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Do you ever think you know the world? Then it turns its back on you, feeds you to the darkness as your entire fate comes into view. Nobody knows that feeling better than Y/N Shard, this is his story...


Seven Years Ago


Today has been amazing, it's my birthday and me and my older sister are going shopping. I love Sasha more than anything in the world and she loves me, our parents died three years ago. Executed for high treason against the empire and we were outcasts, but my sister has got a job and earns money for us. She tells me that I shouldn't ask her about her job as it would make me unhappy, and that would make her unhappy. The last thing I want is to make Sasha unhappy. "Come on big sis!" I yell running through the cobblestone streets, my worn shoes creating lots of noise as they hit the stone. In an effort to allude her I dart down an alley and hide, giggling and waiting for her to find me. There are a few boxes and an old mirror in the alley, a chair sits beside the boxes. Looking in the mirror I brush a strand of H/C hair from my face, sis says she likes it but I don't, it makes me look silly. She says it makes me look grown up. "You look lost kid." A burly man with a thick handlebar moustache chuckles. His uniform bears the imperial insignia, "No I-I'm just waiting for my big sister." I tell him and he takes a step towards me. I am frightened of the man, his rippling muscles so much larger than my own. "Y/N! I found you!" My sister sweeps me up and tickles me, I giggle and laugh. When she spots the man she puts me down.

"Sasha dear." He smirks revealing a silver tooth in his mouth, he walks up to my sister and holds her chin between his thumb and finger. "I have the gold." He informs her, she slaps his hand off her chin, "I'm not working, you will have to book a time." She gulps, I feel her fear and my own swelling up inside. "I'm not a very patient man, Sasha. I have plenty of gold." His brow furrows and he caresses my sister's chest. She slaps her palm across his face leaving a beating red mark on his cheek. "You're going to pay for that bitch!" He punches her to the ground, I leap onto his back but he smashes me into the pile of boxes.

The mirror cracks and shatters, shards break off, my own beautiful crimson blood running down my arm. A huge piece lodged in my shoulder, but I can't feel it. I can feel my hot blood dripping into the palm of my hand but there is no pain. He pushes Sasha against the wall, that vile insect of man. Her tears of spite and sadness running down her cheeks, she is sad. I am too young to understand what the man is doing but I understand that it is making Sasha sad. And I cannot allow that to happen. He unbuckles his trousers and pushes his body against hers, her black hair falls down her braid undone.

My instincts tell me to act and I do, pulling the shard from my shoulder I feel the pain and grimace. Now I can see the true length of the piece and can only imagine the damage it has caused. Anger is what blinds me and I no longer feel the pain, only the sharp glass shard occupying my grip. With great force I jab the jagged shard inside his neck, tendons tear and blood vessels rip, "You cun-" He is silenced by another jab inside his windpipe, he gives a wheeze as the last scraps of air leave his lungs. He is dead, but I don't stop, I can't. My body forces me to continue stabbing, his face twisted into an unrecognisable hunk of flesh and soon a wide puddle of blood surrounds me. Deep beautiful crimson coats my clothing and I smile, Sasha is safe; she must be delighted.

Turning my head is see her cowering, eyes focused on me, tears running down her face. Sasha is sad. I am sad. "What's wrong sis?" I move towards her and she recoils, fear covers her head to toe. She no longer loves me, "I did what I had to do. He was a bad man" She stumbles to her feet and breaks into a run, leaving me. With the corpse. I did what no once else would, am I sad about that? No. Do I feel guilt? No. Will I stop? No. The guilty deserve to be punished all of them. Every single one.


Present Day


I sigh, even today I still remember that day. When the world changed, when fate sent me down a different path. And here I am standing ready to strike once again. This family deserves it all three of them, torturing those who are in need of help. Today I watched them take another one in, hopefully I am not too late to save him. Their guards shouldn't be a problem, they are no match against me and the mirror blade Kagami. They shall be extinguished, eliminated, murdered. No word can make it sound pretty, so I shall not glorify it. I am a murderer plain and simple but I must do it, the innocent need protecting and I will be the one to protect them. First we shall start with the wife.

Standing at the opposite end of the hallway I can see her clearly, her back turned to me. Not that it makes a difference, she will die either way. The golden hair that lures many their deaths. It sickens me, she is repulsive and reeks of guilt. She may not know it but she will pay for what she has done, in the worst way possible. Stepping forward I plan to act, then she is cut in half. But Kagami is barely drawn, this is not my doing. Her purple hair floats momentarily in the air as she slices the scum in half. This killer, she's part of night raid. I draw the blade and stab it into the ground, she turns and sees nothing. In every sense of the word I am invisible, taking the trick with mirrors to a new level. She walks right past me and I do nothing.

A short time after I am just about to release my invisibility but a brown haired boy runs past and gazes out the window shocked. The whole of night raid is here of course. They get all the fun and I get the scraps they leave behind typical. This could be fun, I show myself to the boy. "I see you have spotted night raid." I state the obvious to him and he draws his sword on me.

"Who are you?" He snarls at me his sword pointing at me, I wonder if he or I can slash faster, not that it matters when using an imperial arms. "I am Y/N Shard and I would quite like to assist you, me and night raid aren't exactly on good terms." I smile lightly to seal the deal.

"Help me defend miss Aria." He runs down the hallway and I follow, she is also a target. Oh how sweet this is going, maybe I will be able to hone my skills against, Bulat or even Akame if I'm lucky.

I see a guard helping the target run towards the shed, the same shed where all sorts of indecencies occur, murder torture. All worthy of death. "There you are!" The boy shouts and the guard and the target turn to face us. "Tatsumi! Why have you lured the assassin Shard to us?!" The target shouts, that is all she is. A target. "Hello again." I grin as he faces me. "Stay out of my way." I draw Kagami and raise it to the skies. "May you forever see the faces of those you have wronged." I slam the blade into the ground aiming at the guard and he falls to the earth screaming and clawing at his eyes. In their place only mirrors remain. "And so you shall." I stab him through the chest with the smooth reflective blade.

"You tricked me!" Tatsumi shouts. His sword is drawn and pointing at me, no doubt he is planning his route of attack. A rush of wind catches the attention of all of us as Akame hits the ground gracefully. "Akame! This is my fucking target so back off!" I growl at her, she sprints towards us and Tatsumi readies for attack but I know her game. She uses his head to launch herself towards the target who is practically screaming. I intercept her and kick her out of the air. "What part of my target don't you understand?" She is really pissing me off.

"You're not a target." She tells me.

"Yeah, yeah. You have in fact said that before Akame. And don't forget what happens if our blades cross. Kagami will reflect its abilities for a time. So anything you can do, I can also do." I chuckle, "So if you're going to kill me do it." out of the corner of my eye I see the Tatsumi kid trying to get the target to safety. "No!" I shout turning to face him. "She dies tonight. even if I have to let Akame kill her." Akame seems to take this as an invitation and stands between me and the boy her sword drawn. He looks somewhat prepared, prepared to die that is. Poor simpleton must think she's some innocent maiden in need. While Akame is distracted I could steal the kill. I can almost hear the voice of my old teacher whining to me about that, but she does say only the strong deserve to live. So I will steal the kill anyway.

Akame leaps off of the boy and stabs him in the heart, shit she was serious. Poor fucker. He falls to the ground and gasps his last breath of air. 

Then he stands up. The blade that kills with one strike just spared a victim. No, "Why did you back off all of a sudden?" He asks her bade still aiming at his chest.

"Because it felt like I hit some kind of armour." She says with the same straight face se has maintained through our multitude of encounters. Tatsumi chuckles and removes an idol from his pocket, "I guess the villagers where looking out for me after all." Now the fight is boring, there is much less stabby stabby and a bit to much chatty chatty. I could just kill the target right now. Leone, I see her now. Watching from nearby, she wouldn't stop me right? She probably would. "You must die" Akame orders and the kid waves his arms manically trying to stop her. She goes to slash his head off but Leone pulls her backwards. They start speaking but I slowly lose interest, they head inside the shed and I think about killing the target again. While all their backs are turned. I brace the blade against her throat holding her from behind as they speak. She starts squealing. About something or other to do with hair. "I'll kill her." Akame finally says something that makes sense "No I'll do it." I chirp readying my swing back.

"No wait." Tatsumi says blandly. Akame and Leone shoot me a very strange look so I decide to back away from the target. "You're still going to defend her." Leone folds her arms.

"No I'll do it." He slashes her almost in half and she falls dead to the ground.

"Are you serious? Are you fuckin serious?!" I snarl at him, "That was my kill." I wheeze and prepare to lob his head off. "Shut up Shard." Akame speaks simply. Then his friend dies which I wasn't entirely paying attention for. Why am I still here I wonder? As I start to walk away Leone grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me through the dirt with Tatsumi. He is really freaking out. "Why are you bringing me?" I ask my arms folded.

"After last time Boss said we should bring you to her next time we see you." Akame says in the same simply manner. "Oh, okay." I don't resist simply because there is not much point.

"You're late! What took you so long? And who's this guy?" Mine asks as we arrive at the rest of night raid. "A new recruit" Leone says holding Tatsumi in her arms. Lobbock silently looks at me from his place on his own web. "I see you have brought Shard as well. Najenda will be pleased." Tatsumi is given to Bulat and I am immobilised with cross tails and carried humiliatingly enough by Leone. "So how long will this take? I've got places to be." I snark. They look at me in a way that suggests a lack of an answer then we leave...

Author's Notes - So I think this story speaks for itself it will follow the main Akame Ga Kill story line but I will shove a ton more assassinations and romance and lemons at some point. As always advice is welcome, if you didn't like it tell me how I could improve. I don't think enough people do that. Zenith Out...

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