A gift from Asgard

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Days went by as the Avengers were sent to missions to take down any remaining forces of HYDRA, led by Captain America. Goku would frequently join them, to help them in their missions, also attending school when he's not in missions.

He has got along with Vision very well, since they have the same kind of responsibility in protecting all life on Earth. Even, he has time to talk with FRIDAY when he has no one to talk to, and the AI really enjoyed it's time with the Young Saiyan. Sometimes, she can be a motherly type to him, which is strange' considering she's an AI.

Goku would also train in his God Form away from any cities or towns, as he realizes he can go beyond what power he has now. This interested him in unlocking more power, though he doubts it would be easy that would happen, so he goes little by little to find out if he really has more than what he has.

Right now, it was nearly morning as the young Saiyan woke up in his room. He checks on the time and it was 5:30 in the morning as he gets up and goes into his training attire for a morning workout. It was routine with him since the events of Sokovia he has been waking up in the morning and would go find a inhabitant area and train there until the sun starts to go up.

Luckily, his training area was far away, so he wouldn't wake up the others, possibly getting them cranky. After getting into his training outfit, he slowly opens the window and gets out as he closes it and flies away. After landing on his area, he creates clones of him and powers up.

Goku: Let's get this started.

The clones charge him and they all engage in a fight that will last until the sun raises up.

*2 hours later*

After about 2 hours, our young Saiyan finishes his morning training and has since gone back to his room, took a bath and put on some normal clothing. He later goes up and heads down to eat breakfast.

Luckily, Steve and Goku told everyone about his big appetite, so they increased the food stockings, in cases if they ran out off food. He made himself some food and sat near a table to eat. Later on, the others woke up as they see Goku already awake and they later went to eat.

Wanda and Pietro went up to the young kid and sat side by side, as they had sleepy looks on their faces.

Goku: Did you two sleep well?

Pietro: We did. Until the damn alarm clock decided to ring an hour earlier than usual.

Goku: Geez. Let me guess, one of you threw it at the wall, out of annoyance?

Wanda: No...I pulled it apart with my magic.

Goku: *O_O* It is strange that I feel sorry about that alarm clock?

They chuckled for a bit as Wanda puts her chin on his head.

Wanda: Well, I suppose ripping it in half may have been too harsh.

Natasha: Here. *gives them some hot green tea* This should help wake you up.

Twins: Thank you.

Nat: No problem. Would you like something to eat?

Pietro: Nah, I'm good.

Wanda: Just a bit of toast. I'm not really hungry right now.

Nat: Okay.

She left to get the toast, as both Wanda and Pietro started to drink the tea. Both took a long sip of it, enjoying the warmth of the drink.

Pietro: *looks at Goku* Any plans for today, little fella?

Goku: Eh. Not really. I might go on patrolling after this.

Pietro: Isn't it too early to do that?

Goku: Maybe. But you at the same time, you can't expect the bad guys to take a day off. They will do some crime, and you have to be there to stop it.

Maria: Well said, Goku.

This surprised the young Avengers as they turned around to see her.

Maria: It's no wonder why Mjolnir deemed you worthy enough to wield it.

She goes up to him and gave a quick kiss on his forehead, making him blush as she walks away. Yet, the twins were stunned that she said that the young boy managed to wield Thor's hammer.

As they discussed about it, Steve and the others discuss about something interesting. Yesterday, Thor returned and told them that he will come back today to give a gift to Goku for being the first mortal to lift Mjolnir.

Clint: Has he returned yet?

Nat: No. Not yet. I wonder what is going to give Goku?

Steve: Luckily, it's not going to be any kind of drink. I know Thor can't be that stupid enough to ever give that to my son.

Maria: And if he does, we won't let Goku near it.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

FRIDAY: It appears that you don't have to worry, Commander Hill. Thor has just arrived and it looks like he doesn't have any kind of beverage.

Soon after she said it, the God of Thunder strode in the room with joyful look his face. He carries a big box wrapped with blue cloth and a red bow tie on top.

Thor: Greetings my friends, I have returned.

Goku: What's in the box, Thor?

Thor: Ah, this one is for you. On behalf of Asgard, Young Goku, please accept this gift.

Now he knew what is going on. He remembered Thor telling him he'll give him a gift for being the first Mortal to ever lift Mjolnir. He goes to him as he puts the box down.

Goku: hehe. Thanks, Thor. But really, you didn't have to give me anything.

Thor: Nonsense, young fighter! You are the first mortal to be deemed worthy of wielding Mjolnir. The least I can do to honour such a feat is give a present that will amaze you in one way or another.

Everyone crowded to see what was inside as Goku unties the bow and opens the box. Then, shining in the morning sun, was the metal of a long bladed sword.

Underneath the sword was a large Shield, one that can even rival Captain America's shield.

Goku and the others marveled at both weapons as he grabs the long sword and holds it up, getting a closer look at the design of the blade.

Thor: This sword was made by one the hardest of metals found in the universe. It far more durable than any other weapon on Asgard, and they tried to gain possession of it. But my father said to those who are worthy enough should use it for good.

Goku: Wow. This is amazing.

He looks at the shield and managed to hook it in his arm and marvels at it.

Goku: Look, dad. I have a shield now, too.

Steve: *chuckles* I can see that.

Thor: The shield is not just a shield, Young Goku. There's a button for you to press and see what it also is.

Goku later found the button and presses it. Then, the shield expanded a bit more and a triple barreled gun came out at the button.

Goku: Woah! This...is...awesome! Do you really I deserve these?

Thor: Of course, Young Goku! You have the heart and fighting spirit of a veteran warrior.

Goku: Well, thank you, Thor. I appreciate the gift. Plus, I need to train a bit so I can be able to fight with these two.

Thor: You're welcome, Young Saiyan.

Goku puts down his new weapons and hugs Thor, who hugs back at him.


Goku was in his room with Natasha as he had his weapons on his bed. His shield is back to it's closed state.

Nat: Do you ever had weapons before.

Goku: With the exception of my Ki Blade, I never had a weapon. We Saiyans only used our hand to hand combat to fight others. But I'll get used to this.

Nat: I can really see you fighting with that Sword and Shield.

Goku: Me, too. I still can't believe it, though. Before I came here, I did horrible things back in my planet. They really weren't forgivable and I still felt I didn't deserve to wield Thor's Hammer.

Nat understood what he's talking about. She can relate to him about the atrocious things they've done in the past. She sighs as she grabs him and sat him on her lap, hugging him gently and comforting. Goku fell silent by this, as he didn't expect Natasha, who is a Russian Assassin could hug him this way. Tasha rubs his hair as he had him close to her chest.

Nat: I know what you're talking about. I know how you feel of not feeling redeemed for what you did. But what you have is what your brethren don't have: a soft heart and a huge compassion for life. You see violence as a way to show that a threat needs to be taken care off and you put everyone in front of you. That maybe the reason why Mjolnir deemed you worthy.

Goku didn't say word as he thinks about what she said to him. It's true that he has a big heart and was too compassionate for everyone. Even the most Saiyans would think that he's a disgrace to them, but now he doesn't care and he's living his life better than before.

He then hugs Natasha back as he listens to her comforting heartbeat. He sighs as he looks up.

Goku: Thanks, Natasha. I appreciate it.

Nat: *smiles* No problem, kiddo. Let me know if you need to talk about something, okay?

Goku nodded as she gave him a kiss to the forehead and a another hug before moving him to the side and walking out of the room. Goku smiles as he sees her leaving and turns to look at his new weapons.

Then, something happened. His head started to hurt. He grabs his head and starts grunting as he had his eyes squint shut.

Friday: Goku, is there something wrong?

Goku: I don't know. My head's hurting.

Friday: I'll contact Dr. Cho to see what's going on.

Goku: W-wai-

Then, he started to see something in his mind.


What the? What going on? And...where am I' actually? This isn't New York or any place I know and why is there an Airport here?

Wait...is that...dad, Wanda, Sam, Clint, and Pietro with a guy I never seen before and-is that Mr. Barnes?! Why are they- wait is that Tony in his suit with Rhodey, Natasha, Vision, and Man with some Black suit with a helmet of a Panther and- Spiderman?!

What's going on here? Why are they in front of each other?

Sam: What do we do, Cap?

Dad: We fight.


They're...going...to...fight? They started to charge at each other, from walking to running. Then, they started fighting.

What's going on? Why is everyone fighting each other? What made into doing this? And worst of all, where am I through this? What the hell is happening?!


Helen: Goku? Are you okay?

Goku opens his eyes. The headache has just left like it didn't happen. Helen, Steve, Sam, Wanda and Natasha were there after Friday told them what's happening to Goku.

Steve: Son, are alright? You scared me there.

Goku: *breaths deeply* I'm...okay, dad. It's just a sudden headache.

Steve: Are you sure?

Goku: Yeah, I'm sure. It just happened and it left like it didn't happen.

Helen: From the scanner, your mind must've when into some sort of seizure, yet I don't see anything wrong with you're brain.

Goku: I don't really know what happened. But, I'm okay now.

Steve: Alright, then. If it happens again, tell us.

Goku: I promised.

Everyone left as Goku stayed in his room, thinking about what he saw in his mind. What was it? A dream? A vision? Why are the Avengers fighting each other in it? What made them go into a Civil War against each other?

These questions were stuck inside his head. He just hopes it was just a dream and nothing like that happens.

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