A Broken Shell

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"Let me go Jack." I said struggling against his hand. "Now why would I do that Crab, you scared?" He rammed me into the tree again. I hear my bones creak and flinch. "Jack please let me go."

" No can do little crab me and the boys here gotta release some pent up steam." Jack threw me into the center of a ring of his friends. "Okay, boys have at it just remember no killing him, that's my job." I widened my eyes and tried to stand up only for a jock to swing a pipe into my leg.Breaking it instantly and making me scream in pain and agony. That seemed to be the spark needed to start the fire.

~~~~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jack stroud forward smiling happily. He bent down and poked my broken and bruised body. I groaned in complete agony. "Okay boys time to crack the Crab's shell." He raised his pipe above me all of his cronies smiling with pure blood lust.

I gritted my eyes shut and awaited death. Only for the sound of someone being strangled to greet my ears. I opened them to a terrifying sight. Standing above me was a tall figure he wore a suit and tie and what looked to be a broken watch. He appered bald, the white of his head stark in the dusk light.

He was holding Jack by the neck, face turned away from me. I looked behind them to see a Jock's eyes wide and mouth open almost appering frozen. Until, he fell forward and I saw a ink black tentacle covered with dark red blood. I opened my mouth to scream only for it to be covered by a dainty white hand. I struggled too see who was holding me.

But, I only saw black and felt a poke in my shoulder. "Sleep for now, you'll be safe my little red zodiac." I tried to keep my eye's open but the alluring voice just seemed to coax me even further to unconscious. I glimpsed a needle before my eyes shut.


Hi everyone so I'm sorry about the short chapters. I'm not the best writer so I tend to want to keep them smaller.

So what you think so far?
Good, Bad, Terrible

Let me know

If you see any misspelled words could you tell me? It would be appreciated.

I know not alot of people read this but I still like to write it.

For those who are wondering I listened to the RWBY season 4 soundtrack while writing this.


Have a good day/night my little Zodiac's

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