in behind her with said gun in his hands.

"Hello there," he said to everyone.

"Hi Caboose!" Doc said.

"Hello Caboose," Donut said.

"Miss Rose, take a seat and we will begin the example," Doc said. Ruby complies as Caboose turns towards a wall because… Caboose. Ruby sits next to Jaune and he catches her up to speed. Meanwhile Doc and Donut start discussing if they should just use Caboose as an example.

"Really?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah," Jaune said. "I volunteered."

"Jaune Arc," Ruby said with a sarcastic smile. "You are by far the dumbest person I have ever met."

"Ouch," Jaune said but Ruby playfully pushes him.

"You are also one of the bravest guys I know, and the kindest." Jaune chuckles as his cheeks turn a little red.

"Say, what did you do to Freckles anyway?"

"Nothing too serious, other than change the tint from grey to a bunch of different colors. Caboose stuck with a cobalt color."

"Really that's it?" Ruby puts a hand to her chin.

"Oh yeah I also made Freckles dust compatible."

All of a sudden everyone heard something dropping and breaking and turn towards it. Caboose somehow got his hands on a dust vial, a flame one. So now he was on fire.

"Oh no!" he yelled. He started to run down the stairs. "I am on fire! I just wanted to have freckles shoot fire!" his voice seemed more concerned than in actual pain. He jumped down into the arena and ran around like a chicken with its head off.

"Caboose stop drop and roll!" Doc yelled. Donut started removing the straps from his arms again.

"Okay!" Caboose yelled and he stopped moving. He didn't move at all. Everyone just stared at him worried.

"Caboose," Doc said. "When I said stop I don't mean forever! Drop to the ground and roll!"

As the students watch in horror and mild amusement, they eventually stop Caboose from burning. Everyone is still excited and stirred and Donut tries to calm everyone down. Meanwhile Doc starts removing Caboose's armor to check for burn marks.

Once everyone settled down, Doc drags Caboose to the table and shows everyone a giant red mark on Caboose's arm.

"All right," Doc said. "This is a first degree burn. Instead of cuts we'll go over burns. Now then, the first thing you want to do is…"

And so, for the next two hours or so, the class begins to learn about burns, gunshot wounds, cuts and other wounds they could encounter on their missions.

With Sarge:

Sarge was back in the weapon maintenance room. After he showed every one of the soldiers his new weapon they all wanted him to customize their weapons. However, thankfully, Washington said they should do it themselves.

So now he was working on his secret project. It was almost complete; it just needed couple of more tweaks to it. However once Sarge got to a certain point he stepped away from the tarp. He stretches and cracks neck and goes over to the armor maintenance table.

Sarge's torso armor laid on the armor table with the rest of his armor on the ground in a pile. As he began to work on it Washington walked in. He had a bag strapped to his shoulder.

"Good afternoon Sarge," Washington said. He set the bags down next to a workbench.

"Washington," Sarge said not looking up from his armor. "What are you doing here?" Washington unzips the bag to reveal a bunch of the Red's and Blue's guns. He takes out a couple of pistols and begins dismantling them.

"I," Washington started as he worked. "Am working on making our guns dust compatible. Ever since you showed us your hatchet shotgun, I decided we do need to at least make the guns dust compatible if not transformable." Sarge grunts a response and looks for something.

After a little digging he found the manual Simmons gave him. He tosses it over to Washington who looked at Sarge weirdly. "Just in case you need the manual for dust conversion," Sarge said as he continued working on his armor.

"Thank you Sarge." With that the two continued working on their projects, with Sarge switching from his tarp to his armor every once in a while. Washington was easily able to disassemble, read the dust instructions, and assemble the new dust compatible pistols. Washington even went out to test them a couple of times.

As Washington was working on the fifth pistol, his curiosity got the better of him. "So what are you working on under there?" Washington asked. He could hear Sarge stopped hammering whatever was under the tarp and looked at him.

"A secret project. It's almost done, so I want to show it to everyone tomorrow."

"Is it going to be a 'Blow up the school' secret or a 'It's going to annoy everyone' kind of secret?"

"Depends on if it works." Washington sighs.

"You better make sure it works."

"Yeah yeah." Sarge continued with the tarp project and Wash reassembled the pistol and walked to the nearby shooting range to test it out.

After making sure all kinds of dust rounds worked, Washington went to work on the next pistol to see Sarge working on his armor again. "Okay I know the tarp's a secret but what about your armor?"

"That I'm okay with explaining." Washington sat down and began dismantling the next pistol as Sarge explained. "You know how much of our armor smells since it's the only thing we've been wearing around here?"

"Yeah, of course. Why do you think I'm trying to spend most of my day in here?" Sarge and Wash share a chuckle.

"Yeah well not only did some of the students yell at us, and the teachers… Donut wouldn't shut up about it either. So now I'm trying to see if I can compress the armor so we can wear like bands or a chest thingy, press a button and have our armor pop out in case of an emergency. He also wanted to make sure it can fit on any piece of clothing."

"That's… actually a good idea."

"Well I don't think so, I'm only doing it to not have to listen to Donut and the others complain."

"Still though, if we can take it off like other clothing it can be easy to wash the armor, and since it can attach to any clothing we can finally wash the skin suits." Sarge grunts.

"I will admit that the skin suit is driving me crazy. But Grif is the worst of it!"

"Yeah you should be ecstatic that you got this job. We've all smelled like Grif for a while."

"Don't put that image in my head." The two laugh.

"Would you like some help Sarge?" Sarge stares at Washington.

"You're lucky I don't view you as a blue. But don't you need to finish the dust weapons?" Washington scoffs and waves his hand.

"I can do that stuff in my sleep. Besides I'll still work on it. I'm just helping you on the side."

"Eh why the hell not?" Sarge motions him over and they look at Sarge's armor. "So you know how the Arc boy shield compress into a line?" Washington nods. "I kind of want that but to have it on the chest, arms and thighs. Press of a button and the armor pops out."

"I see," Washington grabs a pencil and paper. "Here, let's try this." He begins making a rough sketch of what he wanted to do with the armor.

With Weiss:

Weiss was in her dorm still picking up the mess of the little party the three teammates and two soldiers had. After watching a movie they all took turns playing a fighting game, which Yang whipped all of them at. But they also continued to eat the pizza and Ruby continued to eat her cookies. When they ran out, Simmons said something about Grif's secret stash. So he ran to their room and brought back like ten different family size chip bags, much to the pleasure of everyone.

So now the entire room was filled with crumbs, bags, pizza crust, pizza boxes, and a bunch of other garbage. And of course Weiss was the only one willing to clean up. But even she didn't like to do it as she had lunch and did some training before she even began cleaning.

When she was putting her textbook, which somehow got out of her drawer, away she noticed a picture was lying in there. She put her textbook on her bed and then picked up the picture. It was a picture of just her and Winter, her sister, smiling. Weiss grew a small smile. She loved and missed Winter.

She was about to put it back in the drawer when another picture caught her attention. She picked it up and it was every one of the Schnee family with stoic expressions on their faces. Her father was sitting in a chair, Winter and Weiss behind him with one of their hands on his shoulders, her mother who tried to be as far away from him as possible and her brother who was to the side with his hands behind his back.

Both pictures represented her family. Weiss loved Winter with all her heart. For her brother, well, if her friends thought she was arrogant, she was nothing compared to Whitley. Nothing needed to be said about her father. As for her mother, she had no idea why she married her father.

The entire picture screamed "A father knows best," and to an extent it was true. After all he controlled their lives, thinking of them as more for profit at times than as actual family.

Weiss's thoughts are cut off by a knock on the door. She turns to see Carolina with her helmet off. She puts the pictures away and turns towards the soldier.

"Hello Weiss," She said. "What are you doing?"

"Cleaning up my teams mess," She said. She puts a hand on her hip and tilts her head to the side a little. "And the mess Tucker and Simmons made."

"Well I'm sorry Ice Queen," Carolina said. "I'm sorry you have to clean up a mess you also made."

Weiss sighs. She knows she was right. "This isn't home," Weiss thought. "Klein and the others aren't here."

"Weiss," Carolina's voice cut Weiss out of her thoughts. She shakes her head and looks at the soldier. "Would you like some help?" Weiss looks at the mess around her and then looks back at the soldier. She smiles and nods her head.

"Great," Weiss's scroll said. "Cleaning up Tucker's mess again, what else is new?"

"Church," Carolina said. "Get out of her scroll."

"You're no fun," Church said. Weiss and Carolina roll their eyes and continue to clean up the mess of the party.

"So why aren't you wearing your helmet?" Weiss said making small talk.

"Ozpin has been giving us crap and says we need to connect to the student's more. Seeing our faces help with that." Carolina picked up a pizza box and tossed it to the garbage pile they were making.

"Well he does have a point." Weiss picked up a broom and began sweeping the floor of crumbs. "It is a bit tiresome having to see you all in armor twenty four seven."

"Says the girl who grew up around soldiers her entire life." Weiss scoffs.

"Yeah but they made uniforms look good." Carolina threw a pillow at Weiss. She gets hit and stumbles a bit. "Hey!"

"Keep cleaning." Carolina barked the order in a playful tone. About two minutes went by as they continued to clean up when Carolina broke the silence. "So what were the pictures you were looking at?"

Weiss stopped moving for a second but continued working when she regained her composure. "Just some family."

"Do you miss them?"

"Yes and no, depends on who." Carolina hard bitterness in Weiss's voice and decided to not push the subject.

After another fifteen minutes of cleaning and small talk the room was finally spotless again. In fact they even went a little overboard and cleaned up the beds and desks in the room.

"Well that was nice," Weiss said. "Thanks for the help Carolina."

"Any time Weiss," Carolina responded. She takes out her phone as it beeped, signaling a message going to her. As she did Weiss took a gulp.

"And… thanks for not pushing to wonder about family too hard." To her surprise Carolina chuckled.

"You're not only with family issues Weiss. Everyone has them." Carolina gave her a small smile that cheered Weiss up a little bit. Carolina looked at her scroll and sighed. "Seems Washington and Sarge were working on something and want to show it to us."

"What is it?"

"They won't say. They also said don't bring the students as they want to surprise you guys tomorrow. Well whatever it is I'm sure you all can wait."

"If it's a surprise from Sarge I don't think I want to know what it is." The two girls share a laugh.

"Take care Weiss, see you at dinner."

"Goodbye Carolina."

With that the aqua colored soldier left the room, leaving a happy Weiss behind.

"They're not so bad once you get used to them," Weiss thought.

To be continued.

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