Worry (Lemon)

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Once again the world is blackened by fire and smoke drifts to the sky. "I'm glad you could join me again." The Eternal morphs from smoke before me and shuffles closer. "It wouldn't be the end of the world without you. Your power fascinates me, join me and we may accomplish great things." My body is frozen to the ground, I can't move in this dreamworld or at least I never have. "So, what do you say?" A grim smile appears on the beings face "don't expect help from Zenith any time soon. He's being dealt with." The smoke dissipates leaving me alone in the burning wasteland. "Y/N?" A hoarse voice croaks from below me. Looking down I see the corpse of Bulat, smoke wrapped around his body like veins. "Bulat?!" I say shocked. His body is lifeless his last words spoken. The world dissolves in silence and I wake...

Sweat beads down my head and I wonder if I will faint after every battle. "After what you went through yes I suspect you will." A voice growls from a shadowy corner of the room, Akame lies her chest against the bed given into sleep. The figure reveals himself, goat horns protrude from his skull and he moves with confidence. "I am Karl Inquisitor and I work for Zenith. He recently contacted me and he will not be able to return for a few months. So you're on your own." He disappears into flame and a slight burning fills my mind.

Akame groans in her slumber and stretches her arms, waking she rubs her crimson eyes and yawns. She sees that I am awake and smiles. "I knew you'd be okay" she embraces be spreading a blush across my face. "Remind me to thank Zenith for giving you that power." Her lips meet mine and we share a passionate kiss, I'm both shocked and not shocked. Swinging her legs over me she sits on my crotch her body pressed against mine. Despite being beheaded I survived, but Bulat didn't. A lonesome tear runs down my face and I wipe it away, Akame's ear pressed against my chest I kiss the top of her head. Akame looks up at me her cheeks flushed pink, she moves her body up mine and licks my neck. Shivers tingle down my spine at the sensation. "I want you." Akame whispers my eyes widen at the simple thought. My hear throbs in my chest and Akame notices, "you don't have to be nervous. We can wait if you want." She momentarily stops kissing my neck and her gaze meets my own, "no I want this too."

I turn her over so she rests beneath me, I kiss her roughly and she moans grappling with my shirt to pull it off. My hands worm on their own and remove her top and her panties, I throw her clothes to the side of the bed and kiss Akame's neck running my hands over her body. She squeals in pleasure and my hand rests on her breast, I give it a gentle squeeze then knead it. I've never heard such pleasure from anyone before. "It's my first time." She whispers nervously blushing.

"I'll be gentle." I reply taking off my trousers with a new found speed. With Akame's back against the bed and her hair spread messily across the sheets, my length slides between her folds and we both grimace in slight pain. She is incredibly tight, "it hurts" she says her eyes pricking with tears.

"Would you like me to stop?" She furiously shakes her head. I slide out slowly then back inside, blood leaks from the loss of her innocence. But I guess with murder that left her a long time ago. Now at a slow and steady pace I thrust into her, with each thrust she yelps with pleasure. "Harder!" She orders and I comply increasing the speed and strength of my thrusts. My hands hold her legs and with every thrust I pull her towards me, the wet slapping of flesh fills the room, Akame's breasts bounce continuously with my every movement. "Y-Y/N!" She moans my name and I feel my end nearing closer and closer, her excitement is matched only by my own. Her climax hits like an unstoppable force, her juices cascading onto the mattress. Pulling my member from her walls I release over her chest and stomach, she rubs her nipples in pleasure and wipes a fingerfull of cum into her mouth. "Thank you" she says seductively as I collapse beside her. We bask in the thrill of the moment taking in each other's company. We drift to sleep at each other's side.


"The next piece has been found. It's currently in the possession of a very rich man who is on our list. It's called Crimson King, it resembles a red king chess piece. If I were you I'd get ready for another champion." Najenda bows her head slightly, some are still in mourning for Bulat but I've been an assassin long enough to know it's time to move on. "Y/N, Akame and Leone you three have been assigned this mission. Tatsumi and Mine you will be heading to Raven Canyon. There have been reports of the same alien symbols that we found with the Crusader." We all head to our respective destinations.


"So Akame how big was it?" Leone asks walking alongside Akame, I walk slightly ahead to give the girls time to talk. "How big was what?" Akame says confusingly. Leone whispers in her ear and Akame blushes. "I-I e-erm. I don't know what you're talking about." Akame finally settles on. I wonder what they're talking about.

The estate where our target resides is large and occupied by a house so large and complex that the maids use maps to find their way around. "So this is the home of that disgusting pig." Leone cracks her knuckles. "Yep, he'll pay for all the women he has enslaved to his will." I ready Kagami, "that is his imperial arms after all. I will go for him and you two look for the piece, the arms doesn't work on men." They nod and we sprint towards the mansion.

Inside I knock out a maid and acquire a map, it makes little sense to me but from what I gathered. He'll be in the orgy room at this time. My gut twists at the simple thought, what a disgusting man. "He deserves death. And so it will come to him." Walking through the maze of rooms only God knows how I managed to find what I was looking for. The evil man is overweight and wearing nothing but a purple silken robe. "Hello. Maxwell Remdey I presume." I step into the room my sword half unsheathed, I smile grossly at the man and he panics but his weight renders him incapable of escape. "I am Y/N Shard and you have breathed your last breath." I slice through him cutting him neatly in half.

"S-shard?" Are the last words that leave his disgusting lips. Without warning the women around me begin coughing up blood and dying one by one. "No. You bastard!" The imperial arms kills all those under it's control after the users death. "We weren't told that." I growl.

"Y-Y/N" a voice long lost to me calls out. Weakness and worry expressed in her voice. Familiar black locks spread across the floor and I meet the gaze of Sasha. "N-no." I cover my mouth and tears stream down my face. "M-my dear brother." Her hand rests against my cheek as I cradle her in my arms. Her body is thin and malnourished, dark spots hang beneath her eyes, she is a deathly pale. "W-we a-are together a-a-again." She smiles and wipes away my tears. "T-thank y-you for not g-g-giving up-" silence consumes the room as the last slaves are released from his grasp.

"So. You're the renowned Y/N Shard. You don't look that impressive." A grey skinned man circles me, his figure is gaunt and leathery wings extend from his shoulder blades. "How rude of me. I am Vladimir or if you'd prefer Count Dracula." Elongated canines jut from his top jaw and his blood red eyes shine dark.

"Leave!" I growl.

"I can't I work for the being know as The Eternal." My eyes widen and I slash at him, he dodges and knees me in the jaw. Blood drops onto the floor as I bite my own tongue. I charge at him and slice and slice repeatedly never hitting, his speed is incredible. Rivaling even Zenith's speed from our first encounter. My stamina doesn't end though and I continue to furiously hack at him. He kicks me in the chest and I fall to the floor. Taking a breath I jump back at him and cut his head off. It rolls to the ground and the eyes fall dark. Falling to my knees I continue to cry.

"How disappointing. I appear to be slow." I look up and see his head attached once again to his body. Blood flows from the nearby bodies through the air and onto Dracula's body. Armour solidifies from the blood and two long blades extend from his his arms. There's no way to beat this guy. His healing factor is equal to mine. He leaps at me and I block the hit, his blood swords wrap around Kagami. And reach for my skull. "Mirror Trick!" I shout and jump away from Dracula. Light bends around me and I am invisible. "Mirror Maze!" My body transcends the plain of reality and becomes light. The chandelier above Dracula shines like a beacon and I leap out from the reflective crystals. Kagami stabs through Dracula impaling him into the floor. "I can't die you imbecile." He growls scrambling to break free.

"Now meet my trump card. Hall of Mirrors!" His body freezes and drops down the blade, I remove it from his still living corpse. "Goodbye Dracula." I turn him over and two mirrors have replaced his eyes, a dumb smile mocks his face before contorting into a vile grimace. He screams and he will forever. His soul is lost to this reality. My body can't take anymore and for the third time I drop into the abyss of sleep...

Author's Notes - so yes Sasha did mean to come back but she mentally couldn't. She was lost and now so is her soul. My cat has been cuddling me for this chapter and supporting me. She says hi. Zenith Out...

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