Chapter 8 Your a Clan Cat!?

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RedKit woke up from her uncomfortable nest shaking the dry moss off her pelt then her belly grumbled time to find those nice cats I guess she sighed walking out of the small opening between tree roots she had slept in the night before she stretched and yawned I need to get food and quick she said in her mind as she padded away.
                Time skips R life because you want to skip most of it well the school parts 030)

"Huh what's that" RedKit said to her self seeing a small red dot in the middle of a field she walked to it.
After awhile she reached it if she had warrior legs it would have been much faster but she still had her short stumpy legs sigh "Who's There?" A tall brown Tom said loudly "I know your out there!" He said much louder this time (she isn't that small it's just the grass is really tall) "uh I'm down here." I said he looked down "oh sorry I thought you were a filthily ShadowClan cat (his words not mine I love ShadowClan cat they r great <3) "it's ok uh sorry to ask this but do you have any uh food to spare?" She asked hopefully
"Don't you have your mother and father to hunt for you?" He asked looking me "I would never ever eat a piece of prey that've caught even if my life depended on it. As for my... mother I don't want to talk about it." The sudden anger she felt disappeared and the sadness came.
she put the thought of her mother to the back of her mind a single tear falling down her check
"Oh I'm so sorry uh I'm Brian I live in this barn with my mate Snow and our five kits." He said "and we have plenty of prey and we are glad to share it." He said walking in the barn I followed.
Once I got threw a small hole in the wall I saw four adorable kits a pretty white cat with green eyes "Brian who have you brought this time a rouge loner kittyPet." The cat who I guessed was snow said looking at Brian amused "I'm from ThunderClan I'm am Redk-" RedKit was cut off by a small pale brown Tom who had his fathers big blue eyes "your from the clans! Do they really eat kits if they wonder to far from there nests?" The small Tom asked climbing up her mothers back to see the cat up close "know know Mouse don't flood her with questions let the cat speak." She said licking her kits fur "sorry mama." Mouse I think his name is said "haha Mouse is getting in trouble again!" A white she kit said jumping up she had greenish blue eyes "hey!" Mouse said as he jumped on his sister Brian chuckled as he walked his kits play fight.
My belly rumbled I embarrassedly licked my chest fur "oh you must be hungry your no bigger than a kit!" Snow said looking at me "Brian be a dear and fetch a mouse for her and maybe another one for the kits" she called
Brian walked of to a strange wooden thing it looked like a very small nest but taller and wooden.
Brian picked out three fat mice and threw one to her then walked over to his mate and kits and gave the kits one then shared one with his mate.
RedKit politely toke a small bite but then realized how hungry she was and ate fast as a fox who hadn't eaten in four moons!
She licked her lips as she finished it was super tasty
"Hi are you really from the clans my names Fairy and I'm named after my moms littermate." A shy little white and light gray she cat mewed she had pale green eyes
"Yes I am from the clans and I'm Redk-" wait if I'm not going to be with the clans anymore with should I be called kit the other cats will just think I'm weak! "I'm Red." She liked the sound of her new name "If you from the clans why don't you have a clan name?!" I a brown Tom asked with sass
"Why do you have your name huh I didn't ask you that now did I?" I said looking at him "sorry from my brothers rudeness I'm Tommy and this is Tony." Tommy said politely he looked just like his brother the only way you could tell them apart was Tommy had green eyes while tony had blue "it's ok."   I said "Everyone time for bed!" Snow said as her kits complained but started to cuddle up next to her.
"You can sleep here it's not moss but the hay is pretty comfy if you ask me." Brian said as he showed me the nest next to snow's nest I thanked him and slowly fell asleep.
Hey while they are sleeping I'm gonna tell you the names of all the kits and what they look like!

Brian: brown Tom with big blue eyes
Snow: white she cat with green eyes
                             Sarah: little white she kit with blueish greenish eyes
                   Mouse: small light brown Tom with big blue eyes
Tony & Tommy: darkish brown toms tony with blue eyes and Tommy with green eyes
     Fairy: small shy gray and white she cat with pale green eyes
Also pick or favorite kit and post they're name on the comments once I get enough votes I will tell you what you voted for!
Only pick one unless its tony and Tommy

Red woke up a big fat black bird in front of her face she looked around the barn seeing a sleeping snow and her kits Brian was no where to be see probably hunting I ate the black bird then jumped down from the bail of hay I would teach myself how to hunt today she crawled out of the same small hole from yesterday and sniffed for prey a mouse!
She crouched down she saw DarkEars do it once to show ZapKit how to do it but he told her to go away and by go away I mean he yelled at me.
"You need to lower your tail and move your paws farther apart." I jumped four mouse lengths up and landed on all four paws (hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha wait am I the only one laughing...)
The rest of the day Brian taught me how to hunt and some fighting skills then we went back to the barn and I played with the kits and ate a mouse I caught not the first thing I tried to catch but I'm pretty proud of it.
Ok I'm pretty proud of this probably the longest chapter I have ever wrote like seriously I know like some people write like 2 million words but 1160 it's pretty big for me so yea :3

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