Chapter 23:A Real Look Behind the Helmets

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After the NDGO girls said their apology, and Tucker made damn well it was a good one as he told them to stand on top of a table and apologize, Glynda came in and fixed the wall and everything was back to normal.

Tucker grabbed his food and sat down next to Donut. He had steak and mac and cheese with a water bottle. He says hi to everyone and begins eating through his helmet.

"..and so," Nora said finishing her dream. "All of us were hailed as heroes for defeating the giant flying spaghetti monster!"

Grif looks at his three plates of food and sighs. "Now I want spaghetti…"

"So what's the deal with those helmets?" Yang asked as she pointed at Tucker, who continued eating. "How are you able to eat with them on?"

"It's actually quite simple," Washington said. "That I will let Epsilon explain."

"Fuck you Wash," Church said on Jaune's scroll. Church explains how they were able to eat with their helmets off. "Oh yeah, did you know that Wash almost drowned in his helmet because the disposal unit was malfunction on the ride to a mission!" Church added at the end.

"I remember that," Carolina said with a slight chuckle. "I thought you actually were going to at one point."

Everyone turned towards Washington. He had slight pink in his cheeks due to embarrassment. "I had motion sickness! It happens!" he says in a slightly higher voice than normal.

"I told you its more common than people think!" Jaune said, teasingly pointing at Ruby.

"You win this round Arc," Ruby said waving her fist. "But the war goes on!" Everyone present at the table laughs at the two friends.

"Seriously though Tuck," Yang said. "Why not just eat with your helmet off? Everyone else has." Tucker looks around at the table. He could tell the real reason the two huntsman and huntress teams just wanted to see what he looked like. He sighs.

"Damn you and your peer pressure," he said. "This is just like high school." He puts his hands on his helmet and slowly lifts it up and sets it to the side. The other soldiers already knew what Tucker looked like so they just continued eating and chatting.

However the hunters in training were looking at him. They did not expect him to look the way he did. He had brown skin, and he had a brown fade haircut. He had a scar over the right side of his mouth that went down to his chin but wasn't a very noticeable one. However what really caught their attention were his eyes.

"Hey," Ruby said with a smile. "You have eyes like mine!" She said. And it was true. Tucker had silver eyes. The soldiers looked at Tucker and Ruby and nodded.

"Yeah he does," Simmons said. "Don't know why we haven't noticed it before."

"Probably because we don't care," Grif said.

"Fuck you too Grif," Tucker said.

"Anyway, I want ask all of you a question." Everyone leaned in slightly. Well everyone except Blake who still didn't get anything to eat and never looked away from her books. "If you had to commit a mugging, how would you do it?"

"What?" Simmons asked. "What kind of stupid question is that?!"

"It's not a stupid question it's just a question!"

"It is pretty stupid," Nora said. That shocked everyone because you had to do something that even Nora thought was stupid, it must have been really stupid.

"I don't think it is," Jaune said. "It's just a 'what if' question. It's not supposed to be taken seriously."

"Okay then," Pyrrha said. "If you were to rob someone, how would you do it Grif?"

"With clown masks and a hot air balloon," Grif answered nonchalantly. Everyone is silent for a moment.

"To rob one guy?" Simmons said.

"Yeah pretty much."

"Why?!" Weiss said.

"Imagine telling the cops this: 'I got robbed by someone wearing a clown mask and they escaped in a hot air balloon.' Do you really think someone will believe you?"

"You ask as we sit next to a fifteen year old with a scythe gun," Carolina said.

"And a talking AI that can control electronics," Ren said.

"It'd still be hard to explain," Grif said with shrug.

"True," Jaune said. "Anyway, I'd probably do so by making it seem like I'm not mugging them."

"How do you do that?" Tucker asked.

"Happened to me before!"

"Again, how?" Jaune sighs.

"I was walking around in Vale after doing some shopping. A guy came up to me and asked for money. I said I didn't have any and he said 'Well do you at least know some pawn shop nearby? Because the only thing of value I have is this knife.' And he took out a switch blade and pointed the blade at me."

"Wait so he was mugging you?" Yang asked. "Or was he actually just trying to sell his knife?"

"I don't know to this day if he was or not!"

"And they call us stupid," Tucker said. The table laughed and Jaune laughed with them. It was a pretty weird situation that even Jaune himself could laugh at.

As they all gave their opinions on how they would mug someone, Sarge walked into the cafeteria and grabbed his food and sat down next to Grif.

"Hello dirtbags," Sarge greeted.

"Hi Sarge," Ruby said with a smile on her face. "Sarge, if you had to mug someone, how would you do it?"

Sarge stares at the reaper for a moment, and then speaks. "That is the stupidest question I have ever heard," he said.

"Hey!" Ruby retorted. "Besides Grif asked it." Sarge turned to his lazy subordinate.

"Why does that not surprised me?" Grif grunts and Sarge grunts back. He removes his helmet, revealing his buzz cut hair and scarred left eye.

As the minutes go by of everyone talking and enjoying their food, the time eventually reaches seven thirty without any of them knowing. When Carolina looked at the clock she put her helmet back on.

"Guys," She said. Everyone looked at her. "We got to go. It's half past seven."

"Shit really?" Tucker said. He looked at a clock and his jaw dropped. All the soldiers put their helmets back on and got up quickly.

"Guys do us a favor," Washington quickly said. "Put our trays away would you?"

"Uh… sure," Jaune said.

"Are we even going to have enough time?" Donut asked as they all put on their helmets.

"Dear God I hope so," Doc said. All of them sprinted out of the cafeteria, leaving the two teams a little confused.

"So… what do you think they need in Vale?" Weiss asked.

"Well it must be important for them to have to rush out," Yang said. "What do you think Blake?" Everyone turns to the Faunus to find her not at the table. They then realized she hasn't said a word for the past hour and a half.

"When did she leave?" Nora asked.

"She's like a ninja!" Ruby said. Yang Weiss and Ruby exchange glances and she nods her head. "Jaune, can you and your team pick up for us. We want to discuss some team things."

"Yeah no problem Rubes," Jaune said. With that, the all-girl team left the cafeteria as JNPR picked up the mess all of them made.

Five minutes later, in RWBY's Dorm:

When they entered their dorm, they were hoping that Blake was in there, on her bed reading her book or books. When she wasn't, that's when they started to worry.

"She's still not here," Weiss stated the obvious. "What is she thinking?"

"I'm worried," Yang said. "She seems to be taking the White Fang thing too seriously."

"I'm worried too," Ruby said. "What should we do? I mean all of us want to catch the White Fang and Roman as well, but we can't let it control us."

"No," Yang said with slight bitterness. "We can't." She looked at Ruby for a slight second and then shook her head. What happened was over, and they are both okay, that's all that matters. "But what should we do?"

The three girls stood silent for a minute, thinking about what they should do to help their friend. "Should we tie her up?" Yang asked.

"Yang!" Ruby yelled.

"I'm just kidding! Mostly…" Ruby and Weiss sigh.

"What if we show her we're on her side?" Ruby asked. "But she's starting to become obsessed with it?"

"I don't think that will work," Weiss said. "Blake would probably think the opposite in fact."

"Well then let's use it as a last resort. Still, how do we let her know she's taking this too far?"

"Well… what if we just let it burn out of her system?" Weiss suggested.

"What?!" the two sisters said in unison.

"Let me explain," Weiss said with her hands up. "As much as I don't like it, we might just have to let her keep going until she drops."

"Are you insane Ice Queen?!" Yang said. "We can't let Blake stress herself out!"

"Yang, all I'm saying is let her keep going for a while. She has to notice eventually she's wearing herself out."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Then we go with Ruby's idea."

"Yes!" Ruby said pumping her fist in the air. "Thank you best friend!"

"Don't call me that," Weiss said, with a very small smile growing on her lips. It was so small that Ruby and Yang didn't notice. Ruby points at Weiss.

"I will make you my best friend someday partner of mine!" Weiss rolls her eyes and Yang lets out a chuckle.

"Well then, we agree to let Blake continue?" Weiss asked.

"Yep," Ruby said. "And if she's still working before the dance we'll talk to her?"

"I guess so," Yang said. She shakes her head and changes the subject. "Anyway, what do you think the soldiers are doing in Vale?"

"Probably destroying it," Weiss said.

"I mean what do you think they were buying?"

"Probably more guns!" Ruby said excitedly.

"I highly doubt that Ruby," Weiss said. "But I guess we'll know tomorrow won't we?"

The Next Day:

The alarm clock in the dorm goes off, waking everyone who was sleeping up partially. Ruby groans. "Weiss~," She groaned. "Turn it off!"

"I'm trying," Weiss said as she slammed her hand on the end table, not finding the alarm. However, the alarm is turned off and Weiss looks and sees Blake was the one who turned it off. Weiss blinked the grogginess out of her eyes and noticed some dark circles were starting to show around Blake's eyes.

"Thank Gods," Yang said muffled from her pillow.

"Blake?' Weiss said slowly getting up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," the raven haired faunus said. She returns to her bed, which had books, notes and pencils littered on it. Weiss wanted to get rid of the books on her bed, but agreed to what the three of them said last night. No interfering until the day before the dance.

Weiss gets up and grabs a towel and her uniform, as Yang and Ruby took a shower before they went to bed last night so she had the shower to herself all morning.

As Weiss began to shower, Yang and Ruby get up groggily and get ready for the day. Yang hops down from her top bunk with a loud thud as she hits the ground. Ruby hops down from her bunk with a quieter thud and they each go to their drawers to grab their uniforms.

The room is filled with an uncomfortable silence, at least for Yang and Ruby as Blake was too busy studying up for the White Fang.

"So…" Yang said hoping to get rid of the awkward tension. "Where'd you go after dinner Blake?"

"Library," Blake said shortly.

"What do you think the soldiers went to Vale for?" Ruby asked.

"Don't know don't care," Blake said with a little more hostility in her voice. Ruby and Yang took that as the cue to leave her alone.

"Well," Ruby started. "I think they went to get some weapon parts. I like the classics but their guns are so boring!"

"Even Tucker's sword?" Yang asked.

"Oh no not that! I would do anything to get my hands on that."

"I thought he said it was tied to his DNA or something like that?"

As they continued to talk as they got ready, Blake tuned them out to continue studying. Despite staying up for the past few nights, she was no closer to finding answers than she was after fighting Torchwick. She felt like she was missing a variable.

Every possibility about what the WF needed Roman would go through her head. She just needed to find answers soon. If not all of the people in Vale would be in trouble. Only she could stop it. Blake was so wrapped up in her thoughts, she didn't hear Yang call her until she had to yell.

"BLAKE!" The blonde brawler yelled. Blake jumped at the sudden yell and snarls back.

"What?!" she said. She noticed that all three of her team members were dressed in their school uniforms.

"Let's go, we got classes," Ruby said in a much more polite way than Yang was earlier. Blake waves them off.

"Go on without me I'll be there in a minute," She said. Her teammates nod and leave her alone to get dressed and ready for school. Blake hastily puts on her clothes, stuffs many books in her bag and continues reading one about Machines that need Dust to operate as she walked down the hall. She has a gut feeling this will be a long day.

Two classes later:

After sitting through Ooblecks lecture and professor Peach's video of what Hunters do on missions, they were finally going to Glynda's class. Of course, everyone except Blake paid attention to the teachers as she was still too busy studying about the White Fang.

As the student's entered the training arena, all of them were met with a surprise. Not only was there a blue tarp over something that looked to be human sized, but the soldiers were all standing around talking with each other.

Now normally this wouldn't be such a surprise, but what surprised everyone was the fact that they weren't wearing their armor, or their skin suits. They were wearing regular clothing.

Washington had a black short sleeved collared shirt on with two buttons below the neck. He also had Black cargo pants on with black combat boots. Everyone noticed on his right arm was a tattoo of two graves with names on it. One of the graves said "York" and the other said "North" on it.

Carolina had a white T-shirt on that said "A soldier that still kicks ass" in green letters. Below it was a green helmet and an assault rifle. She also wore blue jeans and blue sneakers. Everyone noticed she had a gravestone on her arm too, but only one. It said "York." It also had a little heart on it.

Caboose had a light blue shirt on that said "Free hugs!" in darker blue and a happy face on it. He also had on black joggers and black sneakers.

Tucker had a black T-shirt with a grey unzipped sweatshirt combo going. He also had blue joggers that had a black strip going down the side. He was wearing white tennis shoes. He also wore a black beanie.

Sarge had aviators on his face. He also wore what looked to be a Camo jacket on over a black shirt. He wore black pants with brown boots.

Simmons had a red and black plaid buttoned up shirt, he also had a grey flat cap on. He wore Black jeans and red sneakers.

Grif was wearing an orange pull over sweatshirt. In black writing it said "It's not being lazy if I'm on break." which suited him rather well. He wore black sweats with black sneakers.

Donut had a white collared shirt with a black buttoned up vest. He had two silver stud earrings on his earlobes and was wearing a black fedora. He wore tan slacks and brown loafers.

As everyone took a seat around the arena, they eyed not only the soldiers in regular clothing, but also the blue tarp that was draped over… whatever it was draped over. Eventually once everyone was in and the final bell was rung. The soldiers lined up and Carolina stepped forward.

"Good day everyone," She said. "Today we'll be taking over. So that means you get with your partners that you made last week. Once you do that come on down and do a three lap warmup." Carolina points at Ruby. "No using your semblance Ruby."

"No fair!" Ruby cried. Everyone got to their partners, while Ren had to almost drag his from her books. And they hopped down and began their three lap run. Blake didn't look away from her book as she did her run. Carolina and Washington notice this and Carolina whispers in Washington's ears about something.

"You got it," he said. Everyone was finishing their run and Ren and Blake were coming up last. When they were within reach Washington pulled his left arm back and punched Blake right in the face. Blake falls to the ground with a heavy thud and anyone who was catching their breath or doing something stopped and looked. Normally Blake wouldn't have gotten hit but since she was running with a book, it was kind of her fault.

Blake grabs her head with her right hand. "What was that for?!" she yelled. Washington just shrugged.

"Your fault for being blind in the battle field," Washington says.

"This isn't a battle field!" Blake shot back.

"How do you know?' Carolina asked her. Blake turns to Carolina.

"What?" Blake asked.

"How do you know this isn't a battle field?"

"Because we are not fighting!"

"That doesn't mean we won't start." Carolina turns to the students. "Kids, in the real world, you better keep an eye on your surroundings. Especially the people next to you. All it takes is one stab, one gunshot, to turn something peaceful, into a firefight."

Carolina let the words sink in the students. After about a minute of silence Washington claps his hands together to get everyone's attention.

"All right," He said. "Now that that's said and done, let's get on with the day."

To be continued.

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