He must not know about this

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Everyone stared at the huge cloud of smoke, flames and debris in the sky. Moments ago, Goku risked his life as he launched himself on an Self-destruction Crossbones who was contain by Wanda when she lifted him up, moving him away from a building that was near him and braced for the explosion.

Everyone grew worried and concerned for the young hero, thinking he might be hurt or worse. Then, the smoke was blew away, showing Goku Rogers alive and well. He floats down join the others as he not scratches or bruises on his face.

Steve and Wanda went up to him, checking to see he's alright, but were relieved that he's okay. He smiles as he told them-

Goku: It's gonna take more than a explosion like that to hurt me.

Later, they were back at Avengers headquarters, taking a break from the mission. Pietro and Goku are with Wanda in there bedroom, watching the TV, while comforting her.

Pietro: Don't worry about what happened in Lagos, sis. Just be glad nothing happened.

Wanda: But I almost cost the lives of several people and Goku had to risk his to save them.

Goku: And I keep telling you: It's Okay, Wanda. I've faced way worst explosions before and this one didn't even scratch.

Wanda: But I should've moved that bastard away, so you wouldn't intervene in moving him away.

He sighs as he then goes to his knees and his her a gentle hug.

Goku: Don't worry, Wanda. I'm still standing and you don't owe anyone anything. Even if I was hurt, I still wouldn't blame you for it. Don't worry about it, sis.

He gave her a kiss to the cheek, making Wanda blush a bit, as she gave him a kiss back. Pietro watched this and smiles, seeing how close his sister and Goku are close, like real siblings. Then, the news appeared, getting their attention.

Reporter: A tragedy was averted last week in Lagos when the Son of Captain America, Goku Rogers, risked his own life to ensure a bomb strapped vest detonated at a safe distance. It is estimated the blast would've killed at least twenty five people within two floors had it not been for the Young hero's intervention. Most of the people that would've been affected are citizens of Wakanda, who were sent to Lagos on a peaceful outreach program. The Wakandan King was very grateful and praised the heroic efforts of Goku Rogers.

The scene shifted to that of a wise looking aged man standing behind a UN podium.

King: On behalf of Wakanda, I humbly give thanks to Goku Rogers for putting himself at risk to save so many innocent lives. Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all and I am glad to see the Avengers were mindful of this fact. Our people's thoughts and prayers are with Goku, whom we give our out must appreciation and gratitude. May the great Bast grant him a bright future...Wakanda is forever in his debt.

The twins and Goku smiled at that. They felt graceful that they appreciated Goku's heroic actions.

Pietro: *ruffs Goku's hair* Can you believe that, kiddo? A king was praising you.

Goku: I just don't know what to feel about it.

Then, the screen quickly returned to the news studio, where the hosts began to discuss the topic of the Avengers themselves.

Reporter: There's been an ongoing debate for months now about whether or not the Avengers should operate as a private organization. While they have saved the world many times, there are those who believe they're little more than vigilantes who hold no regards for the law. The damage left behind from their previous battles has yet to fully be fixed even after these years...and the lives lost in the aftermath has been blamed on their actions by some.

This made Pietro, Wanda, and Goku stunned.

Pietro: They can't be serious...are these people so stupid that they can't tell you guys are fighting to keep them safe?

Goku: I'm feeling the same way.

Goku and Wanda didn't know how to answer that but they were asking the same question in their minds. The Avengers worked to fight off the supervillains that the police and military couldn't. Collateral damage was always inevitable and they couldn't save everyone...not matter how hard they fought to prevent that.

Reporter: I think the Avengers should be kept in check. *look of disdain* They have no legal authority to operate in foreign nations and yet they completely disregard international borders to chase down criminals. They and other enhanced individuals like them are dangerous to the general public.

Goku: *shakes his head* That idiot...did he forget the fact that supervillains hold no regards for the law either? Unlike us, they don't give a damn about hurting the civilians. And we here, working very hard to save their dumbasses from getting killed.

The twins went silent from what he said, as they couldn't believe he actually sweared. They, he sounded like it was normal for him to say that. Though they understood how he was feeling.

Goku: *realizing what he said* Sorry. Back on my planet, everyone can swear any word they want to, even us kids, so that's why I normally say it.

The twins nodded in understanding. Then, Vision came through the wall, surprised them.

Wanda: Vis! We talked about this.

Vision: Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that... Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving, He's here along with Colonel. Rhodes.

Goku: Alright. Well, I need to blow of some steam from the crap I've watched, so I'll be far from here. See ya.

He teleports away, as the Twins later went with Vision downstairs.


While Goku was blowing off steam, the Avengers are visited by Stark and Secretary of State, Thaddeus Ross, waiting for them. Ross explains that, due to the events in Lagos, the United Nations has decided they can no longer be allowed to operate privately.

To that end, it has been decided that the Avengers will sign the Sokovia Accords, which will establish an international panel to control the Avengers' movements as well as monitor and police the rapidly growing number of enhanced individuals.

The team is divided over the act; Stark supports government oversight because he feels guilty for his role in creating Ultron and the devastation Ultron caused. He also feels that the Avengers need to take more responsibility for the consequences of their actions, as he did when he discovered Stark Industries was secretly shipping weapons to Ten Rings.

However, Rogers worries that the Avengers may be compromised if it comes under the control of a nefarious third party, such as the infiltration of SHIELD by HYDRA. Ross states that refusing to sign the accords will be seen as an act of resignation.

As the group were arguing about which decision was right and wrong, FRIDAY contacted them.

FRIDAY: Sir, Goku has returned.

Everyone went silent. Goku doesn't know about the Accords, and Ross doesn't know how powerful he was.

Tony: Does Goku know about this?

Wanda: No, he left when Vision told us you're here with Ross.

Tony: Well, let's keep it that. As much I disagree with you, Rogers. I do agree that Goku shouldn't know about this.

Steve: I must agree on that to. I know very Goku will not like us arguing about this. We won't tell him what is going on and what the Accords.

The others agreed to that at least. Then, Goku enters the room.

Goku: So what was this meeting?

Pietro: Eh, nothing special.

Goku: Well, okay then. That's good enough for-

He went silent as his face when from confusion, to wide eyed, catching everyone in confusion.

San: Are you okay, Goku?

Goku slowly looks at Steve.

Goku: Dad...it's Peggy.

Steve wonders why he's talking about Peggy, until he got a text message, which he checks and realized what Goku was talking about.

Steve: We have to go.

Everyone looks as both Steve and Goku walk away.


Goku and Steve went to London as they found out Peggy passed away. They went there to participate the Funeral and while there, they learns Sharon Carter was Peggy's great-niece as she delivers a eulogy about how one should never back down from what they believe in. This solidifies Roger's resolve not to sign the accords. 

After the funeral, he still didn't tell Goku about the Accords, as he doesn't want him to know about what could happen. Unfortunately, he didn't know Goku has seen something that will be involving all members of the Avengers in the future.

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