13. Responsibilities and Duties

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"A man can earn and run one family, but it takes a woman to love and connect two families as one."



19th June

Anindita had taken a sedative the night before in order to get some sleep. The last few nights had been sleepless for her as she had had early flights. Adding to that, facing Anurag brought back memories that weren't very pleasant. She wanted some dreamless, deep sleep that would give her peace. She had woken up in the morning after a good night's sleep. She had training sessions to attend all day while Anurag had a conference followed by an official gathering later at night. Both of them went their separate ways after breakfast.

Anurag had informed his mother that he would be late returning home. It could well be past midnight considering the fact that the 'official gathering' in question was actually a formal party that would continue into the night. 

Anindita told her mother that she would be back in the evening by 6. Her mother had tried for the past 8 years to push her back into a normal life but she had changed a lot. She was content returning home early and spending time with herself rather than roaming about or even socializing. It was very occasionally when Anindita had days to spare before her next flight, only when she was abroad that she allowed herself to indulge in a few glasses of alcohol. Her only solace was in her own room, away from most people. Anindita wasn't afraid of people or even conscious, it was simply that she believed ignorance and avoidance provided as the best defense against the malicious people the world has in abundance. 

That night, Anindita popped a sedative into her mouth before sipping water. It was 12 and her brother was still not home. She had given him the spare keys in the morning itself as she had been anticipating this kind of delay. Anurag's bed had been made and Anindita was sleeping on a mattress in the hall. Her parents had retired to bed an hour ago. She reckoned it would be safe to catch up on lost sleep as there were 4 days for her next flight. She released her hair from a ponytail, allowing it to be sprawled across the pillow. Easing herself onto the makeshift bed, she closed her eyes and it took minutes for the sedative to kick in and put her to sleep.


20th June

It was past 2.30 a.m. Anindita was lost in a deep and dark slumber. She could feel a faint nudging on her shoulder that did nothing to bring her out of her sleep.

It was in fact her mother. She had been sleeping but sudden jerky movements from her husband next to her had awoken her. Apurba had rushed to wake her daughter up but she seemed to be immersed in a kind of sleep that befitted the dead. She tried calling her, nudging her and even shaking her. In the end, having no other option left, she rushed to get some water heated in the electric kettle Anindita had purchased for her 2 months ago. She waited till the water reached a fairly high temperature before pouring it out into a bowl. She carried it gingerly to where Anindita was still sound asleep. Lifting her daughter's almost limp hand, she dipped three of her fingers into the hot water.

It took a minute for Anindita's neurons to process the unusual heat. The stimulus generated a response from her in the form of a hiss. Anindita sat up in bed with a heavy head. She looked at her mother who appeared blurry to her sleep laden eyes. She rubbed her eyes gradually and suppressed a yawn. 

"Wake up Anindita! Get up! Something has happened to your father." her mother told her, worry apparent on her face

Her daughter forgot everything else for a moment and stood up, immediately rushing to her parents' room. Her father was having a kind of seizure or perhaps a convulsion. His eyes had rolled back to the back of his head and he was jerking continually. She was quick to react.

"Ma! Give me 10 minutes, I'll get ready and take Baba to the hospital." she said and rushed to her own room to get some clothes that would be appropriate to wear outside home

Her eyelids started dropping all of a sudden. 

"Damn! Why the hell did I take the pill tonight?" she cursed and marched to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and allowed the water to drench her from head to toe. She had her clothes on and they clung to her body. The water was chilling cold. Anindita knew that she had to do this in order to be alert enough to drive safely. A typical cold shower was probably the quickest way to wake her up right to the bone, diffusing the sedative effect at least to an extent.

It took her exactly 5 minutes more to get out of her bedraggled clothes and change into dry ones. She grabbed the car keys, her purse and opened the front door to call the elevator to the floor.

"Ma! I'll call the watchman to help me take Baba downstairs." she called out, sprinting down the stairs after discovering that the lift was still out of order.

10 minutes later, Anindita started the car with her father strapped to the passenger seat next to her. She had asked her mother to remain at home because Anurag was yet to be back. She assured her crying mother that she would be back to take her to the hospital in an hour or two.

Apurba was left all alone at home while Anindita drove away.


Third person's point of view:

Anindita rushed her father to the emergency wing of Apollo Hospital located near Parsik Hill, Belapur. The ward boy helped her father into a wheelchair and he was taken inside the emergency ward. She followed inside because she knew she had to give an account of her father's medical history and share the details of the symptoms that he had shown in the last one week.

An hour later, her father had been hooked onto a heart monitor and the doctors had injected him with a sedative. They had moved him to a personal room. The reason for sudden convulsions was a huge question mark. Anindita walked to the hospital lobby and inquired about the amount that she had to pay and other details. The medical insurance wouldn't cover the expenses as her father suffered from a chronic and prolonged health problem. 

Her father was going to be in the hospital for the next 24 hours or so for observation. The doctor in the emergency wing had suggested a C.T. Scan. Anindita had obviously agreed. She waited for the receptionist to give her an estimate of the expenses. 

It was 4 a.m. 

She made a phone call to her mother knowing that she would be anxious.

"Hello? Anindita, what happened to your father? Is he fine? Anurag arrived home half an hour ago. Are you coming to pick me up? Do I get ready?" she was greeted with a flurry of questions from her mother 

"Hello Ma. I simply called to tell you that Baba will be discharged on Sunday. They are keeping him here for observation. You please relax and try going to sleep. I am staying here for now. I'll come and get you at 9 a.m. when the visiting hours commence. Please don't protest Ma. Baba is sleeping right now, I am requesting you to do the same for now." 

Anindita knew that her mother was a very concerned wife and that she did not like staying apart from her husband. Apurba would have protested and insisted on Anindita coming to fetch her so she could stay by her husband, but she didn't find it in herself to trouble her daughter unnecessarily. Assuring herself that Agastya was well and in good care, she decided to get some rest and abruptly complied to Anindita's request. 

Anindita let out a sigh of relief when her mother disconnected the call without any argument. She went up to her father's room and took her seat on the couch there. She took out her phone to set an alarm for 7 in the morning. Her mind was immersed in thoughts, "What the hell had happened to her father? Thank God she had been in town! How would her mother manage if something like this happens in her absence?"

Eventually getting exhausted by her own thoughts, she adjusted herself in the limited space and allowed sleep to get the better of her.


20th June

Anindita's point of view:

My annoying alarm woke me up. I sat up on the couch. The sleep I had woken up from had been brief and intermittent. My back and shoulders hurt slightly as I stretched myself.

Baba was still asleep considering the fact that the dose of sedative given was fairly high. I let him be on his bed and walked to the washroom to splash water on my face. I had to return home now to take a bath, change and obviously get my anxious mother here. Speaking of which I doubt how much sleep she managed last night!

I informed the on-duty nurse and drove back home. The watchman asked me about Baba's health and I replied to him. He informed me that the lift mechanic had been summoned to repair the lift. What is the point now! I simply thanked him and handed over a few hundred rupees for his help and goodness.

The door was opened by Ma. She yanked me inside by my arm and began bombarding me with questions. Dada was awake as well and the two of them were dressed for the day.

"Ma, let me take a bath and change. I'll take you to the hospital right after. Both of you please eat something for breakfast till then." I told her shortly


The three of us reached the hospital at precisely 9 a.m. The doctor was on his rounds and Ma satisfied herself by asking him the questions. Dada remained silent for which I was glad. Baba had just woken up.

I let Ma and Dada be with him and I went to the nurse station to ask her about the tests. Just as I had finished speaking to her, I felt something buzz in my denim pocket. Reaching out to answer it, the contact name flashed as Satyaki. 

It is a Saturday! I cannot go and meet his daughter!

I answered the call and was greeted by Agamani's voice, "Hello Anindita Auntie. You are coming to visit me today, aren't you?"

"Good morning sweetheart. Can you please give the phone to your father?" I asked her politely

"Papa? He doesn't know I am calling you. I used his thumb to unlock the phone when he was asleep." she answered me

"Baby, is he still asleep?" 

"No. He woke up an hour ago. I have been careful to not lock the phone accidentally."

My lips eased into a smile for the first time in the last 16 hours. Speaking to her gave me peace, but I would have to disappoint her today.

"Agamani, I need to speak to your father. Can you please give him the phone?" I emphasized this time and she obliged. I could hear her walking to where her father was and then she explained to him that his phone had been in her possession for a long time and that I was on call.

After a few minutes of explanation, I heard Satyaki's deep voice speak into the phone, "Good morning Anindita. Dugga said you wanted to speak."

"Good morning Satyaki. Actually, your daughter called me to ask if I would meet her today. I can't go to meet her. There is a slight emergency at home. Tell her that I would try to meet her sometime in the following week. I know I could have told her the same but I figured out letting you know would be better." I spoke at one go

"Wait a minute! What kind of emergency? And aren't you required to fly out of the country next week?"

I sighed, "Baba is in hospital. Something happened and I don't know what. He is stable now and there are some tests that need to be conducted. Speaking of my schedule for next week, thanks for reminding. I need to draft a mail to my Human Resources Manager to apply for leave."

"I hope all gets well soon. Which hospital have you admitted him in?"

I replied to his question and then disconnected the call as the nurse approached me to inform that Baba was going to be taken for the C.T. Scan. I nodded to her and proceeded to lead Ma to the waiting area near the hospital. While Dada and Ma waited, I decided to pay a part of the bill.

The receptionist directed me on the prices and taxes and after verification of all the details, I swiped my debit card to pay 70% of the bill. The rest will have to be paid later with my Credit card.

"Anindita, how much is the bill amounting to?" I head Dada ask me when I came back with the receipt.

"A certain amount with a few zeroes and two small digits to the right hand side of the decimal point," I answered him curtly.

"I asked you a question to get a proper answer, not a sarcastic one. I am going to pay a part of the amount," he replied.

"Excuse me?" 

"You heard me the first time. I am their son. It is my responsibility as well."

My temper flared up. Not wanting to create a scene in the hospital lobby, I took him by his arm and dragged him to the corridor leading to the emergency staircase. It was empty and away from any of the wards.

"Responsibility? You don't talk about responsibility in front of me! They are my parents and I am the only one responsible for them," I seethed out, anger dripping off each word.

Dada clenched his fist and I could make out that he was losing his cool as well. He gulped once and then spoke the words that were certain to ensue an argument between us, "You aren't their only child! They are my parents too. It is my RIGHT. MY DUTY AND MY RESPONSIBILITY. They are MY FAMILY!"

My breath quickened and I could practically feel my heart thumping hard against my ribs. If this is what boiling blood means then that is exactly what Dada succeeded in doing.

"Your family?" I spat out, "Your family lives in the U.S.A. You are nothing more than an obligation for me. They are your parents. PARENTS ONLY! NOT AND NEVER FAMILY. They are my parents and THE ONLY FAMILY I have! I am the only one responsible for them. They are only my duty! Not yours! Never yours!"


It was past one in the afternoon and I had a splitting headache. After a bitter exchange of words, Dada had left the hospital and I had stayed put in the waiting area. Ma had gone back to Baba's room.

I was in my own thoughts when someone hugged me out of nowhere. A small pair of hands wrapped around my neck. I pushed myself back to take a peek at the face. It was Agamani! I blinked thrice in order to make sure it wasn't a hallucination.

"Anindita Auntie! I am here. Papa got me here. Is your father okay now? I prayed to God so he gets well soon. Don't be sad or upset Auntie. Everything will become okay," she spoke reassuring me and scooted closer.

I got up from my seat with her in my arms. "Baby, you said your father brought you here. Where is he? Why are you both here?"

"Dugga was positive that you needed her help to handle everything. She wanted to 'be there for you'. I was coming to meet you anyways. Ma and Dugga insisted on coming along. I am sorry if you are not in the right state of mind. How's your father now?" I heard Satyaki's voice speak from behind me.

I turned around and I felt a smile come on my face involuntarily. I can't explain even to myself the reason for the relief I felt at that moment. 

I kissed Agamani's forehead gently as she smiled up at me, "Thank you baby, for your prayers. My father is well now. I missed you so much."

I hugged the little girl properly as she nuzzled into me. Rohini Auntie smiled, "We know that it is past 1 and the visiting hours are already over. Traffic held us up you see. How's your mother keeping up?"

"Ma is alright. In fact that reminds me, I need to take her back home so she can eat and then take her medicines. Please be my guests for the afternoon." I replied 

Agamani was sure thrilled at the prospect because she immediately nodded in affirmation. Her father was obviously not pleased, "Dugga! What kind of behavior is this?"

We Indians are weird! Guests are God; but inviting God to your home takes a lot more than just a simple invitation!

I lowered Agamani so she could stand and turned to Satyaki, "You came here to provide support and a helping hand when I found myself in an exigent situation. This was neither a responsibility nor an obligation. If you can do so as an acquaintance or a friend, I don't think you should have a problem accepting my invitation."

He nodded after a moment of thought and I asked them to wait while I got Ma from Baba's room.


I immediately set the vessels on the stove for cooking after washing my hands. I had introduced Ma to everyone else and she had been charmed by the little girl the same way I had been. Rohini Auntie must have seen such situations in the past because she had immediately befriended Ma and convinced her to be strong. The house was in a kind of a mess as the beds were unmade. This was expected of course since I had to rush to the hospital right in the middle of the night. The maid had also not come since no one was at home since morning.

I went off to make the beds and Agamani followed me around. I could hear Satyaki sighing in annoyance, "Dugga! Stop moving about the house like you own it and don't bother Anindita! This is not how a guest conducts herself."

I practically giggled at her expression before responding to Satyaki's statement, "I never said she is a guest. You are maybe, but she is my friend." Turning to her I said, "Baby, consider this your own home."

She squealed delightedly and ran away.

I went to pick up the blankets off the mattress in the hall. "I am sorry the house is in a bit of a mess. I mean I know I was the one who invited you but I am sorry if this bothers you." I told Satyaki, my face reddening slightly when I picked up the cushions on the sofa before arranging them properly.

"This was precisely one of the reasons why I did not want to bother you today. Not to mention the fact that you practically had negligible sleep after taking a sedative." he replied coolly

My eyes widened, "How did you know?"

"I have not graduated with an M.B.B.S. degree yesterday. Initially I thought the red eyes meant you were crying or perhaps were only sleep deprived. But then I saw your eyelids drooping and I don't know if you are aware, but the strip of the pills you took was on the center table. I am familiar with the name of the drug; Chlordiazepoxide." he finished pointing at the table

I didn't bother to reply. I didn't know what to say!

"How could you be so irresponsible Anindita?" he asked me, in a low yet intimidatingly strict tone.

Before I could reply, the two of us were interrupted by Agamani's voice which seemed to come from my room, "Anindita Auntie, who is that woman?"


To be continued...

PUBLISHED ON: 9th May 2020


I hope all of you are safe and healthy. Do take care of yourselves.

Firstly, I have been feeling seriously demotivated due to various reasons and my bank of chapters is on the verge of exhaustion. I'll try my level best to write more and keep updating on time. Please do forgive me if the plot is disappointing.

I am absolutely open to criticism; constructive or otherwise. And if anyone feels like I need a good scolding, a reality check or anything such, my D.M. box is at your disposal.

Take care.

With love

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