Sokovia Battle Part 2

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Steve is fighting alone as the bots are circling him.

Goku: Dad, duck!

He ducks as Goku lands behind him and creates a Long Ki Blade and cuts all of the robots surrounding them.

Steve: Woah!

Goku: *smiles* Yeah!

The team help the people get indoors before more bots came. Goku looks around to find more that might've been left out, before concluding that everyone is safe. He flies back to the others as he stretch out a bit.

Goku: Next wave maybe coming, guys. How's it going down there?

Tony: Well nothing great, maybe a way to blow up the city. That will keep it from impacting the surface if you guys get clear.

Steve: I asked for a solution, not an escape plan.

Tony: Impact radius is getting bigger ever second, we're gonna have to make a choice.

Nat: Boys, these people are going nowhere. Stark finds a way to blow this rock.

Steve: Not until everyone's safe!

Nat: Everyone up here versus everyone down there, there's no math.

Goku: We can't just leave these people to die.

Nat: I didn't say we should leave. There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this.

Fury: Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better.

They see the Helicarrier emerging from the clouds, as did the Sokovians.

Fury: Nice right, pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do.

Steve: Fury, you son of a bitch!

Goku: Language!

Both of them laughed from that outburst as Natasha looks at both of them.

Nat: Like father like son.

The lifeboats flies off the carrier to the city.

Pietro: This is S.H.I.E.L.D?

Goku: It's what it suppose to be.

Pietro: This is not so bad.

Steve see the lifeboat getting into position. 

Steve: Let's load them up.

Some Ultron bots are heading for the Helicarrier.

Maria: Sir, we have multiple bogies converging on our starboard flank.

Fury: Show em what we got.

Maria: You're up.

War Machine comes in and fires at the bots.

Rhodes: Yes, now this is gonna be a good story.

Then, Iron Man joins him.

Tony: Yep, if you live to tell.

James: You think I can't hold my own?

Tony: We get through this, I'll hold your own.

James: You had to make it weird.

They fly together as the team helps the civilians to the lifeboats to safety and Thor fights Ultron. Moments later, they joined Iron Man, Thor, and Vision in protecting the key from Ultron and his robot minions.

Later, Natasha joins them along with Hulk as Ultron comes back to the outside.

Thor: Is that the best you can do?

Ultron summons his huge army.

Goku: You just had to ask, don't you?

Ultron: This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?

Tony: Well, like the old man said... together.

The bots came charging in and the Avengers all fought to keep them away. Goku uses his Ki Blade to slice through them in quick fashion. Even blasts them to smithereens and striking them with his full strength. The rest of the team fought hard to stop them. Ultron and Vision fought above, Vision fires his beam at Ultron, pushing him back.

His vibranium armor is able to hold back the blast. Thor and Iron Man joins in and fired together with Vision. Their combined attacks is ripping apart Ultron until they stopped firing.

Ultron: You know, with the benefit of hindsight...

Goku appears in front of him out of nowhere as he had his hands cupped together.


It obliterated Ultron to ashes, that not even his armor can withstand to Blast. After the wave was done and the dust settled, it showed Goku standing there, but Ultron was no where to be seen.

Thor: Now that's power.

Tony: Remind me not to piss him up.

Hulk then jumps up to join them as he sees some robots. He roars at them as they flee.

Goku: We can let them go away. Rhodes.

James: On it.

Then, Vision flew off to help Rhodes on the fleeing robots. They went back down to the others in the inside of the church.

Steve: We got to move out, could tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you.

Clint: What about the core?

Wanda: I'll protect it... It's my responsibility.

Steve: Alright, as soon it's all clear, get to the lifeboats.

The rest the team move out, except for Pietro, who didn't want to leave her, but she reassured him she'll be okay. Iron Man went under while the team get the people on the liftboats. Ultron went into a new body and boards the quinjet. Clint sees a mother worrying for her child. He went back to find him.

Natasha tries to get the Hulk to transform back to Bruce until they came under fire from Ultron, who went for his older body.

Ultron: I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone.

Clint found a kid hiding.

Clint: Come on, time to go.

Ultron fires the guns at everyone. Clint sees the bullets coming, and covers for the kid. Pietro runs to save them, until Goku pushed Clint and the kid away, getting shot several times. Sadly, he didn't shield himself in time, as bullets struck his body.

Everyone watched in shock as Goku looks at his wounds before smiling gently as he falls down. Pietro and Clint went to aid.

Goku: *chuckles a bit* Geez, that really made a number on me. I didn't prepared for that.

Clint: Hey, don't talk. You *looks at Pietro* Carry him.

Pietro nods as he carries Goku to a life boat as he follows him with the boy. He gently puts Goku down as he looks at him.

Pietro: You could've let me take that, kiddo.

Goku: And have Wanda losing her brother? No way. Plus, I was injured worse than this.

Then, he slowly closed his eyes, losing consciousness. As everyone managed to get into the boats, Iron Man and Thor are managing to deactivate the Key. Wanda managed to take down the robots, as Vision picks her up.

Then, something happened. Goku's body started to glow bright read, as fiery aura starts to swirl around his body.

Pietro: What's going on?

Clint: I don't know.

Then, the bullet wounds that are visible were healed as he woke up and transforms into his new form. Everyone watched in as he flew down to help. He goes to wear Thor was, catching him by surprise and helps him.

Thor: So this is the form you're talking about.

Goku: Yep.

Tony: Okay, I got it deactivated, be ready...Now!

The city starts to lose flight as it goes down, until both Goku and Thor hold the city, with the God of Thunder struggling a bit and Goku hardly moving. Everyone watches in awe as they lowered the city down, before dropping it gently on where it was before. Goku and Thor quickly got out of the way, thanks to Goku's Instant Transmission.

They reappear in the top as the lifeboats starts to come back down.

Thor: This power is fascinating. And you're new look is far more interesting.

Goku: I know. There's a thing about Super Saiyan in my world, but I doubt that this it the real thing.

Thor: Hmm. Super Saiyan. Perhaps we should call this form 'Super Saiyan God'.

Goku: Why that?

Thor: Because it's power far beyond what I felt. You're basically a living Infinity Stone in that form, so it be appropriate to call it A God form.

Goku: That maybe true. Plus, I like the ring of that name. Super Saiyan God it is.

Hulk is still in the air on the quinjet, refusing to come back. Later, Ultron in his regular bots body climbs out of the crater of where the city use to stand on. Vision came flying down and sees Ultron. They had a small conversation, as Vision said his line.

Vision: Well...I was born yesterday.

Ultron charges at him, until he was blasted to ashes by Vision.

*Days later*

The Avengers has been relocated to a new facility in upstate New York. Goku was talking to Wanda and Pietro about his past in Planet Vegeta. He told them about what he had to do when living there, to when he landed on Earth and met his father.

Wanda: So, you came here to protect it, by your real father's wishes and now you have Rogers as an adopted father to guide you?

Goku: Yes. He knew I could be redeemable and he gave me the opportunity to have a second chance at life.

Pietro: That was an amazing story, coming from you.

Goku: Thank you. Now will you excuse me, I need to check on something. If you need anything, let me know, okay?

They nodded as he walks away and joins Natasha to see Steve. He could tell she's a bit sad that Bruce is gone, as he puts a hand on her's.

Goku: Don't worry. We will find him.

Nat: Thank you, kiddo.

Then, Steve showed up to them.

Steve: You two wanna keep staring are the wall, or do you wanna go to work? I mean, it's a pretty interesting wall.

Goku: Well, we thought you and Tony were still gazing into each other eyes.

Nat: *smiles as they walked* How do we look?

Steve: *hands her a tablet* Well, we're not the '27 Yankees.

Goku: We got some hitters.

Steve: They're good. They're not a team.

Nat: Let's beat them into shape.

They enter to see Vision, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver waiting for them, ready to join the team. Steve, Natasha, and Goku still remained on the team. The six form a new team of Avengers.

Steve: Avengers...

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