Training. Rescuing my family (EDITED)

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Goku had stayed in Wakanda for a long while, after T'Challa let him stay from the request of Captain America. He asked T'Challa when he finds Goku to bring him to Wakanda, so that Thaddeus Ross won't try to get him, in which T'Challa accepts.

While staying there, Goku got to meet with T'Challa's family, his mother Ramoda, who was very motherly towards him and his younger sister, Shuri who he had fun with, telling jokes and other stuff. With Okoye, he has great warrior respect with her, as she also shows some compassion thanks to his politeness.

He also encounter Bucky Barnes, which was a huge shock for him and the two got to know each other as well. Bucky really enjoyed his time with Goku, knowing how he managed to change Steve's life.

Goku has also been training there, learning more on their fighting style as he found it amazing. T'Challa got some of his teachers to help Goku train as he wants to see more on how he fights. Goku managed to master the fighting style of the Black Panther.

However, Goku would later start meditating when the Full Moon appears at night. His intention is to master his own Oozaru form as he still had little control over it. He plans of using the form in case if there was a large army or when a giant monster very powerful that he has to go into his Great Ape form.

He goes outside of the Golden City and Wakanda for a more uninhabited location for him to master his oozaru form. Goku knew that the Moon will get full in a month, but that doesn't mean he has to wait for it to appear. Thanks to the teachings of his father, Bardock, he uses a technique so that he could make an artificial Full Moon so he can transform.

When he first started, it was very bad. Though little by little he starts to gain control over the Oozaru, to his relief and he trains even more to completely master his Ape form.

More months has passed since Goku stayed in Wakanda, though he still has in mind to find his father and his friends since he hasn't seen them since the Civil War in Germany. Now, Goku was meditating in order to control his powers as he felt it might cause him to lose control and kill someone.

Then, Goku started feeling a bit strange. His power has slightly increased, and his muscle mass went back to being a bit more bulky and has a well developed body only Thor can be proud of. Though one change was even more strange, his eyes are now Golden Yellow with a black Iris.

This change was discovered when Goku was seen training with Okoye watching him and she caught his eye color change. Goku was surprised by his eye color and wonders what's going on with him. Though it didn't seemed to be a bad deal, Goku's personality changed a bit more. He's more serious, almost cold blooded and has an emotionless look only Natasha could love.

He questions these new changes, but he felt he should deal with the later. One day, Goku was seen watching the scenery in from of him, enjoying the view as he sees it as calming. Though, it steal makes him want to see Steve, Wanda, Pietro, and the others as he missed them very much.

Goku: You know, you don't have to stand there, looking at me. You can just join watching with me.

It was Shuri as she sees Goku quietly looking at the beautiful scenery of Wakanda. She walks up to him and sat next him.

Shuri: I never see you as a calm type of kid. You seemed more energetic and always happy.

Goku: *chuckles a bit* Yeah. Though, that doesn't mean I can enjoy some peace and quiet.

Shuri: *chuckles* You're one strange little monkey, Goku.

Goku just playfully glares at her, since he doesn't like the name calling, but knee she was just playing around. They watch the scenery for a small silence, until Shuri breaks it.

Shuri: You really miss them, don't you?

Goku: Yeah. I haven't seen them in almost 2 years and they 're the reason for who I am today, mostly my dad.

Shuri: Just know they still love you, even if your far away from them. It really must be sad thanks to the Sokovia Accords that made them fugitives.

Goku: It's really pathetic. Making the Avengers take orders from them, what a joke. It really makes me very angry about it.

Shuri: Me too. Your father and your friends worked hard for the safety of the world and they see the negative of you all and they want you to be supervised.

Goku: It really makes want to tear them apart. They made my father run away as a fugitive and my friends as well.

His anger was increasing as his hair starts moving for a bit before calming down.

Goku: I just hope the Accords can become a failure, and I'll get to see them soon.

Shuri: I bet they'll be happy to see you, as well. Let's go, it's getting late.

Goku nods as he stood up and goes to follow her. Then he stops for a second as he looks back at the scenery. Shuri noticed him not following her as she turns around.

Shuri: Goku? Are you alright?

Goku: Something's wrong. I can sense Wanda and Vision in trouble.

He uses clothes beam to go into his Gi and powers up.

Goku: I need to go help them!

He flies off.

Shuri: Goku! Come back!

It was too late as Goku disappears from sight.

*In Scotland*

Wanda and Vision are fighting against 2 aliens named Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive as they were ambushed by them. Wanda fights of Proxima as Vision fights Glaive on top of a church. However, Corvus gains the upper hand and goes to extract the Mind Stone from Vision. Wanda saves him as she goes to take him somewhere safe.

Proxima shoots them as they tumbled down to a train station nearby as both she and her partner later appeared there, planning to take them down.

But before anyone can fight, a train passes by, as Proxima and Wanda turns to see Captain America appearing there, now with a full grown beard.

Suddenly, both Proxima and Corvus were kicked back, knocking them down, as everyone sees who was the culprit. It was bone other than Goku, appearing out of nowhere, surprising them.

However, there was no time to talk as the fight in sues with Goku beating the heck out of Corvus, as he had a hard time giving a hit on the young boy. Proxima was fighting Natasha, now with blonde hair, as Steve helps her with Sam. Later, Pietro enters in and helps the best he can against them.

Ultimately, Goku punches through Glaive, leaving a deep hole through his body before kicking him down. Sam kicks Midnight down as she kneels down to aid Corvus. The others stand above them at their mercy.

Proxima: Get up.

Corvus: I can't.

Natasha: We don't want to kill you.

Goku: But we will.

Proxima: You'll never get chance again.

Goku shoots his eye beams at Corvus, killing him instantly, which surprised everyone that he killed without hesitation.

Goku: Just took it.

Proxima, shocked that a kid killed her partner, activates a teleporter and they vanish into a ship that flies off. Goku and the others watch above as it disappears, before he turns around, smiling.

Goku: I knew I will see you guys soon.

Steve: Us too, son.

Steve picks him up and hugs him, as he missed having his son in his arms in a long while. Goku hugs him as well, and he too missed hugging his father since Germany 2 years ago.

Goku: You guys changed quite a bit in the span of two years.

Sam: Says the kid who's now bulkier than before, and has golden yellow eyes.

Goku: Touche.

Steve puts Goku down. He later goes and hugs Natasha next.

Goku: You look very strange in blonde hair. But it still suits you well.

Nat: Thanks Goku. You look very weird as well with those Golden Eyes, but it kinda makes you look cuter.

Goku: Thanks.

After they break the hug, he hugs Sam next and they all ho to check on Wanda and Vision. After giving Wanda a hug, which she hugs him back, she asked him a question that everyone was thinking.

Wanda: How did you get those Golden Eyes?

Goku: Lately, I was training in mastering my Oozaru stage. I managed to gain control over it, which made me more bulkier than before and probably caused my eyes to change. I don't know why, though.

Steve: We'll have to figure that out later. Right now, we need to go back to the Facility to get some reinforcements.

They nodded in agreement as went to the Quinjet to go back to the Avengers Facility.


As they fly on the Quinjet, they finally arrived at the Facility. Once landing, they got out and walk inside, seeing Ross talking to Rhodey, via hologram.

Steve: Mr. Secretary.

Ross: *walks up to them* You got some nerve. I'll give you that.

Nat: You can use some of that.

Ross: The world is on fire, and you think all's forgiven?

Steve: I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way pass asking for permission. Earth just lost your best defender. So we're here to fight.

He gets more closer to the hologram of Ross.

Steve: And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.

After a small stare down, Ross turns to Rhodes.

Ross: Arrest them.

James: All over it.

He swipes away, shutting down the holograms as he stares at the group.

Rhodey: That's a court marshall.

They smiled as they have a small reunion as he hugs both Cap and Widow.

Rhodey: Well, you guys...really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years.

Sam: Yeah, well the hotel weren't exactly five stars.

Goku: Still, you guys look amazing.

?: I agree.

They turned to see to said that, but Goku had a look of surprise on his face as someone emerges from the shadows: Bruce Banner.

Goku: Mr. Banner!

Goku quickly charges at him as hr gave a big hug, while he laughs for a bit.

Bruce: Yeah, good to see you too, little guy.

Goku: *releasing him* Where were you for the last 2 years?

He helps him get up as the others came closer and hugged Banner as well, missing him.

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