The Pain Comes Back To Me

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RedKits PVO
Ever since I opened my eyes cats have given me dirty looks some even bare there teeth at me or growl mama says it's because I'm special but I think she just says that "RedKit time for bed!" Says ScarletSky  "ok ma!" I squeal I bump into SnakeTail "Hey Watch It RedKit" he says my name like a piece of crow food "s-sorry s-SnakeTail." I stammer " No you are Not." "Mama?" "ScarletSky!" He almost hisses "RedKit shouldn't and isn't sorry she did nothing wrong she just bumped into you she is just a kit!" I hid behind mamas paws shaking with fear SnakeTail is scary just when I thought it couldn't get any worse SnakeTail clawed mamas ear blood spattered on me I Meowed in surprise and fear "SNAKETAIL you butt get over here!" Yowled OwlStar mamas dad
I jumped in shock when I heard him his voice was like thousands of wolves howling in our cave camp " How Dare You Hurt My Daughter!" He boomed again "I-I'm sorry OwlStar." He said looking down "Fine but you won't eat for half a moon!" He yowled making sure all cats could here him
A/n harsh much OwlStar

TimeSkip To A couple days Later

I ran out of the nursery thinking about being a warrior so tough and strong I could battle a thousand cats but then I saw SnakeTail belly growling ribs showing I quickly and quietly walked past the elders den seeing that they were feasting on giant rabbits I quickly dashed off and grabbed the biggest mouse I could get and ate enough too make my belly full again (she only ate a warrior sized bite) and raced over to the shadows SnakeTail was sitting alone in making sure no one could see her and said "SnakeTail I have something for you it will be behind the nursery make sure no one sees you." I quickly dashed behind the nursery and placed the mouse and ran into the nursery only to trip over TigerKit. PatchKit said he was the meanest cat in the hole clan even HalfEar the newest elder but it seemed he was the meanest but he was really nice to me and told me stories when the other elders refused even when OwlStar begged them too I guess he wanted me and my litter well it was only PatchKit and me so yea.(lol sorry got really side tracked I will continue this in the next chapter)

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