Chapter Seventeen

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Berrystar had been in his den alone. Redshade had perched herself on the arm of one of the trees just outside of camp, above the willow tunnel. From here, she could see everything inside her camp. Her gaze fell upon Bulkkit and Heatherkit who were batting a ball of moss across the grass weakly, and not moving from their paws, their wide eyes glaring at the bundle that they rolled with their paws.
She could see Echofur advancing down towards the willow tunnel, her eyes focused on nothing except the grass ahead of her in her destination. She hadn't looked up, swung her tail or twitched her whiskers, and Redshade had begun to wonder if there had been any emotion inside of her at all.
She watched, her eyes narrowed as Echofur padded through the willow tunnel, her sandy fur flying in all directions as the wind blew. She stopped, and sat down behind a bush, staring at her paws.
"Screwed up, didn't you?" Redshade taunted, picking up her paw and licking her fur to rub across her cheek.
When Echofur didn't respond, Redshade lowered her eyebrow and paused. Why was Echofur ignoring her?
"You know he was a spy," Redshade added, continuing on as she flicked her paw across her face, feeling the thorn scratch burn as she felt the moisture from her mouth enter the wound.
Echofur mumbled softly.
Redshade grunted, leaping down from the tree and landing besides Echofur, rubbing her flank against her's, taunting her, as if to say 'you're in trouble.'
Redshade felt awful being so unkind to the cat who she cared for most, but on the same page, she knew that no cat could blame her for being so angry and disappointed.
"I wouldn't be surprised if Berrystar wanted to have a very important word with you, his so important deputy."
Redshade hissed angrily at Echofur before fluffing up her tail and padding through the willow tunnel.
She could see Heatherkit's crimson fur fluffed up as the tiny kit rolled onto her back in the cold grass. Despite the weather freezing her fur, Redshade felt her heart warm with pride. She bundled across the clearing and perched herself beside the kit and began to lick her fiercely. She didn't realise until she smelled Heatherkit's flank to scent nothing except Stemclaw that she hadn't been there for her kits. But she would be, now.
Bulkkit's high pitched mew flew into Redshade's ears, and she turned around to see that the excited kitten had launched himself into the air, landing his claws into Redshade's pelt.
Redshade could see Bulkkit in the corner of her eye as he slowly advanced to her shoulder. "You're getting heavy," Redshade admitted quietly. "And learning fast, too!"
Redshade's head turned as she heard the swish of lichen up ahead of her. Her eyes fixed on Stemclaw, who had Gingerkit hanging limply from his jaws. Stemclaw narrowed his eyes for a second, then widened them again as he padded over and placed Gingerkit to Redshade's side.
"They've missed you," Stemclaw mumbled. Redshade looked into Stemclaw's eyes, seeing something more to what he had just said - seeing a side of him that wanted to say; "and I've missed you too."
Redshade beamed slightly, running her tongue softly along Gingerkit's back until the kitten wriggled to her side, laying flat on the floor.
Redshade lowered her head as she felt Bulkkit advancing, and sighed relieved as she felt Stemclaw safely pick up the kit and place him onto the grass.
"Berrystar looks stressed," Stemclaw mumbled softly, nudging Redshade slightly until she turned to the leader's den, where Berrystar was swishing his tail emotionlessly.
"I can't blame him," Redshade replied, dipping her head in guilt, knowing that the reason for her leader's stress had mostly been her fault. But surely she was doing the right thing.
"May all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words."
Redshade pulled her eyes around the clearing before turning to look back at Stemclaw.
"He must want to say something about Echofur," Redshade muttered, guilt flicking her throat.
"Perhaps he wants to replace the deputy," Stemclaw croaked. "Maybe he thinks he made a wrong choice."
Stemclaw picked Gingerkit and Bulkkit off the ground and headed toward the warrior's den, whilst Redshade carried Heatherkit until the three kittens were sitting put on the leaves.
"Can I see Berrystar's meeting?" Heatherkit bubbled.
"Can you swim?" Redshade retorted coldly. She had been so worried that she didn't even think about upsetting her kits.
Redshade quivered as she picked herself off the ground and approached Berrystar slowly, feeling Stemclaw's pelt brush at her side. The wound across her face was still stinging, although Redshade had noticed that the bleeding had stopped.
Berrystar started through the willow tunnel behind her emotionlessly, and he had not drifted his clouded eyes to greet his warriors. She felt Stemclaw's tail wrap around her rear gently, although she noticed he did not pull her in as she usually did. He drifted his head toward the willow tunnel, staring through.
"Where's Echofur?" Stemclaw meowed in a murmur.
Redshade opened her mouth to speak, but she felt no need when she saw the sandy pelt of Echofur ruffle through the clearing, slowly padding towards the group. Redshade flinched.
A moon must have passed before Echofur reached the group and sat down before looking any cat in the eye.
There was silence before Redshade heard Berrystar rasp in a breath, as if gathering his thoughts for what he was going to say next.
"Today, we had an incident involving Echofur - and a rogue."
No cat gasped or made any sound. Redshade's pelt ruffled uncomfortably at the sound. She reluctantly turned her head to look towards the sandy she-cat. Her head was tucked towards her paws and her eyes were blazed with sorrow.
"We have come to the conclusion that Echofur had not cared that the rogue had attacked Redshade, and therefore may have seen him before and may be working with him."
Finally, Echofur raised her head. "This isn't true!"
"I'm sorry," Berrystar hissed lowly. "But we can't risk losing anymore loyal warriors to others."
There was a moment of silence before Berrystar finally spoke up. "Exile!"
"No!" Stemclaw jerked up in alarm. "You can't!"
Berrystar said nothing, just glared at the warrior coldly and stood up, hissing at Echofur as she wriggled to her haunches.
"Berrystar, please give me a chance to explain."
Berrystar said nothing, yet did not give Echofur a chance to speak. He let out a huge hiss before launching himself at the warrior, until she turned around and fled across the clearing and through the willow tunnel, her claws unsheathed as she disappeared through the reeds.
Redshade quickly bounded across the clearing. Her heart was wrenching. She wanted to yell her defiance, but she didn't know what Berrystar would do if she did. Three warriors. What if Sparrowstorm got her out there? Who knew where the traitor had hidden himself?

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