Chapter 9: Confronting Blake

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When Ozpin and Donut entered the cafeteria, they were both surprised to see Doc beating up Tucker. Of course they didn't do anything. They just stared in awe with the rest of them. "Okay I think we should stop him," Jaune says.

"Please stay away!" Doc's voice says. He stopped punching Tucker as he faced Jaune.

"No please join!" O'Malley's voice said. "I've always wondered what it was like to punch someone in the face with no armor on." Jaune gulps and steps away.

"I'm free to go right?" Tucker says as he tries to struggle out of Doc's grip.

"Never!" He punches Tucker again. "Take that!"


"And this!"


"And some of these!"


"And call my other personality in the morning." As Doc continued to punch Tucker Ozpin walks over to the other soldiers.

"Are you sure he's a medic?" He asked them.

"Yep," Caboose answered. "And a Pacifier."

"Pacifist," Simmons corrected. Ozpin looks at the purple medic. He looks back at the Reds and Blues with an eyebrow lifted up.

"Well," Caboose said. "Sometimes he goes a little crazy and calls himself O'Malley and tries to destroy the world. It's kind of an inside joke." When Caboose started to explain Ozpin then remembered Doc and O'Malley when Washington told Ozpin and Glynda their story.

"So this is Doc…" Ozpin thought to himself.

"I'M DYING!" Tucker yelled. Carolina takes out her pistol.

"Quit being such a baby," She said. She walks up to Doc and pistol whips him.

"Ow the back of my head," O'Malley said. Tucker gets up and dusts himself off.

"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Tucker whined.

"Ah suck it up," Carolina said. Wash walks over to the table and puts on his helmet again. He then walks over to Doc and picks him up in a fireman carry.

"I'm assuming you want to have a talk about this in your office?" Carolina said. Ozpin nods. "All right guys, let's go." The Reds and Blues sigh and start walking with Ozpin to his office. Meanwhile JNPR and RWBY are still trying to wrap their head around what happened.

"We have another Soldier?" Ruby questioned.

"It appears to be so," Weiss says.

"Cool, another idiot to have fun with," Yang said with an evil smile. The past few days Yang would not only annoy them with her puns but she would pull pranks on the reds and blues as well. And since most of them were idiots they were easy prey.

"We shouldn't waste our time with them," Blake said darkly.

"Come on Blake," Yang said. "Join in in their stupidity. It's what makes life worth living." Ruby would often join Yang in the pranks and while Weiss would call them childish, she still joined in. Blake however, never did. She just walked away and went to read or something.

"Why should we waste our time with soldiers," Blake explained. "Why act like everything in the world is okay?"

"Because everything is!" Ruby said Optimistically.

"No it's not!" Blake spat. Her teammates just stare at her. She scoffs and walks out of the cafeteria.

"What was that about?" Yang asked.

"I don't know…" Weiss said as she squinted at their faunus friend.

Ozpin's Office:

"Well this is certainly a predicament," Ozpin said.

"You can say that again," Carolina said. Doc laid knocked out on Ozpin's floor still out cold. Carolina and Washington Talked with Ozpin while the others waited for them. Or for Doc to wake up and keep him restrained if they had to.

"What are the chances of another soldier coming?" Ozpin asked.

"Hopefully slim to none," Washington said. "But if Felix's dimensional grenade did work, they are probably using it on our soldiers."

"And if not," Carolina says. "Then other people will use it when Charon mass produces it."

"Of course that's if they are mass producing it," Ozpin said. "There is no guarantee."

"Right," Carolina said.

"Anyway," Washington said. "About Doc…"

"He can stay with us," Ozpin said. The two agents let out a sigh of relief. "As long as he doesn't hurt my students."

"Yeah that's gonna be a little hard," Tucker said. He overheard their conversation.

"Why?" Ozpin asked.

"I think Doc just got a split personality."

"A split personality?" Ozpin looked over to the two agents. Both of them shrugged.

"Maybe he got tired of us ignoring him and his anger manifested into the split personality of O'Malley to express anger," Simmons said. Everyone looks at him. "What? I'm just throwing out theories."

"Just make sure he doesn't hurt my students," Ozpin said.

"We'll try our best," Washington said. With that Wash picks up doc and the reds and blues leave his office.

Two hours later:

The final Bell rung. Yang stretched as Ruby Weiss and Blake got up. "Man I'm so glad today is over," Yang said.

"Yeah but now we have to do homework," Ruby said depressed.

"I mean we don't have to right away," Yang suggested. "We can do it later."

"As long you guys actually do your work," Weiss said. Ruby stuck out her tongue. Blake just ignored the conversation altogether. In fact she was the first to leave the room.

"What is with her?" Yang asked as they watched their friend leave.

"I'm sure it's just Blake being more… Blake-y than usual," Ruby said.

"Anyway," Yang said. "We should see the new soldier!"

"Doc was it?" Weiss recalled.

"Yeah I think so," Yang said.

"Shouldn't we ask Blake if she wants to come?" Ruby wondered.

"She's probably going to say no," Weiss said.

"Yeah sis, let's just give her some space," Yang said. Ruby pouted a little. She didn't like to see Blake more moody than usual. But she figured her teammates were right. She packs her stuff and they all head out to the Reds and Blues rooms.

In the Red's room:

"And then Felix had us tied up!" Donut explained to Doc. Doc would be bunking with the Reds. "And then he ranted on about wanting to kill us but instead used this dimensional grenade." All of a sudden there was a knock on the Red's door. Simmons goes to it and opens it up to reveal Ruby Yang and Weiss.

"Hey Simmons," Yang said.

"Uh…" Simmons stuttered. "Hi girls, what's up?"

"Just wanted to see the purple guy!" Ruby said.

"You mean Doc?' Sarge said behind Simmons.

"Yes," Weiss said. "Why is he called Doc?"

"It's Frank DuFresne!" Doc called out. Simmons let them in and Donut continued.

"And then we crashed right here into Beacon. So now until we can go back, we help out here in any way we can!" Doc is silent. He then turns to the Red's.

"At no point in any of this, did any of you notice I was gone?!" He asked. They all shook their head.

"Apparently not!" Donut said.

"Ah!" O'Malley screamed. "I will destroy you all for your insufferable incompetence!"

"What's wrong with him?" Weiss asked.

"We think he has a split personality now," Simmons explained.

"Now?" Weiss asked. "You mean he didn't before?" The Reds shake their heads.

"Well…" Ruby starts. "Yang used to have a split personality." The Reds look at Yang, who was blushing.

"RUBY!" She yelled. She tries to grab her sister but Ruby get's out of the way.

"Na NA NA NA NA!" Ruby taunted. Yang ran around the room to grab her sister but Ruby kept dodging.

"You are both such children," Weiss said as she face palmed.

"HA Ha!" Grif laughed. "You're immature!" Yang eventually grabs Ruby and puts her in a Chokehold.

"I give!" Ruby choked out as she tapped on Yang's arm. Yang lets her little sister go and then Ruby gasps for air. "Anyway, Dad did something called electro shock therapy and Yang no longer had split personalities."

"You thinking it might work with Doc?" Donut asked.

"It's worth a shot," Yang said as she shrugged.

"In fact," Ruby said as she took off her backpack. She takes out a pen. She flips a switch and line of blue electricity zapped at the tip. "I use this to help me stay awake in some classes. So let's see if it works on Doc.

"What?" Doc said.

"Okay Doc, Hold still," Yang said as she cracked her knuckles.

"Can't we just talk?" Doc said.

"Relax Doc, we'll get you fixed," Donut said. "Hopefully."

"I think I'd rather see a real therapist!" Doc yelled as he ran out the room. Everyone is silent for a moment. And then Yang yelled.

"AFTER HIM!" Donut, Ruby, Weiss, and Yang left the room to chase after Doc.

"Well that happened," Sarge said. "Now then, how did Glynda say we could help strengthen our Aura?"

"Meditating I think," Simmons said.

"So sit and do nothing?" Grif said. "Sounds like my kind of training!"

"She also said to put ourselves in danger can work too," Simmons said.

"FUCK!" Grif complained.

With Carolina and Church:

Carolina didn't really have a lot going on so she just wandered around the school looking for something to do.

"You know we could watch a movie," Epsilon said.

"Yeah on what?" Carolina whispered. Despite RWBY and JNPR knowing of Epsilon the rest of the school didn't. Carolina knows word will spread, but until then she keeps Epsilon a secret.

"How about we ask Ozpin to put a TV in our room?" He was resting on her shoulder.

"Yeah ask the guy who barely trusts us if we can have a TV."

"It's better than wandering around doing noth- is that Pyrrha and Jaune?" Epsilon pointed forward and Carolina looked. The two students were walking side by side. Normally that wouldn't strike them as odd, but A: they were by themselves, and B: they had their weapons. While students do usually kep their weapons with them, they have them holstered, these two didn't. "Think they're dating?"

"Why do you care?"

"I'm just curious!"

"Even if they are, why do they have their weapons with them?"

"One them is kinky like that?"

"Okay I am done having this conversation."

"Come on, aren't you the least bit curious?"

"I'm not twelve Church!" She accidently yelled that one. Luckily no one was nearby.

"Fine, but don't say you aren't the least bit curious about what's going on between them." With that Carolina continues to walk around the school looking for something to do.

With Sun and Neptune:

Sun and Neptune stared at it, debating whether they should do it. "You think we'd get in trouble?" Neptune said.

"Of course we would," Sun said. "But it would be pretty fun." The two hunters were staring at the Red's poorly made Warthog. They were very impressed with the vehicle. Now they wanted to take a joyride.

"Not to mention easy," Neptune said. The Reds accidently left the keys in the Warthog. And since it doesn't have a door, anyone could take it. "Man it is tempting." The two friends look at each other. Then they heard something behind them.

"You'll never take me alive!" A voice said. "I ran track in highschool!"

"Stop resisting!" Yang yelled as she ran after Doc.

"Ruby why aren't you using your semblance?!" Weiss said.

"This is a lot more fun!" The red haired girl said.

"But we'll finish quickly if you do!" Donut said. As the students and soldiers ran by Sun and Neptune stared at them. They then turn back to the mongoose. Then to each other.

"Dibs on driving!" Sun said.

"Dangit!" Neptune yelled.

In team RWBY's Room:

Blake sat on her bed reading her book. For some reason however she couldn't shake this feeling of worthlessness and distrust. Worthlessness because she wasn't able to stop the White Fang at the docks. And distrust cause of the soldiers. Normally she wouldn't resent Atlas soldiers so much over staying here at the academy, but something about the Reds and Blues was different. Something she didn't like. For one, why would they hide the fact that they were using an AI on a soldier? Not to mention the armor doesn't look like any kind of Atlas armor.

The door opens and she sees her teammates walk in. Blake wants to tell them, but she feels like they won't understand. "Was shocking Doc that many times necessary?" Ruby asked.

"Necessary?" Yang asked. "No. Fun? Absolutely." They all started to walk to their beds. Blake closes her book and is about to walk out of the room when Weiss pointed at her.

"Stop!" Blake froze in her tracks. Yang and Ruby look at them. "Lately you've been quiet, anti-social and moody."

"Uh…" Yang starts. "Have you met Blake?"

"Which I get is kind of your 'thing'," Weiss said with air quotations. "but, you've been doing it a lot more than usual. Which quite frankly, is unacceptable." Blake turned to her friends. She had this look of both saddness and sorry in it. "You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong."

Weiss gets in a running stance and says "So Blake Belladonna!" Weiss does a little flip in the air,, lands on a chair and points at Blake. "What is wrong!?" Weiss balances on the chair for a few seconds and then puts it back to the desk. Her team looks at her waiting for her to respond. Little did they know someone was listening in.

Washington Leaned on the wall with his arms crossed and listened into the door. He was on his way to actually talk to Blake as he noticed those things too. Granted he had no right to and he had no idea how she was before, but yet he felt some kind of connection between them. Obviously not romantic but… some kind of connection between them. Hatred? No. Revenge? Possible, but it still felt off. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he still felt it.

"I just…" Blake starts. Washington closes his eyes to listen in closely. "I don't understand how everyone can be so calm." Ruby takes a step towards Blake.

"You're still thinking about Torchwick," Ruby stated.

"Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it!" Blake said. "Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!" Washington heard about Torchwick from Ozpin. And he also learned that team RWBY with Sun was at the docks in Vale stopping Torchwick and the White Fang from stealing more Dust from Ozpin as well.

"Ozpin told us not to worry," Yang said. "Between the police and the Huntsman I'm sure they can handle it."
"Well I'm not!" Blake yelled. "They don't know the White Fang like I do."

"The White Fang?" Washington mouthed as he opened his eyes. He was still leaning with his arms crossed. What did Blake know about the White Fang? That's when everything in his head clicked together. Blake's bow, her love for Faunus rights, and that sentence she just said. Not to mention the fact that the White Fang used to be peaceful. Wash pieced it together.

"So Blake was part of the White Fang…" Washington whispered to himself. HE then realized what the connection was. It wasn't hatred or revenge or sadness. It was the pain of betrayal. The pain Blake felt when the White Fang turned violent is the same pain Washington felt about his friends in Project Freelancer. The same pain he felt when he attacked the Reds and Blues.

Meanwhile in the room Yang shrugged and Ruby got a confident smile on her face. Weiss noticed this and realized what was about to transpire. "Okay," She starts. "Between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the three of you think you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells."

"Uhh… who?" Ruby said confused by Weiss's word.

"But let me once again be the voice of reason; We're students. We're not ready to handle this sort of situation."

"Well yeah but―" Ruby tried to protest but Weiss cut her off.

"We're not ready!"

"And we may never be ready!" Blake yelled. "Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day. They're out there, somewhere planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not."

Washington clicks his tongue. "Reminds me of Carolina," he muttered. Back in Project Freelancer, Carolina would always try to keep them one step ahead of anything. Lots of training, lots of yelling. Of course, it does pay off.

"Okay," Ruby says. "All in favor of becoming the youngest huntresses to single-handedly bring down a corrupt organization conspiring against the kingdom of Vale… say 'Aye'!"

"Yes!" Yang says with a fist pump. "I love it when you're feisty." Yang points at Blake.

"Well, I suppose it could be fun," Weiss agreed.

"None of you said 'aye'…" Ruby said a little depressed. Meanwhile Wash was still eavesdropping.

"Guess I should warn Ozpin," he said to himself. He figured he wouldn't want his students getting hurt doing something stupid.

"All right then," Blake said with a smile. "We're in this together. But there is one more thing bothering me."

"What's that?" Weiss said.

"It's about the Reds and Blues," Blake said. This got Washington's attention. "There's something off about them…" The girls all looked at each other.

"You noticed too?" Weiss asked taking a step closer to Blake.

"Yeah," Blake said. "They say they are a part of Atlas. Yet why are they in red and blue armor instead of the normal white and black?"

"Different division?" Yang said with a shrug.

"Maybe," Weiss said. "My family doesn't have many ties with the Atlas military other than supplying them with dust. But I may be able to get some information."

"Look they may be different," Ruby said. "But that doesn't mean they're bad right?" Ruby shrugged

"Ruby's right," Yang says as she puts a hand on her sister's shoulder. "Different doesn't mean dangerous."

"I know," Blake said. "It's just this feeling I can't get rid of. Like they are hiding something."

"Well we'll worry about that later," Ruby said. She smiles. "Let's make a plan!"

"Yeah!" Yang screamed. Washington decided to take his leave. He walks down the hallway and takes a right. That's when he accidently bumped into a student.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"It's all right," the student said. He looked at the student he ran into. She had green hair and dark skin. Next to her was a guy with grey hair. They were both wore black uniforms. Washington looked at them weirdly.

"Are you guys students here?' he asked.

"Actually from Haven," a student behind them said. Washington looked and saw another girl with black hair that stopped past her shoulder. She also had amber eyes. Something about her gave Washington a bad feeling.

"Well anyway, like I said, I'm sorry." Wash takes his leave. He still couldn't shake this feeling. He shakes his head and heads out to find Ozpin.

To be continued.

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