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Imelda's face was a bright shade of red as she left Mr. Gates' office, she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her up. Mama ...look what you caused, she thought.

"Are you okay?" Miss Colton asked as she took note of her tomato red face, Imelda blamed her light  coloured skin, at that moment she wished she had Janet's beautiful dark skin.

"Yes, Mr. Gates said you'll show me to my office."

"Ah, right."

The receptionist led her to a door quite close to Mr. Gates' office, Imelda's office had a pretty wide space. The walls were painted white and the space was decorated with a few cushions, a desk and a swivel chair which were obviously hers.

"Thank you, Miss Colton."

Irene smiled. "Welcome to Gates Advertising Company." With that she sashayed out of the office leaving Imelda to herself.

Imelda sighed as she ran her fingers along the desk that now belonged to her, then she divulged into the luxury of collapsing into a cushion. It was soft.

The sudden ring of the telephone jolted her forward, she hurried to her desk to pick up the call.


"Come to my office." And the call ended.

Imelda frowned, she knew the voice belonged to Mr. Gates. She was kind off embarrassed to see him again after he had told her to cover up her breasts, well, he didn't say it like that but still.

She rose up and walked up to his office, taking in a deep breath, she rapped on the door.

His powerful voice bellowed her to come in and let herself in. At that moment, his phone rang and he immediately picked up.

"Brutus Gates speaking."

He paused.

"Of course, I'm on my way."

Brutus looked at Imelda. "We have a meeting to attend."

Imelda's eyes widened. She? Attend a meeting? With him? She didn't think she would immediately start working.

"Any problem?" Mr. Gates asked at her silence.

She forced a smile. "Of course not."


Imelda was a nervous reck as she hurried behind Mr. Gates trying to catch up with his long strides, her eyes trained on his broad shoulders. The duo stepped outside the company, a black sleek car waiting for them.

The driver opened the door, Brutus entered into the backseat of the car, Imelda was conflicted as at whether to sit at the back with her boss or join the driver at the front.

"Sit with me." Brutus heard himself saying. The driver was surprised as Mr. Gates liked to sit alone, even his former secretary used to sit with the driver at the front. Brutus himself couldn't explain why he acted out of character.

Imelda shut the door behind her completely oblivious, the car zoomed off and she summoned up the courage to ask her boss the question that had been bothering her.

"Mr. Gates."

He didn't respond as he was deeply focused on the iPad he held in his hands, but his subtle nod indicated that he had heard her and that she should go on.

"What meeting are we going for?"

He lifted his head up, a frown on his gorgeous face. "Haven't you gone through the note the former secretary left behind?"

Before she could respond that she hadn't even had the time to seat properly in her office, talk more of finding a note left by the former secretary he continued. "We're having a meeting with former a client, M Zone Beauty. The model we used to advertise their products suddenly has a huge scandal about her."

Imelda nodded. Brutus told the driver to drive them to a location, the driver did so and the duo at the back seat got off. Imelda read the sign, Top Fashion? Was this the place they were to have the meeting?

"You can't follow me to the meeting like that." Brutus answered her unasked question and that was when she realized that her button had slid off again.

A fiery red stained her cheeks, Brutus wondered how the rest of her would look, would they be red also? He shook his head to push away the weird thoughts.

"Good morning, Mr. Gates." The attendances at the shop chorused in union, he shopped at Top Fashion most of the time.

Brutus told them to bring in the best feminine tops they had in plus-size, then he pick up one that he thought would be perfect for her. A white screw-necked top with flared ends around the wrists.

Good, now he wouldn't be so distracted.


Imelda was amazed, she was standing so close to powerful people, she watched as Brutus shook the hands with the CEO of M Zone Beauty. The meeting started with Imelda was standing next to Mr. Gates chair.

"I'm quite surprised at the fact that you are trying to lay the blame on our company." Mr. Gates was saying with a poker face.

"Your company recommended Zara Russ to my company." The CEO of M Zone Beauty countered his face just as expressionless.

"Along with two others, Mr. Buyers. Gates Advertising Company introduced three models to your company. Ariana Newman, Diana Todd and Zara Russ, it was M Zone Beauty's choice to make use of Zara Russ."

Mr. Buyers shifted, Brutus was breaking through his mask. "But that doesn't mean that your company has no responsibility to take towards this, Mr. Gates."

"Mr. Buyers, it seems to me that you didn't quite read the contract between our companies before signing. The contract states that if there be any mayhap, M Zone Beauty will solely be responsible."

Imelda was impressed, it seemed like a word battle and Mr. Gates was definitely winning. Seeing him this dedicated to his work made an uncontrollable wealth of admiration surge through her. The world of business was a battle field.

The meeting lasted for about three hours, Imelda's legs were killing her. It was finally agreed that the adverts by Zara Russ would be taken down. After the meeting Brutus and Imelda got into the car, Imelda watched from the corner of her eyes as Brutus undid the first button of his shirt tugging at his tie.

She bit her lips as she caught a glimpse of his chest, her heart slamming against her chest, she couldn't be sexually attracted to her boss.



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