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This time I really expected Alexandra to spit out the beans but to my surprise she just snorted.

"Yeah and I'm Hermione Granger!" She said in a bossy sort of voice folding her hands.

"Ok fine. You are Hermione but I really am Heidi Potter!" I said desperately.

"Please be joking." Said Alexandra and for once since the morning I spotter seriousness on her face.

"I am Heidi Potter. You know Harry right? He's my annoying twin brother."

Alexandra spit out her beans. Great!

"I can explain!" I said hurriedly. "I came to the station to check up on Harry. You know after the blowing up incident at my Uncle's house?"

She nodded. I guess it made it to the newspaper

"I was looking for him when I saw you. You dragged me into the wall which actually should've hit me!"

"So you are saying that you are the Heidi Potter? The twin squib sister of Harry Potter?"

"Yes. I am the Heidi Potter." I said trying to avoid the squib part.

 Alexandra jumped up spilling the packet of beans. "Then I found out the whole murdering part and now I'm scared for Harry.'"

She dashed up and sat beside me. For a second I thought she was gonna slap me for lying to her but instead she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. God! She truly was unpredictable.

  "It's ok, Heidi." It really felt weird listening my name come out of her mouth.

  "Honestly Hogwarts is the safest place there is, so you need not worry. Here have a chocolate frog, it always eases my nerves" She said.

  "Thanks." I said feeling grateful and lighthearted now that I'm no longer Julia.

  "So.... that explains why you don't know Azkaban and why you seemed so surprised that you crossed the barrier." She said thoughtfully. "I really thought you were crazy like me."

  "Oh Alex. I really am crazy like you." I said laughing.

"And that also explains why you don't have a trunk-"

Just then the compartment door opened once again.

  "If it's McLaggen again, I'm gonna-," Alex started saying. 

  Apparently it wasn't Cormac, though I was hoping to see more of their drama, it was a raven haired girl with stormy gray eyes.

  "Well well if it isn't Alexandra Gray." said the girl smiling sweetly though her eyes were telling another story.

  "Oh it's you." said Alex with an absolute 'oh god' mood. 

    The girl rolled her eyes as if she was used to this. She turned her head to see me munching on the frog's leg (which is very gross by the way) I expected a cold comment but she just laughed genuinely before seating herself beside me. 

"I'm Carina Jones." she said smiling. 

"I'm H-" I started saying but got interrupted, thankfully, by a very angry Alex.

 "You can't just come over and sit!"

"Julia, this is Carina, she has a habit of ruining things for fun." she said. 

 "And Alexandra here has a habit of making a big deal of out of everything." said Carina equally frustrated. Me on the other hand, thought that their fight was kinda meaningless.

 "Me? Big deal? Who's the one that ruined my-"

 "For Godric's sake, I didn't do it for fun." said Carina waving her arms impatiently.

"But you do admit it then." said Alex glaring. They seemed to have forgotten I was there as they started a glaring competition. I exchanged my looks between the two of them.

"I think-" I started saying and I got interrupted yet again with the entry of two redhead boys with a mark of mischief on their identical faces.

"Look it's another match!" Said one of them gleefully as if girls staring to death was number one on their fun list.

It was Fred and George Weasley! I met them last year when they came to rescue Harry.

I stood up and made my way out before one of them recognised me. The Weasley Twins are known to cause huge scenes and that's exactly something I should avoid right now.

Alex and Carina were too busy in their own staring contest so it was easier to get out their sight than expected.

I only made it five paces when the lights of the train went out. A dreary cold seeped through the atmosphere. Is it about to rain?

The students in the train started whispering loudly at the sudden outage.

I tried to walk by talking hold of the compartment doors as I couldn't see a thing infront of me. That was a bad decision as seconds later, someone burst open the compartment door and I was thrown off balance, landing on the floor.

"Who's that?" A cold voice, that of a male came as a drawl.

I didn't know what to say so I just cleared my throat in return.

"Oh for Salazar's sake!" He snarled. He mattered something causing a light to appear in thin air.

I was still rooted to the spot and obviously I looked like an idiot when he pointed that light at me.

He was a pale boy with white blond hair looking at me with utter disgust on his face.

"Ginny Weasley?" He snarled.

I guess he mistook me for the Weasley sister. Lucky me.

Before I could reply the cold chill started increasing. Whatever this coldness was, it seemed to scare the boy. He gave me one last lingering look before running back into the compartment.

I was thankfull to this coldness but I didn't know I'd regret it later. I blindly started walking not knowing who or what I was walking into.

Suddenly I heard someone take a slow breath. An intense cold swept over me. I felt like fainting again but this time it was more powerful. I didn't know what was happening only that I was drowning.. drowning but not in water.. I was drowning in my own mind..... I heard screams... someone was screaming.. pleading... and a white light.... a light...

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